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By an error of transcription the preface to the "Fama Fraternitatis" was omitted from the text of the present revised version. It is addressed to "the wise and understanding reader."

Wisdome (sayeth Solomon) is a treasure unto men that never faileth, for she is the breth of the power of God and an inherence flowing from the glory of the Almighty; she is the brightness of the everlasting light, the unspotted mirror of the power of God, and the image of His goodness. She teacheth civility with righteousness and strength, she knoweth things of old, and conjectureth aright what is to come; she knoweth the subtleties of speaches and can expound darke sentences; she foreseeth signes and wonders, with the advent of seasons and times. With this treasure was our first father Adam before his fall fully indued; hence it doth appear that after God had brought before him all the creatures of the field and the fowls under the heavens, he gave to everyone of them theyr proper name, accordinge to their Nature.

Although now, through the sorrowful! fall into sinn, this excellent jewell wisdome hath bene lost, and mere darkness and ignorance is come into the world, yet, notwithstanding, the Lord God hath sometimes hetherto bestowed and made manifest the same to some of his friends; the wise Kinge Solomon Both testifie of himself that he upon his

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earnest prayer and desire obtained such wisdome of God that thereby he knew how the world was made, understood the operation of the elements, the beginninge, endinge, and middest of the times, the alterations, the dayes of the turning of the sunne, the change of seasons, the circuits of yeres and the positions of stars, the natures of livinge creatures and the furies of wild beasts, the violence of winds, the reasonings of men, the diversities of plants, the vertues of roots, and all such things as are either secret or manifest, them he knewe.

Now, I doe not think that there can be found anyone whoe would not wish and desire with all his heart to be partaker of this noble treasure, but seinge the same felicity canne happen to none except God Himself give wisdome and send His Holy Spirit from above, we have sett forth in print this little treaty, to wit, the Famam and Confessionem of the Laudable Fraternity of the Rosy Cross, to be read by every one, because in them is clearly shewn and discovered what concerning it the world hath hereafter to expect. Although now these things may seem somewhat strange, and many might esteme it to be a philosophical showe and no true historie which is published and spoken of the Fraternity of the Rosy Cross, it shall therefore sufficiently appear by our Confession that there is more in recessu then may be imagined, and it shall also be easily understood and observed by everyone, (yf he be not altogether void of understandinge) what now adayes is meant thereby.

Those who are true disciples of wisdome and true followers of the spirituall arte will consider better of these things, and have them in greater estimation, as also judge farr otherwise of them, as hath been done of some principal!

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persons but espetially of Adam Haselmeyer, Notarius Publicus to the Archduke Maximilian, whoe likewise hath made an extract ex scriptis Theologicis Theophrasti, and written a treatise under the title Jesuits, wherein he willeth that every Christian should be a true Jesuite, that is, should walke, live, and be in Jesus. He was but ill rewarded of the Jesuites, because in his answer written upon the Famam he did name those of the Fraternity of the Rosy Cross, "the highly illuminated men and undeceiving Jesuites," for they, not able to brook this, layde hands on him and put him into the gallies, for which they likewise are to expect theyr reward.

Blessed Aurora will now begin to appeare, whoe (after the passing away of the darke night of Saturne) with her brightness altogether extinguished the shinninge of the moon, or the small sparkles of the heavenly wisdome which yet remaines with men, and is a fore runner of pleasant Phœbus, whoe, with her cleare and fiery glisteninge beames, brings forth that blessed day, long wished for of many true-hearted, by which daylight then shall truely be knowne and seene, all heavenly treasures of godly wisdome, as also the secrets of all hidden and invisible things in the world, according to the doctrine of our forefathers and auncient wise men.

This will be the right Kingly Rubie, most excellent shining Carbuncle, of the which it is sayd that he doth shine and give light in darkenes, and is a perfect medecine of all imperfect metaline bodyes, to change them into the best gould and to cure all diseases of men, easing them of theyr paynes and miseries.

Be therefore gentle reader admonished, that with me you doe earnestly pray to God, that it may please Him to open

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the harts and eares of all ill-hearing people, and to grant unto them His blessing, that they may be able to know Him in His omnipotency, with admiring contemplation of Nature, to His honor and praise, and to the love, helpe, comfort, and strengthening of our neighbours,, and to the restoring of health of all the diseased. Amen.


There is a mountain situated in the midst of the earth or centre of the world, which is both small and great. It is soft also above measure, hard and strong. It is far off and near at hand; but, by the Providence of God, it is invisible. In it are hidden most ample treasures, which the world is not able to value. This mountain, by the envy of the devil, is compassed about with very cruel beasts and ravenous birds, which make the way thither both difficult and dangerous; and, therefore, hitherto, because the time is not yet come, the way thither could not be sought after by all, but only by the worthy man's self-labour and investigation.

To this mountain you shall go in a certain night, when it comes most long and dark, and see that you prepare yourself by prayer. Insist upon the way that leads to the mountain, but ask not of any man where it lies; only follow your guide, who will offer himself to you, and will meet you in the way.

This guide will bring you to the mountain at midnight, when all things are silent and dark. It is necessary that you arm yourself with a resolute, heroic courage, lest you

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fear those things that will happen, and fall back. You need no sword or other bodily weapon, only call upon your God, sincerely and heartily seeking Him.

When you have discovered the mountain, the first miracle that will appear is this--a most vehement and very great wind will shake the whole mountain and shatter the rocks to pieces. You will be encountered by lions, dragons, and other terrible wild beasts; but fear not any of these things. Be resolute and take heed that you return not, for your guide who brought you thither will not suffer any evil to befall you. As for the treasure, it is not yet discovered, but it is very near. After this wind will come an earthquake, which will overthrow those things which the wind had left. Be sure you fall not off. The earthquake being passed, there shall follow a fire that will consume the earthly rubbish and discover the treasure, but as yet you cannot see it. After all these things, and near daybreak, there shall be a great calm, and you shall see the day-star arise, and the darkness will disappear. You will conceive a great treasure; the chiefest thing and the most perfect is a certain exalted tincture, with which the world, if it served God and were worthy of such gifts, might be tinged and turned into most pure gold.


Jesus Mihi Omnia.

Oh Thou everywhere and good of all, whatsoever I do remember, I beseech Thee, that I am but dust, but as a vapour sprung from earth, which even Thy smallest breath can scatter. Thou hast given me a soul and laws to govern it; let that fraternal rule which Thou didst first appoint

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to sway man order me; make me careful to point at Thy glory in all my wayes, and where I cannot rightly know Thee, that not only my understanding but my ignorance may honour Thee. Thou art all that can be perfect; Thy revelation hath made me happy. Be not angry, O Divine One, O God the most high Creator! If it please Thee, suffer these revealed secrets, Thy gifts alone, not for my praise but to Thy glory, to manifest themselves. I beseech Thee, most gracious God, they may not fall into the hands of ignorant envious persons that cloud these truths to Thy disgrace, saying they are not lawful to be published because what God reveals is to be kept secret. But Rosie Crucian philosophers lay up this secret into the bosome of God which I have presumed to manifest clearly and plainly. I beseech the Trinity it may be printed as I have written it that the truth may no more be darkened with ambiguous language. 1 Good God, besides Thee nothing is! O stream Thyself into my soul, and flow it with Thy grace, illumination and revelation! Make me to depend on Thee. Thou delightest that man should account Thee as his King, and not hide what honey of knowledge he hath revealed. I cast myself as an honourer of Thee at Thy feet, and because I cannot be defended by Thee unless I believe after Thy laws, keep me, O my soul's Soveraign, in the obedience of Thy will, and that I wound not my conscience with vice and hiding Thy gifts and graces bestowed upon me, for this, I know, will destroy me within, and make Thy illuminating Spirit leave me. I am afraid I have already infinitely swerved from the revelations of that Divine Guide which Thou hast commanded to direct me to the truth, and for this I am a sad prostrate and penitent at the

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foot of Thy throne. I appeal only to the abundance of Thy remissions, O God, my God. I know it is a mysterie beyond the vast soul's apprehension, and therefore deep enough for man to rest in safety in! O Thou Being of all beings, cause me to work myself to Thee, and into the receiving arms of Thy paternal mercies throw myself. For outward things I thank Thee, and such as I have I give unto others, in the name of the Trinity, freely and faithfully, without hiding anything of what was revealed to me and experienced to be no diabolical delusion or dream, but the Adjectamenta of Thy richer graces--the mines and deprivation are both in Thy hands. In what Thou hast given me I am content. Good God, ray Thyself into my soul! Give me but a heart to please Thee, I beg no more then Thou hast given, and that to continue me uncontemnedly and unpittiedly honest. Save me from the devil, lusts, and men, and from those fond dotages of mortality which would weigh down my soul to lowness and debauchment. Let it be my glory (planting myself in a noble height above them) to contemn them. Take me from myself and fill me but with Thee. Sum up Thy blessings in these two, that I may be rightly good and wise, and these, for Thy eternal truth's sake, grant and make grateful.



443:1 See the preface to Heydon's "Holy Guide"; also "A Suggestive Inquiry concerning the Rosicrucian Mystery."

445:1 The speaker is John Heydon, in "The Holy Guide."