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p. 10




Уже бо, братіе, невеселая
година въстала;
уже пустыни силу прикрыла.
288 Въстала обида
въ силахъ Дажьбога внука;
вступила дѣвою
на землю Трояню;
292 въсплескала лебедиными
крылы на синемъ морѣ
у Дону плещучи,
убуди жирня времена.
    296 Усобица княземъ
на поганы я погыбе.
    Рекоста бо братъ брату;--
"Се мое, а то--мое же".
300 И начаша князи про малое
"Се великое" молвити, а сами
на себе крамолу ковати.
а поганіи со всѣхъ странъ
304 прихождаху съ побѣдами
на землю Рускую.
О, далече зайде соколъ
птиць бья къ морю.
    308 А Игорева храброго полку не кресити!

Now already, brothers a weary time arose, now it covered the army in the wilderness. Contumely arose in the hosts of the scion of Dážbog, stepped like a Maiden on the land of Troyán, splashed with her swan-wings in the blue sea; splashing them in the Don, she awakened the heavy times.

The discord of the princes ruined them against the Pagans. For, brother spake to brother;--"This is mine, and that is also mine." And the princes began to pronounce of a paltry thing, 'this is great'; and themselves amongst them to forge feuds; and the heathens from all sides advanced with victories against the Russian land. Oh, far has the hawk followed, smiting the birds into the sea! and Ígoŕ's brave host will rise no more!




За нимъ кликну Карнаижля,
поскочи по Руской земли,
смагу людемъ мычючи
312 въ пламянѣ розѣ.
Жены Рускыя въсплакашась, аркучи:
"Уже намъ своихъ милыхъ
ладъ ни мыслію смыслити;
316 ни думою сдумати,
ни очима съглядати:
а злата и сребра,
ни мало того потрепати."
320 А възстона бо, братіе,


After him the Accursèd One shouted, leapt over the Russian land, shooting forth fire on the people in a flaming horn.

The women of Russia wailed, saying:--"Henceforth can we no longer think with our thoughts of our dear loves nor with our counsel counsel them, nor see them with our eyes nor amass gold nor silver, nay far from it?" and then, brothers,


p. 11

Кіевъ тугою
а Черниговь напастьми.
Тоска разліяся
324 по Руской земли;
печаль жирна утече
средѣ земли Рускыи.
а князи сами на себе
328 крамолу коваху:
а поганіи сами побѣдами
нарищюще на Рускую землю
емляху дань по бѣлѣ отъ двора.


[paragraph continues] Kíev groaned with mourning, and Černígov with disasters.

Grief poured forth on the Russian land, abundant tribulation flowed through the Russian lands. But the princes themselves forged discord amongst themselves, and the Pagans with victories overrode the Russian land and took tribute from each household of a squirrel's skin.




332 Тіи бо два храбрая Святъславлича,
Игорь и Всеволодъ,
уже лжу убудиста,
которою то бяше успилъ
336 отецъ ихъ Святъславъ
[грозный великый Кіевскый].
Грозою бяшеть притепалъ
своими сильными полкы;
340 и харалужными мечи
наступи на землю Половецкую,
притопта хлъми и яругы,
взмути рѣкы и озеры,
344 иссуши потокы и болота;
а поганого Кобяка
изъ Лукоморъя
отъ желѣзныхъ великыхъ
348 полковъ Половецкыхъ
яко вихръ, выторже.
И падеся Кобякъ
въ градѣ Кіевѣ, въ гридницѣ Святъславли.
    352 Ту Нѣмци и Венедици,
ту Греци и Морава
поютъ славу Святославлю;
кають князя Игоря,
356 иже погрузи жиръ во днѣ Каялы,
рѣкы Половецкыя,
Рускаго злата насыпаше.
    Ту Игорь князь высѣде
360 изъ сѣдла злата [а] въ сѣдло кощіево.

For those two valiant sons of Svyatosláv, Ígoŕ and Vsévolod, had aroused the wrong which their father Svyatosláv [the great and terrible of Kíev] had lulled asleep. With his might having conquered, [or kept in panic] through his powerful armies and tempered swords, he invaded the Polovsk land; he trampled down their hills and clefts, sullied their streams and lakes, dried out their rivers and fens. And the heathen Kobyák he tore, like a whirlwind, from the bight of the sea, out of the great hosts of the Pólovtsy; and Kobyák fell in the city of Kíev in the Hall of Svyatosláv.

There the Germans and the Wends, there the Greeks and Moravians sing the faine of Svyatosláv; they obsecrate Prince Ígoŕ; who foundered his abundance in the bed of the Kayála, the Polovsk river, and filled it with Russian gold.

There Ígoŕ dismounted from his golden saddle into a slave's saddle.


p. 12



    Уныша бо градомъ забралы,
а веселіе пониче.
    А Святъславь мутенъ сонъ виде
364 въ Кіевѣ на горахъ.
    "Си ночь съ вечера одѣвасте мя", рече
"черною паполомою на кровати тисовѣ.
Чръпахуть ми синее вино,
368 съ трутомъ смѣшено;
сыпахуть ми тъщими тулы
поганыхъ тлъковинъ
великый женчюгь на лоно
372 и нѣгуютъ мя.
Уже дъскы безъ кнѣса
въ моемъ теремѣ златовръсемъ.
Всю нощь съ вечера бусови
376 врани възграяху;
Дву плѣнника на болони,
безъ щады, деу, рекы исади
несоша я
къ синему морю.
    380 И ркоша бояре князю:
"Уже, княже, туга умъ полонила.
Се бо два сокола слетѣста
съ отня стола злата
384 поискати града Тмутороканя,
а любо испити шеломомь Дону.
    Уже соколома крильца
припѣшали поганыхъ саблями,
388 а самого опуташа
въ путины желѣзны."

The ramparts of the cities were hushed and mirth declined. And Svyatosláv dreamed a troubled dream at Kíev on the hills. "This night," he said, "from even-time, ye dressed me with a black coverlet on my bed of yew; [men] poured me out blue wine mixed with dust; they scattered great [treasure of] pearls from the empty quivers of the nomads on to my lap and [try to] soothe me. Already are the boards in my golden-roofed abode bereft of wall-plates.

All night long from even-time have the crows of Bus [or Blus] croaked; two captives [stand] by the fen: mercilessly [the foe] have carried the two to the landing-stage of the river, down to the blue sea."

And the Boyárs answered the Prince; "Already, Prince, has grief taken captive our mind. For two hawks have flown away from their sires' golden throne, to seek the city of Tmutorokáń, or, may be, to quaff in their helms of the Don.

Already are the wings of the two hawks by the sabres of the heathen made to walk afoot; and, [Ígoŕ] himself they have fettered in fetters of iron."




    Темно бо бѣ въ третій день.
Два солнца померкоста;
392 оба багряная стлъпа погасоста;
и съ нима молодая мѣсяца,
Олегъ и Святъславъ
тъмою ся поволокоста.


It was dark on the third day. Two suns were dimmed; both purple columns [of the Aurora Borealis] were extinguished; and with these two the two young Moons, Olég and Svyatosláv, were draped in darkness.


p. 13

    396 На рѣцѣ на Каялѣ
тьма свѣтъ покрыла.
По Руской земли
прострошася Половци,
400 акы пардуже гнѣздо:
и въ морѣ погрузиста,
и великое буйство
подаста хиню.
404 Уже вснесея хула на хвалу;
уже тресну нужда на волю;
уже връжеся Дивъ на землю.
    Се бо Готьскыя красныя дѣвы
408 въспѣша на брезѣ синему морю,
звоня Рускымъ златомъ.
Поютъ время Бусово,
лелѣютъ месть Шароканю.
412 А мы уже, дружина,
жадни веселія.


On the stream of the Kayála darkness covered the light. Over the Russian land the Pólovtsy spread out like a brood of pards. And ye two plunged into the sea your mighty daring and will abandon it for folly.

Now obloquy was upraised after praise; now need burst out on freedom; now Div cast himself down [or? whined upon] the earth.

Thus the fair maidens of the Goths sang on the shore of the blue sea, tinkling in Russian gold. They sing the time of Bus [or Blus]; they cherish the vengeance for Šarokán. But, now, we, the družína, are a-thirst for joy.




    Тогда великый Святъславъ
изрони злато слово
416 слезами смѣшено и рече:--
"О моя сыновчя, Игорю и Всеволоде!
Рано еста начала
Половецкую землю мечи цвѣлити,
420 а себѣ славы искати!
Нъ нечестно одолѣсте,
нечестно бо кровь поганую пролиясте.
Ваю храбрая сердца въ жестоцемъ
424 харалузѣ скована,
а въ буести закалена
Се ли створисте моей
сребреней сѣдинѣ?
    428 А уже не вижду власти
сильнаго и богатаго и многовоя
брата моего Ярослава,
съ Черниговьскими былями,
423 съ могуты и съ Татраны
и съ Шельбиры и съ Топчакы


Then the mighty Svyatosláv let fall a golden word, commingled with tears, and spake: "Oh my nephews, Ígoŕ and Vsévolod! soon have ye begun to harass the land of the Pólovtsy with your swords, and to seek fame for yourselves! But, dishonourably have ye conquered, for dishonourably have ye shed the blood of the heathen. Your brave hearts are welded together in heavy steel, and tempered in audacity. This have ye wrought to me to my silvered grey hairs?

Now I no longer see the power of my brother Yarosláv, the mighty and wealthy and well-equipped, with the commanders of the Černígov mercenaries, with their forces, both with the men from the Tátra, the men from Šelbiŕ and Topčák,


p. 14

и съ Ревугы и съ Ольбѣры.
Тіи бо бесъ щитовъ съ засапожикы
436 кликомъ плъкы побѣждають,
звонячи въ прадѣднюю славу.
Нъ рекосте:--"Мужаимъся сами;
преднюю славу похытимъ;
440 а заднюю ся сами подѣлимъ!"
    А чи диво ся, братіе,
    стару помолодити?
Коли соколъ въ мытехъ бываетъ,
444 высоко птицъ взбиваетъ:
не дасть гнѣзда своего въ обиду.
    нъ се зло, княже ми
    не пособимо;
    448 наниче ся годины обратиша.
Се у Римъ кричатъ
подъ саблями Половецкыми,
а Володиміръ подъ ранами--
452 "Туга и тоска сыну Глѣбову!"


from Revukha [or Revutsa] and from Olbieŕ. For these without shields conquer the hosts by their yells, echoing to the glory of their forebears. But ye spake:--"Let us play a man's part; let us steal the glory of yore; let us divide the glory to come for ourselves!"

But, what wonder were it, brothers, for an old man to grow young? If a hawk is moulting, it drives the birds afar high up, and will not foul its own nest.

But this disaster, oh my Prince, is irremediable: the seasons have gone backwards to nothingness.

Thus they cry out at Rim beneath the sabres of the Pólovtsy--,but Vladímir [lies] beneath his wounds,--"Woe and sorrow to the son of Glěb!"





Великый княже Всеволоде;
Не мыслію ти прелетѣти
издалеча отня злата стола поблюсти?
456 Ты бо можеши Волгу
веслы раскропити,
а Донъ шеломы выльяти!
    Аже ты бы былъ,
460 то была бы чага по ногатѣ,
а кощей по резанѣ!
    Ты бо можеши по суху
[живыми] съ Шереширы стреляти,
464 удалыми сыны Глѣбовы.

Great Prince Vsévolod! Is it not thine to fly from afar with thy thought to guard thy fathers' golden throne? For thou canst splash the Volga with thy oars, and bale out the Don with thy helmets! If thou hadst been [there], then a potentate would be priced at twelve pence and a workman at five pence!

For, on dry land, thou canst, with the men of Šeryšor shoot my valorous sons of Glěb.


p. 15



Ты буй-Рюриче и Давыде!
Не ваю ли злачеными шеломы
по крови плаваша?
468 Не ваю ли храбрая дружина
рыкаютъ аки тури,
ранени саблями калеными на полѣ незнаемѣ?
   Вступита, господина,
472 въ злата стременя
за обиду сего времени
за землю Рускую,
за раны Игоревы,
476 буего Святъславича!

Thou brave Rúrik and David, did they not swim in blood with your golden helms? Do not your brave Družína gallop like bulls wounded by tempered sabres in the unexplored land?

Step, my lords, into your golden stirrups, for the insult to our time, for the Russian land, the wounds of Ígoŕ, the brave son of Svyatosláv.



Ярославу Бладимірковичу Галицкому.


Галичкы осломи о Вислѣ Ярославе;
Высоко сѣдиши на своемъ
златокованнемъ столѣ!
480 подперъ горы Угорскыи
своими желѣзными полкы;
заступивъ Королеви путь;
затворивъ Дунаю ворота;
484 мечавъ ремены чрезъ Влахы!
суды, рядя, до Дуная!
Грозы твоя по землямъ текутъ!
Отворяеши Кіеву врата!
488 Стремляеши съ отня злата стола
Салътаны за землями!
    Стрѣляй, господине, Кончака,
поганого кощея,
492 за землю Рускую!
за раны Игоревы,
буего Святъславича!

Thou didst shatter the Galicians on the Vistula, Yarosláv; thou sittest high on thy gold-forged throne, supporting the Hungarian mountains with thy iron-clad regiments, barring the road against the [Magyar] King, closing the gates of the Danube, hurling thongs amid the Vlakhs, judging and ordaining as far as the Danube! Thy threats have sway over the lands. Thou openest the gates of Kíev, shootest from thy ancestral golden throne the men of Salatyn [who are] beyond thy lands.

Shoot, my liege, the heathen Končák the slave, for the sake of the Russian land, for the sake of the wounds of Ígoŕ, the brave son of Svyatosláv.


p. 16


Роману и Мстиславу Ростислваичема


А ты, буй-Романе, и Мстиславе!
496 храбрая мысль носитъ ва съ уемъ на дѣло!
Высоко плаваеши на дѣло въ буести,
яко соколъ на вѣтрехъ ширяяся,
хотя птицю въ буйствѣ одолѣти.
    500 Суть-бо у ваю желѣзныи паробци
подъ шеломы латиньскими.
Тѣми тресну земля и многи страны,--
Хинова, Литва, Ятвязи, Деремела,
504 и Половци сулици своя повръгоша,
а главы своя поклониша
подъ тыи мечи харалужныи.
    Нъ уже, княже Игорю,
508 утръпѣ солнцю свѣтъ,
а древо не бологомъ
листвіе срони:
По Ръси, по Сули
512 грады подѣлиша.
А Игорева храбраго
полку не кресити!
Донъ ти, княже, кличетъ
516 и зоветь князи на побѣду.

Thou, valiant Román and Mstíslav, your brave thought carries you with your uncle to the work. Thou floatest in thy courage to thy toil like a hawk stretching himself in the winds, wishing in his strength to slay a bird!

For ye have iron cuirasses beneath your Latin helmets. Through them the earth trembled and many countries, Hinowice, Lithuania, the Yatvyági, the men of Dremble; and the Pólovtsy threw down their maces and bowed their heads beneath those steel swords.

But now, my prince, the light of Ígoŕ's sun has dimmed; the tree through misfortune has let fall its leaves, they [the enemy] have shared ont the cities on the Roś and the Sulá. And, Ígoŕ's brave regiment can no more rise. The Don summons thee, Prince, and calls the princes to victory.



Ингарю и Всеболоду Ярославичема


Олговичи, храбыи князи,
доспѣли на брань.
Ингварь и Всеволодъ
520 и вси три Мстиславичи,
нехуда гнѣзда шерстокрьлцы
непобѣдными жребіи
собѣ власти расхытисте!
    524 Кое ваши златыи шеломы
и сулици ляцкыи и щиты!
Загородите полю ворота
своими острыми стрелами
528 за землю Рускую,
за раны Игоревы,
буего Святъславлича!

The Ólgoviči, those brave princes [i.e. Ígoŕ and Vsévolod] have hastened to the combat. Íngvaŕ and Vsévolod [Yaroslávič] and ye three Mstíslaviči, ye heavy-winged ones of a noble nest, by inglorious lots have ye gotten yourselves power!

Wherefor [have ye] your golden helms and Polish maces and your shields? Guard the gates of the [frontier] land with your sharp arrows for the land of Russia, the wounds of Ígoŕ, the brave Svyatoslávič!


p. 17


Боспоминаніе объ Изяславѣ Басильковичѣ.


Уже бо Сула не течетъ
532 сребреными струями
къ граду Переяславлю;
и Двина болотомъ течетъ
гоно-грознымъ Полочаномъ
536 подъ кликомъ поганыхъ.
    Единъ же Изяславъ, сынъ Васильковъ,
позвони своими острыми мечи
о шеломы Литовьскыя,
540 притрепа славу
дѣду своему Всеславу,
и самъ подъ чрълеными щиты
на кровавѣ травѣ притрепанъ
544 Литовскыми мечи:
и съ хотъю на кроватъи рекъ:--
"Дружину твою, княже,
птиць крилы пріодѣ,
548 а звѣри кровь полизаша."
Не бы ту брата Брячъяслава,
ни другаго Всеволода:--
единъ же изрони
552 жемчюжну душу
изъ храбра тѣла
чресъ латы о жерелѣ.
    Уныли голоси,
556 пониче веселіе.
Трубы трыбятъ Городеньскіи.

No longer does the Sulá flow with silvery stream to the city of Pereyáslavl’, and the Dviná flows thither in a morass to the grim hunters of Polótsk, amid the shouts of the heathen.

Izyasláv, alone, the son of Vasíl’ko, rang with his sharp swords on the helmets of the Lithuanians, grasped the fame of his grandfather Vséslav; and himself beneath the crimsoned shields was laid low on the blood-stained ground by the Lithuanian swords: and with grieving spake on his bed: "The birds, oh Prince, have been covering thy družína with their wings, and the wild beasts have been licking at their blood,"

On that field there was neither his brother Bryáčislav, nor his next [brother] Vsévolod: alone he let fall his pearl-white soul from his brave body out through his armour at his throat.

Voices were hushed; merriment was subdued. The trumpets of Gorodno blare.




Ярославли и вси внуце Всеславли,
уже понизити стязи свои,
560 вонзити свои мечи вережени;
уже бо выскочисте
изъ дѣдней Славы.
    Вы бо своими крамолами
564 начясте наводити поганыя
на землю Рускую,


Oh Yarosláv [Vsévolodič] and all the scions of Vséslav, ye should now lower your standards and sheathe your maimed swords; for ye have now leapt away from the Glory of your grandfathers.

Ye, with your discords, began to lead the Pagans on to Russian soil, against the


на жизнь Всеславлю.
Которою бо бѣше насиліе
568 отъ земли Половецкыи!

p. 18

life of Vséslav. From strife there has been oppression from the land of the Pólovtsy.





На седьмомъ вѣцѣ Трояни
връже Всеславъ жребій
о дѣвицю себѣ любу.
572 Тъй клюками подпръся о кони
и скочи къ граду Кыеву;
дотчеся стружіемъ
злата стола Кіевскаго.
576 скочи отъ нихъ лютымъ зверемъ
въ пълночи изъ Бѣлаграда;
обвѣсися синѣ мьглѣ;
утръже вязни въ три кусы;
580 отвори врата Новуграду,
разшибе славу Ярославу;
скочи влъкомъ до Немиги съ Дудутокъ.
     На Немизѣ снопы
584 стелють головами,
молотятъ цѣпы халужными;
на тоцѣ животъ кладутъ,
вѣутъ душу отъ тѣла.
    588 Немизѣ кровави брезѣ
не бологомъ бяхуть посѣяни;--
посѣяни костьми Рускыхъ сыновъ
    Всеславъ князь людемъ судяше,
592 княземъ грады рядяше:
а самъ въ ночь волкомъ рыскаше,
исъ Кыева дорискаше
до Чуръ Тъмутораканя,
596 великому Хръсови волкомъ
путь прерыскаше.
    Тому въ Полотьскѣ
позвониша заутренюю рано
600 у Святыя Софеи въ колоколы,
а онъ въ Кыевѣ звонь слыша.


In the seventh age of Troyán Vséslav cast his lots for the Maiden dear to him.

He with wiles at the last tore himself free: and galloped to the city of Kíev; with his weapon took hold of the golden throne of Kíev; galloped from them like a wild beast at midnight from Bĕ́lgorod, swathed himself in a blue mist, rent asunder his bonds into three parts, opened wide the gates of Nóvgorod, shattered the Glory of Yarosláv [the First]; galloped like a wolf from Dudútki to the Nemíga.

On the Nemíga the sheaves are laid out with heads; men thresh with flails in hedgerows; on the barn-floor they spread out life; they winnow the soul from the body.

On the blood-stained Nemíga the banks were sown with bane,--sown with the bones of the sons of Russia.

Prince Vséslav was a judge to his subjects, he appointed cities for the princes: but he himself at night raced like a wolf from Kíev to the Idol [or, (accepting the reading of the text unaltered)--to the Lord] of Tmutarakáń, raced, like a wolf across the path of the great Khors.

To him at Polotsk they rang the bells early for matins at Saint Sophia; and he at Kíev heard the sound.



p. 19

Аще и вѣща душа
въ дръзѣ тѣлѣ,
604 нъ часто бѣды страдаше.
Тому, вѣщей Бояне
и перевое припѣвку,
смышленый рече:--
    608 'ни хытру, ни горазду,
    ни птицю ни гудъию
    суда Божія не минути.'--


[paragraph continues] Although his wise soul were in a hardy [or precious] body, yet he often endured misfortunes.

To him thou, oh wizard Boyárs, didst first thoughtfully speak the refrain:--"Neither the crafty man nor the experienced, nor a bird nor a minstrel can escape God's judgments."



О Владимирѣ Свяромъ


    О стонати Руской земли,
612 помянувше первую годину
и первыхъ князей.
    Того стараго Владиміра
не льзѣ бѣ пригвоздити
616 къ горамъ кіевскымъ:
сего бо нынѣ сташа
стязи Рюриковы,
а друзіи Давидовы;
620 нъ розъно ся имъ хоботы пашутъ!

Ah, moan for the Russian land [ye who] remember the first epoch and the first princes!

It was useless to nail down that olden-time Vladímir to the mountains of Kíev; his banners now have become, some of them Rúrik's and others of them David's; but [these banners] waver to and for at the hafts at variance one with the other!



Плачъ Ярославиынъ


(1) Вопилы поютъ на Дунаи;
Ярославна нмъ гласъ ся слышитъ,
зегзицею незнаемѣ рано кычеть:--
624 "Полечю," рече "зегзицею по Дунаеви;
Омочю бебрянъ рукавъ въ Каялѣ [рѣцѣ];
утру князю кровавыя его раны
на жестоцѣмъ его тѣлѣ."

(1) The mourners sing on the Danube.
Yaroslávna hears their voice; she moans early like a cuckoo in the unknown land:--"I will fly" she spoke,--"like a cuckoo along the Danube; I will wet my beaver sleeves in the Kayála river, I will wipe away for the prince his bloody wounds on his stricken body.




628 (2) Ярославна рано плачетъ
въ Путивлѣ на забралѣ, аркучи:--
"О вѣтре, вѣтрило,
чему, господине,
632 насильно вѣеши?
Чему мычеши хиновьскыя стрѣлкы
на своею нетрудною крилцю
на моея лады вой?


Yaroslávna wails early at Putívl’ on the rampart, saying:--"Oh Wind, little Wind, wherefore, Master, blowest thou with violence? Wherefore hurlest thou with thy tireless wing torturing arrows on the hosts of my love?


p. 20

636 мало ли ти бяшетъ
горъ подъ облакы вѣяти,
лелѣючи корабли на синѣ морѣ?
чему, господине, мое веселіе
640 по ковылію развѣя?"


[paragraph continues] Little were it to thee to waft woes beneath the clouds, thou who rockest ships on the blue sea; wherefore, Master,--thou who waftest away my joy over the feathergrass [of the steppe]?"




(3) Ярославна рано плачеть
Путивлю городу на заборолѣ, аркучи:--
"О Днепре Словутицю!
644 Ты пробилъ еси каменныя горы
сквозѣ землю Половецкую!
Ты лелѣялъ еси на себѣ
Святославли носады
648 до полку Кобякову:
Възлелѣй, господине,
мою ладу къ мнѣ!
а быхъ е слала
652 къ нему слезъ на море!

Yaroslávna wails early at Putívl’ on the rampart, saying. "Oh Dnĕpr Slovútič, thou hast pierced the stone mountains through the land of the Pólovtsy. Thou hast rocked on thyself Svyatosláv's barges up to the armies of Kobyák; rock up to me, Master, my love. Would that I had never sent tears to him over the sea!" 




(4) Рано Ярославна
на морѣ плачетъ
въ Путивлѣ на забралѣ, аркучи:--
656 "Свѣтлое и тресвѣтлое слънце!
Всѣмъ тепло и красно еси!
чему, господине, простре
горячюю свою лучу на ладѣ вои?
660 Въ полѣ безводнѣ жаждею имъ
лучи съпряже,
тугою имъ тули затче!"

Yaroslávna wails by the waters on the rampart at Putívl’ early, saying:--"Oh sun, thou bright, thrice bright one! To all men art thou warm and beauteous! Wherefore, Master, hast thou spread thy burning beam over my love's men? Thou hast stretched their bows in the waterless plain with thirst, and choked their quivers with tribulation."




18:† For reconstruction of this passage vide page 24.

20:† 'Sea' море must be understood any wide inland stretch of water.

Next: Part III