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Pahlavi Texts, Part III (SBE24), E.W. West, tr. [1885], at


1. The sage asked the spirit of wisdom (2) thus: 'How is it possible to make Aûharmazd, the archangels, and the fragrant, well-pleasing heaven more fully for oneself? 3. And how is it possible to make Aharman, the wicked, and the demons confounded, and to escape from hell, the depreciated 2 and dark?'

4. The spirit of wisdom answered (5) thus: 'To make Aûharmazd, the lord, and the archangels, and

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the fragrant, well-pleasing heaven for oneself, and 1 Aharman, the wicked, and the. demons confounded, and to escape from hell, the dark and depreciated, are possible thus: (6) that is, when they make the spirit of wisdom a protection for the back (pûstîkpânakîh), (7) and wear the spirit of contentment on the body, like arms and armour and valour, (8) and make the spirit of truth 2 a shield, (9) the spirit of thankfulness a club, (To) the spirit of complete mindfulness a bow, (11) and the spirit of liberality an arrow; (12) and they make the spirit of moderation like a spear, (13) the spirit of perseverance a gauntlet, and they put forth the spirit of destiny as a protection 3. 14. In this manner it is possible to come to heaven and the sight of the sacred beings, and to escape from Aharman, the wicked, and hell, the depreciated.'


83:2 Reading dûs-vahâk. Nêr. has misread the word dus-gand, 'evil-smelling,' both here and in §§ 5, 14.

84:1 L19 repeats 'to make,' but this is no more necessary in Pahlavi than in English.

84:2 L19 inserts 'like' in §§ 8-11, and omits the verb 'make' in §§ 8, 12.

84:3 §§ 6-13 bear some resemblance to Isaiah lix. 17 and Ephesians vi. 14-17, so far as mode of expression is concerned.

Next: Chapter XLIV