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Alíksai! In old Mishóngnovi they were living. At Mástopk'ave Másauwuu lived with his grandmother, Mas Wuhti. In the village lived a beautiful maiden who persistently refused all offers of marriage. So Másauwuu one time went to pay her a visit. He came as a very handsome young man. She was grinding corn when he entered her house. She invited him to sit down, and asked who he was. He told her who he was. He had a great many strands of beads around his neck and long turquoise ear-pendants in his ears and was dressed up nicely. They were sitting on the opposite sides of the fireplace and conversed with each other all the evening. She told him that she would be willing to marry him.

The next morning she sent a large tray full of múhpiki (píki made of the meal of young roasted corn-ears) to Másauwuu's grandmother, for which the latter was very glad. She then told Másauwuu that from the gift which the mána had sent she inferred that the mána was willing to marry him. "Yes," he said, "and she asked whether I was rich, and I told her yes; now what shall we pay her back for the presents that she has sent us?" So his grandmother gave him a large quantity of rabbit meat, which he wrapped up and carried over to the house of the maiden. She thanked him for it and again

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gave him something to eat. The next morning he came to her house and took her over to his grandmother's house, where they lived forever afterwards.


122:1 Told by Kúhkuima (Shupaúlavi).

Next: 32. Másauwuu and the Háno Hunters