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p. 224 [182]


So His Augustness Oho-biko went away to Koshi in accordance with the previous [Imperial] commands. Then Take-nuna-kaha-wake, who had been sent round by the east, and his father Oho-biko met together in Ahidzu. So the place was called by the name of Ahidzu. 1 Wherefore, each of them, having settled the government of the land to which he had been sent, made his report [to the Heavenly Sovereign]. Then the Empire was at peace and the people prosperous. Thereupon tribute on the arrow-notches of the men and tribute on the finger-tips of the women was first levied. 2 So in praise of this august reign they said: "The Heavenly Sovereign Mimaki, who ruled the first land." 3 Again, in this reign the Pool of Yosami 4 was made; moreover the Pool of Sakawori at Karu 5 was made.


224:1 A district forming the southern part of the modern province of Ihashiro in north-eastern Japan. The derivation here given, from ahi-dzu "meeting port," seems fanciful.

224:2 I.e., taxes levied on the produce of the chase, by which the men gained their livelihood, and on the domestic handwork of the women.

224:3 p. 225 Motowori has a not particularly satisfactory note, in which he endeavours to explain this obscure phrase. The word "first" should evidently qualify the Verb "ruled," and not the Substantive "land," and the applicability of the saying to a sovereign, of whom it is not recorded that he initiated anything save the taxes, is not apparent. The author of the "Chronicles" observes the verisimilitudes better by applying a synonymous designation to the first "Earthly Emperor" Jim-mu.

224:4 See Sect. LXII, Note 85.

224:5 Reference to the parallel passage of the "Chronicles" shows that probably a couple of words are here omitted from the text, which should read "the Pool of Karu and the Pool of Sakawori" (Karu no ike, Sakawori no ike). Karu is the celebrated ancient capital mentioned in Sect. LVII, Note 1, Sakawori is quite unknown except from this notice of it, and the derivation of the name is uncertain.

Next: Section LXVIII.--Emperor Sū-jin (Part VI.--His Age and Place of Burial).