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Pahlavi Texts, Part IV (SBE37), E.W. West, tr. [1892], at






Abbreviations used in this volume








Classification, names, and divisions of the Nasks



dkar Nask



Varstmânsar Nask



Bakŏ Nask



Dâmdâd Nask



dar Nask: only the Avesta extant



gag Nask: meat-offering, preparations, and priests for season-festivals; (§ 10) periods of day and year, fravardîkân days; gathering herbs, chastisement of sinners, 33 chieftainship s, apostasy; (§ 20) almsgiving, summer and winter, calamity of a century, months



Radŏ-dâd-aîtag Nask



Baris Nask: good and evil; advantages and disadvantages of the period



Kaskîsrôbô Nask



Vistasp-sâstô Nask: particulars about Kaî-Vistâsp, visit of the archangels to him, and his war with Argâsp



Vastag Nask: not extant



Kitradâd Nask: races and monarchs from Gâyômard to Zaratûst; (§ 17) the Sasanians and some leaders of religion



Spend Nask: birth and life of Zaratûst, his vision of the past, future, and other world; (§ 12) his posthumous sons, the future apostles



Bakân-yast Nask: worship of the sacred beings and duties of the worshippers



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Patkâr-radistân section of the Nîkâdûm Nask: misery from sin and assault, kinds of assault and magisterial enquiry; (§ 13) punishment without enquiry, counterassault



Zatamistân section of the same: assault and its consequences, begging and beneficence, perversion, using weapons; conflict through assault, tumult, false-teaching, starving, spells, and threats, by men, women, and children; ill-treatment of slaves, compensation the only atonement, responsibility of fathers for crimes of children



Rêshistân section of the same: kinds of wounds, scourging, 76 members of the body, effects of assaults, modes of assaulting, description of a wound and the weapon, curing wounds



Hamêmâlistân section of the same: various accusations, true and false, and retribution for the offences; pollution, a young woman well taught, slander, care of a pregnant woman, a householder neglecting his family, opinions of quiet and unquiet people; (§ 10) cowardice, impenitence, sin of priests, retribution, authority of priests, punishment of judges, illegal action of plaintiff, seizing purity of foreigners, those worthy of death, confession; (§ 21) assault with a weapon, curing a wounded person who afterwards dies, security taken from defendant, procrastination by plaintiff, mediation, assaults furious and harmless, punishment of a child for sin, interpretation, signs of approval by the dying; (§ 31) undefined assault, killing a foreigner, great hinderers, indiscriminate assault, a frontier governor, striking the living and dead, timber and firewood, atonement and ordeals, physicians, mutilating a horse; (§ 41) a wound as evidence of crime, modes of using a weapon, assault and retribution, incarceration, pulling a steed's tail, threats and spells, various plaints and plaintiffs, pleadings inconsistent with accusations; (§ 50) master unfriendly to disciple, arresting and prosecuting a thief, the good to be treated like oneself, when carrying off property becomes theft, native and foreign thieves, why the foreigner is unfettered, assailants



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to be restrained, renunciation of sin, avoiding one worthy of death; (§ 60) informing about a righteous man giving weapons to generals and governors, execution and reprieve of one worthy of death, witchcraft



Fifth section of the same: an armed man riding to attack another, overhearing talk of murder or robbery, how to act when a companion murders, saving one worthy of death for medical purposes, legal argument unnecessary only when the judge is a supreme priest, unauthorised combatants, travellers’ supplies, penalties; (§ 10) power and good works of the worthy, weakness and sin of the unworthy, how to conduct legal proceedings, a wife can do so for her husband, particulars about ordeals, measures of distance; (§ 20) litigation as to a costly article, annulling decisions by appeal or ordeal, litigation of three claimants, selling another's property, disputing, litigation of Irânians with foreigners or slaves, a noisy plaintiff, a high-priest, a wife unfit for evidence; (§ 30) a pledge, property of partners, or held without evidence of ownership, ordeal of excessive eating, dispute as to a stolen female, property of any one given by another to a third party without dispute, a master teaching his disciple not to litigate, dispute about alms, a successful triple ordeal, spells and threats; (§ 40) ordeals, a thief liberated to attend a ceremonial, a priest's personal property and its inheritance, residuary wealth of fathers, penalty for stealing cattle, three plaintiffs, three claimants, and three thieves; (§ 50) imprisoning a native for theft; duration, order, hardship, and stratagems of legal proceedings; ordeals, benedictions on decisions, evidence, ownership; (§ 60) certainty of statements, incrimination, treatment of apostates, origins of virtue and vice, harm of unatoned sin, Tanâpûhar sin, atonement and ordeal, witnessing a theft, decisions according to scripture or precedent; (§ 70) when men and beasts can be sold with a warranty, an exceptional decision, appointment and qualification of judges, legal proceedings producing injustice, litigating thieves convicted, offences as to property, isolation; (§ 80) dispute about property resigned by a third party, disputing



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fathers’ debts, when women and children can be condemned for spells, lowest and highest values, stealing one's own property, false and true investigation, litigation of man and wife, who gives away the daughter of a dead father; (§ 90) estranging a wife from her husband, bartering girl for girl, consequent injury to one's own wife, overpayment for wife recoverable, sin of keeping a marriageable daughter unmarried, a wife can be given only to a Mazda-worshipper, mortal sin of giving no food, chastising a wizard, longest and shortest days and parasangs; (§ 101) work and food of an injured beast, manslaughter by a sheep, period from certainty to doubt, useless witnesses and unjust judges, harm of gifts to the unworthy, gifts and righteous gifts; (§ 110) crime of not maintaining families under one's control, punishment and atonement for sin and assault, all prosperity given to Zaratûst and his disciples, an isolated creature, keeping and breaking promises; sin and punishment of strife, insincerity, and slander; hostages and ransom; (§ 121) sin of a governor, ransom of thieves, stolen article tied to the thief's neck, no atonement for theft without confession, stolen property to he recovered by authorities, sin of giving a woman to one when engaged to another, cheating an ignorant man, interceding for him, fitness for sovereignty; (§ 130) indisputable ordinances, enquiry after confession, squandering alms, delay of legal proceedings, a woman without a guardian, written statements in law, sin of frightening away, restoring what was extorted, minor decisions obvious from greater ones, benefit of a family; (§ 140) sin of wealth from unnatural intercourse, a decree of three kinds, a stolen tree, a sin aggravated by deceit, defilement, stopping a combat, counter-assaults, no property for one worthy of death, abettors of sin; (§ 150) harm of an incompetent president, sin of deciding by origin of claimant, sin of delivering an Irânian to a foreigner; gifts of the righteous, controversy with apostates, necessity for maintaining the truth, sin of occasioning schism, injustice produced by the evil spirit, complaint



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of aristocrats condemned for taking bribes, the just judge; (§ 160) possibility of reaching heaven, true and false justice, learning the Gâthas, Hâdôkht, and Vastag; greatness of the law, kinds of property not to be taken as security, ten friends differing, and much other adjudication



First section of the Ganabâ-sar-nigad Nask: the thief, his arrest, sin, punishment, and ransom, pinioning and fettering, imprisonment at expense of privileged accusers; kinds of theft, theft with plunder, injury, and in confederacy; shares in theft, assisting a thief, theft by women and children, property to be preserved from thieves; (§ 10) testimony of thieves, rewards, difference of theft and plunder, property to be restored to its owners, protectors of thieves



Second section of the same is miscellaneous: authority for enquiry into sin of a relative, teaching and sin of children, not killing in war, property of a slain soldier, weapons not for women, children, or foreigners; a woman's treatment of two men, supplies found by a warrior, property inexpedient, delays of a judge; (§ 10) improper decisions, duties of judges; (§ 21) fitness of women and children for judgeship, aiding a disciple, supremacy of Rashnû, property in trust, consistency of actions, congregational actions, misuse of the law.



Pasts-haûrvastân section of the same: selection and efficiency of the shepherd's dog, preparations for him, his duties; (§ 12) characteristics of sheep, way to the village, when starved the dog may kill a sheep, stray sheep and dogs; treatment, punishment, instruction, and peculiarities of the dog



Stôristân section of the same: sin of injuring cattle, beasts, and sheep; branding, making a dog dumb, plucking birds, spoiling fish, beating cattle, leathern and woollen clothing, sin of burning it, good works lead to heaven, and sin to hell



Argistân section of the same: value of property, animate and inanimate, and of preserving the righteous; damaging the sacred fire



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Aratêstâristân section of the same: destroying wolves, two-legged and four-legged; supplies, equipments, and horses for warriors; training of horses, efficacy of warriors, sin of a warrior's village on account of a battle, armour, officers and troopers, number of troopers; (§ 10) supplies for two warriors, medicinal herbs and accoutrements, feeding warriors on day of battle, wealth of the enemy, friendship and devotion of warriors, the general and his strategy, requisite horses to be seized, sentinels; (§ 20) demonstrations, altercation with enemy, speech to troops, conciliating and encouraging them, religious rites before the battle, reserves who keep the stores and prisoners, refreshment and return of stores after the battle



A miscellaneous section of the same: a warm bath, exertion of a horse, precautions with regard to fire when cooking and travelling, picketing a horse, food of men, fire, and cattle; hospitality, clothes, a street-keeper; (§ 10) providing in summer for the winter, reaping, union for good purposes, produce of plants and animals, property of nobles and the multitude, envy among animals and people



Aêrpatistân section of the Hûspâram Nask: providing for a priestly assembly, the priest and his disciple, district priest to be appointed, five dispositions of priests, enquiry into concealed parentage of a priest, his accountability for sin, worry in forming a priestly assembly, relative superiority of priests



Nîrangistân section of the same: ritual and priests for the ceremonial, the sacred cake, abstaining from wine, recitation of Avesta, the ceremonial when the priest is a Tanâpûhar sinner, priestship of a woman or child, he who is cursed, season-festivals and periods of the day; (§ is) sacrifice of a sheep, stations of the priests, the perfect ceremonial, sacred shirt and girdle, sacred twigs, firewood, ceremonials of various grades, celebrations of the ceremonies; (§ 21) cleanliness of the celebrator, place, and apparatus; ceremony of the waters, and other particulars; families of Zaratûst, Hvôv, and Vistâsp



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Gôharikistân section of the same: superiority; selling property of another, cattle, slaves, and without warranty; (§ 9) houses and clothing used during contagious sickness, fatal or otherwise, family alliance with foreigners, sheep of good breed



A miscellaneous section of the same: stealing, religious instruction, oppression and deceit, reducing liberality, limit of a wife's liberality, a bride going to her husband's house, quarrels in wedlock, menstruation, foreigners seeking wives; (§ 9) birth and care of a son, injurious things that must be kept, those who must not punish, rejoicing and gifts at a birth, naming the child, breeding sheep and dogs; (§ 20) fees for priestly duties, guardianship of a child, sickness from evil eye or touching a menstruous woman, fearfulness, supplies, produce of property, duties of judges; (§ 30) creation and production of corn, excitement due to blood, ownership, land-grabbing, supplies sold in distress, supremacy of sin, atonement for various sins; (§ 42) the oppressor, greed, the weak man should be good



Another section of the same: about an ordeal



Another section of the same: mad animals and their care



A miscellaneous section of the same: amassing property, arranging marriages for one's children, portioning daughters, righteous gifts, an Irânian vainly asking reward for assisting foreigners in battle, offering up of water; (§ 10) best and worst actions, heinous sins, various sins, assisting foreigners, destroying plants, digging a grave, clothing a corpse; defiling fire, water, or people; about water, damage by water or fire; preventing misery and adversity



Another section of the same: seeking and begetting a son, conception, tokens of sex, development of fetus; period of gestation and birth, period of determination of sex, childbirth and care of child; (§ 10) periods of gestation in various animals, spiritual perceptions of the child, habits tending to beauty, evils of unnatural intercourse and adultery; increased and diminished vigour of the female and male, respectively



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Another section of the same: ownership and litigation about property; earnings, family guardianship and income; about wives, adoption, partnership of brothers, inheritance, and giving in marriage



Another section of the same: daily food of men, women, children, and dogs; religious conversion, association of various kinds, sins of falsehood and extortion, atonement for deprival of food, necessary debt; (§ 14) physicians, medical treatment and fees; (§ 30) suitability for trust, unauthorised dwellings, boundaries, testimony of the orthodox and heterodox, priestly dwellings, abode of fires, water oozing and flowing, works on a frontier; (§ 40) sheep trespassing, animals' food, distance of house from river, grazing sheep, felling trees, slaughtering, defensive clothing, migration during war, waters reverenced by a traveller, obedience of disciple to priest; (§ 50) frontier war, various advantages



One of the first 30 sections of the Sakâdûm Nask future reward and punishment, necessity of seeking the good law and scrutinizing actions, noticing a fire, intentional injury, extent of the fire's light, size of its sanctuary door, care and food of a new-born child, keeping a cooking-pot pure; (§ 11) proper bed-places, curing defective sight, workmen and women, giving no food thrice and four times, care of anything pointed and of all utensils, injury by a door, washing the head and shaving; (§ 21) custodians and rules of a market, giving forth pointed things and victuals lawfully and unlawfully, horse-courses and manœuvres, admitting listeners, making and tying the sacred girdle, scratching with the nails, care of fire when travelling; (§ 29) panic at night among warriors, marching in fear or fearlessly, demanding a share, care of firewood, warming bull's urine, selecting pasture, farm-houses, interference with the seizure of cattle, hanging things up, stabling horses; (§ 40) cutting trees, washing clothes, walking in, passing through water, canals and fords; (§ 52) two warriors marching, sin of eating on the road, remedies for cattle, their breeding,



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removing an ox that steals hay, danger from ill-omened speaking, a father's sin owing to his child's misbehaviour; (§ 60) gathering medicinal herbs, feasting with idolators, atonement for starving, ordeals, religious secrets, evil-speaking to others’ wives, extent of communities, habits of Frashôstar and Gâmâsp



Hakîdakânistân section of the same: sequestration of property, sheep, horses, cattle, and their young, milk, and wool; their shelter and ill-treatment; (§ 11) handing over sheep to the sequestrator and his responsibility, a free sheep among those seized, the killing of a seized sheep, particulars of a seized animal to be stated when it is kept with others, care of a man wounded in slaughtering, gain of a sequestrator of animals in various circumstances; (§ 17) treasure found in various places and at various depths of earth and water; (§ 24) nourishing a seized sheep, disputes as to its identity, keeping it in the mountains, and other details



136. Zîyânakistân section of the same: duty of protecting animate and inanimate existences, and sin of injuring them; a damaged gift or animal, inanimate property and its increase, merit of not rejecting a damaged article



138. Vakhshistân, one of the last 22 sections of the same: atonement, compensation, active and existent increase, increase upon increases, righteous gifts, interest simple and compound, how loans are treated on the death of lender or debtor; (§ 10) retribution, penalty for inefficient breeding of animals, animals’ milk and hair, males preferable to females, an injured camel, improved dog or pig, buying up supplies too much; (§ 20) giving away necessary clothing, penalty for deprival of food, litigation about debts, unauthorised supplies, multiplication of sheep and other details, loans and repayment by instalments, seizure of slaves to work off a debt; (§ 30) seizure of a cloak or a water-skin, increase of grains and sheep, seizure of clothes and implements, produce of land and ornaments



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Varistân section of the same: trial and execution of a wizard, trial by ordeal, and particulars about ordeals



A miscellaneous section of the same: assistants, wealth causing imprisonment, confession, disciple and master, penalties, sins owing to the wrathful, an unjust judge and one of long experience; (§ 10) a daughter controlled by parents and one without a guardian, bequeathing property, sin of declining adoption, property of a liberal man and of a damsel, a damsel taken by an idolator and offered to a Mazda-worshipper, a mother being guardian of her son's father, providing a high-priest; (§ 20) sin of not providing a husband for an adult daughter, inadvertent sin, worst demon-service and sins, furtherances and destroyers of the world, truth that is wicked, driving spiritual benefit from the world, three kinds of righteous men, sin of defiling water and fire; merit of removing dead matter of men, dogs, and reptiles from water; reptiles may be killed in water, but must be removed to gratify the earth-spirit and vex the demons; (§ 30) a well-managed drinking-party, the sin of him who leaves it uproariously, animals produced from the sole-created ox, offerings to the sacred beings; injury to the world by fiends, idolators, and wolves; the necessity of destroying them, advice not to reverence the evil spirits, nor to chatter unseasonably, the advantage of the ceremonial of the sacred beings



Vendîdâd Nask: corresponding with the contents of fargards I-XI, XIII-XXII



dôkht Nask: recital of Ahunavair, high-priests, 21 chieftainships, duties at periods of the day, season-festivals, superiors, membership of the community, prayers at eating, recitations, invocation, devotion; (§ 10) good attributes and qualities, diligence, righteousness, the chief resource of the creatures, sayings full of humility



Stôd-yast Nask


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dkar Nask, fargard 1. Use of various repetitions of the Ahunavair, and the division of the Nasks according to its lines



Same, fargard 2. The Ashem-vohû



Same, fargard 3. Formation, decline, and death of human beings; illiberal opulence



Same, fargard 4. The utilisers and misusers of life, the latter being the defects of Dahâk; the vices driven away by Yim, what is to be avoided, the distresser and the distressed, and the mode of relieving the latter



Same, fargard 5. Forgetfulness of kinsfolk and unforgetfulness of the Gâthic spirit, complaint and power of that spirit



Same, fargard 6. The five excellences, distribution and acquirement of fortune, grief of an old man, things to be amassed in youth, storeholders of excellence, how one should drink and eat



Same, fargard 7. The four periods in Zaratûst's millenium



Same, fargard 8. Abstinence from sins due to reverence for the arch-demons, chattering while eating, prayer and purity at meals, loss of merit from want of a priest, proper times for the ceremonials of various sacred beings



Same, fargard 9. Heinous sinfulness of sodomy



Same, fargard 10. Complaint of fire against seven kinds of people who injure it; (§ 10) proper and improper fire, its wish to leave the world resisted, attention to it is the best worship, the righteous are to be pleased and not vexed



Same, fargard 11. Petition of fire for removal to the sky or to Aîrân-vêg, the propitious fire Gûsn-asp; reward of the promoters of fire, and sin of its injurers; (§ 10) evil of maintaining fire by extortion, and of neglecting it; all food to be consecrated, opposition of the fiend to worship, three grades of



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ceremonial, sin of not reciting the Gâthas, coming of the demon of death, disbelief of the wicked; (§ 20) mourning for the dead prohibited, different desires of body and soul, self-injury of a liar, sin of employing or being an improper Zôti, controllers of sin; (§ 30) wounders to be brought before four priests, promises not to be broken



Same, fargard 12. Advantage of satisfying water, impure recitation, impurity of greed, birds kill snakes, effectual invocation, goodness of archangels and Zaratûst, gifts to his disciples



Same, fargard 23. The spirit of the sacred cake attacks demons when the cake is consecrated, men who pray are righteous if not deceitful, a heinous sin no obliterator of other sin



Same, fargard 14. The torment of Keresâsp's soul, notwithstanding his heroic deeds, owing to smiting the fire which opposes his soul, though befriended by Gôs-aûrvan, until Zaratûst intercedes



Same, fargard 15. Proceedings of the demon of death, the soul alone sees the events of the spiritual state, treatment of the corpse and misery of its consciousness; (§ 9) worldly happiness seldom lasts a century, ordainable supplies, the seven immortal rulers in Khvanîras



Same, fargard 16. Bridge-judgment of sinners, merit of certain good works, punishment of certain sinners, Gâthas for an ordeal



Same, fargard 17. Where seven particular classes of sinners have to go



Same, fargard 18. Pregnancy of the fiend due to certain sins; the soul blesses the body when righteous, and curses it when wicked; proper times for reciting the Ahunavair and Ashem, the corruption of the wicked



Same, fargard 19. The souls praise a virtuous high-priest, miseries of hell, the Kinvad bridge, promises not to be broken, not even those to a courtezan, in which case the penalty is childlessness in hell



Same, fargard 20. Dahâk's oppressiveness, the people's reproaches contrasting him with Yim, Frêdûn's smiting



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and binding him; (§ 11) gradual submission of most of the regions, war with the Mâzendarâns; (§ 22) their defeat and slaughter by Frêdûn, since which time none of them have entered Khvanîras, except two men who came to consult Frashôstar



Same, fargard 21. The four best prayers; the Dâhmân Âfn making a good man infinitely more splendid than the finest woman, horse, ox, or sheep, and a bad man infinitely worse. The reign of Kâî-Ûs, his success and ruin; (§ 10) his flight followed by the spirit of Kaî-Khûsrôî and the angel Nêryôsang



Same, fargard 22. Kaî-Khûsrôî riding upon Vâê in the form of a camel, his finding Haoist, Tûs, and Kaî-Apîvêh, his meeting Sôshâns, who praises him for his exploits; Keresâsp, exhorted by Tûs, adopts the religion, and so all the producers of the renovation are united



Varstmânsar Nask, fargard 1. Zaratûst relates the incidents of his birth to Maîdôk-mâh; his first three utterances that routed the demons; (§ 12) his profession of the religion, Aûharmazd's advice and its acceptance, grumbling of the evil spirit, creation by Aûharmazd, reverencing fire, water, and a spirit



Same, fargard 2. Worthiness of a ruler and high-priest



Same, fargard 3. In praise of righteousness



Same, fargard 4. Worship of Aûharmazd and the archangels



Same, fargard 5. Worthiness of Zaratûst and obeisance to the sacred beings, the supreme heaven, praise of Zaratûst and Frashôstar, assisting others, good works, wisdom of Zaratûst



Same, fargard 6. Complaint and petition of Gôs-aûrvan, the reason of her creation, her colloquy with Aûharmazd; (§ 9) nourishment of cattle, punishment of their oppressor, wisdom of Aûharmazd, benefit of the liturgy, goodness of Zaratûst



Same, fargard 7. Benefits of worship, advice to man, falsehood of the demon Aresh about the origin of Aûharmazd and Aharman, their difference of motive and action, the demons’ want of discrimination,



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their deception of man; (§ 10) monarchy and religion provided for the creatures who triumph in the end, the producers of the renovation and future existence, the doers of good, advice to man



Same, fargard 8. Reciting revelation, benefit owing to Aûharmazd and misery to Aharman, the actions of both spirits; (§ 6) colloquy of the demon Aresh and Zaratûst, power of the liturgy, creation by Aûharmazd, benefits from Vohûman, merit of benefiting cattle, hypocrisy, work of the creator; (§ 17) complete mindfulness, liberality, the worst ruler, judges and guardians, conflict of good and evil, apostates; (§ 24) the three nights, Khûrdad and Amûrdad, the good ruler



Same, fargard 9. Three deceitful demons and their colloquy with Aûharmazd; (§ 8) arrival of demons in the world, their evil doings and those of their followers, evil of burying a corpse, its impurity; (§ 17) evildoers of the ninth and tenth centuries, their evil deeds; (§ 25) the final punishment in melted metal, at the renovation, is the end of evil



Same, fargard 10. The renovation and Sôshâns, merit of a good priest, avoidance of oppressors, the Kinvad bridge; Zaratûst, taught by Aûharmazd, is Zôti of the world at the renovation; the names of his assistant priests



Same, fargard 11. Vohûman reports to Aûharmazd thrice a day, the demons trying to seduce man are vexed by his resistance, Ârmat and Târôkmat, opposition to the demons, advantage of religion and its reward



Same, fargard 12. Benefits of religion; mutual service of men, cattle, and the sacred beings; evil deeds prohibited, worship by the righteous is the best, begging for life; (§ 11) duties to fire, Zaratûst's seeing the future existence, benefits of worship; (§ 17) colloquy of Aûharmazd and Zaratûst



Same, fargard 13. Reward and tokens of righteousness



Same, fargard 14. Aûharmazd's creativeness, threat of the evil spirit, praise of religion, the wicked in hell, the demons



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Same, fargard 15. The seven perfections of religious advice, power and contempt for the demons given to the creatures, praise of Zaratûst



Same, fargard 16. Worship not to be neglected on any account, want of spirituality in men, liberality of the archangels, promises for the future, praise of the renovators; (§ 13) characteristics of the heretic Mânih, attracters to the religion, the last millenniums, disturbers of religion; (§ 20) praise of the Fryânaks, liberality for the archangels, praise of Vistâsp, advice to the Spîtâmas, four marvels in the other world, advice to Zaratûst



Same, fargard 17. Praise of truth, cattle, good works, ordeals



Same, fargard 18. Evidence of the future existence, four triumphs of the sacred beings over the demons, enquiring about religion, avoiding apostates; (§ 12) mankind attaining wisdom, care for cattle, oppression by wrath and envy; (§ 21) progress of righteousness, the renovation, next-of-kin marriage, girdling



Same, fargard 19. Protection at the renovation, belief necessary for being convinced, evil of a wicked judge and vicious people; praise of Zaratûst, Frashôstar, and Gâmâsp; punishment of the wicked



Same, fargard 20. Assistance by the archangels, reward given to the righteous in the other world when unattainable here, cattle for warriors, advancement of religion by force, assisters of the dead righteous reason for certain movements of the Zôti, worship of archangels, merit of Zaratûst, reward of good works



Same, fargard 21. Desire for a good ruler; where the best wealth, prayer, and sovereignty exist; favours from the sacred beings, memory and discrimination, attraction of spiritual mercy and leadership in heaven, good works and wealth, submission to the priesthood meritorious, creations for the benefit of the creatures, comfort for the spirit of the liturgy; (§ 10) the wicked deceiver, man prepared for future existence by fire, the supreme heaven for the righteous only, enmity



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of Akht the heretic, Kaî and Karap excluded from virtue; praise of Vistâsp, Frashôstar, Hvôbŏ, Gâmâsp, Maîdôk-mâh, and Zaratûst



Same, fargard 22. Perfection of prayers, glory of the Spîtâmas, praise of Pôrûkâst and Hûtôs, characteristics of the preparers and disturbers of the end, the apostle and follower of the demons is to be smitten by the righteous ruler



Same, fargard 23. Benefits of the Aîrmân supplication



Bakŏ Nask, fargard 1. The Ahunavair produced before the creation; its divisions, goodness, and use; benefit of its proper recital and sin of imperfect recital; (§ 12) it was the first creature and teaches submission to the king, the reward of Vohûman, dominion given to Aûharmazd, assistance to the poor, entrance of the destroyer; use of this saying by the degrees, classes, and chieftainships; the summing up of liberality



Same, fargard 2. Excellence is producing suitably, reward of good works



Same, fargard 3. Worship of Aûharmazd and the archangels, particulars regarding worship



Same, fargard 4. Praise of Zaratûst, giving joy to Aûharmazd, good work of reverence, wisdom of Vohûman, benefit of cattle and the worthy, prosperity of the worthy, (§ 10) reverence of the good, supplicants should be contented, the way to heaven, reverence, acquaintance with religion, teaching righteousness, seeing the throne of Aûharmazd, welcoming him, recommending to rulers for benefit, the way of prosperity; (§ 20) a suitable sovereign solicited, the praiser, religion made progressive, zealousness for good works, the man praised above others, assister of the ignorant, wisdom for Aûharmazd; the east, present, and future periods



Same, fargard 5. Complaint of Gôs-aûrvan, care of cattle, the cattle-master, keeping animals properly, admitting the male, not slaughtering the young, he whose power is most useful, power for worship, reward stimulates perseverance; (§ 10) a virtuous mouth, religious duty developes knowledge, teaching



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the good, obtaining a throne in heaven, preventing damage from want of resources, recommending the righteous to rulers, what is taught by true service for the king



Same, fargard 6. Enlarging the priestly assembly, glorification of Aûharmazd, worship of Vohûman, the ceremonial becomes greater through virtue, the extender of religion, discrimination as to duty, giving to the needy, granting the leadership, selecting the better of two ways; (§ 10) the discriminator of sagacity, thinking of eternity, preventing reverence of demons, practising liberality, persistence in virtue and attachment to the sacred beings for sake of reward, advantage of the righteous



Same, fargard 7. The world freed from destruction, apostates forced to make the religion progressive, triumph of the priests, miraculousness of Aûharmazd, decision of acquittal or conviction, rite of ordeal, appointing a priest, reciter of revelation; (§ 10) teaching employers their responsibility, thinking of religion, teaching the nature of the sacred beings, giving a sheep to the diligent and moderate, development of the world and sheep, inward prayer, keeping animals and men as property, giving predominance to those of Gâyômard's nature, telling rulers the truth; (§ 20) keeping sovereignty within Aûharmazd's will, illustrating the information due to religion, the virtuous course of the liturgy, he whose Vohûman is Aûharmazd's progeny, the good creation is Aûharmazd's, a ruler as to actions, giving Spendarmad to Aûharmazd, wisdom that arises through care of cattle, admitting the male; (§ 30) the way to heaven, assistance to the renovation, a heart and mind for not being misled, he who sees his sin mingled with good works, giving a loan, non-injury of the innocent, he who makes Aûharmazd ruler in himself, a decider informs others, a proper nurturer is an indicator for others, the demeanour for virtuous statements; (§ 40) indicating the acquitted and convicted, immortal and complete progress, making the



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soul immortal, persisting in good works, maintaining predominance as high-priest, growth and increase owing to Vohûman, welcoming Aûharmazd in oneself, evidence of the well-informed



Same, fargard 8. Not being deceived by an apostate, making Spendarmad an archangel, wisdom teaches not to destroy, teaching how to learn, strengthening the archangels and the good, loving Vohûman, giving thought to religion, keeping wealth in Zaratûst's control, destiny controlled by self, good works becoming one's own.



Same, fargard 9. The Gâthic lore, priestly-controlled action, command of the liturgy, personal assistance to the creatures, reverence, causing progress for one's own, benefit for a cultivator through cattle, making righteousness one's own, three things promoted by submission, pleasure of energy.



Same, fargard 10. Advantage of doing good works, injuring an apostate, he who is eager for knowledge, slaying an apostate, development by Vohûmanic rule, the ceremonial a great ordinance, a ceremonial of the needy, the way of righteousness, reward of a teacher of professionals



Same, fargard 11. All good works belong to him who teaches virtue, doing the best for one's own, he whose work is good work, he for whom the best occurs in both existences, the worship of Aûharmazd, a leader in religion, a server of religion, the authoriser of a wish for life; (§ 10) giving acceptance, hints, and words to Aûharmazd, teaching the words of Aûharmazd, providing care for fire, teaching the religion with joyfulness, obeisance, strengthening fire for its greatest work, being informed as to religion, sagacity of teaching words and actions, praising the perfection of Aûharmazd's body, all excellence is both root and fruit; (§ 20) invoking Aûharmazd as lord, invoking by name, benefit for one race is felt by all, he who is the sacred beings’ own, and when his own is in their guardianship, giving life to mankind, obtainer of Aûharmazd's friendship, causing righteousness



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and the propitiousness of Aûharmazd, his perpetual guardianship



Same, fargard 12. Benefits, pleasing superiors, the best for one's own in every mode, teaching virtue to all, one whose spirit is connected with Aûharmazd, whose words are through Vohûman, who produces long-continued joy, who teaches the proper way to man, who gives heat to fire; (§ 10) assistants of the renovation, the progeny of Aûharmazd, defeating the bad and accepting the good, transformation of the creatures, teaching religion like a priest, wisdom of Aûharmazd, complete mindfulness that is not deceived, maintaining the destinies of the body, conveying to the rulers for benefit; (§ 20) benefit of sovereignty for that which arises, liberality to fire, thinking of righteousness, interrogating religion, progress of religion, pleasure given to a friend, gratification from Aûharmazd, indication of intellect in a vigorous-minded man, the spirit of Aûharmazd, reward taught in the publicity of the sun



Same, fargard 13. Obeisance to the archangels, seven kinds of men, Vohûmanic attainment to religion, perfection of the first of existences, nourisher of good works; (§ 10) development in virtue, words and actions through complete mindfulness, exposition of the renovation, deciding about duty and opinion, propagation and progressiveness of the religion, protection from the annoying spirit, exploits of the archangels, people shall become supplicant, interested liberality



Same, fargard 14. Instruction to be heard, perfection of the first next-of-kin marriage, the teaching of it, daughterhood of Spendarmad, this is taught by him who is completely mindful, attraction to good works, reverence for Vohûman, ceremonial taught with complete mindfulness



Same, fargard 15. To what lands one should step, diligence in good works, teaching religion, even in an exhausted province, protection of fire, giving oneself in discipleship, he who so gives men and women,



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goodness taught to the good by him whose Kinvad passage teaches them to step forth; (§ 10) the world produces abundance through complete mindfulness, the wicked man becomes unprivileged, as in the case of Argâsp, contentment of the archangels, he who thinks of Zaratûst



Same, fargard 16. The wise, practising the deeds of complete mindfulness, nourishing good works and the creatures with propriety, giving pasture, he who becomes a benefit to the good, sentence according to declaration of acquittal or conviction, a strong foundation for learning



Same, fargard 17. Maintaining the benedictions of religion, making known the Kinvad passage, causing a change from evil to good, generosity to tillers, developing the world, formation of creatures and devastation by Vohûman caused by him whose rule is for Aûharmazd, he who increases virtue in a province, he who loves Vohûman, virtuous deeds set going



Same, fargard 18. He who makes people intelligent through his complete mindfulness, how this occurs, discriminating through wisdom, teaching joyfulness in righteousness to Frashôstar, and ardour in good works, supplying guardianship, a master of all commands, Vohûman's guarding the creatures of Aûharmazd, the arrival of the wicked in the fiend's abode, (§ 10) reverence coming to assistance through invocation, the supplicant for what is coveted from Aûharmazd; Aûharmazd's statement about one's own, confederate, and serf



Same, fargard 19. Sheep-nature, mankind nourished, he who produces joyfulness and provides the ceremonial, displaying wisdom, instructing the tongue, teaching preparation and the virtuous way; (§ 10) obeisance for the archangels, taking assistance, within the day till dawn made as a signal, complete mindfulness among the existences



Same, fargard 20. Aûharmazd's command about smiting the deceiver and giving sovereignty to him who is good, providing complete mindfulness, the coveted



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thing expedient for sovereignty to give away, words of Vohûman, innocence from discontinued good works, causing goodness, way of righteousness not concealed, repletion unnecessary for cattle, housewifery, loving religion through knowledge, gratification of Aûharmazd



Same, fargard 21. Performing the ceremonial, spirits lodging in the body, teaching the religion, diligence in good works, loving the beneficial way, giving a daughter in daughterhood, authority of Vohûman, a daughter given to a father for womanly service, reverence of a wife for her husband, producing origin and effect, dominion in the house



Same, fargard 22. Giving delight to him who is a right-living poor man



A selection from the whole Yast referring to the developer: containing many unidentified statements by Aûharmazd, Zaratûst, Sôshâns, Vohûman, and Spendarmad; and concluding with a long series of short quotations, from the Pahlavi Gâthas, concerning what every one shall do, or know, in the future existence






From the Selections of Zâd-sparam



    „    Dinkard, Book III



    „         „    Book IV



    „    Rivâyat of Bahman Pûngyah



    „         „      Kâmah Bahrah



    „         „      Narêmân Hôshang



    „         „      Barzû Qiyâmu-d-dîn



    „    Dîn-vigirgard



Nask-fragments that are still extant









Transliteration of Oriental Alphabets adopted for the Translations of the Sacred Books of the East


Next: Introduction