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Pahlavi Texts, Part IV (SBE37), E.W. West, tr. [1892], at


Hûspâram Nask.

1. Six 1 Fargards of one section of the last fourteen contain particulars about the enumeration of species of ownership, their precedence one over the other, and their good report in conducting legal proceedings. 2. About property that is brought up to the judges, which, owing to an accuser, becomes a source of litigation for a judge. 3. About a decree as to restoring possession, or as to keeping possession, of whatever is among such matters. 4. About property

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which is, or is brought, out of the possession of a defendant, and property which is extorted from a man by worrying, or by a noticeable crime upon him; with a statement about it.

5. About the earnings (vindisnŏ) of fellow-combatants and fellow-subordinates, with a statement about them. 6. About the coming of land, property, or anything, held by foreigners, into the princely possession of one from Irân.

7. About the guardianship of a family (dûdakŏ); likewise the varieties of it, and the fitness of a man for it. 8. About one's own family, and whatever is on the same subject. 9. About the income (vindisnŏ) of wife and child.

10. About the trouble of the business of obtaining (vindisnŏ) a wife, and also her marriage, owing to the urgency of the husband, after the trouble. 11. About her guardian and paramour, and whatever is on the same subject. 12. About the proportion who have to keep a wife to seek for offspring, and the proportion who have to satisfy menstrual excitement.

13. About adoption; likewise the varieties of it, and fitness for it; the violation of adoption, the sin of the son who is accepted, and whatever is on the same subject. 14. About the partnership of brothers that has existed, is formed, or is designed; its abandonment (a-bûkhtîkîh), the surplus property, the wealth that becomes quite sacrificed (zadakŏ), and whatever is on the same subject. 15. About property that comes to next of kin through relationship, and that through adoption. 16. About the residue that lapses into ways of righteousness.

17. About where and in whom, after the father, is

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the prerogative as to a daughter being given away to a husband.


112:1 These are called 'five Fargards' in Dd. LXI, 3 which appears to refer to §§ 7, 13. Or it may be 'seven,' if we consider the 'seven' of the next chapter as completing the last fourteen sections of this Nask.

Next: Chapter XXXVII