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Sacred Books of the East, vol. 22: Gaina Sutras Part I, translated by Hermann Jacobi [1884], at

p. 280


Since the time that the Arhat Nami died, &c. (all down to) freed from all pains, 584,979 years have elapsed, this is the eightieth year 1. (184) Since the death of Munisuvrata this is the year 1,184,980. Since Malli 2 this is the year 6,584,980. Ara died 10,000,000 years before Malli; Kunthua quarter of a Palyopama before Malli; Sânti three-quarters of a Palyopama; Dharma three Sâgaropamas before Malli; Ananta seven Sâgaropamas before Malli; Vimala sixteen Sâgaropamas before Malli; Vâsupûgya forty Sâgaropamas before Malli; Sreyâmsa a hundred Sâgaropamas before Malli. Sîtala died a krore of Sâgaropamas, less 42,003 years and eight and a half months, before the death of Vîra. Suvidhi, surnamed Pushpadanta, died ten krores of Sâgaropamas before Sîtala; Kandraprabha a hundred krores of Sâgaropamas before Sîtala; Supârsva a thousand krores of Sâgaropamas before Sîtala; Padmaprabha ten thousand krores of Sâgaropamas before Sîtala; Sumati one hundred thousand krores of Sâgaropamas before Sîtala; Abhinandana one million krores of Sâgaropamas before Sîtala; Sambhava two million krores of Sâgaropamas before Sîtala; Agita five million krores of Sâgaropamas before Sîtala. (185-203)


280:1 The numbers are given in the same way as in § 183. I have abridged these tedious accounts. All Tîrthakaras except Mahâvîra have the title Arhat, which I have dropped in the sequel.

280:2 Read Malli (for Mali) in the printed edition of the text.

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