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Satapatha Brahmana Part II (SBE26), Julius Eggeling tr. [1885], at

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â, Part I, page 101

abhighârana, I, 192.

abhiplava-shadaha, II, 403.

abhîvarta-sâman, II, 434.

abortion, causing of, II, 11.

adâbhya-graha, II, 424.

âdâra plant, a substitute for Soma-plants, II, 422.

âdhîtayagus, II, 20, 22, 23.

adhrigu litany, II, 188.

adhvara, I, 114.

Adhvaryu, I, introd. xx seq., xxvi; must not pass between dhishnyas, II, 153; passes north of Âgnîdhra shed, ib.; his response (pratigara), 231, 326, 328, 330, 331; he is the head of the sacrifice, 276; goes in front, 440.

Aditi, I, 25, 73, 307; has seven or eight sons, II, 12; to her belong the Prâyanîya and Udayanîya-ishti, II, 48, 386; is the earth, 51; two-headed, 57; her share in the Soma feast, 259.

Âditya, seven or eight Âdityas, sons of Aditi, II, 52; they accompany Varuna, 93; Vivasvat (sun) the Âditya, 13; is the eye, 39; the vyâna, 240; Âdityah and Aṅgirasah, 113; Indra with Vasus, Rudras, and Âdityas, 241, 350; evening feast is theirs, ib.; cattle after their manner, 353; the press-stones, 355; to them belong the yagus, 383; Adityânâm ayana, II, 383; twelve Âdityas, eight Vasus, and eleven Rudras, 411.

âditya-graha, II, 350, 352.

âghâra, two libations of ghee (to Pragâpati and Indra), I, 91, 124; (to Agnîshomau and Vishnu), II, 106.

Agnâ-vishnû, cake to, II; 12; to them belongs dîkshanîyeshti, 82.

Agni, representative of priestly caste (brahman), I, introd. xvi seq.; four different forms, I, 47, 136, 452; their names, II, 118; shuts out Asuras, I, 54; is the youngest, 108; messenger of gods, 110, 156; ancestral Hotri, 115; repeller of Rakshas, 158; II, 99; best of gods, I, 163; seeks for Indra, 175; identified with Rudra, 201; II, 343; with Pragâpati, I, 346, 386; with Rudra, Varuna, Indra, Mitra, Brahman, 340 seq.; unites with waters, 277; gold is his seed, 277; milk ditto, 326; Agni first created by Pragâpati, 323 seq., 342 seq., 389; the root and progenitor of deities, 386; II, 98; is tegas, I, 418, 419; originally alone immortal, 310; covets the beasts deposited with him, 347; all forms (rûpa) deposited with him, 314; Agni Vaisvânara, 104 seq.; oblations to Agni pavamâna, pâvâka, and suki, 304 seq.; Agni pavamâna and indu-mat, 320; Agni anîkavat, 408; Agni kavyavâhana, 430; the woof of cloth belongs to Agni, II, 9; Agni is all the deities, 12; the lower (Vishnu the upper) half of the sacrifice, 12; Indra, Soma, and Agni, 22; Agni is the brahman (sacerdotium) and sacrifice, 38; speech, 39; Vratapati, 44, 45; guardian of the east, 50; Agni attended by

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the Vasus, 93; messenger to Aṅgiras and Âdityas, 113; Agni Vaisvânara's ashes is gravel, 120; Agni head of deities, 184; his victim, 218; the lotus of the earth, 277; Varuna, Mitra, and Agni, 285; Agni vaisvânara, 305; rules over beasts, 343; officiates as Agnîdh, 348; Agni with Vâyu and Sûrya, I, 325, 327; II, 453; Agni, Varuna, and Indra, leaders of the gods, I, 449 seq.; Agni, Soma, and Vishnu form the thunderbolt, II, 108; five-kapâla cake to Agni, 389; Agni, Indra, and Sûrya superior to the others, 402.

Âgnîdhra (Agnîdh), identical with Agni, I, 58; ought to be learned, and receives first the dakshinâ, II, 148; heads procession with a firebrand, 187, 195; with the vasatîvarî water, 235; sits in the Neshtri's lap, 368.

Âgnîdhrîya (Âgnîdhra) fire-shed, Yagña's arm, II, 126; erection of, 147, 148; from thence the gods gained immortality, 147; sacred to the All-gods, 148; the gods stay therein beside the vasatîvarî water, 226.

Agnihotra, I, 2, 320 seq.; is the Sun, 327; time of, 328 seq.; two libations each time, 332, 334; a domestic sacrifice, 333; first of sacrifices, 344; a heavenward sailing ship, 345; number of, in the year, 346.

agnihotra-havanî, ladle, I, 11, 67, 331.

âgnimâruta-sastra, I, 209; II, 369.

agni-pranayana, I, 298; II, 121 seq., 157 seq.; cf. fire.

agnirahasya, I, introd. xxx seq.

Agnîshomau, I, 169, 373 seq., 377, 379; Agni and Soma (offered to separately, I, 364); seize the Soma sacrificer between their jaws, II, 82, 161; are yoke-fellows, 106.

agnîshomîya he-goat, II, 82; black-spotted, 83; sacrifice of, 162 seq.

Agnishtoma, II, 301; stotras and sastras, 325, 326, 397.

agnishtoma-sâman, II, 368.

Agnyâdhâna (agnyâdheya), I, 1, 2, 274 seq.

agnyanvâdhâna, I, 2.

agnyuddharana, I, 2; time of, 328 seq.

agnyupasthâna, I, 339 seq.

âgrayana-graha, II, 288 seq., 332, 355; -sthâlî, ib.; drawn for All-gods, 289; at all three Savanas, ib.; mode of drawing, 290; depositing, 292.

Âgrayaneshti, offering of first-fruits, I, 369 seq.

âgur ('ye yagâmahe'), I, 142, 148.

âgyabhâga, butter portions to Agni and Soma, I, 159 seq.

âgya-sastra, II, 293; -stotra, 293, 324.

Ahalyâ, Indra as lover of, II, 81.

âhâva, II, 326, 361.

ahâvah, II, 380.

Âhavanîya, used for cooking, I, 18; when taken out from Gârhapatya, 328 seq.; is Yagña's mouth, II, 126.

âhavanîya, I, 208; II, 187.

âhuti (guhoti-offering), I, 263.

aindrâgna-graha, II, 322 seq.

aindravâyava (graha), II, 265 seq.; shape of cup, 277.

airs, vital, three, I, 19 seq.; nine, 140; seven, II, 17; ten, 25; ten (besides out-breathing, in-breathing, and through-breathing), 210; speech, out-breathing and in-breathing, eye and ear, 39.

Akhâvâka, priest, II, 317 seq.

âkhûtkara, mole-hill, I, 441; earth of (âkhukarîsha), 278.

âkhyânavidah; I, introd. xxiv.

Âkuli, Asura priest, I, 29.

akyuta, I, 156.

altar, see vedi.

Amarâvati, I, 110.

anrâvâsyâ, I, 172, 177.

amsu-graha = Pragâpati, II, 248, 423 seq.

Anasnat sâṅgamana (as the sabhya fire) resides with man, I, 338.

Aṅgiras and Âdityas perform a Soma-sacrifice, II, 113; a name of Agni, 118; Aṅgirasâm ayana, 384.

anîka, I, 408 seq.; II, 342.

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animal (victim), fivefold, II, 24; sacrifice, 162 seq.

anointment of Dîkshita with fresh butter, II, 13; of his eyes with Traikakuda ointment, 14; of the sacrificial stake, 170; of the victim, 183.

antahpâta, peg, II, 111.

antaryâma (graha), II, 257 seq.; is the night and offered at sunrise, 261; offered entirely, 263.

anûbandhyâ, barren cow slaughtered at Soma-sacrifice, I, 379; II, 217; maitrâvarunî, 387, 391 seq.; vaisvadevî and bârhaspatyâ, 388.

anumantrana, 1, 124, 154. anushtubh, metre, is speech, II, 21, 24.

anuvâkyâ, invitatory prayer, I, 119, 135, 170 seq., 195.

anuvashatkâra, II, 351.

anuyâga, after-offering; three at haviryagña, I, 80, 230 seq., 445; nine at Vaisvadeva, Varunapraghâsâh, &c., 390, 404, 418; eleven at animal offerings, II, 210.

anvâhârya, I, 7, 49.

anvâhâryapakana fire (dakshinâgni), I, 3 39; when taken out from Gârhapatya, 340.

anvâ-rabh, II, 40.

anvârambhanîyâ-ishti, I, 7, 386; II, 40.

apâna, I, 120.

apasalavi (apadakshina), I, 441; referring to the Fathers, II, 29.

Âpastamba, I, introd. xxxix seq.

aponaptrîya sûkta, II, 232.

âprî-hymns, I, introd. xv; II, 185.

apsu-dîkshâ, II, 5.

apsushomâh, II, 373.

Aptoryâma, II, 398.

Âptya, I, 47 seq.

apûpa, cake, I, 317.

âpyâyana, strengthening of Soma-plants, I, 178; II, 100, 103.

arani, I, 275; are held while the prâkîna-vamsa is approved of, II, 5.

Araru, I, 57.

ârbhava, or tritîya pavamâna stotra, II, 315.

Argunî (phalgunî), nakshatra, I, 285.

ârsheya, I, 115.

Aruna Aupavesi, I, introd. xli, 313, 452.

Âruni, I, 14; Takshan recites for him, 335; arranger of Subrahmanyâ litany, II, 82, 413.

Arunmukhas, I, 57.

Arurmaghas, I, 57.

Arvâvasu, I, 137.

Asat Pâmsava, resides with man, I, 338.

Âshâdha Sâvayasa, I, 4.

âs-pâtra, I, 117.

âsrâvana (sraushat), I, 132, 140, 142 seq.

Asuras, contend against gods, I, 54 by speech (numerals), 153; divide the world with gods, 59 seq.; have darkness and magic (mâyâ) assigned to them by Pragâpati, 362; defile plants, 370; deprived of (intelligible) speech, II, 31; build three strongholds, one in each world, 101; bury magic charms, 135; the blood spirting out from victims is their share, 193.

Âsuri, I, introd. xxxv, 169, 300, 432, 448; II, 349.

asvavâla-grass, II, 89.

asvina-graha, II, 272 seq.; drawn in the tenth place and offered in the third, 276, 312; shape of cup, 278.

Asvins, Adhvaryus of gods, I, 16, 53; II, 276; wander about on earth performing cures, 274 seq.; are heaven and earth, 276.

Atharvâṅgirah, I, 38.

atigrâhya (graha), II, 402 seq.

atikhandas, II, 66, 380.

Atirâtra, II, 398.

Âtithyeshti (guest-offering to Soma), II, 51, 85 seq.

Âtreya, II, 346.

Atri, etymology, I, 131; hotri of Rishis, II, 346.

Atyagnishtoma, II, 398.

audgrabhana, II, 20.

audumbarî. See udumbara post.

Aupoditeya (Tumiñga Vaiyâghapadya), I, 271.

austerity (tapas), world conquered by, II, 111.

avabhritha, expiatory bath, I, 406; II, 378; sûlâvabhritha, 215.

avadâna, portion, I, 191.

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âvahana (devatânam), I, 118, 157.

avakâsa formulas, II, 409.

avântaradîkshâ, II, 97 seq.

avântaredâ, I, 221.

avara, II, 253.

avivâkya, II, 402, 448.

ayavan, I, 199.

Âyu, I, 389; II, 91; a name of Agni, 118.

âyushtoma, II, 403.


bahishpavamâna (stotra), II, 307, 309 seq.

bali, I, 329.

barhis, I, 84 seq., 147, 233.

Barku Vârshna, I, 5.

beasts, ruler of (Rudra), I, 201; II, 153; Tvashtri, II, 180.

Bhaga, is blind, I, 210.

Bhâllaveya (Indradyumna), I, 206, 293.

Bhava (Rudra-Agni), I, 201.

Bhrigu-Aṅgiras, I, 38.

bhûr bhuvah svah, I, 296; II, 37.

Bhûtavat (Rudra), I, 209.

black-deer skin (krishnâgina), I, 23; two, representing heaven and earth, II, 25. Soma placed thereon, 160.

brahmabhâga, I, 214.

brahmahatyâ, I, 48.

Brahman priest, I, introd. xx seq., 223; II, 347, 434.

Brahman, the glowing fire, I, 341.

Brâhmana, human god, I, 309, 374; follows the Kshatriya, 47, 452; may be without a king, but not vice versa, II, 270.

brâhmana, I, introd. xxii seq.

Brâhmanâkhamsin, is Indra, II, 433.

brahmanicide, I, 47; II, 243.

brahmasâdana, I, 6.

brahmasâman, II, 434.

brahmodya, II, 452.

Brihaspati, I, introd. xvi seq.; Aṅgirasa, I, 67; as Brahman priest, 211; the brahman (n.), II, 23, 59; is dyumna, 24; animal offering to, 219; Brihaspati the purohita of Soma, oppressed by Soma, 258; Brihaspati the wise, is the first, 286; officiates as Udgâtri, 348.

brihatî, metre, I, 175; II, 112.

brihatî-sastra, II, 430.

brihat-sâman, I, 196, 222; II, 339, 403.

Budila Âsvatarâsvi, II, 425.

bull, at Sâkamedhâh, representative of Indra, I, 416.

butter, fresh, used for anointing the Dîkshita, II, 14; melted: see ghee.


calf, first-born of season, dakshinâ at Âgrayaneshti, I, 373; dakshinâ at Vaisvadeva (seasonal sacrifice), 390.

carpenter, unclean, I, 23.

cart, receptacle of havis, I, 12 seq.; bound with thongs, 452; turned round and placed on altar, II, 127 seq.; description of, 132.

caste, I, introd. xii, xviii, 28, 452; II, 4.

castles, three, built by the Asuras, II, 105.

cattle, threefold, II, 28.

charms, only effective when buried in the ground, II, 135; formulas against, 137.

chip, first of the sacrificial stake, II, 164, 169; svaru, 173, 186; four chips, 282.

cloth, its parts assigned to various deities, II, 9.

confession of sin, I, 397.

consecration (dîkshâ) for Soma-sacrifice, II, 1 seq.

covenant of Tanûnapât, not to be broken, II, 95 seq.

cow, when created, coveted by Agni, I, 326; her skin originally on man, II, 9; her flesh not to be eaten by the consecrated, 11; to be eaten according to Yâgñavalkya, ib.; her ten properties, 69.

creatures, of three kinds, I, 384; the upright and those tending downwards, 387, 404.


dadhigharma, II, 336.

Dadhyañk Âtharvana, teaches the Asvins the madhu-brâhmana, II, 277.

Daivya, messenger of Asuras, I, 111.

Daksha (Pragâpati), I, 375.

Daksha Pârvati, I, 377.

Dâkshâyanas, I, 377.

Dâkshâyana sacrifice, I, 374 seq.

dakshinâ, I, 48, 308; (the greater the better), 309, 322; not to be accepted, if refused by some one else, II, 116; different

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kinds of, 340 seq.; are the sacrifice to human gods, 345, 417.

Dakshinâgni (anvâhâryapakana), when taken out from Gârhapatya, I, 339 seq.; altar near it at pitriyagña, 422.

dâkshina-homa, II, 336, 341.

dakshinîkarana, I, 37.

Dânava (Vritra), I, 166.

Danâyû, I, 166.

Danu, I, 166.

darbha grass, I, 84.

Darsapûrnamâsa-ishtî, I, 1 seq.

darvihoma, oblation of spoonful of boiled rice, to Indra, I, 415.

dasâpavitra, straining-cloth, II, 248, 258.

dasarâtra, II, 402.

deasil (deiseil, dessel), I, 37.

death, identification with the sun, I, 343 seq.

debt, owed by man to Rishis, fathers, and men, I, 190.

deva (Savitri), I, 46.

Devabhâga Srautarsha, purohita to Kurus and Sriñgayas, I, 377.

dhâman, I, 74, 93.

dhânya, I, 39.

dhâyyâ, I, 112.

dhishnya, hearth-mounds, represent the Gandharvas, II, 72; overturned by Asuras, 147; preparation of, 148 seq.; fagots held over them, 364.

dhrishti, I, 33.

dhruva (graha), II, 293, 298 seq.; -sthâlî, 298.

dhruva, spoon, I, 67; II, 23.

dhurya (stotra), II, 307.

Dîkshâ, consecration, II, 1 seq.; apsu-d., 5; intermediate, 97 seq.

Dîkshanîyeshti, II, 12 seq.

Dîkshita, consecrated, is an embryo, II, 19; is Vishnu, 29; (dhîkshita), 47.

doshâvastar, I, 354.

drona-kalasa, II, 257 seq., 268, 318; is Vritra's head, 371.

drop, Soma as bindu, II, 157; oblation of drops (stoka), 195 seq.

durvâ (dûb) plant, a substitute for Soma-plants, II, 422.

dvâdasâha, II, 402; vyûdhakhandas, 418.

dvidevatya grahas, II, 266; shape of cups, 277, 316, 351.

Dyâvâprithivî, heaven and earth, cake-offering to, at Âgrayaneshti, I, 369 seq.; ditto at Vaisvadeva, 388; contain the universe, II, 19, 26; when agreeing (uniting) they give rain, I, 196, 245; hymn to, 330.

Dyutâna, son of the Maruts, II, 144.


Earth, trembling like lotus-leaf; I, 279; creation of, 280; goes to witness the Asuras’ animal offering, II, 207.

east, quarter of gods, II, 1, 3, 4; (faultless) man offers, facing east, II, 3; assigned to Agni, 50.

ekâdasinî, set of eleven stakes, II, 173, 176 seq., 218 seq.

ekadhana, II, 102, 232, 233, 235, 237.

ekavimsa (stoma), II, 401.

elephant, its origin, II, 13; not to be accepted as a gift, ib.

embryo, expulsion of, II, 11, 19; have their hands closed, 27; enveloped in the amnion and placenta, 28, 29, 73; found in cow slaughtered, 391; unfit for sacrifice, 394, 396.

ewe, image of, at Varunapraghâsâh, I, 395 seq.

eye, the truth, I, 78; man's eye is sore (secreting matter), II, 14; entered by Sushna the Dânava, ib.


falcon (? eagle), Soma as falcon, II, 80; Gâyatrî, 88.

fast. See vrata.

fast-food, II, 37 seq.

Fathers (manes). See Pitarah.

fingers, bending in of, II, 18, 98; (nameless) ring-finger, eating with, I, 332; gold tied to it, II, 63; different fingers used in meting out Soma-plants, 67; loosening of fingers, 162.

Fire, kindling of, I, 95 seq.; production of (by churning, agni-manthana), 275, 294, 297, 311, 389; II, 90 seq.; carrying fire round (paryagnikarana), I, 45; II, 187; leading forwards (agni-pranayana), I, 298; II, 121 seq., 157 seq.; homage to, at time of Agnihotra, I, 301, 322 seq., 348 seq.;

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homage to, when leaving home, 360; mounting of (samâropana), 396; womb of the sacrifice, II, 19; serves as a skin to the sacrificer (as embryo), 98.

fire-place, fivefold lustration of, I, 2, 276, 359.

fish, accursed, I, 452; Manu's, 216 seq.

five, number, I, 16.

flood, legend of the, I, 216.

food, threefold (cattle), II, 28.

Full-moon sacrifice, I, 1, 17, 180.


Gagatî, metre, means cattle, II, 88.

Ganaka Vaideha, I, introd. xxxi, xlii seq.

Gandakî, I, 104.

Gandharvas, steal Soma, II, 52; fond of women, 53, 233; receive purchase price for Soma, 72, 152; Soma-wardens, 150 seq., 233.

Gârhapatya, used for cooking, I, 18; sacred to sacrificer, 339.

gatasrî, I, 98, 183.

Gâtavedas, I, 119.

gaurivîta-sâman, II, 405.

Gavâm ayana, II, 426.

Gâyatrî, I, 80, 91, 97, 100; fetches Soma, 183; II, 52, 150, 329; as a falcon, 88, 241; by means of a khadira stick, 151; is the earth, I, 194; Agni, 234; II, 87; fore-part of the sacrifice, 89; her calf is the dhruva graha, 304.

gharma, I, 44; (samrâg), II, 105, 411.

ghasha, I, 216.

ghee (ghrita), sap of heaven and earth, I, 372; a purifier, II, 8; belongs to the gods, 14; a thunderbolt, 106, 170.

girdle, hempen, putting on for consecration, II, 28, 98; of sacrificial stake, 172.

Gîvala Kailaki, I, 336.

goat (he-) tied up at agnyâdhâna, I, 292; she-goat given for Soma, II, 71, 74; goat and sheep, 407.

gods, path to, I, 267; how they became immortal, 310 seq.; do not sleep, II, 44; thrice eleven, 290; three kinds of, 350; eight Vasus, eleven Rudras, and twelve Âdityas, 411.

gold, Agni's seed, I, 277; II, 59, 390; piece of gold used in offering, II, 54; tied to the ring-finger (as a symbol of truth), 63, 70; symbol of the sun, 115, 224; put in right wheel-track and offered on, 130; with oblation of omentum, 198.

goshtoma, II, 403.

Gotama Râhûgana, I, 104 seq.

Graha, cup of Soma, II, 247, 259; meanings of, 432 seq.

grâva-stotra, II, 332.

Grâvastut, assistant of Hotri, I, 223, 332.

gravel (sikatâ), the ashes of Agni Vaisvânara, II, 120.

grihapati, II, 97, 441, 453, 455.

Grihya-sûtra, I, introd. xlviii.

guhû, offering-spoon, I, 67 seq., 139; II, 23; portions of victim for guhû, 204.

Gyotishtoma, II, 403.


harî, the two bay steeds, are the Rik and Sâman, II, 371.

Harivant (Indra), II, 399.

hâriyogana (graha), II, 289, 370 seq.

Hasta (nakshatra), I, 286.

havirdhâna, I, 14; Soma-cart shed, II, 126 seq.; sacred to Vishnu, 126, 131; belongs exclusively to the gods, 146; Soma placed there, 160.

haviryagña, I, introd. xv, xlviii.

havis, I, 151.

havishkrit, I, 27.

havishpaṅkti, I, 16.

havyadâti, I, 107.

heart, of victim, is roasted first, II, 201; offered, 204.

Heaven and Earth. See dyâvâprithivî. I, 100, 325.

Hiranyagarbha, I, 271.

Hiranyastûpa, I, 175.

hiranyavatî-âhuti, II, 52 seq.

horn, of black antelope, used for scratching, II, 32, 33; taking up earth, 43.

horse, present at production and carrying forward of fire, I, 297 seq.; white horse (symbol of sun), dakshinâ at Sunâsîrîya, 447; at the Sadyahkrî, II, 115; at Soma-sacrifice, 348.

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hotrâ (samyâgay-), II, 287.

Hotraka (Maitrâvaruna, Brâhmanâkhamsin, and Akhâvâka), II, 295 seq., 324.

Hotri, seven, I, 223.


idâ, I, 216 seq.; II, 60.

Idah, I, 147, 152.

immortality, gained by the gods, II, 147.

Indra, representative of the Kshatra, I, introd. xvi seq.; slays Vritra, I, 20, 52, 166, 175, 416, 452; II, 265; slays Visvarûpa, I, 47, 164; is deity of sacrifice, I, 129; the Vasu of gods, 176; overturns Asuras’ fire-altar, 287; resides with man, 338; is the blazing fire, 340; Indra Vimridh, 375; II, 430; Indra and Maruts = Kshatra and Vis, I, 399; Agni, Varuna, and Indra, leaders of gods, 449 seq.; Indra, Soma, and Agni, II, 22; he is born of Yagña and Vâk, 32; the ruddy cow belongs to Indra vritrahan, 62; Indra's amours, 81; called Kausika, Gautama, 82; attended by the Maruts, 93; Indra the chief of gods, 93; is the Sun, 96; delights in songs, 146; animal offering to, 220; Indra with the Vasus, Rudras, and Âdityas, 241; is assigned a special (chief's) share, 241; everything submits to him, even the wind, 242; leader of the sacrifice, 262; the cow of plenty (Kâmaduh) his special portion, 294; Indra marutvant, 335 seq., 347; stands over everything, 398; Indra harivant, 399; Indra shodasin, 400; Indra, Agni, and Sûrya, superior to others, 402; Indra visvakarman, 431; Indra, the strongest of gods, 433; is the Brâhmanâkhamsin, ib.; to Indra belong Rik and Sâman, 436; he is produced by them, 438; Indra and Parvata, leaders in battle, 450.

Indrâgnî, win the race, I, 371; cake to, at Âgrayaneshti, ib.; at Dâkshâyaneshti, 375, 378; at Varunapraghâsâh, 393; at Mahâhavis, 419; are the Kshatra, 371; outbreathing and inbreathing, 393; animal offering to, 221; are all the gods, 225; the universe, 292; cup to them, 323.

indrasatru, I, 165.

Indrâvishnû, divide one thousand by three, II, 62.

Irâvatî, I, 110.

ishti (yagati-offering), I, 263.


Ka (Pragâpati), I, 8, 395; II, 410.

Kadrû (and Suparnî), II, 52 seq., 149 seq.; is the earth, 149.

Kahoda Kaushîtaki, I, 370.

kâmaduh, cow of plenty, Indra's special portion, II, 294.

Kamasâdhvaryu, II, 287.

Kamasins, enumerated, II, 287; touch the cups, 373.

kâmyeshti, I, 97.

nva-sâkhâ, I, introd. xxviii seq., xxxviii, xliv seq.

kapâlas, I, 32; arrangement of, 34.

Karakas, I, introd. xxvi; a Karaka Adhvaryu curses Yâgñavalkya, II, 197, 262, 297, 298.

karambha, porridge, I, 395; II, 303.

Karatoyâ, I, 104.

Karîra fruit, offered at Varunapraghâsâh, I, 394.

kârshmarya tree, Rakshas-killer, II, 89.

karu (pap of whole rice-grains), I, 7, 211, 410.

thaka, I, introd. xxvi seq.

katurhotri formulas, II, 452.

kâturmâsya, seasonal sacrifice, I, 383 seq.; detached sacrifices, 407.

katushprâsya, I, 275, 292, 373.

kâtvâla, pit, II, 116, 379.

Kâtyâyana, I, introd. xxxv seq., xl.

Kaukûsta (Kaükthasta), II, 426.

Kavasha Ailûsha (Ailushîputra), I, introd, xxxv.

khadira stick, therewith Soma carried off by Gâyatrî, II, 151.

khandoma, II, 402.

Kilâta, Asura priest, I, 29. kim-purusha, I, 51.

kim u, II, 432.

king, paying homage to (Soma as) supreme ruler, II, 79; attended by heralds and headmen, 87.

Kitrâ (nakshatra), I, 286.

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knot, attribute of Varuna, I, 73; II, 146.

Kosala-Videhas, I, introd. xlii.

Krisânu (Gandharva archer), I, 183; II, 72; footless archer, 78.

Krittikâs, I, 282.

Kshatra, served by the Vis, I, 393; Kshatra and Vis, Indra and Maruts, 399; Varuna and Ma-ruts, 401.

Kshatriya, oppressor of Vaisya, I, 82; served by Vis, 94; lives on them, II, 66; before a Kshatriya approaching the people go down, 228; should always have recourse to a Brahman, 270.

kukkuta, I, 30.

Kurukshetra, II, 275.

Kurus, I, introd. xliii, 377.

Kuru-Pañkâlas, I, introd. xli seq., 192; nature of their speech, II, 50.

kusa-plant, yellow, a substitute for Soma-plants, II, 422.

kusâ, II, 309.

Kusri Vâgasravasa, I, introd. xxxiii.

Kyavana Bhârgava (Âṅgirasa), II, 272 seq.


lines, drawing of, on hearth, I, 2, 276; round the altar (parigraha), 62; round foot-print of Soma-cow, II, 60; one line drawn with the sphya in following the fire carried to uttaravedi, 121.

lute, created by the gods, II, 53.


madantî, (hot) lustral water, II, 100.

madhukânda, I, introd. xxxiv; madhu-brâhmana, II, 277.

Mâdhuki, I, 300.

madhyama (kânda), I, introd. xxix.

Mâdhyandina, I, introd. xxviii seq.

mâdhyandina-pavamâna (stotra), II, 333, 336.

mâdhyandina-savana, belongs to Trishtubh, II, 250; to the Rudras, 330, 331 seq.

Maghavan, I, introd. xi.

mahâbhishava, great pressing, II, 244, 256.

mahad uktham, II, 430.

mahâhavis, great oblation, at Sâkamedhâh (offerings to Agni, Soma, Savitri, Sarasvatî, and Pûshan, Indrâgnî, Mahendra, and Visvakarman), I, 417 seq.

mahârâga, II, 338.

mahâvrata, II, 429.

mahâvratiya-graha, II, 429.

Mahendra, I, 182, 419; II, 338.

mâhendra, graha, II, 337 seq.

Maitrâvaruna (or Prasâstri), assistant of Hotri, I, 223, 224; II, 183; prompts the Hotri, 188; his cup meets the Vasatîvarî water, 235 seq.

Maitrâvaruna-graha, II, 269 seq.; mixed with milk, 271; shape of cup, 278.

Maitrâyanî-samhitâ, I, introd. xxvi.

man, the highest of animals, II, 210; his skin now on the cow, 9.

Manas (mind) and Vâk (speech), I, 124 seq.; II, 55; inherited by gods and Asuras respectively, 30; are heaven and earth, ib.

mânasa-stotra, II, 451.

Manâvî, wife of Manu, I, 29.

Manes (Fathers). See Pitarah.

Manotâ deity, offering to, II, 203, 393.

mantha, gruel, II, 278.

Manthin graha, II, 278 seq., 316 seq., 332.

Manu, his bull, I, 29; Manu and the fish, 216 seq.

Mârgâlîya, shed, in Yagña's arm, II, 126; erection, 148.

Marka and Sanda, two Asuras, II, 279 seq.

marriage between kinsfolk, I, 238.

Mârtânda, abortive child of Aditi, II, 12.

Maruts, representative of the Visah, I, introd. xvii, 387, 393, 399; divided into troups of seven each, 394; threaten to destroy creatures, 393, 394; Marutah sântapanâh, 409; Maruto grihamedhinah, 409; Marutah krîdinah, 416; Maruts accompany Indra, II, 93; Dyutâna, son of the Maruts, 144; Ûrdhvanabhas, son of the Maruts, 198; animal offering to Maruts, 220; assist Indra in smiting Vritra, 334; embryo of slaughtered cow offered to Maruts, 396.

marutvatîya (graha), II, 332, 334, 336; sastra, 337.

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Mâtarisvan's cauldron, I, 186.

Medhâtithi's ram, Indra, II, 81.

Mena (? wife) of Vrishanasva, II, 81.

metres, I, 80, 96; Soma supreme ruler of metres, II, 65; they are his attendants, 87; their part in the guest-offering, 88; in the production of fire, 91; at Soma-sacrifice, 314, 315, 329; are the draught cattle of the gods, 369 seq.

milk, should be cooked, I, 330; sustains creatures, 385 seq., 388; offered to Vâyu, 446.

mill-stones, I, 38 seq.

mind, is sacrifice, II, 30; heaven, ib.

Mitra, the waning fire, I, 341; the waning moon, 380; implants seed in Varuna, ib.; (friendly) tying of foot by Mitra, II, 57; what is of Mitra is not of Varuna, ib.; Mitra, priesthood, can exist without the Kshatra, but not vice versa, 270; every one's friend, 271; Mitra is the brahman, the truth, 272; Varuna, Mitra, and Agni, 285.

Mitrâvarunau, offering of payasyâ to, at Dâkshâyaneshti, I, 375 seq., 378 seq.; they are the out-breathing and in-breathing, II, 39; intelligence and will, 269; brahman and kshatra, 270; anûbandhyâ cow to, 387.

Mlekkha, speaks barbarous, unintelligible language, II, 32.

mole-hill used for hearth, I, 278; for burying Rudra's oblation in, 441; for burying the embryo of a slaughtered cow, II, 396.

months, names of, II, 301.

moon, waxing and waning = Varuna and Mitra, I, 381.

Mrigasîrsha I, 284.

gavantah, I, 443.

musala (mortar), I, 26.


Nabhas, a name of Agni, II, 118.

Nada Naishadha, resides with man, I, 338.

nails, cutting of, II, 6.

Nakshatra, etymology, I, 288, 452; lights of righteous men, 269; those suitable for agnyâdhâna, 282 seq.; the meshes of cloth belong to them, II, 10.

nâkshatra name, I, 251.

name, a second, to be taken, II, 154.

nânada-sâman, II, 401.

Narâsamsa, I, 136, 146, 233.

nârâsamsa cups, belong to Fathers, II, 154.

navarâtra, II, 414.

Neshtri, priest, leads up the Patnî, II, 190; takes the Agnîdh in his lap, 368.

nidhana, II, 310, 311.

nigada, I, 114, 202.

nigrâbha formula, II, 245.

nigrâbhyâ, the Vasatîvarî water poured into the Hotri's cup, II, 236; used for moistening the Soma-plants, 240, 242; etymology, 243, 247.

nirvapana, I, 168.

nishkevalya-sastra, II, 339.

nîvi, tuck of nether garment, sacred to Manes, I, 368, 435; (Soma), II, 29.

vivid, formulas, II, 235.

north, quarter of men, II, 2; of Pathyâ Svasti (speech), 50; sacrifice performed north, 102.

north-east, II, 8.


omentum. See vapâ.

oni, II, 66.

oshadhi, etymology, I, 323.

Otos and Ephialtes, myth of (piling of Ossa on Olympus, and Pelion on Ossa), I, 286.

ox, present at production and carrying forward of fire, I, 297; its flesh not to be eaten by consecrated, II, 11; to be eaten according to Yâgñavalkya, ib.; black oxen, insure rain, 78; is of Agni's nature, 390.


pâkayagña, I, introd. xlviii, 333.

palâsa, tree, identified with the brahman, I, 90; central leaflet of palâsa leaf used for offering on to Rudra, 439; branch used for driving the calves from the cows, 183; for driving Soma, II, 78.

nini, I, introd. xxxv seq.

pañkadasa-stoma, I, 96; II, 308, 333.

Pañkâlas, I, introd. xli.

ñki, I, 61, 300.

paṅkti, II, 315.

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pânnegana water, used by Patnî for cleansing the victim, II, 190.

parâk, II, 310.

Parâvasu, I, 137.

paridhi, enclosing-stick, I, 87 seq.; offering of, 245; II, 125.

parigraha, line of enclosure, I, 60 seq.

parna, I, 183; II, 78.

Parvata, Indra and Parvata, leaders in battle, II, 450.

paryagnikarana, I, 45; II, 187.

paryâya (turn of chanting), II, 308 seq.

pasupurodâsa, II, 199 seq.

Patañgali, I, introd. xxxvi seq.

path to Gods or Fathers, I, 267.

Pathyâ svasti, offering to, II, 49, 50, 386.

Patnî, girding of, I, 71 seq.; seat, 72; interrogated by Pratiprasthâtri as to her lovers, 396; the house her resting-place, II, 61; exchanges looks with Udgâtri, 368; touches (bids welcome to) Soma when he enters the hall, 87; anoints axle of Soma-cart, 130; is led up by Neshtri to cleanse the victim, 190 seq.

patnî-sâla, II, 448.

patnîsamga, I, 75, 256 seq.; not performed at Prâyanîyeshti, II, 52; at animal offerings performed with tail of victim, II, 215.

patnîvant, II, 365 seq.

pâtnîvata-graha, II, 365 seq.

pâtra, cup, II, 259.

pavamâna (stotra), II, 307.

pavamâneshti, I, 304.

pavitra (strainer, purifier), consisting of two stalks of grass, I, 19; II, 16; of one, three, seven, or twenty-one stalks, 17; (straining-cloth), 258.

payasyâ, clotted curds offered to Mitrâvarunau, 378 seq.; preparation, 381; sexual union with whey, 388, 394.

pebbles, used for hearth, I, 280.

phâlguna plants, a substitute for Soma-plants, II, 421.

Phalgunî, I, 285.

pinda, (round) rice-cakes to deceased ancestors, I, 366.

Pindapitriyagña, I, 361 seq.

pishta-peshana, I, 41.

Pitarah (Manes, Fathers); conditions of existence assigned to them by Pragâpati, I, 361; Pitarah somavantah, barhishadah, agnishvâttâh, 422; path to Pitarah, 267; the nîvi (tuck) sacred to Pitarah, 368, 435; the thrum of cloth sacred to, II, 9; ruddy cows with reddish- white eyes belong to Pitarah, 62; part of post dug into the ground is sacred to them, 143; pit ditto, 169.

pitritîrtha, I, 365.

Pitriyagña, oblation to Manes, I, 362 seq., 420 seq.

plaksha (ficus infectoria) branches used to cover the altar, II, 120, 202.

plants, are the vis, II, 65.

porcupine-quill used for shaving, I, 450.

pra, I, 101; II, 435.

pradakshina, I, 37, 45, 272, 442: cf. prasalavi, apas., dakshinîkâra.

Pragâpati, father of gods and Asuras, I, 54; II, 301; creates and becomes exhausted, I, 173; enamoured of his daughter, 208 seq.; creates Agni, 322 seq., 342; creates living beings, 384; heals the creatures stricken by Varuna, 391; assigns conditions of life to creatures, 361; identified with Agni, 346; with Agni and Savitri, 386; is Daksha, 375; is vasishtha, 376; man nearest to him, 384; Pragâpati, lord of thought and speech, II, 17; becomes an embryo, 28; is the sacrifice, the year, 37; exhausted, fortifies himself by animal offering, 217 seq.; arbiter between Indra and Vâyu, 268; is over and above the thirty-one gods and heaven and earth, 411; over and above the three worlds, 424; libation to Pragâpati-Vâyu, 451.

pragâpati-tanu formulas, II, 453.

prâkî, the easterly line, I, 63; II, 33; forms the back-bone of vedi, 112.

prâkîna-vamsa, II, 3; used for the consecrated, 4; approved of, 5.

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prâna, I, 19, 120: cf. airs, vital.

prânadâna, I, 94, 438.

pranîtâh, I, 9, 23, 265; II, 12.

pra-ruk, I, 161

prasalavi (pradakshina), I, 442; strings twisted, II, 29.

prâsitra, fore-portion (Brahman's), I, 212.

prâsitra-harana, I, 69, 212.

prastara, I, 84 seq., 92 seq.; (the sacrificer), 240 seq., 389, 405; II, 89; amends made on the prastara, 102; anointed when thrown into the fire, 103, 104.

prastâva, II, 310.

prasthita, II, 198, 372.

Prastotri, II, 310, 311.

Prâtahsavana, II, 238 seq.; belongs to Gâyatrî, 250; to the Vasus, 350.

Prâtaranuvâka, morning-prayer, II, 226 seq.

Pratîdarsa Svaikna, I, 376.

pratigara, Adhvaryu's response, II, 231, 326, 328, 361.

pratihâra, II, 310.

Pratihârtri, II, 310, 347.

Pratiprasthâtri, assistant of Adhvaryu, roasts the omentum, II, 196.

pratyabhighârana, replenishing, I, 201, 414.

pratyâsrâvana, I, 132, 140.

praüga-sastra, II, 324.

pravara, I, introd. xvi, 95, 114 seq., 131 seq.

pravargya, I, 44; II, 204.

pravritta (pravrita) homa, II, 305.

prayâga (fore-offering), five at haviryagña, I, 138 seq., 318 seq., 445; four at avabhritha, II, 382; nine at Vaisvadeva, Varunapraghâsâh, &c., 390, 400, 418; eleven at animal offering, II, 185, 210.

Prâyanîyeshti, belongs to Aditi, II, 47; oblations to Pathyâ svasti, Agni, Soma, Savitri, and Aditi, 49-51.

press-board (adhishavana), II, 140.

pressing-skin, round and dyed red, II, 140.

press-stones (five), II, 140, 227.

priest, medium of worship, II, 3.

prishad-âgya, clotted butter, I, 404.

prishtha-stotra, II, 339, 403; -sâman, 406.

prishthya shadaha, II, 402, 403, 405.

prokshanî, sprinkling water, I, 20, 83; II, 122, 139, 142, 159, 168, 181.

Prometheus, I, 186.

Punarâdheya, I, 285, 313 seq.

Punarvasû, I, 285.

puraskarana, II, 436, 440.

purîsha, I, 64.

pûrnâhuti, full-offering, I, 302; II, 25.

purodâs, I, 32.

purodâsa, preparation of, I, 42 seq.; etymology, 162.

purohita, I, introd. xii, 377; II, 270.

puroruk, preliminary formula, II, 235, 280, 295.

Purûravas, I, 389; II, 91.

Pûshan, distributer of portions, I, 53; toothless, 211; identified with the earth, 418; II, 57; represents (prosperity) cattle, II, 22; guardian of paths, 57; Pûshan's speed is the wind, 205; animal offering to, 219.

pûti, II, 8.


Quarters (dis), oblation of whey to disah, pradisah, âdisah, vidisah, uddisah, I, 382; oblation of fat gravy, II, 209.


Rakshas, etymology, I, 8; roam about the air, ib.; II, 16; pursue women, 35.

ram, image of, at Varuna-praghâsâh, I, 395 seq.; Varuna's victim, ib.

Rama Aupatasvini, II, 425.

rathantara-sâman, I, 196, 222; II, 339, 403.

rauhina (fire-altar constructed by Asuras), I, 286.

razor, copper, I, 450; II, 7.

reed, used for anointing, being a thunderbolt, II, 15; for intertwining with zone, 28.

region (dis). See quarter.

repetition of sacrificial performance to be avoided, I, 80.

Ribhus, II, 361.

Rig-veda, arrangement of hymns, I, introd. xvi, xx seq.

riksha (ursa major), I, 283.

Rishi, the seven, I, 282.

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ritu-graha, oblations for seasons, II, 318 seq.; -pâtra, 407.

Rohinî (nakshatra), I, 283.

Rudra, purification after mentioning his name, I, 3; identified with Agni (Sarva, Bhava, Pasûnam pati), 201; is the newly-kindled fire, 340; pierces Pragâpati, 209; to Rudra is due what is injured in the sacrifice, 222; pursues creatures, 340; Tryambaka oblations to Rudra, on a cross-road, 438; the mole sacred to him, 440; Rudra with Vasus, II, 59; the Rudras accompany Soma, 93; (pasûnâm îshte, 153. See Tvashtri); Indra with Vasus, Rudras, and Âdityas, 241, 350; Rudra officiates as Hotri, 348; eleven Rudras, eight Vasus, and twelve Âdityas, 411.


sabhya, hall-fire, I, 302; resides with man (as Anasnat sâṅgamana), 338; worship of, 339.

sacrifice, Indo-Iranian, I, introd. xv, 49; is man, 78; II, 25, 126; passes from priest to priest, I, 140 seq.; from father to son, 162; as tortoise, 162; place of, II, 1 seq.; Brahman, Râganya, and Vaisya, able to sacrifice, 4; of equal measure with the year, 16; is invisible, 19; is speech, 23, 24; the Brahman, ib.; fivefold, 24; changed into a horse, 89; animal sacrifice, 162 seq.; the Sacrifice (Yagña) is Soma, 246; fashioned like a bird, 264.

sacrificer (yagamâna), is the victim, I, 49, 62, 78; his foot used for measuring uttara-vedi, II, 119.

sacrificial essence (medhâ), 1, 50.

Sadânîrâ, I, introd. xlii, 104 seq.

Sadas (text), is Yagña's belly, II, 127; construction of, 140 seq.; sacred to Indra, 141; is common to gods and men, 146.

sadasya, II, 286.

sâdhyâh, 'blessed' gods, II, 174.

sâdyahkrî, kind of Soma-sacrifice, II, 114.

Sahadeva Sârñgaya, I, 376.

Saharakshas, messenger of Asuras, I, 110; II, 115.

sâhasrî, II, 414.

Sâkamedhâh (seasonal sacrifice), I, 384, 408 seq.; cake to Agni Anîkavat, 408; karu to Marutah sântapanâh, 409; ditto grihamedhinâh, ib.; darvihoma, 415; cake to Maruts, 416; mahâhavis, 417 seq.; Pitriyagña, 420.

Sakvarî metre, II, 226.

sâlâ (hall), measure of, II, 3.

salt, used for hearth, I, 278.

sâman, I, 200; is the truth, II, 97.

samâropana, lifting or mounting of fire, I, 396.

samavatta, cuttings from idâ, I, 219; II, 203; -dhânî, 207.

sambhâra, I, 276 seq.

mgîvî-putra, I, introd. xxxii seq.

samî leaves, offered at Varunapraghâsâh, I, 395.

samidh, I, 91 seq., 95 seq., 246, 152.

sâmidhenî, I, 95 seq.; II, 13.

samishtayagus, one, I, 262 seq., 445; three, 390, 406, 418; nine, II, 374; the end of the sacrifice, 13, 374 seq.

samitri, butcher, cooks the victim, II, 200.

samsrava, offering of, I, 236.

samsthâ, II, 398.

samyâ, yoke-pin, used as wedge, I, 29; II, 216 seq.

samgye, I, 264, 307.

Samyu Bârhaspatya, I, 254.

samyuvâka, I, 236, 247, 254 seq.

Sanda and Marka, two Asuras, II, 279 seq.

sandhyâ, twilight worship, I, 344.

Sândilya, I, introd. xxxi seq., xlvi.

sânnâyya, I, 162, 178 seq., 381.

saptahotrâ, I, 223.

sarabha, I, 52.

Sarasvatî, river, I, 204 seq.

Sarasvatî, goddess, oblation to, I, 428; speech, II, 22; animal offering to, 218.

sarpana, II, 299.

sarparâgñî, II, 451.

Sarva (Rudra-Agni), I, 201.

Saryâta Mânava, II, 273 seq.

sasni, I, 15.

sastra, twelve at Agnishtoma, II, 303, 325 seq.

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Satapatha-brâhmana, I, introd. xxviii seq.

Satarudriya-homa, I, 346.

sattra, sacrificial session, II, 402, 426, 440; sattrasya riddhi, 449.

sattrotthâna, II, 442, 447.

Sâtyayagña (Sâtyayagñi), II, 2.

saumya-adhvara, I, 26, 114.

saumya karu, II, 364.

sautrâmanî, I, 165.

savanîya purodâsa, II, 230, 314, 315, 324.

sâvitra-graha, II, 357.

Savitri, the intermediate progenitor (Pragâpati), I, 386; is netri (leader), II, 24; repres. cattle, 49; (the sun) guardian of the west, 50; animal offering to, 221; the sun, the mind, 358.

Savitri (gâyatrî), I, 356.

seasons (ritu), five, I, 98; II, 16, 24, 50, 241; six, I, 281; II, 101, 289; siding with Asuras, I, 155 seq.; identified with gods and fathers, 289; with the castes, 290; the divine coursers, 382; oblation of whey, ib.; consort with Soma, 245.

session, sacrificial. See sattra; rising from, sattrotthâna.

shadaha, II, 402.

shadavatta, I, 229.

shashtipatha, I, introd. xxix, xxxii, xlvi.

shaving, II, 6.

sheep, goats and, II, 407.

shodasin, stotra, II, 313, 401; sastra, 402; graha and samsthâ, 398; Indra, 400.

silver, not suitable for dakshinâs, I, 322.

sin, confession of, I, 397; expiation of, 398, 406; II, 385.

snakes, west their quarter, II, 4; the fore-edge (?) belongs to them, 10.

Soma, plant (juice) and moon, I, 176; fetched by Gâyatrî, 183, 452; II, 52, 241; establishes the fire, I, 313; offering to Soma (and Agni) at Pitriyagña, 364; Indra, Soma, and Agni, II, 22; purchase of, 63 seq.; Soma is seed, ib.; Soma-cloth, wrapper and head-band, 64; picking of Soma-plants, ib.; Soma the Kshatra, 65, 87; meting out of Soma, 66; tied up in the form of a man, 68; bargaining for Soma, 69 seq.; Soma driven on car, 74; grows on mountains, 77; seated on throne of udumbara wood, 84; enters the hall, ib.; guest-offering to Soma, 85 seq.; Soma attended by the Rudras, 93; Soma, strengthened (âpyai), 100; Soma is Vritra, 100, 271, 314; Agni, Soma, and Vishnu form the thunderbolt, 108; Soma, when carried off by Gâyatrî, was enclosed in two golden cups, 150; Soma placed on sacrificer's lap, 156; Soma the nimble, 157; enters the Havirdhâna, 160; is Vanaspati, 208; animal offering to, 218; Soma taken down from cart, 227; watched in the Âgnîdhra, ib.; pressing of, 238 seq.; meting out, 240; deposits his three bodies (or lights) in the three worlds, 242; consorts with the seasons, 245; explanation of the name, 246; pressing, 249; great pressing, 256; oppresses his family-priest Brihaspati, 258; king Soma struck in the eye by Varuna, 281; karu to Soma, 363; substitutes of Soma-plants, 421 seq.--On Soma-myth generally, II, introd. xi seq.

Soma-krayanî, cow, is Vâk; II, 54, 56, 58; her seven foot-prints, 59; colour of, 62; her virtues, 69; dust of foot-print scattered behind Gârhapatya, 156.

Soma-sacrificer, sacred, II, 35.

Soma-seller, II, 69; beaten, 71.

south, quarter of Fathers, II, 2, 4, 165.

spaces, the six (urvî), I, 136.

speech. See Vâk; four grades of speech, II, 268.

sphya (wooden sword), I, 6, 23, 54, 66; II, 60, 121.

spoons, sacrificial, I, 67 seq.; brushing of, 69 seq., 78 seq.; separation (vyûhana) of, 236, 404.

sprinkling (kith lustral water), I, 2, 20, 83; II, 122, 139, 143, 159, 268, 181.

srâddha (pitriyagña), I, 361 seq., 420.

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sraushat, I, 132, 140, 142, 239.

Srauta-sacrifices, I, 26.

Sriñgayas, a prosperous tribe, I, 376.

sritâvadâna, I, 429.

sruk, offering-spoon, I, 67; II, 20, 23.

sruva, dipping-spoon, I, 68; II, 20.

staff, the Dîkshita's, a thunderbolt, II, 34; reaches up to his mouth, ib.

stambayagur-harana, I, 55; II, 118. stoma, kinds of, II, 308.

stomayoga, II, 311.

stotra, twelve at Agnishtoma, II, 303; preparation (upâkarana) for, 307 seq.; 325 seq.

strainer, straining-cloth. See pavitra, dasâpavitra.

Subrahmanyâ, priest, drives the Soma-cart, II, 77; litany, 81, 230.

Sûdra, must not enter the prâkina-vamsa, II, 4.

Sukanyâ, daughter of Saryâta Mânava, II, 273.

Sukra graha, II, 278 seq., 316 seq., 332.

sûktavâka, I, 236 seq., 247 seq., 405.

sûlâvabhritha, spit-bath, II, 215.

Sun, rays of, are the righteous dead, I, 269; are purifiers, II, 18; they are the gods, 224; the sun is the final goal, I, 271; moving north and south, 289; (Vivasvat) is the Âditya, II, 13; the eye, 39; wards off evil spirits, 77; is Indra, 96; (sûrya) given as dakshinâ to the Aṅgiras, 114; its rays are the gods sipping motes of light, 254; the lotus of the heavens, 277; offering to, 342; the eye of Mitra, Varuna, and Agni, 343.

Sunâsîrîya (seasonal sacrifice), I, 384, 444 seq.

sunwise circumambulation. Cf. pradakshina, dakshinîkâra, prasalavi.

Suparnî (and Kadrû), II, 52 seq., 149 seq.; is Vâk, 149.

Suparnîkâdrava (Sauparnakâdrava), II, 150.

Suplan Sârñgaya, I, 376.

sûrpa, winnowing-basket, I, 11, 30, 398.

Sûrya (with Agni and Vâyu), I, 325, 327; II, 453; Sûrya is death, I, 343; his rays attached to creatures, ib.; wards off evil spirits, II, 77; given as dakshinâ to the Aṅgiras, 114; the soul of the universe, 343; Indra, Agni and Sûrya, superior to others, 402.

Sushna, the Dânava, enters the eye of man, II, 14.

svagâ, I, 244, 259; II, 379.

svâhâ, I, 324 (derivation of), 148 seq., 153; II, 252.

svaru, chip, II, 173, 186.

Svetaketu (Auddâlaki), I, introd. xli seq.; II, 100, 314.

Svishtakrit, I, 129, 151, 199 seq., 372.

syenahrita plant, a substitute for Soma-plants, II, 422.


Taittirîyas, I, introd. xxvi seq.

Takshan, recites for Âruni, I, 335.

tanu, II, 10.

tanûhavir-ishti, I, 304, 317.

Tanûnapât, I, 146 seq., 152; is Vâyu, II, 94, 95.

Tânûnaptra, covenant of Tanûnapât, II, 93 seq.

tapas (austerity), world conquered by, II, 111.

thousand, one, divided by three, II, 62.

thunderbolt, composed of anîka, salya, and kulmala, II, 108.

Tittiri (slokâh), I, introd. xxxviii.

Traikakuda ointment, II, 15.

trayî vidyâ, II, 436.

trees, fit for sacrificial purposes, 1, 90.

Trikakud, mount, originally Vritra's eye, II, 15.

trirâtra (sahasradakshina), II, 414.

Trishtubh, is the sky, I, 195, 205; the air, 234; the kshatra, II, 87.

Trita, I, introd. xvii, 47 seq.

Tritîya-savana, II, 350 seq.; belongs to Gagatî, 250.

Tryambakâh (seasonal offerings), I, 437 seq.; offered to Rudra, 438.

tryaṅga, the three limbs, the portion of Agni svishtakrit in animal offerings, II, 205, 207.

Tumiñga Aupoditeya, I, 271.

Tura Kâvasheya, I, introd. xxxi

Tutha (the brahman), II, 344.

Tvashtri, father of Visvarûpa, I, 47, 164 seq.;

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offering to, 258; obtains the forms from Agni, 314; victim and stake for Tvashtri, II, 177; pasûnâm îshte, (? 153), 180; spits upon the head of a victim, 202; fashions the seed, 367; dispenser of boons and healer, 374.

tyâga, dedicatory formula, I, 303.


udâna, I, 19, 76, 120.

udavasânîyeshti, II, 389.

udayanîyeshti, II, 48, 51, 386 seq.

Udgâtri, I, introd. xx seq.; chanting of, II, 307 seq., 310; exchanges looks with Patnî, 368.

udgîtha, II, 310.

udumbara post (in Sadas), II, 141; made of the sacrificer's size, 142; touching of, 448, 453, 454.

udumbara wood, food and strength, II, 34.

uktha (=sastra), II, 294, 313.

ukthavîrya, II, 327.

Ukthya-graha, II, 292 seq., 332, 336; distribution among hotrakas, 295 seq., 339, 370; -sthâlî and pâtra, 293.

Ukthya sacrifice, II, 326, 370, 397.

ulûkhala, I, 26.

Unnetri, calls for the sraushat at the hâriyogana libation, II, 372; two Unnetris, 417.

upabhrit, I, 67 seq., 139; portions of victim for upabhrit, II, 205.

upakarana, the introducing of the stotra, II, 401.

upâmsu-graha, II, 238 seq., 244, 248; offered, 255; is the day, and offered at night, 261.

upamsu-savana, stone, II, 238; is Âditya Vivasvat, 240, 256, 354.

upâmsuyâga (low-voiced offering), I, 118, 192, 372.

upanâmuka, I, 326.

uparava, sounding-hole, II, 135 seq.

upasad (homage or siege), II, 104 seq.; three, 108; or twelve, 109; the fasting connected with them, 110; at sattras, 442.

upasarganî, I, 42, 65.

upakarana, I, 192.

upavaktri, II, 452.

upavasatha, fast-day, I, 1, 5, 291; II, 223.

upavesha, I, 33, 125.

upayâga, by-offerings of Pratiprasthâtri, II, 204; eleven, 210, 212; four additional (aty-upayag), 214.

upayâma, formula of 'support,' II, 259 seq.

Ûrdhvanabhas (?Vâyu), son of the Maruts, II, 198.

Urvasî, I, 389; II, 91.

urvî, I, 136.

ushânâ (the Soma-plant), II, 314.

ushnisha, II, 392.

utkara, I, 25, 54.

utpavana, I, 76.

uttara, II, 2.

uttarâhi, II, 50.

uttaravedi, I, 388, 392, 393, 417; II, 113; is Vâk, 115; measure of, 116; is a woman, 120.


gapeya, II, 198.

gasaneyaka, I, introd. xxxix.

Vâgasaneyinah, I, introd. xxxvi seq.

Vaikarnau, I, introd. xlii.

vaisargina oblations, II, 155 seq., 442.

Vaisvadeva (seasonal sacrifice), I, 383 seq.; cake to Agni, 386; karu for Soma, ib.; cake for Savitri, ib.; karu for Sarasvatî, ib.; cake for Maruts, 387; payasvâ to Visve devâh, 388; cake to Heaven and Earth, ib.

Vaisvadeva-graha, II, 323 seq., 359 seq.; (mahâ-), 360.

Vaisvadeva-sastra, II, 360 seq.

Vaisvânara-graha, II, 298.

k (speech) and Manas (mind), I, 124 seq.; II, 55 seq.; inherited by Asuras and gods respectively, II, 30; Vâk wooed by Yagña, 30 seq.; sent by the gods to the Gandharvas, 53; given as dakshinâ to the Aṅgiras, 114; becomes a lioness, 115; Vâk speaks intelligibly in men, 267, 268; her thousandfold progeny, 414, 436; pith of Vâk, 450.

kaspati, lord of speech, is the out-breathing, II, 250.

vâkovâkya, II, 453.

vakshva, II, 384.

Vâmadevya-sâman, I, 222.

vamsa (roof-beam), II, 3; 146.

vamsas, lists of, I, introd. xxxiv.

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vanaspati (lord of forest, tree), oblation to, II, 208, 395; is Soma, 208.

vapâ, omentum, cut out and roasted, II, 194 seq.; offered, 198, 392.

vapâsrapanî, omentum-spit, II, 194.

varsha, varshâh, I, 315.

Vârshnya (Vârshna), II, 2.

Varuna, noose of, I, 72, 391; II, 161; (noose of sacred order), 181; knot, I, 73; rope, II, 57, 181; he establishes the fire and becomes king Varuna, I, 313; is the brightly-burning fire, 340; the waxing moon, 380 (cf. Mitra, the waning); seizes creatures by disease, 391, 398; is the Kshatra, 393, 401; the ram his victim, 395; Varuna guardian of conjugal vow, 397; Agni, Varuna, and Indra, leaders of gods, 449 seq.; oblation to Varuna and the Maruts, 394, 395; Varuna attended by Âdityas, II, 93; swearing by Varuna (?), 216; animal offering to, 221; Varuna the Kshatra, cannot exist without the priesthood, 270; strikes king Soma in the eye, 281; Varuna, Mitra, and Agni, 285; king Varuna has made a path for the sun, 380.

Varunapraghâsâh (seasonal sacrifice), I, 384, 391 seq.; cake to Indrâgnî, 393; payasyâ to Varuna and to the Maruts, 394; cake to Ka, 395; dishes of karambha (porridge) to Varuna and the Maruts, 395 seq.

vasâ, fat gravy, II, 205; offered (vasâhoma), 207.

vasâhomahavanî, II, 203.

vasatîvarî water, II, 147, 222 seq.; carrying around of, 225, 454; etymology, 226, 231; meets the water in Maitrâvaruna cup, 235; in the Hotri's cup it becomes the Nigrâbhyâh, 236, 293.

vashat (vaushat), I, 88, 135, 143, 171, 193 seq., 197 seq., 198.

Vasishthayagña, I, 376.

Vâstavya (Rudra), I, 200.

Vasu, I, 176; the Vasus accompany Rudra, 59, Agni, II, 93; Indra with Vasus, Rudras, and Âdityas, 241, 350; eight Vasus, eleven Rudras, twelve Âdityas, 411.

vâyavya, Soma-cups, II, 158, 267.

Vâyu (with Agni and Sûrya), I, 325, 327; II, 453; oblation of drops (stoka) to Vâyu, II, 195; sent by the gods to ascertain if Vritra be slain, 265; leader of beasts, 361; libation to Pragâpati-Vâyu, 451.

veda, bunch of grass, I, 41, 84.

vedi, etymology, I, 60; measure and construction of, 62 seq.; lustration of, 423; Soma-altars prepared, II, 111; vedi is as large as the earth, 175.

Vedic science, threefold, I, 24.

victim, kinds of, I, 50; killing of, II, 178 seq.; mode of killing, 189; skinning and cutting open, 193 seq.; cutting up, 200 seq.; offering of portions, 204 seq.; touching of, 209; the eleven, 218 seq.; those suitable for certain forms of sacrifice, 312, 313, 428, 429.

Videgha Mâthava, I, introd. xli seq., 104 seq.

Videhas, I, introd. xlii.

vidhriti, stalks of grass laid across the barhis, I, 93; II, 89.

vikaṅkata tree, when created, I, 325.

virâg, I, 11; II, 68, 112; incomplete, I, 390; II, 374.

vis, serves the Kshatra, I, 393; eat no offerings, 398; is the Kshatriya's food, II, 66; go down before a Kshatriya, 228.

Vishnu, three steps of, I, 15, 268; II, 155; Vishnu a dwarf, I, 59; etymology, 73; is the upper (Agni the lower) half of the sacrifice, II, 12; is the consecrated, 29; formula referring to Vishnu used for atonement, 35; Agni, Soma, and Vishnu form the thunderbolt, 108; fixed like an eye in the heavens, 172; to Vishnu belong the Yagus, 436.

vishtâva, II, 309.

vishtuti, II, 308 seq.

vishuvant day, II, 427.

visvadhâyas, I, 188.

visvakarman, I, 188.

Visvakarman, offering to, I, 419; with the Âdityas, II, 123; Indra, 431.

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Visvarûpa, son of Tvashtri, I, 47, 164 seq.

Visvâvasu, Gandharva, I, 90; steals Soma from Gâyatrî, II, 52.

visvâyu, I, 188.

Visve Devâh (All-gods), representative of Vis, I, introd. xvi, 204, 371; oblation of karu at Âgrayaneshti, 369 seq.; share with Indra and Agni, 371; the threads of cloth belong to them, II, 10; they are the ear, 39; the air belongs to them, 208; animal offering to, 220.

vîti, I, 107.

Vivasvat (the sun), is the Âditya, II, 13; Âditya Vivasvat, the vyâna of the Soma-sacrifice, 240.

vrata, I, 1 seq.; II, 6.

vrata-dughâ, cow, II, 40, 43.

vratopanîya, I, 2.

Vrishanasva's Menâ (wife?), II, 81.

Vritra, slain by Indra, I, 20 seq.; 52, 452; II, 265; by the waters, II, 242, 243, 247; (Dânava), I, 166; Vritra is Soma, II, 100.

vyâna, I, 19, 20, 120.

vyûdhakhandas (dvâdasâha), II, 418.


water, a thunderbolt, II, 7; the waters slay Vritra, 242, 243, 247.

west, quarter of snakes, II, 4; of Savitri (the sun), 50; sleeping with head towards, forbidden, II, 4.

wether, hair-tuft of, II, 125.

whey, offering of, to divine coursers (seasons), I, 382; is seed, 388.

wind, tells the gods the thoughts of men, II, 94.

woman, given to vain things, II, 53.

worlds, three, II, 26.

worship, is truth, I, 313.


Yagña (sacrifice) wooes Vâk, II, 30 seq.

gñavalkâni brâhmanâni, I, introd. xxxvi seq.

gñavalkya, I, introd. xxx seq., 5, 76, 77, 271, 333, 370, 384 (contradicted); II, 2; (advocates the eating of the flesh of cows and oxen), II, 14; cursed by a Karaka Adhvaryu, 197, 279, 425, 442.

yagñâyagñîya (sâman), II, 368.

yagñopavîtin, I, 361, 424.

Yagur-veda, I, introd. xxvii.

gyâ, I, 119, 135, 142, 170 seq., 195.

Yama, king, resides with man, I, 338; chief of Fathers, 364; Yama aṅgirasvat pitrimat, 429; officiates as Brahman priest, II, 348.

yava, II, 142, 168.

yavan, I, 199.

yâvihotra, I, 199.

yûpa, sacrificial stake, I, 160; II, 21, 36, 39, 46, 101; is Yagña's crest-lock, 126; belongs to Vishnu, 162, 164; cutting of, 162 seq.; size of, 166; raising of, 167 seq.; anointing of, 170; girding, 172; means of ascending to the 'blessed' gods, 174; it is eight-cornered, 174; is not thrown into the fire, ib.; is a thunderbolt, 175, 176; wife-stake, 177; eleven: see ekâ dasinî.

Yûpâhuti, stake-offering, II, 162 seq.




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