The Heavenly Sovereign Wata-tarashi-hiko dwelt at the palace of Taka-anaho at Shiga 1b in Chika-tsu-Afumi and ruled the empire. This Heavenly Sovereign wedded [227] the Lady Oho-takara, 2 daughter of Take-oshiyama-tari-ne, 3 ancestor of the Grandees of Hodzumi, 4 and begot an august child: King Wata-nuke 5 (one Deity). So [the
[paragraph continues] Heavenly Sovereign] raised the Noble Take-uchi 6 [to the office of] Prince Minister, 7 deigned to settle the Rulers of the Great Countries and Small Countries, 8 and likewise deigned to settle the boundaries of the various countries, as also the Department Lords of the Great Departments and Small Departments. 9 The Heavenly Sovereign's august years were ninety-five, and his august mausoleum is at Tatanami near Saki. 10
281:1b Shiga no Taka-anaho. Shiga is the name of a well known district, and is of uncertain, signification, as is also Taka-anaho. For Chika-tsu-Afumi see Sect. XXIX, Note 20.
281:2 Oto-takara no iratsume. Oto signifies "younger [sister]," and takara is "treasure."
281:3 Oshiyama is the name of a place in Ise, take signifies "brave" and tari and ne are Honorifics of frequent occurrence.
281:4 Hodzumi no omi. See Sect. LXI, Note 4.
281:5 Waka-nuke no miko. This name is of doubtful signification, and Motowori suspects that it is corrupt, and that the true reading would be Waka-take, "young-brave."
282:6 See Sect. LXI, Note 25.
. Motowori tries to prove that in the earliest times this official title was simply an Honorific surname formed by prefixing the Adjective
"great" to
, a surname read "Omi" (the character signifies properly "attendant," "subject.") Probably like other "gentile names" it combined both characters, and had a tendency to become hereditary.
282:8 Oho-kuni wo-kuni no kuni no miyatsuko.
282:9 Oho-agata wo-agata no agata nushi (
). Their duties are supposed to have consisted in supervising the government farms.
282:10 For Saki see Sect. LXXV, Note 5. Tatanami may perhaps signify "putting shields in a row."