Peekaboo! I Love You!
God is the red pill tranv2
November 3, 2023
The Mysteries of Isis and Osiris : “The Sybilline Revelation”by Sibyl of Tarquin (510 BCE)
By spiritmaji | |
There was silence in Heaven. Then I heard a voice, the voice which sounded like a trumpet, saying, “Woman, would you look upon the evil your kind have committed, when you turned your faces away from the throne of the Almighty, making no use of the gifts of the seven Spirits of your mother, the Earth, and the seven Spirits of your father, the Sun?”
Apache Creation Legends
By spiritmaji | |
In the beginning was only Tepeu and Gucumatz (Feathered Serpent) who also went by the name Quetzalcoatl . These two sat together and thought, and whatever they thought came into being. They thought Earth, and there it was. They thought mountains, and so there were. They thought trees, and sky, and animals etc, and each came into being.
Joshua – Son of Nun
By spiritmaji | |
Joshua was born as Hoshea to his father Nun. A member of the Tribe of Ephraim, he was born in Egypt as a Hebrew slave. Times were not going well for the slaves when Nun named his son "Salvation." This reflected a hope that God might yet raise up a man to save the slaves. Joshua lead the warriors he had chosen in battle against Amalek and astoundingly defeated them. As the battle went on, Moses kept his arms raised in air to serve as a reminder of God's protection and to boost morale.
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