The Second Coming of Christ - The resurrection of the Christ Within You
Hark ye and listen to the tales of a peace-keeper from the natives and their chiefs over thousands of years; a pale bearded godly prophet who taught peace, healed their people, stopped wars and sacrificing, and said he came from the land to the east where he was tortured on a cross made of wood for his teachings of love. The natives pronounced his name CheeZoos because they had not J's and could not pronounce Jesus. They also called him Waikano, which means lord of wind and water, among many other names coming from the various tribes he visited.
They say he walked on water and performed many miracles as he walked south, central, and north america speaking with all the tribes. He said he would return in 5 cycles of the dawn star and that we would know him as the "Son of the Morning Star."
Then read the rest of the native prophecies:
• Hopi Blue Kachina Prophecy:
• Hopi Rainbow Warriors Prophecy:
• Incan Prophecy of the Eagle & Condor:
• Anishinaabe Eighth Fire Prophecy:
End of the Fourth world and the beginning of the Fifth world,.
Fifth World of the Hopi Songs of the Runes - In OUR Grandmother's Words: