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Black Elk’s Vision – January 16, 2054 – Thirty Years in the Future

Black Elk's Vision -January 16, 2054-Thirty Years in the Future.

In the sacred weaving of history, the profound journey of Indigenous peoples unfolds like an epic saga, weaving through more than 500 years of healing and learning. The journey was marked by the indomitable spirit that confronted genocide, racism, poverty, family violence, sexual abuse, intergenerational trauma, and lateral violence. They climbed the "Highest Mountain of All," as envisioned by Black Elk.

As shared in Black Elk Vision, Indigenous peoples ascended to the Highest Mountain of All after facing many heartbreaking, painful, purifying, and strengthening tests and challenges. When they arrived at the Summit, Indigenous peoples and humanity were spiritually blessed with the Vision and Teachings of the Sacred Tree, the Hoop of Many Hoops, and the Daybreak Star Herb through Black Elk's vision.

This Herb with four blossoms, Red, Yellow, Black, and White, came with the two men coming from the east, head first like arrows flying, with the Daybreak Star between them. These men gave Black Elk the Daybreak Star Herb and said: "With this on earth, you shall undertake anything and do it," They told him to drop it on the earth.

Black Elk said, “It was the daybreak-star herb of understanding. I dropped it on the earth. I saw it falling far, and when it struck the earth, it rooted and grew and flowered, four blossoms on one stem, a black, a white, a red, and a yellow, and the rays from these streamed upward to the heavens so that all creatures saw it and in no place was there darkness.

The Daybreak Star Herb, a manifestation of spiritual guidance, stood as a testament to their resilience and spiritual strength. They knew they could undertake anything and do it. Through prayers, prophecies, and unwavering faith, even though the outer journey was filled with seeming injustice, genocide, violence, setbacks, and vengeance, the Daybreak Star Herb inwardly inspired and guided the inner journey of thier souls, individually and collectively.

The beginning fulfillment of the Prophecy of the Reunion of the Condor and the Eagle was in Bolivia on March 21, 1971. The Union of the Condor, Hummingbird, Quetzal, and Eagle was established 52 years later on March 21, 2023, in Palenque, Mexico. The significance of this Union of Indigenous peoples spread rapidly across the Americas, taking root in local, regional, and national communities, symbolizing the reconciliation and unity of Indigenous nations and the Human Family.

Through this 500-year dynamic, transformative learning process, Indigenous peoples gained experiential insights into human psychology, community transformation, the collective struggles of humanity's personal and community growth and development, and a practical experience of what does and doesn’t work in human and community healing and transformation through direct experience.

The Divine Mother's Love Movement for Unifying Our Human Family was born on December 22, 2023, and rapidly spread globally. Eventually uniting women's empowerment groups and movements everywhere on Mother Earth,

This spiritual awakening propelled Indigenous peoples to advocate for forgiveness, reconciliation, restoration, respect, and unprecedented, unified action. Rooted in their deep understanding of the spirit and the human condition, they ignited the Seven Fires of Global Unity and the 8th Fire, illuminating a Path for our Human Family.

A new global civilization is born and rapidly rising. The 7th generation is leading, as prophesied. The Sacred Hoop of Many Hoops is manifested.

The Indigenous vision extended beyond personal and communal healing, with a dedication to Ending War and beginning Peace on Earth by 2030. Through the Four Worlds Indigenous University and partners, Talking Circles rapidly spread to many lands and languages, a sacred space where human beings could share with one another in trust and safety

Indigenous peoples successfully led a global movement to Unify Our Human Family, End War, and Peace on Earth began by 2030, as visualized.

With the understanding that there is no death, and each of us is born a sovereign, ancient, imperishable, and everlasting. At the same time, they naturally grieved the loss of loved ones in a physical sense, but Indigenous peoples always knew their loved ones in the Spiritual World are closer than our closest vein.

The beginning of the fulfillment of the Prophecy of the Reunion of the Condor and the Eagle was in Cochabamba, Bolivia, on March 21, 1971. It was fulfilled with the formation of the Union of the Condor, Hummingbird, Quetzal, and Eagle, established 52 years later on March 21, 2023, in Palenque, Chiapas, Mexico.

The significance of this Union of Indigenous peoples quickly spread across the Americas. The Union took root in local, regional, and national communities, symbolizing the reconciliation and unity of Indigenous peoples and the Human Family.

The Fourth Way became the digital backbone that united Indigenous peoples and allies in a holistic strategy for standing in humanity's strengths and moving toward the positive alternative we want to create without giving our energy to fight the negative. The Union of the Condor, Hummingbird, Quetzal, and Eagle became the first digital Nation-State in history.

This spiritual awakening propelled Indigenous peoples to advocate for forgiveness, reconciliation, restoration, respect, and unprecedented, unified action. Rooted in their deep understanding of the spirit and the human condition, they ignited the Seven Fires of Global Unity and the 8th Fire, illuminating a Path for our Human Family.

Through more than 500 years of life-changing, life-transforming challenges, the Indigenous peoples of the Americas became so illumined they enlightened the world, both spiritually and intellectually, as prophesied in the Tablets of the Divine Plan.

People came from all over Mother Earth to participate in the Living Ceremonies being conducted at their Sacred Places across the Americas, which had been returned to their rightful owners for their spiritual purposes. All parks, wildlife sanctuaries, and other protected areas had been entrusted to the care of Indigenous peoples and were thriving.

The Global Centres of Indigenous Science and Ancestral Wisdom and related Holistic Healing Centres in the Amazon and Mexico spread globally. These Centres demonstrated that Indigenous plant medicines, thriving bioregions, and living Indigenous wisdom were more valuable over the long run than resource extraction and the marginalization and elimination of these members of our Human Family.

This Indigenous history of vision, faith, compassion, love, forgiveness, and dedication to unifying our Human Family and All Life with respect and justice became a powerful global message of hope, resilience, and shared responsibility.

The Indigenous journey and the fulfillment of prophecies inspired humanity to follow the same path of peace and unity. Indigenous peoples modeled the transformative power of forgiveness, spiritual growth, compassion, and a collective and unified commitment and vision for a better future for All Life.

In this transformative and dynamic process, the Red Road was made clearly visible, beautifully illumined by the Guiding Principles of Unity, Justice, Love, Vision, Learning, Participation, Spirit, Sustainability, and Peace.

How quickly time passed from January 16, 2024, to January 16, 2054, thirty years later.

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