DI-MAIRT feille ri eirigh greine, Is cul na deise ’s an aird an ear, Theid mi mach le m’ chorran fo m’ sgeith, Is buainidh mi am beum an ceud char.
Leigidh mi mo chorran sios ’S an dias biadhchar fo mo ghlac, Togam suas mo shuil an aird, Tionndam air mo shail gu grad,
Deiseil mar thriallas a ghrian Bho ’n airde ’n ear gu ruig an iar, Bho ’n airde tuath le gluasadh reidh, Gu fior chre na h-airde deas.
Bheir mi cliu do Righ nan gras Airson cinneas barr na h-uir, Bheir e lon dhuinn fein ’s dh’ an al Mar a bhairigeas e dhuinn.
Seumas is Eoin, Peadail is Pal, Moire ghraidh-gheal lan soluis, * * * * *
* * * * * Oidhch Fheill-Micheil agus Nollaig, Biasaidh sinn uile dhe ’n bhonnach. |
ON Tuesday of the feast at the rise of the sun, And the back of the ear of corn to the east, I will go forth with my sickle under my arm, And I will reap the cut the first act.
I will let my sickle down While the fruitful ear is in my grasp, I will raise mine eye upwards, I will turn me on my heel quickly,
Rightway as travels the sun From the airt of the east to the west, From the airt of the north with motion calm To the very core of the airt of the south.
I will give thanks to the King of grace For the growing crops of the ground, He will give food to ourselves and to the flocks According as He disposeth to us.
James and John, Peter and Paul, Mary beloved, the fullness of light, * * * * *
* * * * * On Michaelmas Eve and Christmas, We will all taste of the bannock. |