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Evil is, on one level, a cultural construct. The Easter Islanders believed that stealing, if successful, was virtuous. This was probably a social mechanism for redistributing scarce items on a small island. However some evils--war, genocide, and terrorism to name a few--are instantly recognizable as such. The issue of why an omniscient, all-powerful God would permit such horrors is one of the most difficult (and obvious) religious questions. This section of sacred-texts deals with this thorny issue. Note that there aren't any sacred texts of Satanism per se at this site. Satanism as an organized religion is a very recent phenomena, and books about it are a long way from entering the public domain. Besides, to put a fine point on it, actual Satanists insist that they aren't evil.
The History of the Devil
by Paul Carus [1900]
The Evil Eye
by Frederick Thomas Elworthy [1895]
Devil Worship in France
by Arthur Edward Waite [1896] |