Sacred Texts  Christianity 

The Works of Dionysius the Areopagite

tr. by John Parker


Contents    Start Reading

Dionysius the Areopagite is the name given to the anonymous author of a number of 5th century Christian texts. This mystical body of work was influenced by Neoplatonism. Much admired during the Middle Ages and Renaissance, debates about the identity of the author continue to this day. These documents are from a very early stage in the development of Christianity.

Volume 1

Title Page - Volume 1.

Prefatory Material

Principal Works on Dionysius the Areopagite
Books to Be Read

On Divine Names

Caput I.
Caput II.
Caput III.
Caput IV.
Caput V.
Caput VI.
Caput VII.
Caput VIII.
Caput IX.
Caput X.
Caput XI.
Caput XII.
Caput XIII.

Mystic Theology

Caput I.
Caput II.
Caput III.
Caput IV.
Caput V.


Letter I. To Gaius Therapeutes.
Letter II. To the same Gaius Therapeutes.
Letter III. To the same Gaius.
Letter IV. To the same Gaius Therapeutes.
Letter V. To Dorotheus, Leitourgos.
Letter VI. To Sopatros--Priest.
Letter VII. To Polycarp--Hierarch.
Letter VIII. To Demophilus, Therapeutes. About minding ones own business, and kindness.
Letter IX. To Titus, Hierarch, asking by letter what is the house of wisdom, what the bowl, and what are its meats and drinks?
Letter X. To John, Theologos, Apostle and Evangelist, imprisoned in the Isle of Patmos.
Letter XI. Dionysius to Apollophanes, Philosopher.


Liturgy of St. Dionysius, Bishop of the Athenians


Objections to Genuineness

Volume 2.

Title Page - Volume 2.

Prefatory Material

Books to Be Read
Dionysius the Areopagite and the Alexandrine School

On the Heavenly Hierarchy

Caput I.
Caput II.
Caput III.
Caput IV.
Caput V.
Caput VI.
Caput VII.
Caput VIII.
Caput IX.
Caput X.
Caput XI.
Caput XII.
Caput XIII.
Caput XIV.
Caput XV.

Ecclesiastical Hierarchy

Caput I.
Caput II.
Caput III.
Caput IV.
Caput V.
Caput VI.
Caput VII.


List of Bishops
Apostolic Traditions Generally in Abeyance.


Index of Scripture References
Greek Words and Phrases
Latin Words and Phrases
Index of Pages of the Print Edition