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"What are we going to do, then?" said Mac-a-Rusgaich.

"It is (this)," said the giant; "we will go to bring home faggots."

And they went and they reached the wood, and the giant began to gather every root that was thicker than the rest, and Mac-a-Rusgaich began to gather every top that was slenderer than the others.

The giant looked and he said,

"What art thou doing so?"

And Mac-a-Rusgaich said, "I am for that we should

p. 329

take the whole wood with us instead of leaving a part of it useless behind us."

Said the giant, "We are long enough at this work; we will take home these burdens, but we will get other work again."

The next work they went to was to cut a swathe; and the giant asked Mac-a-Rusgaich to go first. Mac-a-Rusgaich would mow the swathe, and he began and he went round about short on the inner side, and the giant had to go a longer round on the outside of him.

"What art thou doing so?" said the giant.

"I," said Mac-a-Rusgaich, "am for that we should mow the park at one cut instead of turning back every time we cut the swathe, and we shall have no time lost at all."

The giant saw that his cut would be much longer than the cut of Mac-a-Rusgaich, and he said, "We are long enough at this work, we will go to another work. We will go and we will thresh the corn."

And they went to thresh the corn, and they got the flails, and they began to work. And when the giant would strike the sheaf, he would make it spring over the baulk (rafter), and when Mac-a-Rusgaich would strike it it would lie down on the floor.

He would strike, and Mac-a-Rusgaich would say to the giant,

"Thou art not half hitting it. Wilt thou not make it crouch as I am doing?"

But the stronger the giant struck, the higher leaped the sheaf, and Mac-a-Rusgaich was laughing at him; and the giant said,

"We are long enough at this work; I will try thee in another way. We will go and try which of us can

p. 330

cast a stone strongest in the face of a crag that is beyond the fall."

"I am willing," said Mac-a-Rusgaich; and the giant went and he gathered the hardest stones he could find. And Mac-a-Rusgaich went and he got clay, and he rolled it into little round balls, and they went to the side of the fall.

The giant threw a stone at the face of the crag, and the stone went in splinters, and he said to Mac-a-Rusgaich,

"Do that, boy."

Mac-a-Rusgaich threw a dudan, lump of the clay, and it stuck in the face of the crag, and he said to the giant,

"Do that, old carl."

And the giant would throw as strongly as he could, but the more pith the giant would send with the stone he would throw, the smaller it would break. And Mac-a-Rusgaich would throw another little ball of the clay, and he would say,

"Thou art not half throwing it. Wilt thou not make the stone stick in the crag as I am doing?"

And the giant said, "We are long enough at this work; we will go and take our dinner, and then we will see which of us can best throw the stone of force (putting stone)."

"I am willing," said Mac-a-Rusgaich, and they went home.

They began at their dinner, and the giant said to Mac-a-Rusgaich,

"Unless thou eatest of bread and cheese as much as I eat, a thong shall be taken out of thy skin, from the back of thy head to thy heel."

"Make seven of it," said Mac-a-Rusgaich, "on covenant that seven thongs shall be taken out of thy

p. 331

skin, from the back of thy head to thy heel, unless thou eatest as much as I eat."

"Try thee, then," said the giant.

"Stop then till I get a drink," said Mac-a-Rusgaich and he went out to get a drink, and he got a leathern bag, and he put the bag between his shPNG  IHDR##ٳY pHYs   MiCCPPhotoshop ICC profilexڝSwX>eVBl"#Ya@Ņ VHUĂ H(gAZU\8ܧ}zy&j9R<:OHɽH gyx~t?op.$P&W " R.TSd ly|B"I>ةآ(G$@`UR,@".Y2GvX@`B, 8C L0ҿ_pH˕͗K3w!lBa)f "#HL 8?flŢko">!N_puk[Vh]3 Z zy8@P< %b0>3o~@zq@qanvRB1n#Dž)4\,XP"MyRD!ɕ2 wONl~Xv@~- g42y@+͗\LD*A aD@ $<B AT:18\p` Aa!:b""aH4 Q"rBj]H#-r9\@ 2G1Qu@Ơst4]k=Kut}c1fa\E`X&cX5V5cX7va$^lGXLXC%#W 1'"O%zxb:XF&!!%^'_H$ɒN !%2I IkHH-S>iL&m O:ňL $RJ5e?2BQͩ:ZImvP/S4u%͛Cˤ-Кigih/t ݃EЗkw Hb(k{/LӗT02goUX**|:V~TUsU?y TU^V}FUP թU6RwRPQ__cFHTc!2eXBrV,kMb[Lvv/{LSCsfffqƱ9ٜJ!{--?-jf~7zھbrup@,:m:u 6Qu>cy Gm7046l18c̐ckihhI'&g5x>fob4ekVyVV׬I\,mWlPW :˶vm))Sn1 9a%m;t;|rtuvlp4éĩWggs5KvSmnz˕ҵܭm=}M.]=AXq㝧/^v^Y^O&0m[{`:>=e>>z"=#~~~;yN`k5/ >B Yroc3g,Z0&L~oL̶Gli})*2.QStqt,֬Yg񏩌;jrvgjlRlc웸xEt$ =sl3Ttcܢ˞w|/%ҟ3 cHRMz%u0`:o_FIDATx̘klT]z~-6bBAM-UnrQGL6 R0RhAREx(By٘`;kGi4O眙sRJ_D_Z}Pfzg4oB%-Sr^{uPtaJ"`Y(le_+xq}ꉋ޲fM%ǥU\/|JF6x( PSs<}OD%9Gˀ|fEy5[_uٔDq8|J+ڧk#2ezV!+iDP9}}aFHoJrQS4ZKlwܼ  >vҡ+b Vύכ'Nޙ0;z@l$RZWRKOhI-<\HiiRZRq#|vG_prD0Z4̺u^ٟ'>r[ZՆnY[4’*=7zʉ75Z4k_ӚS ++{~rU^x? Z@X.uN?/˷7T_ٗyߦS QVXk_ӧֺO\Cۡ:j RVXy55Rog&fR~+k?42xh6٬d0@s) 7u+;>+N߿hTV4VVL]oP89+_4e5Liz.ћRR]DqH\nRVӯFx"|{æhDiZ0-Ǜ4>m)Fx\7,M6Go[.~ !NǞWH:_x%'-ĭ׷zZU)*@А0gEJ)^Q^h={q4'\[홼==-5Hiý0kǐfP#LWBaZSԿel*[zН7 4!sVAAB TMl*g!5 X|$Fu@Q(]:[ ߵDxb xR2H[MWHӢ;J@)ϷU\ղ !lhM$fi.ub}\=SPUSxBI0{a0 %\es&ChD;WOMK3z@F !0x)%)TP=mZFxPld)aw J.2"h0QK UG'0:{Ιߜp'ϳ h߇_jV-{]Z aŐF+0 g/6ޭo; T u܋>ֽ]k=?SnE5pс$t- LY[ldĀhrIk,ٗgI0% cMo%}m!ʆIENDB`IZE="1">* that he would be as far north as the dour tenant might be south, Mac-a-Rusgaich went to the fair of Peevish fair, and he took a straw in his month, to shew that he was for taking service."

319:* The original meaning of the Gaelic phrase is to take a turn out of a man,--untwist his turns. The expression then conveys the idea of a man winding coils about another; and one with more craft unwinding them; and the next phrase is as metaphorical.

321:1 Another way of telling this part:--Thainig an tuathanach do iounsaidh, 's dh' fharraid e deth cia air-son nach eil thu a deanamh an deargadh: Agus Thubhairt Mac-a-Rusgaich ris, cha n è mo bhargansa deargadh a dheanamh, ach an crann a chumail, 's tha thu a faicinn nach eil mi e leigidh leatha falbh; na 'm bithinn a deargadh an talamh, cha b' ann a cu mail a chroinn a bhithinn.

The farmer came to him and asked him, why art thou not making the red land? And Mac-a-Rusgaich said, it was not my bargain to do the reddening, but to hold the plough; and thou seest that I am not letting her go away. If I were reddening the land, it would not be holding the plough that I would be.

In some districts, the farmers call the ploughed land the red land, and the unploughed land white land.



322:1 Against, or at the mountain.

324:1 Damh shuil--an ox eye. To cast an ox eye at any one means, according to Dewar, to look with a wry face, and open p. 325 the eyes wide, and stare at a person--as a signal. The idiom, to cast an eye, is common to Gaelic and English; and so is the expression, to cast a sheep's eye.

326:1 STAIR, a path or causeway in a wet bog.

CHASA, for the feet, or of the feet. CHAORACH, of sheep.

According to Dewar, a path made over a bog, when a gate happens to be where the ground is soft, or where peat moss is. If sheep be often driven through such a gate, the pathway soon gets soft, so that the sheep sink in it. It is repaired by cutting brushwood or heather, and laying it on the soft place with a covering of gravel, and is called "Stair chasa caorach."

I know the kind of road meant, but I never heard the name.--J. F. C.

327:1 Feuch, is either taste or try in the Gaelic.

328:1 PRONNOIN, coarse, unsifted oatmeal; poundings.

Next: XLVI. MacIain Direach