Peekaboo! I Love You!
God is the red pill tranv2

Do not waste time, be aware, seek only the good in your life, think only about the good, choose to practise faith as the Path of Development. Practice is a guide to achieving unity with the Higher and gaining personal experience, do not change it but practice with full confidence and dedication.

Most people think that a yogi is a person who has greatly advanced the abilities of his body: he can lie on nails, walk through fire or sit in the lotus position... Yet the main thing in yoga is the spiritual aspect. The Principle of Unity!

Therefore, people’s misconceptions of Yoga must be corrected first. Yoga is the direct Path to the Higher. I declare this with full awareness and understanding of my responsibility. Yoga is a reunion with the Higher! It is the most direct and shortest way to self-realisation. Yoga is not a religion. It is a science which reveals the Highest Knowledge, from which various systems and branches have emerged.

Yoga is present in all aspects of being. It allows you to know yourself as a microcosmos, using the cosmic tool that is your body. By applying the scientific psychophysiological method, we can awaken the body's internal reserves (knowledge from Above, which we are born with) and know ourselves as a manifestation of the Universe designed by the Supreme Creator. Yoga uses three main levels of perception — mental, psychoemotional and physical. Alll this helps to discover the Spiritual World. A yogi is one who perceives the presence of the Omnipresent.

Creator in every moment of his being, in every breath! The one who is the expression of Divine Power, Wisdom and Peace. The one who has dissolved and ultimately discovered Unity, completely erasing their ego. This can be achieved through the Holy Science of Kriya —concentration — suggestion — perception. Yoga is an experience that helps a person to feel this unity with the Higher Self, inside us, and it is an absolutely scientific method. A method that allows you to reconnect with the One who is All-in-All...

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~ Master Imram


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Kriya Yoga Books

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“Kriya Yoga is a simple, psychophysiological method by which the human blood is decarbonized and recharged with oxygen. The atoms of this extra oxygen are transmuted into life current to rejuvenate the brain and spinal centers [chakras]. By stopping the accumulation of venous blood, the yogi is able to lessen or prevent the decay of tissues; the advanced yogi transmutes his cells into pure energy…. The Kriya Yogi uses his technique to saturate and feed all his physical cells with undecaying light and keep them in a magnetized state. He scientifically makes breath unnecessary, without producing the states of subconscious sleep or unconsciousness.”

“By Kriya-Yoga pranayama, when the breath is scientifically stilled by recharging and oxygenating the fleshly cells, the body dream dematerializes into the reality of God…. The Kriya Yogi is able to oxygenate his blood scientifically and thus remove from it most of the carbon; he requires little breath. His is the real way of controlling the breath….”

“Kriya Yoga is referred to by Krishna, India s greatest prophet, in a stanza of the Bhagavad Gita: ‘Offering inhaling breath into the outgoing breath, and offering the outgoing breath into the inhaling breath, the yogi neutralizes both these breaths; he thus releases the life force from the heart and brings it under his control.’”

“By the special technique of Kriya Yoga, the inner breath of prana and the outer breath of apana are converted into cool and warm currents. In the beginning of the practice of Kriya Yoga, the devotee feels the cool current going up the spine and the warm current going down the spine, in accompaniment with the ingoing and outgoing breath. The advanced yogi finds that the internal breath of prana and the external breath of apana have been “evened” – neutralized or extinguished; he feels only the cool current of prana going up through the spine and the warm current of apana going down through the spine… The Kriya Yogi converts the two distinct impulses of inhalation and exhalation into two life currents, the cool prana and the warm apana, felt in the spine. He then realizes the truth of Jesus’ saying–that man is not required to depend on external breath (or on “bread” or on any other outward sustenance) as a condition of bodily existence.”

“The real yogi knows God as the ever-existing, ever-conscious, ever-new Bliss; he perceives all creation as God’s dreams. The true follower of Kriya Yoga is the highest yogi, and Kriya Yoga is the greatest yoga technique ever developed in man’s search for the Infinite.”

~ Yogananda

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