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p. 150


Halíksai! In Shongópavi they were living, and a youth there was very handsome, and all the maidens were coveting him. And one maiden was young yet, had small hair whorls; she was dirty, and a bad looking maiden. The maidens owned the chíro birds, and one of the maidens ground coarse meal (hakwúshkwi) for them and put it into a tray, and when she had put it in she lifted it up, and while she was singing she threw it away. She sang: "Póta, póta, póta, Yóa íni, yóa íni," and then scattered it to the birds. Now the chíros darted towards it and ate of it, and when they had eaten they dispersed again, whistling, and were flying around somewhere in the field. When it was evening they again assembled at the mána's house. In the morning she again made hakwúshkwi for them and fed them, and after that the mána always fed them.

Now that youth also made a tray. When he was done with it the maidens assembled. He handed that tray to them, and when he had handed it to them he said: "Now then, who opens this shall get me." Now one when she had loosened it could not untie it. She handed it to another one, who could not untie it, and thus one after the other tried to loosen and untie it, and not one could open it. Now then when it came to that bad looking maiden she also tried it. Now the old grandmother (Spider Woman) informed her, ''When you will sing this you will open it." Thus she informed her. So the maiden, while she was secretly singing, opened it. When she had opened it, singing secretly, she opened it as her song ended. When she had opened it all she owned the youth. Then those pretty maidens were very sad and were angry.

Now the youth took her to his house, where the mother of the youth bathed her entirely, whereupon she became a pretty maiden. She now remained there as a bride. Then they made a bridal costume for her whereupon she went home. When she went home the youth followed her. Now she slept there in their house twice, and when she slept there the second time she did not get up. At last when they were eating they would still not get up, so the mother of the maiden went up to them and looked at them and they were still sleeping, but that maiden had turned into something; she had turned into a dog. Now the mother said to them, "Get up, please." The dog got up at once and rushed out right away and jumped down as a dog, and at once ran away somewhere, and is still going around somewhere.


150:1 Told by Móho (Oraíbi woman).

Next: 42. The Blind Man and the Lame Man