Pahlavi Texts, Part IV (SBE37), E.W. West, tr. [1892], at
Sûdkar Nask.
1. The second fargard, Ashem-vohû 2, is about the praise of righteousness which is the reward of the religion, and the want of praise at the bridge of judgment owing to enmity (patyânîh) to righteousness.
2. Of righteousness perfect is the excellence.
175:1 This chapter is omitted in K by mistake.
175:2 This second sacred formula is recited by the Parsis even oftener than the Ahunavair, and consists of twelve Avesta words, as follows:
[paragraph continues] This may be translated as follows:'Righteousness is the best good, a blessing it is; a blessing be to that which is righteousness to perfect rectitude.'
But the Pahlavi version explains it as follows:'Righteousness is perfect excellence [righteousness of any excellence is good]. Happy is that righteousness and happy also that virtuous man who is a causer of righteousness, the righteousness that is perfect [that is, he shall accomplish duty and good works].'