Pahlavi Texts, Part I (SBE05), E.W. West, tr. [1880], at
1. The references in this index are to the pages of the introduction, and to the chapters and sections of the translations; the chapters being denoted by the larger ciphers.
2. References to passages which contain special information are given in parentheses.
3. Though different forms of the same name may occur in the translations, only one form is usually given in the index, to which the references to all forms are attached; except when the forms differ so much as to require to be widely separated in the index.
4. Pahlavi forms are always given in preference to Pâzand and Persian, when only one is mentioned; but where only a Pâzand form occurs it is printed in italics, as Pâzand orthography is usually corrupt. In all such italicised names any letters, which would elsewhere be italic, are printed in roman type.
5. Abbreviations used are:—Av. for Avesta word; Bd. for Bundahis; Byt. for Bahman Yast; ch. for chapter of Visparad; com. for commentator and commentary; Gug. for Gugarâti; Huz. for Huzvâris; Int. for Introduction; lun. man. for lunar mansion; m. for mountain; meas. for measure; n. for foot-note; Pahl. for Pahlavi; Pâz. for Pâzand; Pers. for Persian; r. for river; Sl. for Shâyast lâ-shâyast; trans. for translation; wt. for weight; zod. for zodiacal constellation; Zs. for Selections of Zâd-sparam.
ÂBÂN, angel, Byt. 2, 59 n. See Âvân.
Âb-istâdah lake, Bd. 22, 5 n.
Ablution, Byt. 2, 36; Sl. 2, (52,) 108; 3, 10, 12; 8, 18, 22; 12, 22, 24.
— seat, Byt. 2, (36;) Sl. 10, 5. — tank, Sl. 10, 5. — vessel, Sl. 3, 12.
Abode of fires, Sl. 9, 5; 20, 1, 8, 9.
Abtîn, man, Bd. 31, 7 n.
Achæmenians, Byt. 2, 17 n.
Âdar, angel, Byt. 2, 59 n. See Âtarô.
Âdarbîgân, land, Bd. 20, 13 n, 25 n; 22, 2 n; 25, 4 n; 29, 12 n.
Ad-fravakhshyâ hâ, Sl. 13, 29.
Ad-mâ-yavâ hâ, Sl. 13, 33.
Adopted son, Sl. 12, 14.
Ad-tâ-vakhshyâ hâ, Sl. 13, 4, 14.
Aêshm, demon, Bd. 19, 33 n; 28, (15-17,) 20; 30, 29; Byt. 1, 5 n; 2, 36 n; Sl. 13, 43; 18, 1, 3.
Afarg, com., Sl. 1, (3;) 2, 2, 64, 73, 88, 115, 123 n; 5, 5, 6; 10, 39 n.
Afghânistân, Bd. 12, 22 n; 20, 17 n.
Afrâsiyâb, king, Bd. 31, 14 n, 17 n, 19 n.
Âfrîn, ritual, Sl. 13, 43 n; 19, 3.
Âfrîngân, rite, Sl. 10, 34 n; 17, 5 n; 18, 4 n.
Afrôbag-vindâd, man, Bd. 33, 6, 8.
Agâimasvâk, man, Bd. 31, 23.
Âgerept sin, Sl. 1, 1, 2; 11, 1, 2; 16, 2, 5.
Aghrêrad, man, Bd. 29, 5; 31, 15, 20-22.
Aharman, origin of evil, Bd. 1, 3, 7, 8, 20, 23, 27; 2, 11; Zs. 1, 2-4, 6, 8-11, 17, 20, 24, 25; worshipped by Dahâk, Bd. 20, 23; nature of, Bd. 28, 1-6, 46, 48; by whom served, Bd. 28, 21; differs sometimes from the evil spirit, Bd. 28, 40 n; 30, 30; his attack on creation, Zs. 1, 27; 2, 1-6, 11; 4, 1-5, 10; 5, 1, 3, 5; 6, 1, 23; 7, 1, 12; 8, 1, 6; 9, 1, 24; 10, 1; 11, 2; defeated by religion, Byt. 2, 16, 20; Sl. 15, 6; his future evildoings, Byt. 2, 40, 62; 3, 55, 56; his advice, Sl. 18, 1, 2, 4. See Evil spirit.
Ahasuerus, Byt. 2, 17 n.
Âhû-ad-paiti hâ, Sl. 13, 21.
Ahunavaiti gâtha, Sl. 13, 2 n, 4, 6-15, 51.
Ahunavar, Bd. 1, 21, 22; Zs. 1, 12; 11, 10 n; Sl. 10, 5 n, 25, 26; 12, 19, 32 n; 13, 2 n; text and trans., Bd. 1, 21 n; com., Zs. 1, 13-19.
Ahyâ-thwâ-âthrô ha, Sl. 13, 17.
Ahyâ-yâsâ hâ, Sl. 13, 4, 12, 14, 50.
Aîbisrûtêm gâh, Bd. 25, 9.
Aîghâsh, demon, Bd. 28, 33; 31, 5 n.
Aîrak, man, Bd. 31, 14.
Aîrak m., Bd. 12, 2, 12.
Aîrân-vêg, land, Bd. 12, 25; 14, 4; 20, 13, 32; 25, 11; 29, (4, 5, 12;) 32, 3; Zs. 9, 8.
Aîrîk, prince, Bd. 31, (9, 10,) 12, 14; 32, 1 n; 34, 6; Sl. 10, 28 n.
Aîrîz-râsp, chief, Bd. 29, 1.
Aîrman, angel, Bd. 30, 19 n.
Airya, tribe, Bd. 31, 9 n.
Airyak, man, Bd. 32, 1 n.
Airyamana hâ, Sl. 13, 47.
Aithritak, man, Bd. 32, 1 n.
Aiwisrûthrema gâh, Bd. 25, 9 n; Sl. 17, 5 n.
Akandgar, king, Byt. 2, 19.
Akâtâsh, demon, Bd. 28, 20.
Akhôshir r., Bd. 20, 7, 19.
Akôman, demon, Bd. 1, 24, 27; 28, 7; 30, 29; Zs. 9, 6.
Albûrz m., Bd. 5, 3-5; 7, 15 n; 8, 2, 5; 12, (1-4,) 7 n, 8, 9; 13, 1, 4; 19, 15; 20, 1, 4, 8; 24, 28; Zs. 6, 16, 20, 21; 7, 1, 5-7.
Alexander the Great, Int. 9, 11, 12, 16; Bd. 34, 8; Byt. 2, 19 n; 3, 34.
Almsgiving never excessive, Sl. 10, 23; 12, 16.
Alvand m., Bd. 19, 3.
Ambergris, origin of, Bd. 19, 12.
Amerdâd, angel, Byt. 2, 59 n.
Amerôdad, angel, Bd. 1, 26; 9, 2; 27, 24; 30, 29; Zs. 8, 1; Byt. 3, 29; Sl. 9, 8; 13, 14; 15, 3, 5, 25, 29; 22, 7; 23, 1; month, Bd. 25, 20.
Âmi r., Bd. 20, 8.
Âmû r., Bd. 20, 8 n, 28 n.
Amûl, town, Bd. 20, 27 n.
Anâhîd, planet, Bd. 5, 1; angel, Bd. 32, 8. See Âbân, Âvân.
Anâhita, angel, Bd. 19, 1 n; Sl. 11, 4 n.
Ananghad, man, Bd. 32, 1 n.
Anastokh, man, Bd. 31, 9.
Andar, demon, Bd. 1, 27; 28, (8,) 10; 30, 29. See Indar.
Anêr, land, Bd. 15, 29.
Angels, Bd. 15, 13; 30, 28; Zs. 1, 0; Byt. 3, 31; Sl. 7, 7; 8, 4; 12, 24; 13, 8 n, 30; fight with demons, Bd. 3, 26; 6, 1; their flowers, Bd. 27, 24; prayers and offerings to them, Sl. 9, 10-12; 11, 4; 12, 8-10; their gifts, Sl. 22, 8-30; their qualities, Sl. 23, 2-4.
Angra-mainyu, Bd. 1, 1 n, 3 n; 28, 1 n.
Animals, origin and classes, Bd. 10, 3; 14, 3-31; Zs. 9, 1, 7-24; chiefs of, Bd. 24, 2-13; eating dead matter, Sl. 2, 109-111; not to be killed, Sl. 10, 8, 9.
Anîrân, angel, Bd. 27, 24; Sl. 22, 30; 23, 4; day, Bd. 25, 7.
Anquetil Duperron, Int. 24, 25, 28.
Antares, star, Bd. 2, 7 n; Sl. 14, 5 n.
Aoiwra, Av., Bd. 31, 6 n.
Aoshnara, man, Bd. 31, 3 n.
Apâôsh, demon, Bd. 7, 8, 10, 12; 28, (39;) Zs. 6, 9, 11, 13.
Apârsên m., Bd. 12, 2, (9,) 12-14, 21, 22, 29, 30, 31 n; 20, 16, 17, 21, 22; 24, 28; Zs. 7, 7.
Ape, origin of, Bd. 23, 1; pollutes, Sl. 2, 61.
Apostasy, Sl. 17, 7.
Apostate, Byt. 3, 56, 57; Sl. 9, 3.
Aquarius, Bd. 2, 2; Byt. 3, 11 n; Sl. 21, 2.
Arabic, Int. 14.
Arabs, Bd. 15, 28; 23, 3; 29, 4; 34, 0 n, 9; Byt. 3, 9, 51.
Arag lake, Bd. 19, 15.
— r., Bd. 7, 15, 17; 20, (1, 3-8,) 9 n, 22 n, 28 n; 21, 3; 24, 26; Zs. 6, 20 n; Byt. 3, 17 n.
Arâîdâr, man, Bd. 32, 1 n.
Aral sea, Bd. 19, 15 n; 20, 20 n; 22, 4 n.
Arang r., Bd. 20, 8 n; Zs. 6, 20 n; Byt. 3, 5 n.
Arang-i Bîrâdân, man, Bd. 32, 7.
Arask, demon, Bd. 28, 14, 16.
Arâst, demon, Bd. 28, 32.
Ârâsti, man, Bd. 32, 1; 33, 1.
Arawisanasp, man, Bd. 31, 23.
Araxes r., Bd. 20, 8 n, 13 n, 22 n, 28 n; Zs. 6, 20 n; Byt. 3, 5 n.
Archangels, Bd. 1, (26 n;) 2, 9; 3, 2, 4; 30, 23; Byt. 1, 0; 2, 64; 3, 9, 31; Sl. 13, 8, 24, 46; 18, 4; 22, 31; their flowers, Bd. 27, 24; subdue demons, Bd. 30, 29; prayers and offerings to them, Byt. 3, 28, 37; Sl. 9, 10; 11, 4; 19, 7; 20, 1; means of serving them, Sl. 15, 1-30; their gifts, Sl. 22, 1-7; their qualities, Sl. 23, 1.
Arch-fiends, Bd. 3, 2; 28, 1-13; 30, 29; Sl. 10, 4 n; 12, 11 n.
Ard, angel, Bd. 22, 4 n; 27, 24; Sl. 23, 4. See Arshisang.
Ardâ-fravash, angel, Byt. 2, 59 n.
Ardâî-fravard, angel, Sl. 11, 4.
Ardakhshîr-i Kaî, king, Bd. 31, 29n; Byt. 1, 5; 2, 17.
Ardakhshîr-i Pâpakân, Int. 11, 19; Bd. 31, 30 n; Byt. 2, 18.
Ardavahist, angel, Bd. 1, 26; 31, 38; Sl. 11, 4 n; 13, 14; 15, 3, 5, 12, 13; 22, 3; 23, 1; month, Bd. 25, 20. See Ashavahist.
Ardavân, king, Bd. 31, Son.
Ardâ-Vîrâf, man, Sl. 21, 0 n.
Ardibahist, angel, Byt. 2, 59 n. See Ardavahist.
Aredhô-manusha m., Bd. 12, 10 n. Aredûs sin, Sl. 1, 1, 2; 7, 3 n; 11, 1, 2; 16, 4, 5.
Arêdvîvsûr, angel, Sl. 11, 4; 23, 2 n; water, Bd. 7, 15 n; 12, 5; 13, 1, 3, 10; 21, 4 n; 24, 17, 26; 27, 4; Zs. 6, 18.
Arezûr m., Bd. 3, 2 n; 12, 2, (8;)
[paragraph continues] Byt. 3, 22 n; Sl. 10, 7 n; 13, 19.
Arezûr-bûm m., Bd. 12, 2, 16.
Argâsp, king, Bd. 12, 32; Byt. 2, 49 n; 3, 9.
Aries, Bd. 2, 2; 5, 6; 7, 2; 25, 21; Sl. 21, 2.
Aris, prince, Bd. 31, 25 n.
Ariz, fish, Bd. 14, 26; 18, 5; 24, 13.
Ârmaiti, angel, Bd. 15, 6 n. See Spendarmad.
Armenia, Bd. 20, 10 n.
Armêst, Sl. 2, (98 n;) 6, 1.
Armîn, prince, Bd. 31, 25 n.
Arnig-baredâ, woman, Bd. 32, 7 n.
Arsaces I, Byt. 2, 19 n.
Arsacidans, Int. 11. See Askânians.
Arshisang, angel, Bd. 22, 4; 27, 24 n; Sl. 22, 25; 23, 4 n. See Ard.
Artakhshatar son of Pâpak, Bd. 31, 30; Byt. 2, 18 n; — the Kayân, Bd. 31, 30; 34, 8 n. See Ardakhshîr.
Artaxerxes Longimanus, Bd. 34, 8 n; Byt. 2, 17 n.
— Mnemon, Bd. 34, 8 n; Byt. 2, 17 n.
— Ochus, Bd. 34, 8 n.
Arûm, land, Bd. 12, 16; 13, 15; 15, 29; 20, 10; Sl. 6, 7 n.
Arvand r., Zs. 6, (20;) Byt. 3, 5, 21, 38.
Arzah, region, Bd. 5, 8, 9; 11, 3; 29, 1; Byt. 3, 47.
Asâm, man, Bd. 29, 5.
Ashârd r., Bd. 20, 20.
Ashâshagahad, man, Bd. 29, 1.
Ashavahist, angel, Bd. 27, 24; 30, 29; Sl. 11, 4. See Ardavahist.
Ashâvanghu, man, Bd. 29, 1 n.
Ashavazd, man, Bd. 29, 6.
Ashem-Ahurem-mazdãm ch., Sl. 13, 5.
Ashem-vohû, Byt. 2, 59; Sl. 3, 35; 4, 14; 5, 2, 5, 7; 10, 5 n, 24, 35; 12, 21, 32; 13, 1; 19, 5; text and trans., Bd. 20, 2.
Ashôvahist, man, Bd. 33, 11.
Ashôzust, bird, Bd. 19, 19.
Asia Minor, Bd. 13, 15 n.
Ask, king, Byt. 2, 19 n.
Askânians, Bd. 31, 30 n; 34, 9; Byt. 2, 19. See Arsacidans.
Askârûm nask, Sl. 10, 25 n. See Sakâdûm.
Âsmân, angel, Bd. 27, 24; Sl. 22, 27; 23, 4.
Asnavand m., Bd. 12, 2, (26;) 17, 7; Zs. 11, 9.
Asparôg m., Bd. 12, 29, 36.
Aspârûm nask, Sl. 10, 21 n. See Hûspâram.
Aspengargâk, demon, Bd. 7, 12; 28, 39. See Spêngargâk.
Âspîkân, Bd. 32, 1 n.
Âspiyân, Bd. 31, 4, 7, 8.
Assaults, Sl. 1, 1 n, 2 n.
Assyrians, Int. 12, 13; Byt. 3, 5.
Âstâd, angel, Bd. 27, 24; Byt. 2, 59 n; 3, 32; Sl. 17, 4, 5 n; 22, 26; 23, 4.
— yast, Byt. 1, 6.
Âstaothwanem hâ, Sl. 13, 1.
Astarâbâd, town, Bd. 12, 32 n.
Astô-vîdâd, demon, Bd. 3, 21, 22; 28, 35; Zs. 4, 4.
Âstuyê hâ, Sl. 13, 1.
Asûrîk, man, Bd. 31, 19.
Asûristân, land, Bd. 31, 39; Byt. 3, 5.
Âsvast lake, Bd. 22, 1, 7.
Asvinî, lun. man., Bd. 2, 3 n.
Âtaremka ch., Sl. 13, 26.
Âtarô, angel, Bd. 27, 24; Sl. 22, 9; 23, 2; day, Bd. 25, 11.
— Aûharmazd, com., Sl. 1, 3.
— bôndak, man, Bd. 33, 1.
— dâd, man, Bd. 33, 3.
— frôbâg, man, Byt. 1, 7; Sl. 1, 3 n.
— — nôsâî, com., Sl. 1, 3.
— Mitrô, man, Byt. 1, 7.
— pâd, man, Byt. 1, 7.
— — i Dâd-farukh, com., Sl. 1, 4 n.
— — i Mâraspendân, priest, Bd. 33, 3, 11; Byt. 1, 1 n; 2, 18; Sl. 8, 23; 10, 28 n, 40; 15, 16.
— — i Zaratûstân, priest, Zs. 1, 19 n; Sl. 8, (10.)
— pâtakân, land, Bd. 12, 26; 20, 13 n, 23, 25; 22, 2; 29, 12; Zs. 11, 9; Byt. 1, 7.
— tarsah, man, Bd. 31, 29.
Âtâs nyâyis, Sl. 7, 4 n; 20, 1 n.
— i Vâhrâm, see Vâhrâm fire.
Athrat, man, Bd. 31, 27; Sl. 22, 32 n.
Âthwya, man, Bd. 31, 4 n.
Atonement for sin, Sl. 8, 1 n, 4 n, 13, 15, 16, 19, 20, 23.
Atrat, man, Bd. 31, 27 n.
Aûharmazd, Zs. 6, 10; Byt. 2, 64;
[paragraph continues] Sl. 8, 13, 21, 23; 10, 29; 12, 28; 13, 8; 18, 4; 20, 11, 18; 22, 32; the creator, Bd. 1, 0-3, 6-12, 23, 25, 28; 2, 1; 7, 15; 13, 5; 15, 3, 4, 6, 7, 23; 17, 1, 3; 18, 3, 5; 19, 9, 10, 36; 20, 1, 5, 6; 21, 3; 24, 25, 26; 28, 1-3, 17; Zs. 1, 0, 20, 23, 24; 2, 7, 8; 10, 4, 5; Byt. 1, 0; Sl. 10, 28 n; 12, 2; 14, 4; 18, 1; 22, 8, 15, 23; contends with Aharman, Bd. 1, 13, 15-18, 20-22; 3, 2, 4, 6, 18, 19, 21; 4, 2-4; 6, 2, 4; 7, 9; Zs. 1, 2, 4, 7, 9, 11; 3, 1, 2; 4, 3, 10; 5, 1; instituted rites, Bd. 2, 9; chief of spirits, Bd. 24, 1 n; Sl. 11, 4 n; archangel, Bd. 27, 24; Sl. 13, 14; 15, 5, 7, 8; 22, 1; 23, 1; religion of, Bd. 28, 4, 5; talks with Zaratûst, Bd. 30, 4, 5; Zs. 11, 10 n; Byt. 1, 1-5; 2, 1-63; 3, 1-62; Sl. 9, 8, 14; 10, 26; 12, 29, 32; 15, 1-30; 17, 1-6, 8, 11-14; worshipped, Bd. 30, 23, 28; Zs. 10, 1; Byt. 2, 64; 3, 28, 37; Sl. 13, 18, 24, 32, 46; arranges the future existence, Bd. 30, 24, 27, 29, 30, 32; his nature, Zs. 1, 13-17; 5, 4; Sl. 23,1-4; foretells future events, Byt. 1, 3-5; 2, 15-22, 24-63; 3, 1-62.
Aûharmazd day, Bd. 3, 12; 25, 7, 10, 13; Zs. 2, 1.
— king, Bd. 33, 2.
— planet, Bd. 5, 1; Zs. 4, 7.
Aurvadasp, man, Bd. 32, 1.
Aurvad-aspa, king, Bd. 31, 28 n.
Aûrvakhsh, man, Bd. 31, 26.
Aûrvatad-nar, man, Bd. 32, 5, 6, 7 n.
Aûrvâzîst fire, Zs. 11, 1, 4. See Urvâzist.
Aûshahîn gâh, Bd. 25, 9.
Aûshbâm, man, Bd. 31, 33, 34.
Aûshdâstâr m., Bd. 12, 2, 15.
Aûsîndôm m., Bd. 12, 2, 6; 13, 5; 18, 11 n.
Aûsôfrîd, rite, Byt. 2, 45; Sl. 13, 30.
Aûspôsîn, man, Bd. 29, 1.
Aûstûvat gâtha, Sl. 10, 6. See Ustavaiti.
Aûstôfrîd, rite, Sl. 12, 10. See Yastôfrîd.
Aûzâv, man, Bd. 31, 28.
Aûzêrîn gâh, Bd. 25, 9, 10; Sl. 7, 1 n; 21, 4, 5.
Aûzôbô, king, Bd. 31, 23, 24, 35; 34, 6 n; Sl. 10, 18 n.
Aûzvârak, man, Bd. 31, 41 n.
Avad-mizdem ch., Sl. 13, 48.
Âvân, angel, Bd. 27, 24; Sl. 22, 10; 23, 2; day, Sl. 11, 4 n; month, Bd. 25, 7, 10, 20; Byt. 3, 16; Sl. 11, 4 n. See Âbân.
Avardâd, month, Bd. 25, 20 n. See Horvadad.
Avarethrabau, man, Sl. 10, 28 n.
Avarnak, man, Bd. 31, 37, 38.
Avar-shatrô, land, Bd. 31, 37, 38.
Avdem, lun. man., Bd. 2, 3.
Avêsar, lun. man., Bd. 2, 3.
Avesta, Int. 9, (10,) 54, 55, 58, 70-72; Bd. 14, 26; 19, 16, 19; Byt. 3, 45 n; Sl. 13, 15 n; — texts, Int. 10, 11, 22, 24, 43, 47, 52, 53, 67, 68; Sl. 6, 1 n; — and Zand, Int. 10; Sl. 10, 25, 29; — letters, Int. 15, 16, 31, 66; — MSS., Int. 21, 27-29; 48, 57, 66; referred to, Bd. 14, 2; Sl. 1, 1; 2, 55, 97, 118; 9, 8; 15, 1; 17, 8, 9; words quoted, Sl. 5, 2, 5, 7; 7, 8; 9, 12; 10, 37; 13, 1, 4-14, 16-26, 28-36, 38-40, 42, 45-51; passages quoted, Sl. 8, 22; 11, 6; 13, 6, 8, 43; prayers, Sl. 9, 9, 10; 10, 5, 19, 26 n; 14, 2, 3; 19, 14.
Avi-apâm ch., Sl. 13, 40.
Avôîrist sin, Sl. 1, 1, 2; 11, 1, 2; 16, 3, 5.
Avrak, lun. man., Bd. 2, 3; 7, 1; Zs. 6, 1.
Ayanghad, man, Bd. 32, 1 n.
Ayazem, man, Bd. 32, 1.
Âz, demon, Bd. 28, 27, 28; 30, 30; Sl. 22, 17 n.
Âzâd-mard, com., Sl. 1, 4 n.
Azânŏ, man, Byt. 2, 3 n.
Az-i Dahâk, king, Bd. 23, 1; 29, 8; 31, (6 n,) 7 n; Zs. 2, 10; Byt. 2, 62; 3, 52 n, 56-58, 60; Sl. 20, 18. See Bêvarâsp and Dahâk.
Bactria, Bd. 15, 29 n; 20, 9 n.
Bactrian, Byt. 3, 17 n.
Bâd, angel, Byt. 2, 59 n. See Vâd.
Bâdghês, land, Bd. 12, 19 n.
Bagh nask, Sl. 10, 26.
Baghân yast, Sl. 13, 1 n, 9 n. See Bagh.
Bâg-yasnô nask, Sl. 12, 17.
Bahak, man, Bd. 33, 1, 2, 6, 8.
Bâhak, man, Bd. 33, 3.
Bahman, angel, Byt. 2, 59 n; king, Bd. 31, 29 n; Byt. 2, 17 n. See Vohûman.
— Pûngyah, Sl. 19, 1 n.
— yast, Byt. 3, 11 n; contents, Int. 50-52; age, Int. 53-56; MSS., Int. 56; Pâz. version, Int. 57; Pers. version, Int. 57-59; German trans., Int. 59.
Bahrâm, angel, Byt. 2, 59 n; king, Byt. 3, 14 n; — fire, Zs. 11, 6. See Vâhrâm.
— Kôpîn, man, Byt. 3, 14 n.
Bakân yastô nask, Sl. 12, 17 n. See Bâg-yasnô.
Bakht-âfrîd, com., Byt. 1, 7; Sl. 1, 4 n; 20, 11.
Bakhtiyârî m., Bd. 12, 40 n.
Bakht-tan m., Bd. 12, 40.
Bakô nask, Sl. 10, 26 n. See Bagh.
Bakyîr m., Bd. 12, 2, 20.
Balkh, town, Bd. 24, 15 n; Byt. 3, 17 n; river, Bd. 12, 9 n; 20, 7, 9 n, 22.
Bambŏ, land, Byt. 3, 17.
Bâmdâd, man, Byt. 1, 6; 2, 21.
Bâmî, town, Byt. 3, 17 n.
Bâmîkân, town, Bd. 20, 22.
Bâmiyân, Bd. 20, 22 n; Byt. 3, 17 n.
Bamm, town, Byt. 3, 17 n.
Bareshnûm, rite, Byt. 2, 36; Sl. 2, (6,) 60 n, 65 n, 70; 3, 24; 10, 10 n, 12 n; 12, 22 n, 24 n, 25 n, 26 n; 17, 5 n.
Baresôm, see Sacred twigs.
Baresômdân, see Sacred twig-stand.
Barmâyûn, man, Bd. 31, 8.
Barôshand Aûharmazd, com., Sl. 1, 4 n.
Barzû Qiyâmu-d-dîn, Zs. 9, 1 n.
Baungha, man, Bd. 33, 1 n.
Bayak, demon, Bd. 31, 6.
Bâz, Sl. 3, 6 n. See Inward prayer.
Bâzâî sin, Sl. 1, 1, 2; 11, 1, 2; 16, 5.
Bâzâyvâna sea, Bd. 24, 23.
Bear, origin of, Bd. 23, 1.
Beating the innocent, Sl. 10, 17.
Beh-âfrîn, woman, Bd. 31, 30 n.
Beneficent spirit, Zs. 1, 0; Sl. 13, 28, 35, 36.
Berezi-savang fire, Bd. 17, 1, 3; Zs. 11, 1 n.
Besn, lun. man., Bd. 2, 3.
Best existence, Sl. 6, 3; 10, 26; 12, 2; 15, 11. See Garôdmân.
Bêvarâsp, Bd. 12, 31; 29, 9; Byt. 3, 3 n, 55, 56 n. See Az-i Dahâk.
Birds, classification, Bd. 10, 4; 14, 11, 23-25; Zs. 9, 9-15, 23; — of prey, Bd. 14, 30; chiefs of, Bd. 24, 11, 29; destroy Nasûs, Sl. 2, 5; not to be killed, Sl. 10, 9.
Bis herb, Bd. 14, 22; 27, 1; Zs. 9, 22.
Bîsan, Bd. 12, 35.
Bîtak, man, Bd. 31, 14.
Bivandangha, man, Bd. 29, 1 n.
Bodily refuse, Byt. 2, 36; Sl. 2, (30 n;) 15, 26.
Bôdôzêd sin, Sl. 2, 39 n.
Bombay, Byt. 3, 17 n; Sl. 2, 6 n.
Bôr-tôrâ, man, Bd. 31, 7.
Brâdarvakhsh, man, Byt. 2, 3 n.
Brâdrôk-rêsh, man, Byt. 2, 3 n.
Brâdrôyisnŏ, man, Byt. 2, 3 n.
Brazen age, Byt. 2, 18.
Buddha, Bd. 28, 34 n.
Buddhists, Bd. 20, 22 n.
Bukhâr, land, Byt. 3, 17.
Bukhârans, Byt. 3, 17.
Bull's urine (gômêz), Sl. 2, 67, 92, 98, 105, 112, 113; 3, 13, 21, 22, 25; 10, 39; 12, 24, 27.
Bumyô m., Bd. 12, 16 n.
Bunda, lun. man., Bd. 2, 3.
Bundahis, Int. 22; contents, Int. 23, 24; MSS., Int. 24-41; Av. original, Int. 24, 43; Zs. 9, 3, 1 n, 16 n; French trans., Int. 24, 25; German trans., Int. 25, 26; Gug. trans., Int. 43-45; Pâz. version, Int. 30, 31; longer text, Int. 32-41; contents of long text, Int. 35-37; extent of texts, Int. 34, 35, 41; age, Int. 41-43; Zs. 10, 5 n. See also Sad-dar.
Bûrg, angel, Bd. 7, 3; 19, 15; Zs. 6, 3.
Burying the dead, Sl. 2, 9; 13, 19.
Bûrzîn-Mitrô fire, Bd. 12, 18, 34; 17, 7 n, 8; Zs. 6, 22; 11, 8-10; Byt. 3, 30, 37, 40.
Bûshâsp, demoness, Bd. 23, 26; Sl. 13, 43.
Bût, demon, Bd. 28, 34.
Butter, see Sacred butter.
Cake, see Sacred cake.
Cancer, Bd. 2, 2; 5, 6; 7, 1, 2; 34, 1; Zs. 4, 8; 6, 1, 2; Sl. 21, 2, 5.
Capricornus, Bd. 2, 2; 5, 6; 34, 9 n; Zs. 4, 10; Byt. 3, 11 n; Sl. 21, 2, 7, 8.
Carriers of the dead, single, Sl. 2, 84, 106, 108; one with a dog, Sl. 2, 7; two, Sl. 2, 6-8, 84, 85; four, Sl. 2, 6 n; 10, 10.
Caspian sea, Bd. 13, 15 n; 15, 28 n, 29 n; 17, 5 n; 19, 15 n; 20, 8 n, 24 n, 27 n; 22, 4 n; 31, 21 n; Byt. 2, 63 n; 3, 19 n.
Ceremonial (yazisn), Byt. 2, 37; 3, 37; Sl. 3, 35 n; 5, 3; 8, 4; 9, 5, 11; 13, 25; 19, 8.
Ceremonies, Sl. 2, 38; 12, 31; — after a death, Sl. 6, 3, 4; 8, 6 n; 12, 5, 31; 17, 2-6; — of nine nights, Sl. 12, 26 n; see Bareshnûm.
Ch in Oriental words is printed K.
Chaldæo-Pahlavi, Int. 19-21.
Chaldee, Int. 14, 19.
Chapter (hâ), Sl. 10, 6 n; 13, 1, 5, 6, 31, 34.
Chiefs of creation, Bd. 24, 1-24, 28, 29; spiritual, Bd. 29, 1, 2, 5.
Chieftainships, spiritual, Bd. 29, 1; Sl. 13, 29; temporal, Sl. 13, 11, 15, 34, 41 n, 44; 19, 5.
Childbirth, Sl. 10, 15; 12, 7.
Children, advantage of, Sl. 10, 22; 12, 15; illegitimate, Sl. 10, 21; 12, 14.
China, Bd. 31, 3 n.
Christian, Byt. 2, 19 n; 3, 3 n; Sl. 6, 7.
Christianity, Byt. 2, 19 n; 3, 3 n.
Chronology of Iran, Bd. 34, 1-9.
Classes of people, Sl. 13, 9, 15, 34.
Clothing corpses, Sl. 2, 9, 95; 10, 40; 12, 4; — for spirits, Bd. 30, 28; Sl. 17, 4, 5 n; purifying, Sl. 2, 95, 97-99.
Commentary, see Zand.
Commentators, Sl. 1, 3, 4 n; quoted, Byt. 1, 7; 3, 3, 16; Sl. 2, 1, 2, 6, 11, 12, 39, 44, 56, 57, 64, 73, 74, 80-82, 86, 88, 89, 107, 115, 118, 119; 3, 13; 5, 5, 6; 6, 4-6; 8, 13, 17, 18, 23; 10, 40; 14, 5; 20, 11.
Confession of sin, Sl. 8, 2, 4 n, (8-10.)
Conflicts of evil, with the sky, Bd. 6, 1-4; Zs. 5, 1-5; with water, Bd. 7, 1-13; Zs. 6, 1-23; with the earth, Bd. 8, 1-5; Zs. 7, 1-12; with plants, Bd. 9, 1-6; Zs. 8, 1-6; with animals, Bd. 10, 1-4; Zs. 9, 1-24; with man, Zs. 10, 1-6; with fire, Zs. 11, 1-10.
Constantinople, Int. 12.
Consulting the good, Sl. 10, 28.
Contagion, Sl. 2, 59, (60.)
Copper age, Byt. 2, 19.
Corpse, carrying, Sl. 2, 6-11, 83-95; 10, 10, 33; lowering, Sl. 2, 23-29; moving, Sl. 2, 63, 65, 66, 68-71; thrown into water, Sl. 2, 76-78; 9, 7; bringing out of water, Sl. 2, 79-94; in rain, Sl. 2, 9, 10, 94; clothing for, Sl. 2, 9, 95; 10, 40; 12, 4. See also Pollution.
Corpse chamber, Byt. 2, 36.
Creation of prototypes, Bd. 1, 8; Zs. 1, 5; of archangels, Bd. 1, 23, 26; of the world, Bd. 1, 25, 28; Zs. 1, 20; of demons, Bd. 1, 10, 24, 27; of time, Zs. 1, 24.
Crowing of a hen, Sl. 10, 30.
Cyrus, Int. 9; Bd. 34, 8 n.
Dabistân, book, Byt. 1, 1 n.
Dâdak nask., Sl. 12, 4 n.
Dâdakîh-i Ashôvahistô, man, Bd. 33, 10.
Dâd-ardâ, man, Bd. 33, 3.
Dâd-Aûharmazd, com., Byt. 1, 7; 3, 16; Sl. 1, 4 n.
Dâd-farukh, com., Sl. 1, 4 n.
Dâdgun, man, Sl. 1, 4 n.
Dâdîrâd, man, Bd. 33, 3.
Dâdistân-i dînîk, book, Int. 32, 33, 46, 47; Bd. 15, 22 n; 29, 5 n, 6 n; author of, Bd. 33, 10 n, 11 n.
Dâd-i veh, com., Sl. 1, 4 n.
Dahâk, king, Bd. 17, 5; 20, 23; 29, 9; 30, 16; 31, 5-7; 34, 5; Byt. 3, 34; Sl. 10, 28 n. See Az-i Dahâk.
Dah-hômâst, rite, Byt. 2, 59 n.
Dahmân âfrîngân, Sl. 13, 43 n; 17, 5 n.
Dâî, land, Bd. 15, 29.
Dâîtîk m., see Kakâd-i Dâîtîk.
— r., Bd. 20, 7, 13, 23 n; 24, 14; 29, 5 n; Zs. 2, 6.
Dakhma, Byt. 2, 36 n; Sl. 2, (6,) 9 n, 10 n, 11 n, 75 n. See Depository for the dead.
Dâmaghân, town, Bd. 20, 18 n; 29, 14 n.
Dâmdâd nask, Int. 24, 48; Zs. 9, (1,) 16; Sl. 10, 22; 12, 5.
Damnak, man, Bd. 31, 36, 39.
Dâraga r., Bd. 20, 7, 32; 24, 15.
Dârâî, king, Bd. 33, 2; 34, 8.
Dargâm r., Bd. 20, 7, 14.
Darius Codomannus, Int. 24; Bd. 34, 8 n.
— Hystaspes, Int. 9.
Dârspêt m., Bd. 12, 2, 20 n.
Dashtânistân, Sl. 2, 75; 3, 4 n, (6 n,) 11 n.
Dastân, man, Bd. 31, 37.
Dastûr, Bd. 19, 36. See High-priest.
Dâvad m., Bd. 12, 29, 30.
Davâns, man, Sl. 12, 29.
Dayrid r., Bd. 20, 26 n.
Days, lengths of, Bd. 25, 3-6; names of angels applied to them, Bd. 27, 24; Sl. 22, 1-30; 23, 1-4.
Dead matter, Byt. 2, 36; Sl. 2, (30 n,) 32, 35, 63, 73, 77, 78, 102, 104-107, 109-112; 10, 12, 20; 12, 13.
Deaf and dumb, Sl. 5, 7; 6, 1.
Deana m., Bd. 12, 30 n.
Death, accidental, Sl. 10, 32; on a bedstead, Sl. 2, 13; 17, 14; on a bridge, Sl. 2, 20; on a carpet, Sl. 2, 101; on a cloth, Sl. 2, 12; on the ground, Sl. 2, 14-16; in a hall, Sl. 2, 45; in a house, Sl. 2, 38-44; in a jar, Sl. 2, 31; on a roof, Sl. 2, 18, 21; in a room, Sl. 2, 22; when seated, Sl. 2, 24; by strangulation, Sl. 2, 23; 17, 13; on a tree, Sl. 2, 25-29; in a vessel, Sl. 9, 7; in a wilderness, Sl. 2, 47.
Demonized men, Sl. 17, 7.
Demons, Bd. 5, 7; Zs. 2, 4; Byt. 2, 40, 62; 3, 9, 21, 33; Sl. 9, 5, 8; 12, 12; 15, 6; 17, 3; origin, Bd. 1, 10; end, Bd. 1, 21, 22; 6, 4; 30, 29-32; names, Bd. 1, 24, 27; 3, 3, 6-9, 21; 7, 8, 10, 12; 28, 7-20, 23-36, 39, 40, 42; 30, 29, 30; Zs. 4, 4; 6, 9, 11, 13; council, Bd. 3, 1-9; 12, 8; incursion, Bd. 3, 10, 21, 25, 26; 7, 8, 12; mislead men, Bd. 15, 9, 12, 17, 18; use nail-parings as weapons, Bd. 19, 19, 20; Sl. 12, 6; opposed by cock, Bd. 19, 33; Sl. 10, 30 n; beget the ape, bear, and negro, Bd. 23, 1, 2; described, Bd. 28, 1-46; figures of, Byt. 1, 4; 2, 16; — with dishevelled hair, Byt. 1, 5; 2, 22, 24-29, 36; 3, 1, 6, 13, 34; discomfited, Byt. 2, 16, 17; 3, 40, 41; reside in idol-temples, Byt. 3, 30, 36, 37; attack Zaratûst, Sl. 10, 4; 12, 11; in the north, Sl. 10, 7; 12, 18; 14, 2 n.
Demon worship, Sl. 8, 4; 14, 1.
— worshippers, Byt. 3, 24.
Depository for the dead, Sl. 2, 75; 13, 19. See Dakhma and Receptacle.
Destroyer, Bd. 2, 4, 8; 3, 1, 23; 7, 1; 20, 6; 27, 1; Zs. 7, 3; Sl. 10, 3; 13, 30.
Development of animals, Bd. 10, 2, 3; 14, 3-7; Zs. 9, 7-9; fire, Zs. 11, 1-10; lakes, Zs. 6, 7, 8, 22; land, Bd. 11, 2; Zs. 7, 8-11; man, Bd. 15, 1-5; Zs. 10, 3-6; minerals, Zs. 10, 2; mountains, Bd. 8, 1-5, 12, 1, 2, 11, 28, 41; Zs. 7, 1-7; plants, Bd. 9, 2-6; 10, 1; 14, 1, 2; Zs. 8, 1-5; 9, 1-6; rivers, Bd. 7, 15-17; Zs. 6, 20, 21; seas, Bd. 7, 6, 14; Zs. 6, 6-8, 14-19.
Deyrid r., Bd. 20, 7 n, 12 n.
Diglat r., Bd. 20, 7, 10, 12, 26; Zs. 6, 20 n.
Dîlmân town, Bd. 20, 12 n.
Dimâvand m., Bd. 12, 29, 31; 20, 27; 29, 9; Byt. 3, 55.
Dîn, angel, Bd. 27, 24; Byt. 2, 59 n; month, Bd. 25, 3, 11, 20. See Dînô.
Dînî-vagarkard, book, Zs. 9, 1 n; Byt. 1, 1 n; 3, 25 n; Sl. 9, 9 n; 10, 3 n, 4 n, 13 n, 21 n, 25 n, 26 n, 28 n, 29 n; 12, 4 n, 17 n.
Dînkard, book, Sl. 10, 22 n, 23 n; last editor of, Int. 64; Bd. 33, (11 n;) Sl. 8, 23 n; quoted, Zs. 9, 1 n; Byt. 1, 1 n; 2, 3 n,
[paragraph continues] 19 n; 3, 25 n, 43 n, 52 n, 61 n; Sl. 6, 7 n; 9, 9 n; 10, 3 n, 4 n, 8 n, 13 n, 21 n, 25 n, 26 n, 28 n, 29 n; 12, 4 n, 17 n; 19, 1 n, 4 n.
Dînô, angel, Sl. 22, 8, 15, 23, 24; 23, 4. See Dîn.
Dîn-pavan-Âtarô, angel, Bd. 27, 24; Sl. 23, 2, 4 n.
Dîn-pavan-Dînô, angel, Bd. 27, 24; Sl. 23, 4.
Dîn-pavan-Mitrô, angel, Bd. 27, 24; Sl. 23, 3, 4 n.
Dirham, Sl. 1, (2;) 8, (3 n;) 10, 24; 11, 2; 16, 1 n, 2, 3.
Dist, span, Bd. 26, 3 n; Sl. 16, 4.
Dog's gaze, Sl. 2, 1-3, 56, 63, 66, 71, 84, 85; 10, 10, 12, 32, 33.
Dô-hômâst, rite, Sl. 16, 6.
Dô-patkar, zod., Bd. 2, 2.
Doubtful actions, Sl. 10, 25, 27.
Drônô, see Sacred cake.
Drûgâskân, demon, Bd. 31, 6.
Drvâsp, angel, Sl. 11, 4.
Dualism, Int. 68-70.
Dûbâsrûgêd nask, Sl. 10, 13.
Dughdâ or Dûkdâv, woman, Bd. 32, 10; Sl. 10, 4; 12, 11.
Dûl, zod., Bd. 2, 2.
Dûrâsrôb, man, Bd. 31, 13, 31; 32, 1; 33, 3, 4.
Dûrnâmîk, man, Bd. 33, 5.
Dûrôshasp, man, Bd. 31, 14, 27.
Dvâsrûb or Dvâsrûgad nask, see Dûbâsrûgêd.
Dvâzdah-hômâst nask, Zs. 9, 1 n; rite, Byt. 2, (59;) 3, 25, 27, 37; Sl. 16, 6.
Eating in the dark, Sl. 9, 8.
Egypt, Int. 21; Bd. 20, 8 n; Zs. 6, 20 n.
Erezishô m., Bd. 12, 12 n.
Erezrâspa, man, Bd. 29, 1 n.
Erezurô m., Bd. 12, 16 n.
Esther, book, Byt. 2, 17 n.
Etymander r., Bd. 20, 17 n.
Euphrates r., Bd. 20, 10 n, 11 n; Byt. 3, 5 n.
Euxine, Bd. 13, 15 n; 20, 8 n.
Ever-stationary, Sl. 6, 2; 18, 4 n.
Evil eye, Bd. 28, 2 n, 14, 36.
Evil spirit, Zs. 1, 0; Sl. 8, 23; 12, 7; 13, 28; like the devil, Int. 69, 70; origin of evil, Bd. 1, 1, 9-22, 24; cast down, Bd. 3, 1-5; 11, 6; 30, 29, 30, 32; Byt. 3, 35, 40; Sl. 13, 24, 36; comforted, Bd. 3, 6-8; described, Bd. 3, 9; 28, 40, 41; attacks creation, Bd. 3, 10-17, 21, 24-27; 6, 1-4; 8, 1; 11, 5; 18, 2, 5; 19, 10; 28, 1, 3; misleads men, Bd. 15, 8, 9; 28, 6; ancestor of Dahâk, Bd. 31, 6; his future evil-doings, Byt. 2, 54; 3, 24, 33. See Aharman.
Extinguishing fire, Sl. 7, 9; 20, 15.
Extirpation of sin, Sl. 8, 13.
Ezra, book, Byt. 2, 17 n.
Farânak, woman, Bd. 31, 31 n.
Farangîs, woman, Bd. 31, 18 n.
Farghânah, land, Bd. 20, 20 n.
Farhank, woman, Bd. 31, 31-33.
Farmân sin, Sl. 1, (1, 2;) 2, 51; 3, 27, 28; 4, 10, 14 n; 5, 3 n; 6, 3 n; 8, 9 n; 11, 1, (2;) 16, (1,) 5.
Farukhŏ, com., Sl. 1, 4 n.
Fasâ, town, Bd. 29, 14 n.
Fayûm, land, Int. 21.
Feast, Byt. 2, 45. Sec Sacred feast.
Female things, Bd. 16, 6.
Ferîdûn, king, Bd. 31, 7 n, 31 n. See Frêdûn.
Fiends, Bd. 2, 11; 30, 30; Zs. 1, 5; 4, 2; Byt. 3, 30, 37; Sl. 9, 8; 13, 10, 13; 19, 5; 20, 9, 11; origin, Bd. 1, 10; destroyed, Bd. 2, 10; 19, 33, 34, 36; 20, 6; Zs. 10, 1; Sl. 13, 23, 32, 46; described, Bd. 28, 13, 14, 20, 33, 37; Christians, Byt. 3, 3, 5; serpents, Byt. 3, 52; of menstruation, Sl. 3, 29; become pregnant, Sl. 10, 7; 12, 18. See Arch-fiends.
Finger-breadth, meas., Bd. 21, 1; 26, (3 n;) 27, 25; Sl. 2, 118; 4, 2, 5; 10, 1.
Fire, injured, Bd. 3, 24; described, Bd. 17, 1-9; Zs. 11, 1-10; reverence, Sl. 7, 4; 10, 37; to be kept up, Sl. 12, 3, 12. See Sacred fire.
Fire-temple, see Abode of fires.
Fish, classification, Bd. 10, 4; 14, 12, 26; Zs. 9, 9-14; generation, Bd. 16, 7; chief, Bd. 24, 13.
Flowers, Bd. 27, 11, 24.
Fomalhaut, star, Bd. 2, 7 n; Sl. 11, 4 n; 14, 5 n.
Food not to be cast to the north at night, Sl. 10, 7; 12, 18.
Foot, meas., Bd. 26, 3 n; Sl. 2, 18, 77, 78 n; 3, 33; 21, 2, 5-8.
Forgiveness of trespasses, Sl. 10, 11.
Frâbâzu, meas., Bd. 26, 3 n.
Fradadafsh, region, Bd. 5, 8, 9; 11, 3; 25, 10; 29, 1; Byt. 3, 47.
Fradhâkhsti, man, Bd. 29, 5 n.
Fragûzak, woman, Bd. 31, 14.
Frahimravâ, man, Bd. 32, 10.
Frâh-vakhsh-vindâd, man, Bd. 33, 1.
Frangrasyan, king, Bd. 31, 14 n.
Fraoreti hâ, Sl. 13, 1 n.
Frârâst, meas., Bd. 26, 3 n.
Frasast, cake, Sl. 3, (32 n;) 14, 3; 17, 5 n.
Frashâîtar, man, Bd. 33, 3.
Frashakard, see Renovation.
Frashâvakhsha, man, Bd. 33, 1 n.
Frashôstar, man, Bd. 33, 3 n.
Frâsîyâv, king, Bd. 12, 20; 20, 17, 34; 21, 6; 30, 16; 31, (14,) 15, 18, 21, 22, 35; Zs. 11, 10 n; Byt. 2, 62; 3, 34; Sl. 10, 28 n.
Frasizak, woman, Bd. 32, 1 n.
Frasp-i Kûr, man, Bd. 31, 18, 19.
Frast, man, Bd. 33, 3. See next.
Frâst, man, Bd. 31, 31 n.
Frastuyê hâ, Sl. 13, 1.
Frât r., Bd. 20, 7, 10, 11; Byt. 3, 5.
Fravâhar, see Guardian spirits.
Fravâk, man, Bd. 15, 25, 30, 31; 31, 1, 6; 32, 1 n.
Fravâkaîn, woman, Bd. 15, 25.
Fravarânê hâ, Sl. 13, 1.
Fravardîkân, see Guardian spirits’ days.
Fravardîn, angel, Bd. 27, 24; Sl. 22, 19; 23, 3; day, Sl. 11, 4 n; month, Bd. 3, 12; 25, 7, 13, 20; Zs. 2, 1; Sl. 11, 4 n.
Fravashis, Bd. 1, 8 n; 2, 10 n. See Guardian spirits.
Frazdân lake, Bd. 22, 1, 5; Byt. 3, 13.
Frazîsak, man, Bd. 32, 1 n.
Frazûsak, man, Bd. 31, 14.
Frêdûn, king, Bd. 20, 12 n; 23, 3; 29, 9; 31, (7-11,) 14, 27, 32; 32, 1 n; 34, 6; Byt. 3, 55, 56, 58; Sl. 10, 28 n; 20, 18; man, Bd. 33, 3.
Frêh-khûrd, man, Bd. 31, 19.
Freh-mâh, woman, Bd. 33, 7.
Freh-Srôsh, man, Bd. 33, 11.
Frên, woman, Bd. 32, 5, 7 n.
Freni, woman, Bd. 31, 33 n; 32, 5 n.
Frîftâr, demon, Bd. 28, 30.
Fris, man, Bd. 31, 13.
Frôbak fire, Bd. 17, 5, 7 n; Zs. 11, 8-10; Byt. 3, 29, 30, 37, 40; Sl. 13, 26.
Fruits, Bd. 27, 7, 23.
Fryânô, man, Bd. 33, 3.
Fshûshô-mãthra, ritual, Sl. 13, 49 n.
Future existence, Bd. 1, 1, 7, 21; 2, 11; 11, 6; 15, 9; 30, 1; Byt. 2, 55; 3, 62; Sl. 8, 7, 14; 9, 6; 10, 19.
Gadhauithw, demon, Bd. 31, 6.
Gadman-hômand m., Bd. 17, 5; Zs. 11, 9; Byt. 3, 29.
Gaêvani, man, Bd. 29, 6 n.
Gâh, Bd. 2, 8; 25, 9 n; Sl. 7, 1 n; 14, 4 n. See Period.
Gâhanbârs, Bd. 25, 1; Sl. 12, 31 n; 18, (3 n.) See Season-festivals.
Gâk, man, Bd. 33, 3.
Gâm, meas., Bd. 26, 3 n.
Ganâvad m., Bd. 12, 29, 34; 19, 8.
Ganrâk maînôk, Bd. 1, 1 n, 3 n. See Evil spirit.
Garafsa, lun. man., Bd. 2, 3.
Garôdmân, Bd. 30, 12, 13, 27; Sl. 6, (3 n,) 4; 11, 3. See Heaven.
Garsâsp, man, Bd. 29, 7 n; 31, 26 n, 27 n.
Garsîvaz, man, Bd. 31, 15 n.
Gâsânbâr, see Season-festivals.
Gâtha days, Bd. 5, 7; 25, 7 n.
Gâthas, hymns, Bd. 12, 7 n; Zs. 11, 10 n; Byt. 2, 60; Sl. 9, 12 n; 10, 6; quoted, Zs. 5, 4; Sl. 12, 28; mystic meaning, Sl. 13, 1-49; extent, Sl. 13, 50, 51.
Gau, lun. man., Bd. 2, 3.
Gâus gîvya, Av., Sl. 2, 43 n; 13, 12 n. — hudhau, Av., Sl. 2, 43 n; 3, 32 n; 11, 4 n. See Sacred butter.
Gâyômard, man, Bd. 3, 1 n, 14, 17, 19-23; 4, 1; 15, 1, 31; 24, 1; 30, 7, 9; 31, 1; 32, 1 n; 34, 1, 2; Zs. 2, 6, 8; 3, 2; 4, 3, 5, 9, 10; 5, 4; 10, 1-3; 11, 10 n; Sl. 10, 28 n.
Gazdûm, zod., Bd. 2, 2.
Gefar-tôrâ, man, Bd. 31, 7; 32, 1 n.
Gêhân-bûn sea, Zs. 6, 14.
Gêl, lun. man., Bd. 2, 3.
Gemini, Bd. 2, 2; Sl. 21, 2.
Genealogies, Bd. 15, 24-30; 31, 1-41; 32, 1-10; 33, 1-11.
Generation, Bd. 16, 1-7.
Georgia, Bd. 20, 13 n.
Gêsbakht m., Bd. 12, 29.
Gêtî-kharîd, rite, Bd. 30, (28;) Sl. 5, 6; 12, 30; 17, 5 n.
Ghaznî, town, Bd. 22, 5 n.
Gîklân sea, Bd. 20, 24.
Gîlân, land, Bd. 12, 17.
Gîw, man, Bd. 29, 6.
Glory, royal, Bd. 31, 32, 33; 34, 4.
Glossary, Av.-Pahl., Sl. 10, 39 n.
— Huz.-Pâz., Int., 6, 17.
God ('celestial beings '), Bd. 17, 8; Zs. 11, 6; Sl. 1, 0; 8, 22, 23; 10, 3, 5; 14, 0; 19, 7; 21, 4; 22, 30.
Gôgôsasp, com., Sl. 1, 3; 2, 74, 82, 119.
Goî, lun. man., Bd. 2, 3.
Gôkard tree, Bd. 9, 6; 18, 1; 24, 27; 27, 4.
Gôkîhar, meteor, Bd. 5, 1; 28, 44; 30, 18, 31.
Golden age, Byt. 1, 1 n, 4; 2, 16.
Gômêz, see Bull's urine.
Good works, Zs. 1, 74, 18; 4, 6; 11, 6; Byt. 2, 33, 38, 64; Sl. 2, 53, 93; 6, 3, 4, 6; 7, 4, 6, 7; 8, 1, 5, 20, 22; 9, 6; 10, 25, 27, 29; 12, 1, 2, 29; 17, 8; 20, 1, 4, 5; imputed, Sl. 4, 14; 6, 1, 2; 7, 6; 8, 4; 10, 22-24; 12, 15, 16, 31; 16, 6.
Gôpatô, land, Bd. 29, 5 n.
Gôpatshah, chief, Bd. 29, 5; 31, 20, 22; Byt. 2, 1.
Gôs, angel, Bd. 4, 4 n; 27, 24; Byt. 2, 59 n; Sl. 11, 4 n; 23, 2.
Gôsasp, com., Sl. 1, 3 n.
Gôst-i Fryânô, man, Byt. 2, 1; tale of, Sl. 21, 0 n.
Gôsûrvan, angel, Bd. 4, 2-5; Zs. 3, 1, 3; Sl. 11, 4 n; 22, 14.
Greek inscriptions, Int. 19.
Greeks, Byt. 3, 5.
Griffon, Bd. 14, 11, 23; 19, 18; 24, 11, 29; Zs. 8, 4.
Guardian spirits, Bd. 1, (8 n;) 2, 10, 11; 4, 4; 6, 3; 29, 8; 32, 9; Sl. 9, 11; 11, 4; 17, 4, 6; 19, 8; days devoted to, Byt. 2, 45; Sl. 10, 2; 12, 31.
Gûdarz, man, Bd. 29, 6.
Gûrgân, land, Bd. 20, 24 n.
Gurgistân, land, Bd. 20, 13 n.
Gûsasp fire, Bd. 17, 7; Zs. 6, 22 n; Byt. 3, 10 n. See Visnâsp.
Gûsnasp fire, Zs. 6, 22; 11, 8-10; Byt. 3, 10 n, 37, 40.
Gûzak, princess, Bd. 31, 9, 14.
—, woman, Bd. 15, 28.
Gamagân, land, Bd. 29, 14 n.
Gâmâsp, priest, Sl. 11, 4.
Garô-danghu, man, Bd. 29, 1 n.
Gasnŏ, Byt. 2, 45. See Feast.
Gêh, fiend, Bd. 3, 3, 6-9; Sl. 3, 29 n.
Girast nask, Sl. 10, 28 n. See Kîd-rast.
Gîvân, lun. man., Zs. 4, 8.
Gumin, town, Bd. 12, 34 n.
Hadhayôs, ox, Bd. 19, 13; 29, 5 n; 30, 25.
Hâdôkht nask, Bd. 15, 7 n; Byt. 3, (25,) 28; Sl. 12, 19, 30; 13, 6, 10; 16, 6.
Hâêkadâsp, man, Bd. 32, 1.
Hâgîâbâd inscriptions, Int. 20 n.
Hamadân, town, Bd. 12, 12; 19, 3 n; 22, 6.
Hamêmâl, see Sin affecting accusers.
Hamêspamadâyêm, season, Bd. 25, 6.
Hâmîd, man, Bd. 33, 11.
Hamîstakân, Sl. 6, 2. See Ever-stationary.
Hamrêd, see Contagion.
Hâmûn, lake, Bd. 13, 16 n.
Haptôk-ring, stars, Bd. 2, 7; 5, 1; 13, 12; 14, 28; Sl. 11, 4.
Hardâr, man, Bd. 32, 1.
Hardarsn, man, Bd. 32, 1.
Harhaz r., Bd. 20, 7, 27.
Haro r., Bd. 12, 9 n; 20, 7, 15, 16.
Hâs, Sl. 10, 6; 13, 1. See Chapter.
Hâsar of distance, Bd. 14, 4; 16, 7; 26, (1,) 2 n; Sl. 9, 1 n; — of time, Bd. 25, 5; Sl. 9, (1.)
Hâthra, meas., Bd. 7, 8 n; 26, 1 n; Sl. 9, 1 n.
Haug, Professor, Int. 12, 25, 26, 29.
Hâvan gâh, Bd. 25, 9, 10; Sl. 7, 1 n; 14, 4 n.
Heaven, grades in, Bd. 12, 1; Sl. 6, 3 n; garôdmân, Bd. 30, 12, 13, 27; Zs. 11, 2; Sl. 6, 3 n, 4; 11, 3; 13, 8; vahist, Bd. 30, 27; Zs. 1, 14; Sl. 6, 2, 3, 5; 12, 28;
[paragraph continues] 15, 8, 13, 19, 24, 29, 30; 18, 4 n; 22, 9, 18, 22, 29. See also Best existence.
Heaven, not to be despaired of, Sl. 12, 28, 29.
Hebrew laws, Sl. 3, 14 n, 15 n, 18 n, 26 n.
Hedgehog, Bd. 14, 19; 19, 28; Sl. 2, 59; 10, 31; 12, 20.
Hell, Bd. 15, 9; 22, 10; Zs. 1, 14; Sl. 6, 2, 6; 8, 5, 7, 13; 12, 4, 28; 18, 4 n; described, Bd. 3, 27; 28, 47, 48; abode of demons, Bd. 3, 26; Byt. 3, 30, 35; for the wicked, Bd. 30, 12, 13; gate of, Bd. 12, 8; 28, 18; Zs. 2, 4; Sl. 10, 7 n; 13, 19; purified, Bd. 30, 31, 32; grades in, Sl. 6, 3 n.
Hêlmand r., Bd. 20, 17 n.
Hendvâ r., Bd. 20, 7, 9 n.
Heri r., Bd. 20, 15 n, 16 n.
Hêtûmand r., Bd. 12, 9 n; 20, 7, 17, 34; 21, 3 n.
Hiddekel r., Bd. 20, 72 n; Byt. 3, 21 n.
High-priest, dastûr, Bd. 19, 36; 28, 20; Byt. 3, 52; Sl. 8, 10; 9, 2, 4; 10, 5, 20-23, 31; 12, 2, 14-16; rad, Bd. 29, 1 n; Byt. 3, 52; Sl. 8, 1, 2, 5, 6, 14, 21; 13, 2, 29; supreme, Bd. 24, 1; Sl. 9, 3; see Supreme Zaratûst.
Hîkhar, Sl. 2, (30 n,) 95. See Bodily refuse.
Hindûs, Bd. 28, 34; Byt. 3, 14, 17; Sl. 2, 58 n.
Hindûstân, Bd. 20, 9; 25, 15; 29, 15.
Hindva m., Bd. 12, 6 n.
Hirât, town, Bd. 20, 16 n.
Hirâtîs, men, Byt. 3, 19.
Hiriyân, men, Byt. 3, 19 n.
Hoazarôdathhri, chief, Bd. 29, 1.
Holy-water, Bd. 21, 3, 4; Byt. 2, 59; Sl. 2, (43;) 7, 9; 12, 5; 13, 9; 15, 12; 16, 6.
Hôm, angel, Bd. 7, 3; 27, 24; Zs. 6, 3; Sl. 11, 4, 6; — drôn, Sl. 10, 2; — juice, Sl. 10, 16; 13, 1 n, 9 n; — mortar, Sl. 9, 12 n; 13, 9 n; — tree, Bd. 9, 6 n; 18, 2, 3; 24, 18; 27, 4, 24; 30, 25; Zs. 8, 5; — twigs, Sl. 9, 12 n; 13, 9 n.
Hômâst, rite, Byt. 2, (59 n;) Sl. 9, 12 n; 16, 6 n.
Horvadad, angel, Bd. 1, (26;) 27, 24; 30, 29; Byt. 3, 29; Sl. 9, 8; 13, 14; 15, 3, 5, 25, 29; 22, 6; 23, 1; month, Bd. 25, 20.
— yast, Byt. 1, 6.
Hôshyang, king, Bd. 15, (28;) 31, 1, 2, 9 n, 32 n; 32, 1 n; 34, 3, 4; Zs. 11, 10; Sl. 10, 28 n.
House-ruler, Sl. 13, 11, 15, 41 n, 44; 19, 5.
Hûbakht, man, Bd. 33, 1.
Hûdînô, man, Bd. 33, 3.
Hûgar m., Bd. 7, 15 n; 12, 2, (5,) 6; 13, 4; 22, 11; 24, 17; Byt. 3, 31 n.
Hûkaîryâd m., Byt. 3, 31.
Hukhshathrôtemâi, prayer, Sl. 10, 5 n; 13, 22.
Hûmâî, woman, Bd. 33, 7; queen, Bd. 34, 8.
Hûmân, man, Bd. 31, 17.
Human monstrosities, Bd. 15, 5, 31.
Humatanãm, prayer, Sl. 10, 5 n; 13, 16, 22.
Hunting, Sl. 8, 3.
Hûsh, beverage, Bd. 19, 13; 30, 25.
Hûshêdar, apostle, Bd. 21, 6; 32, 7 n, (8;) Byt. 3, 11 n, 13, 34 n, (43, 44,) 47, 48, 61 n; Sl. 13, 5.
Hûshêdar-mâh, apostle, Bd. 30, 2; 32, 7 n, (8;) Byt. 3, 52, 53; Sl. 13, 5.
Hûspâram nask, Byt. 2, 37 n; Sl. 10, (21;) 12, 1, 7, 14, 31; 13, 17.
Husru, lun. man., Bd. 2, 3; lake, Bd. 22, 1, 8.
Huvâsp, chief, Bd. 29, 1.
Hûzavârak, man, Bd. 31, 47.
Huzvâris logograms, Int. 14-20.
Hvaêtumaithi hâ, Sl. 13, 7, 14, 27.
Hvandkãn, man, Bd. 29, 1.
Hvara, Av., Sl. 1, 1 n.
Hvare-kithra, man, Bd. 32, 5 n.
Hvembya, man, Bd. 29, 5.
Hvôv, woman, Bd. 32, 7 n, 8; Sl. 10, 21 n.
Hvyaona, land, Byt. 2, 49 n.
Hyrcania, Bd. 20, 24 n.
Iaxartes r., Bd. 20, 20 n.
Ibairaz, man, Bd. 29, 6.
Ibitak, man, Bd. 32, In.
Idolators, Int. 50, 52; Bd. 3, 20 n; 15, 28 n; Byt. 3, 11 n.
Idolatry, Sl. 9, 2, 3.
Idols, Bd. 28, 14; Byt. 1, 4 n.
Idol-temples, Bd. 17, 7; Byt. 3, 30, 36, 37.
Imãm-âad-zãm hâ, Sl. 13, 19.
Immortal men, Bd. 29, 5-9; 30, 17.
Incursion of the evil spirit, Bd. 3, 10-26; Zs. 2, 1-11; 4, 1-6.
Indar, demon, Bd. 30, 29 n. See Andar.
India, Bd. 15, 29 n; 20, 9 n; 29, 4; Byt. 3, 44 n; Sl. 2, 6 n, 22 n, 32 n; 4, 5 n, 6 n, 11 n, 12 n; 9, 9 n; 16, 1 n; 17, 2 n.
Indian ocean, Bd. 20, 8 n.
Indra, god, Bd. 1, 27 n.
Indus r., Bd. 20, 8 n, 9 n, 22 n, 28 n; Byt. 3, 38 n.
Infant, treatment, Sl. 10, 16; protected by fire, Sl. 12, 12.
Infection, Sl. 2, 55, 59, (60-)62. See Paîtrêd.
Infidel, Sl. 6, 6.
Invoking angels, Sl. 9, 11-13.
Inward prayer, Sl. 3, (6-)9, 21; 4, 3, 9 n; 5, 4 n; 10, 14, 26; 14, 3. See Bâz, Vâg.
Iran, Bd. 12, 9 n; Zs. 6, 17; Byt. 2, 51, 63; 3, 37 n, 44 n; Sl. 10, 28 n; countries of, Bd. 23, 3; Byt. 1, 1 n; 2, 24, 26, 49; 3, 5-7, 10, 20, 22, 23, 25, 26, 36, 38, 39; kings of, Bd. 31, 32 n; 32, 1 n.
Iranian, countries, Bd. 19, 15; Byt. 2, 28, 29; kings, Bd. 34, 4 n; Byt. 3, 51; logograms, Int. 14, 18, 19; rule, Bd. 29, 4 n; Sl. 13, 7 n.
Iranians, Bd. 12, 33; 15, 28; 31, 21; Byt. 2, 33 n.
Iron age, Byt. 1, 1 n, 5; 2, 22; 3, 12 n.
Isadvâstar, man, Bd. 30, 10 n; 32, 5, 7.
Isfendiyâr, prince, Bd. 31, 29 n; Byt. 2, 17 n.
Ispahân, Bd. 12, 40 n; 20, 15 n, 26 n; 31, 40 n.
Istûdgar nask, Byt. 1, 1 n. See Stûdgar.
Ithâ hâ, Sl. 13, 20; prayer, Sl. 3, 35; 5, 2, 5, 7; see the next.
Ithâ-âd-yazamaidê hâ, Sl. 13, 18.
Izak, princess, Bd. 32, 1 n.
J in Oriental words is printed G.
Jamshêd, Bd. 23, 1 n; 31, 27 n.
Jew, Sl. 6, 7.
Judge, unjust, Sl. 10, 18.
Jupiter, planet, Bd. 5, 1; Zs. 4, 7, 8, 10; Byt. 3, 4, 18.
Justi, Professor, Int. 26, 66 n.
Kabed-sikaft m., Bd. 12, 2, 21.
Kabîsah dispute, Bd. 25, 3 n.
Kâbulistân, Byt. 3, 13 n.
Kâd, priest, Bd. 33, 1, 2.
Kadân, title, Bd. 31, 15.
Kad-môi-urvâ hâ, Sl. 13, 33.
Kaf m., Bd. 12, 2, 54.
Kahrkâs, bird, Bd. 14, 23; 19, 25, 31.
Kaht, lun. man., Bd. 2, 3.
Kahtsar, lun. man., Bd. 2, 3.
Kâhûs, Byt. 3, 9 n. See Kaî-Kâûs.
Kaî-Apîvêh, prince, Bd. 31, 25, 28, 31, 34.
— Arsh, prince, Bd. 31, 25.
— Kabâd, king, Bd. 34, 7.
— Kâûs, king, Bd. 31, 23, 31 n; 34, 7; Byt. 3, 9.
— Kavâd, king, Bd. 31, 28; 34, 7 n; Sl. 10, 28 n. See Kavâd.
— Khûsrôb, king, Bd. 17, 7; 31, 18, 25; 34, 7; Sl. 10, 28 n.
— Lôharâsp, king, Bd. 31, 29; 34, 7; Sl. 10, 28 n.
— Pisân (or Pîsîn), prince, Bd. 31, 25, 28.
— Qubâd, king, Bd. 31, 24 n.
— Us, king, Zs. 11, 10 n; Sl. 10, 28 n.
— Vistâsp, king, Bd. 34, 7; Byt. 3, 11 n; Sl. 10, 28 n.
— Vyârsh, prince, Bd. 31, 25.
Kalâk, town, Bd. 12, 35.
Kalakang, zod., Bd. 2, 2; 5, 6.
Kâmah Bahrah, Zs. 9, 1 n; Sl. 2, 2 n.
Kamîndân, land, Bd. 22, 10.
Kam-nemôi-zãm hâ, Sl. 13, 30.
Kamrûd sea, Bd. 13, 7, 15; Zs. 6, 14.
Kanâbad, town, Bd. 12, 34 n.
Kanak-i Barzist, man, Bd. 31, 23.
Kangdez, land, Bd. 12, 2; 20, 31; 29, 4, 5, 10; 32, 5; Byt. 3, 25, 26.
Kaoirisa m., Bd. 12, 25 n.
Kar fish, Bd. 14, 12; 24, 1 n, 13.
Karap, title, Byt. 2, 3.
Karapân, title, Zs. 11, 10 n; Byt. 2, 3 n.
Karm, tribe, Byt. 3, 7.
Karmak, tribe, Byt. 2, 49.
Karmân, tribe, Byt. 3, 20.
Karsâspô, king, Sl. 10, 28 n.
Karsêvaz, prince, Bd. 31, 15.
Karsipt, bird, Bd. 14, 23; 19, 16; 24, 1 n, 11, 29 n.
Kâsak or Kâsîk r., Bd. 20, 7, 9 n, 30.
Kaski-zard, town, Bd. 12, 30 n.
Kasmîr, land, Bd. 29, 4, 15.
Kasp r., Bd. 20, 30.
Katâyûn, man, Bd. 31, 8.
Kâûs Kaman, Sl. 2, 2 n.
Kavâd, king, Bd. 31, 24, 25; Byt. 1, 5 n; 2, 21 n. See Kaî-Kavâd.
Kavi Aipi-vanghu, prince, Bd. 31, 25 n.
— Arshan, prince, Bd. 31, 25 n.
— Byârshân, prince, Bd. 31, 25 n.
— Husravangh, king, Bd. 31, 25 n.
— Pisanangh, prince, Bd. 31, 25 n.
— Syâvarshân, prince, Bd. 31, 25 n.
— Usadhan, king, Bd. 31, 25 n.
Kâvûl, town, Bd. 12, 22; 17, 6.
Kâvûlî, tribe, Byt. 2, 49.
Kâvulistân, land, Bd. 17, 6; 29, 11; Byt. 3, 13 n, 29 n.
Kayân, Bd. 21, 7; 28, 15, 17; 31, 0, 25 n; Byt. 1, 5; 2, 17; 3, 14, 51.
Kayânians, Bd. 11, 6; Byt. 3, 14 n; Sl. 10, 28 n.
Kayâns, Byt. 3, 25, 26; Sl. 22, 32.
Keresâni, king, Byt. 2, 19 n.
Keresâsp, man, Bd. 29, 7 n; 31, 26, 27 n, 36 n; Byt. 3, 59, 60.
Kêshvars, regions, Bd. 5, 8, 9; 11, (2-6;) 15, 27; 17, 4; Zs. 7, (8-11;) Byt. 3, 47; Sl. 10, 28 n.
Kêvâd, king, Byt. 1, 5; 2, 21.
Kêvân, planet, Bd. 5, 1; 28, 48; Zs. 4, 7.
Khashm, demon, Bd. 29, 5. See Aêshm.
Khast nask, Sl. 12, 4 n. See Dâdak.
Khava, demon, Bd. 19, 27.
Khazar, land, Byt. 2, 49 n.
Khôr sin, Sl. 1, 1, 2; 2, 70; 3, 25 n; 11, 1, 2; 16, 5.
Khrûtâsp, man, Bd. 31, 6.
Khshmaibyâ hâ, Sl. 13, 4, 14.
Khshnûman, ritual, see Shnûman.
Khûdarak, tribe, Byt. 2, 49 n.
Khugand, town, Bd. 20, 20 n.
Khûgîstân, land, Bd. 12, 9, 30; 20, 12, 26; 24, 28; Zs. 7, 7 n.
Khunbya, title, Bd. 29, 5 n.
Khûr, angel, Sl. 22, 11; 23, 2; day, Bd. 25, 3. See Khûrshed.
Khûrâsân, land, Bd. 12, 18, 17; 20, 13 n, 21 n; 25, 16 n; Byt. 2, 24 n; 3, 19.
Khurdâd, angel, Byt. 2, 59 n; month, Bd. 25, 20 n. See Horvadad.
Khurdah Avesta, Sl. 8, 1 n.
Khûrshêd, angel, Bd. 27, 24; Byt. 2, 59 n. See Khûr.
— kîhar, man, Bd. 32, 5, 6, 7 n.
— mâh, apostle, Byt. 3, 52 n.
— nyâyis, ritual, Sl. 7, 1 n; 17, 5 n.
— yast, ritual, Sl. 7, 2 n.
Khûrshêdar, apostle, Byt. 3, 13 n.
Khûsak, zod., Bd. 2, 2.
Khûsrô, king, Byt. 1, 5, 7 n, 8; 2, 21.
— Mâhdâdân, priest, Byt. 1, 7.
— Nôshirvân, king, Bd. 34, 9 n; Zs. 6, 20 n; Byt. 1, 5 n, 7 n; 2, 21 n.
— Parvîz, king, Bd. 34, 9 n; Zs. 6, 20 n; Byt. 3, 11 n.
Khûsrôv, man, Bd. 31, 36, 40.
Khûstô nask, Sl. 12, 4 n. See Dâdak.
Khvanaîdis r., Bd. 20, 7, 29 n.
Khvanîras, region, Bd. 5, 9; 11, (2-6;) 15, 27; 17, 4; 24, 26, 27, 29; 29, 2, 3, 5 n; 32, 1 n; Zs. 6, 21; 7, (10;) Byt. 3, 47; Sl. 10, 28 n.
Khvaraê r., Bd. 20, 7, 26.
Khvârîh, Bd. 12, 2.
Khvârizem, land, Bd. 12, 12; 17, 5, 6; Zs. 11, 9; Byt. 3, 29 n; lake, Bd. 22, 1, 4.
Khvâst-aîrikht, man, Bd. 31, 19.
Khvegand r., Bd. 20, 7, 19, 20.
Khvêtmanŏ hâ, Sl. 13, 7 n.
Khvêtûk-das, see Next-of-kin marriage.
Khyôn, land, Byt. 2, 49 n.
Kilisyâkîh (Christianity), Byt. 2, 19; 3, 3, 5, 8.
Kîrâtanŏ-bûgêd, com., Sl. 1, 4 n.
Kirfak, see Good works.
Kirmân, land, Bd. 12, 35 n; 33, 10 n; Byt. 2, 24 n; town, Zs. 1, 0 n; Byt. 3, 17 n.
Kôhistân, land, Bd. 20, 13 n; Byt. 3, 19.
Koir r., Bd. 20, 7, 24.
Kokand, town, Bd. 20, 20 n.
Kôndras m., Bd. 12, 2, 25.
Kôndrâsp m., Bd. 12, 2, 24; 22, 30.
Krittikâ, lun. man., Bd. 2, 3 n.
Kûmîs m., Bd. 12, 32; land, Bd. 20, 18.
Kûndak, demon, Bd. 28, 42.
Kûr r., Bd. 20, 8 n, 24 n.
Kuran r., Bd. 20, 26 n.
Kurd, tribe, Byt. 3, 7 n, 20.
Kûrisk sheep, Bd. 14, 15; Zs. 9, 19.
Kûshtanŏ-bûgêd, com., Sl. 1, 4 n; 2, 57, 81, 118; 6, 6, 7 n; 8, 17.
Kûstîk, Bd. 24, 22; 30, 30 n. See Sacred thread-girdle.
Kyânsîh sea, Bd. 13, 16; 20, 34; 21, 6, 7.
Kakâd-i Dâîtîk m., Bd. 12, 2, 7; 30, 33 n; Byt. 3, 26.
Kakhravâk, chief, Bd. 29, 1.
Kakhshnûs, man, Bd. 32, 1.
Kamrôs, bird, Bd. 19, 15; 24, 11 n, 29; 27, 3 n.
Kathwaraspa, man, Bd. 29, 1 n.
Katru-mîyân r., Bd. 20, 7, 31.
Kêkast lake, Bd. 7, 14; 12, 36; 17, 7; 22, 1, 2, 8; Zs. 6, 22; Byt. 3, 10.
Kîdrast nask, Sl. 10, 28.
Kîhar-âzâd, queen, Bd. 34, 8.
Kîn or Kînŏ m., Bd. 12, 2, 13; 15, 29 n; land, Bd. 12, 13 n, 22; 15, 29 n; 31, 3; Byt. 2, 49 n.
Kînî, tribe, Byt. 2, 49; 3, 17.
Kînîstân, land, Bd. 12, 9 n, 13 n; 15, 29; 29, 13; Zs. 7, 7; Byt. 3, 14; Sl. 6, 7 n.
Kînvad or Kînvar bridge, Bd. 12, 7; 28, 18 n; 30, 33; Sl. 8, 1 n; 12, 2 n, 31 n; 13, 29 n; 17, 4 n.
Kîshmak, demon, Bd. 28, 24.
Kitrô-maînô, prince, Bd. 29, 5; Byt. 3, 25 n.
Kîtrô-mîyân, prince, Byt. 2, 1; 3, 25, 26.
Lakes, Bd. 13, 1-4; 22, 1-11; Zs. 6, 7, 8, 22.
Lârân, land, Bd. 12, 38.
Lâristân, land, Bd. 12, 38 n.
Laughter at prayer, Sl. 10, 29.
Lâ-vahâk, man, Bd. 31, 19.
Leo, Bd. 2, 2; 34, 2; Sl. 21, 2, 6.
Leucorrhœa, Sl. 3, 19.
Libra, Bd. 2, 2; 5, 6; 34, 2; Zs. 4, 8-10; Sl. 21, 2.
Life, duration of, Sl. 9, 14.
Liquids, Bd. 21, 1.
Logograms, Int. 13-17, 20.
Lôharâsp, king, Bd. 28, 15 n; 31, 28. See Kaî-Lôharâsp.
Luminaries, Bd. 2, 1-8.
Lunar mansions, Bd. 2, 3.
Madôfryâd m., Bd. 12, 32.
Magh (ablution-seat), Byt. 2, (36;) Sl. 10, 5 n.
Mâh, angel, Bd. 27, 24; Byt. 2, 59 n; Sl. 11, 4 n; 12, 8; 22, 12; 23, 2.
— Aûharmazd, com., Sl. 1, 4 n.
— ayâr, man, Bd. 33, 7.
— bôndak, man, Bd. 33, 7.
— bûkht, man, Bd. 33, 7.
— dad, man, Bd. 33, 1.
— gôsaspŏ, com., Sl. 1, 4 n.
— nyâyis, ritual, Sl. 7, 4 n.
— vasp, com., Sl. 1, 4 n.
Mâhîk, zod., Bd. 2, 2.
Mâhvand-dâd, com., Byt. 3, 3; Sl. 1, 4 n.
Maidhyâirya, season, Bd. 25, 3 n; Sl. 18, (3 n.)
Maidhyô-shema, season, Bd. 25, 3 n; Sl. 18, (3 n.)
Male things, Bd. 16, 6.
Mâm-sozak, title, Bd. 31, 14.
Manicheans, Sl. 6, 7 n.
Mânih, heretic, Sl. 6, 7 n.
Mânsarspend, angel, Sl. 11, 4. See Mâraspend.
Mânûs m., Bd. 12, 2, 10; king, Bd. 33, 4; man, Bd. 31, 28.
— i khûrshêd-vînîk, man, Bd. 31, 11, 12.
— khûrnâk, man, Bd. 31, 14; 32, 1 n.
— khûrnar, man, Bd. 31, 12, 14; 32, 1 n.
Manuscripts, oldest Pahl. and Paz., Int. 21; of Bd., Int. 24-41; of Zs., Int. 48-50; of Byt., Int. 56-59; of Sl., Int. 65, 66.
Mânûskîhar, king, Bd. 12, 10; 14, 15; 20, 11, 31, 12-14, 21, 23, 31; 32, 1, 4; 33, 3, 4 n, 5, 9; 34, 6; Zs. 9, 19; 11, 10 n; Byt. 2, 3 n; Sl. 10, 28; man, Bd. 33, 3.
— son of Yûdân-Yim, priest, Int. 46, 47; Bd. 33, 10 n.
Marak m., Bd. 12, 29, 38.
Mâraspend, angel, Bd. 27, 24; Sl. 11, 4 n; 22, 29; 23, 4; man, Bd. 33, 3, 11; Byt. 2. 18 n.
Mardân-vêh, man, Bd. 33, 6, 8.
Mard-bûd, com., Sl. 1, 4 n; 2, 86.
Mârgandak, man, Bd. 31, 36, 40.
Marg-argân, see Worthy of death.
Marriage, refraining from, Sl. 10, 19. See also Next-of-kin.
Mars, planet, Bd. 5, 1.
Marûv or Marv, land, Byt. 3, 21.
Marv r., Bd. 12, 9 n; 20, 7, 21; 21, 3.
Mâshâha, lun. man., Bd. 2, 3.
Mâshya, man, Bd. 15, 6, 11, 19, 20, 30; 30, 1, 7; 31, 1; 32, 1 n; 34, 3; Zs. 10, 4; Sl. 10, 28 n.
Mâshyôî, woman, Bd. 15, 6, 11, 20; 30, 1, 7; 32, 1 n; 34, 3; Zs. 10, 4; Sl. 10, 28 n.
Masvâk, man, Bd. 33, 5.
Matrô, man, Bd. 15, 2.
Matrôyâô, woman, Bd. 15, 2.
Mâzanân demons, Sl. 12, 6. See Mâzînîkân.
Mazdâ-ad-môi hâ, Sl. 13, 11.
Mazdayasnian literature, Zs. 9, 1 n; Byt. 3, 25 n; Sl. 9, 9 n; 10, 3 n, 4 n, 13 n, 21 n, 25 n, 26 n, 28 n, 29 n; 12, 17 n; — religion, Bd. 29, 7; 33, 11 n.
Mazdayasnians, Sl. 12, 4; 13, 2; religion of, Int. 9; Bd. 1, 2, 25; 11, 6; 12, 41; 33, 12; Byt. 1, 0; 2, 2, 26, 46, 61; 3, 1, 32, 41, 46, 49; Sl. 12, 23.
Mazdîk, heretic, Byt. 1, 6; 2, 21.
Mâzendarân, land, Bd. 3, 20 n; 13, 15 n; 15, 28; 19, 5.
Mâzînîkân demons, Bd. 3, 20. See Mâzanân.
Measures, linear, Bd. 26, 1-3.
Meat, unfit for rites, Sl. 10, 34; when not to be eaten, Sl. 17, 1, 2.
Meat-offerings, Sl. 10, 34; 11, 4-6; 12, 8-10; 18, 4 n.
Mediterranean sea, Bd. 13, 15 n; 20, 8 n.
Mêdîyârêm, season, Bd. 25, 3.
Mêdôk-mâh, com., Sl. 1, 3; 2, 1, 11, 12, 89; 5, 5, 6,
— shêm, season, Bd. 25, 3.
Mêdyôk-mâh, man, Bd. 32, 2, 3; 33,1; Zs. 11, 10 n; Sl. 1, 3 n.
Mehrâ or Mehrvâ r., Bd. 20, 7, 9.
Menstruation, see Woman.
Mercury, planet, Bd. 5, 1; Byt. 3, 4.
Merkhinah m., Bd. 12, 38 n.
Meshhed, town, Bd. 20, 15 n, 30 n; 22, 3 n.
Mesr, land, Bd. 20, 8.
Mesrkân r., Bd. 20, 7, 26.
Metal, melted, Bd. 30, 19, 20, 31, 32; origin of, Zs. 10, 2.
Mezinan, town, Bd. 12, 32 n.
Mîgîn m., Bd. 12, 29, 32 n.
Mihir, angel, Byt. 2, 59 n. See Mitrô.
— nyâyis, ritual, Sl. 17, 5 n.
Mihrân r., Bd. 20, 9 n.
Milk, see Sacred milk.
Millennium, Int. 40; Bd. 30, 2; 34, 1 2, 5, 6, 7 n, 9 n; Zs. 1, 10; Byt. 1, 5; 2, 22, 24, 41, 63; 3, 9, 11, 43, 44 n, 51-53, 61.
Minos, man, Bd. 31, 3 n.
Mîrak, man, Bd. 31, 4.
Mîtôkht, demon, Bd. 1, 24; 28, 14, 16.
Mitrô, angel, Bd. 27, 24; Byt. 3, 32-36, 47; Sl. 22, 16; 23, 3; month, Bd. 25, 7, 20. See Mihir.
— akâvîd, man, Bd. 33, 6.
— ayâr, man, Bd. 32, 7 n.
— tarsah, man, Bd. 31, 29.
— varâz, man, Bd. 33, 4.
Miyân, lun. man., Bd. 2, 3.
Mîyân-i dast m., Bd. 12, 32.
Môbad of môbads, Bd. 32, 5; 33, 2.
Môbads (priests), Bd. 32, 4; 33, 0, 9-11.
Môbadship of môbads, Byt. 3, 39.
Mokarstân, land, Bd. 20, 7.
Monstrosities, human, Bd. 15, 5, 31.
Months, names of, Bd. 25, 20.
Moon reverence, Sl. 7, 4; 12, 31.
Mortal sin, see Worthy of death.
Mountains, Bd. 8, 1-5; 11, 4; 12, 1-41; 18, 10, 11; 24, 17, 28; Zs. 7, 1-7.
Mouth-veil, Sl. 10, 40; 12, 4.
Muhammadanism, Sl. 6, 7 n.
Muhammadans, Byt. 2, 24 n; 3, 11 n; Sl. 2, 58 n.
Mullâ Fîrûz, Sl. 21, 2 n.
Mumbaî (Bombay), Byt. 3, 17 n.
Murghâb r., Bd. 20, 21 n.
Muru, lun. man., Bd. 2, 3.
Mûspar, comet, Bd. 5, 1, 2; 28, 44.
Mûsulmân, Byt. 3, 3 n.
Myazd, see Sacred feast.
Myths, how treated, Int. 71, 72.
Nahn, lun. man., Bd. 2, 3; Zs. 4, 8 n.
Nâhvtâk r., Bd. 20, 34 n; 21, 6.
Nâîkîyas, demon, Bd. 28, 10; 30, 29 n.
Nail-parings to be prayed over, Sl. 12, 6.
Nâîvtâk r., Bd. 29, 4, 5.
Nâkahêd, demon, Bd. 1, 27; 28, 10 n; 30, 29 n.
Nâmak or Nâmûn, man, Bd. 31, 35.
Naotara, man, Bd. 29, 6 n.
Naqs-i Rustam, Int. 20 n.
Narîmân, man, Bd. 31, 36 n.
— Hôshang, Zs. 9, 1 n.
Narsih, prince, Bd. 29, 6; 31, 3, 5.
Nas, demon, Bd. 28, 29.
Nasâî, see Corpse and Dead matter.
Nasâk, woman, Bd. 15, 25.
Nâsatyas, Bd. 1, 27 n.
Nasks, Zs. 11, 10 n; quoted in Sl., Int. 63, 64; described, Zs. 9, 1; Byt. 1, 1; 3, 25; Sl. 9, 9; 10, 3, 4, 13, 21, 25, 26, 28, 29; 12, 4 n, 17 n; referred to, Zs. 9, 16; Sl. 10, 22, 23; 12, 1-3, 5, 7, 10-12, 14-16, 19, 29-32; 13, 6, 10, 30.
Nasm, man, Byt. 2, 3 n.
Nasûs, demon, Sl. 2, 1-5, 6 n, 55 n, 68 n; 7, 7; 10, 12 n, 32 n; 20, 4, 5.
Nâûnghas, demon, Bd. 30, 29.
Nâvadâ r., Bd. 20, 7, 34 n; 21, 6 n.
Navashâdar rite, Sl. 12, 26.
Navazûdi rite, Sl. 13, 2 n.
Nayâzem, man, Bd. 32, 1 n.
Negro, origin of, Bd. 23, 2.
Nêryôsang, angel, Bd. 15, 1; 32, 8; Byt. 3, 25, 26, 59, 60; com., Sl. 1, 4 n; 8, 13; man, Bd. 32, 1 n; translator, Byt. 2, 4 n; Sl. 6, 7 n.
Nêsr-gyâvân, title, Bd. 31, 5.
Nêvak-tôrâ, man, Bd. 32, 1 n.
Next-of-kin marriage, Byt. 2, 57, 61; Sl. 8, 18; 18, 3, (4.)
Nîgâs-afzûd-dâk, man, Bd. 33, 4.
Night, length of, Bd. 25, 3-6.
Nihâdûm nask, Sl. 10, (3,) 22, 23, 39 n; 12, 15, 16.
Nihâg, man, Bd. 29, 7.
Nîkâdûm nask, Sl. 10, 3 n. See Nihâdûm.
Nikhshâpûhar, com., Sl. 1, 4 n.
Nile r., Bd. 20, 8 n; Zs. 6, 20 n.
Nîmâsp, zod., Bd. 2, 2.
Nîrang, ritual, Sl. 12, 23; 13, 1.
Nîrangistân, book, Int. 32; Byt. 2, 37; 3, 29; Sl. 1, 3 n, 4 n; 2, 86 n; 10, 35 n; 12, 1 n, 31 n; 16, 6 n.
Nîsânak, place, Byt. 3, 9, 21.
Nîshapâhar, com., Sl. 1, 4 n.
Nîshâpûr, town, Bd. 12, 12 n, 32 n; Byt. 1, 7.
Niv r., Bd. 20, 8.
Nivar, man, Bd. 33, 3.
Niyârum nask, Sl. 10, 3 n. See Nihâdûm.
Nîyâz, demon, Bd. 3, 17; 28, 26.
Nôdar, man, Bd. 29, 6; 31, 13, 23; 33, 5; Sl. 10, 28 n.
Nôktargâ, man, Bd. 31, 32, 33.
Nônâbar, rite, Sl. 10, 2; 13, 2 n.
Non-Iranian, Bd. 19, 15; 29, 4 n; Zs. 2, 10; Byt. 2, 51.
Non-Turanian, Byt. 2, 49.
Nôsâî Bûrz-Mitrô, com., Sl. 1, 3 n, 4 n; 8, 18.
Noxious creatures, Bd. 3, 15, 20; 7, 5, 7, 13; 13, 16; 19, 7, 9, 17, 21, 27, 30; 20, 13; Zs. 2, 9; 6, 4, 5, 9, 14; Sl. 3, 21; 8, 19; 13, 19; 19, 9; 20, 5, 18.
Nur, lun. man., Bd. 2, 3.
Nyâyis, ritual, Sl. 7, 1 n, 2 n, 4 n; 16, 6 n; 17, 5 n; 20, 1 n.
Ocean, Bd. 7, (6,) 7, 16; 9, 5; 11, 4; 12, 6; 13, 1, 5, 8-10; 15, 27; 18, 1, 7, 9; 19, 1, 8, 11; 20, 4; 22, 2, 5, 9; 27, 2; 29, 10; 31, 32; Zs. 6, 6, 7; 7, 8, 11.
Ordeals, Sl. 10, 25 n; 13, 17; 15, 15-17.
Orthography, Pahl., Int. 74.
Owokhm, demon, Bd. 31, 6.
Oxus r., Bd. 15, 29 n; 20, 8 n, 9 n, 22 n, 28 n; 22, 4 n; Zs. 6, 20 n; Byt. 3, 17 n, 38 n.
Padashkhvârgar m., Bd. 12, 2, (17,) 31 n, 32; 31, 21, 40; Byt. 2, 63; 3, 19, 20.
Padêvar, lun. man., Bd. 2, 3.
Pâdyâvîh, see Ablution.
Pâgam nask, Sl. 9, 9 n. See Pâzôn.
Paha, lun. man., Bd. 2, 3.
Pâhargar m., Bd. 12, 29, 37.
Pahlavâs, tribe, Int. 12.
Pahlavi alphabets, Int. 16, 17, 20.
— language, Int. 11.
— literature, extent, Int. 22.
— manuscripts, Int. 21, 22.
— (meaning of), Int. 12.
Pahlavi papyri, Int. 21.
— texts, three kinds here translated, Int. 67, 68; proportion untranslated, Int. 68; value of, Int. 74.
— writings, Int. 9-22.
Pâî Kûlî, place, Int. 19, 20 n.
Pairistîra, man, Bd. 29, 1 n.
Pairi-urvaêsm, demon, Bd. 31, 6.
Pâîtîrasp, man, Bd. 32, 1.
Paîtirâsp, man, Bd. 32, 1, 2; 33, 1. See Pîrtarâsp.
Paîtrêd, see Infection.
Pandnâmak-i Zaratûst, Bd. 15, 2 n.
Pangistân, land, Bd. 20, 13 n, 15.
Pâpak, man, Int. 19; Bd. 31, 30; 34, 9; Byt. 2, 18 n.
Parâhôm, see Hôm juice.
Parasang, meas., Bd. 7, 8; 13, 2; 14, 4; 16, 7; 22, 8; 26, 1, 2; Sl. 4, 12; 9, 1 n.
Parêstyarô, man, Bd. 29, 1.
Pargâna, land, Bd. 20, 20.
Parîk, com., Sl. 1, 4 n.
Pars, land, Bd. 12, 2, 9, 21, 36; 20, 25, 29; 24, 28; 29, 14; 31, 30 n; 32, 4; 33, 10 n; Zs. 7, 7, 10; Byt. 3, 9, 10, 19, 21.
Parsadgâ, chief, Bd. 29, 5.
Parsi religion most detailed in Pahl. texts, Int. 9; not fully explained here, Int. 68.
Parstva, man, Bd. 33, 4.
Parthians, Int. 12.
Parthva, land, Int. 12.
Parviz, lun. man., Bd. 2, 3.
Parysatis, queen, Bd. 34, 8 n.
Pashang, king. Bd. 29, 5; 31, 14, 16.
Pasîn, prince, Bd. 31, 25 n.
Pasus-haurva, dog, Bd. 14, 19 n; 19, 34.
Patît, see Renunciation of sin.
— i khûd, ritual, Sl. 14, 6 n.
Pâtsrôbô, king, Sl. 10, 28 n.
Pâzand, Int. (12,) 14, (15)-17; Byt. 2, 55.
— Bahman Yast, Int. 57.
— Bundahis, Int. 30, 31.
— Sl., in part, Int. 66.
Pâzôn or Pâzî nask, Sl. 9, 9.
Pêdâk-mîyân r., Bd. 20, 7, 31.
Penôm, see Mouth-veil.
Periods of day, Bd. 25, (9, 10;) Sl. 7, 1; 10, 32; 14, 4-6; 17, 3. See Gâh.
Persepolis, Int. 19, 20 n.
Persian, ancient, Int. 11; mediæval, Int. 11, 12; modern, int. 11, 14; version of Byt., Int. 57-59. See also Rivâyats.
Persian Gulf, Bd. 13, 8 n, 13 n; 20, 25 n.
Pêsdâd, title, Bd. 32, 1 n.
Pêsdâdian, Bd. 15, (28 n;) 17, 4 n; Sl. 10, 28 n.
Pêsh-Parvîz, lun. man., Bd. 2, 3.
Pêshyôtanû, priest, Bd. 20, 31 n; 29, 5; 31, 29; 32, 5; Byt. 2, 1; 3, 25-27, 29-32, 36-38, 39 n, 41, 42, 51, 52.
Pêsyânsaî, land, Bd. 29, 4, 5, 7, 11; Byt. 3, 60 n.
Pig, domesticated, Sl. 2, 58.
Pîrân, man, Bd. 31, 17.
Pîrîk, com., Sl. 1, 4 n.
Pîrtarâsp, man, Bd. 32, In; 33, 1 n.
Pisces, Bd. 2, 2; Sl. 21, 2.
Pisîn valley, Bd. 29, 5 n.
Planets, Bd. 3, 25; 5, (1,) 5; 28, 44; Zs. 2, 10; 4, 3, 7-10.
Plants, origin, Bd. 9, 1-6; 27, 1-3; Zs. 8, 1-6; 9, 1-6; chiefs of, Bd. 24, 18-21, 27; 27, 4; classification, Bd. 27, 5-23; devoted to angels, Bd. 27, 24; dried before burning, Bd. 27, 25.
Pleiades, stars, Bd. 2, 3 n.
Pollution from dead apes, Sl. 2, 61; dead bodies, Sl. 2, 12-16, 18-22, 30-32, 35-124; 10, 12; dead dogs, Sl. 2, 62; dead hedgehog, Sl. 2, 59; dead menstruous woman, Sl. 2. 61; dead priests, Sl. 2, 60 n; from menstruation, Sl. 2, 17, 96; 3, 1-3, 10-20, 22-34; from serpents, Sl. 2, 33-35.
— of animals, Sl. 2, 109-111; buildings, Sl. 2, 18-22, 45; 3, 2, 3; carpets, Sl. 2, 101; 3, 2, 3; clothing, Sl. 2, 42, 44, 83; 3, 1, 13; cushions, Sl. 2, 102-104; 3, 2, 3; doors, Sl. 2, 74; earth and masonry, Sl. 2, 36; fire, Sl. 2, 38-40, 46, 49; food, Sl. 2, 41, 47, 119-124; 3, 12, 30; ground, Sl. 2, 12-16; jars, Sl. 2, 30-35; powdered things, Sl. 2, 37; unborn child, Sl. 2, 58, 105, 106; water, Sl. 2, 77-94; wool, Sl. 2, 100.
— stopped by objects, Sl. 2, 57, 58.
Portuguese, Byt. 3, 17 n.
Pôrukîst, woman, Bd. 32, 5, 7 n.
Pôrûshasp, man, Bd. 20, 32, 34 n; 32, 1, 2; 33, 3.
Pôryôdkêshîh. See Primitive faith.
Pourudhâkhst, man, Bd. 29, 6.
Pouru-gau, man, Bd. 31, 7 n.
Prayer before and after sleep, Sl. 10, 24. See also Inward prayer.
Precautions where death occurs, Sl. 2, 38-44.
Pregnant woman, carrying her corpse, Sl. 2, 6; 10, 10; eating dead matter, Sl. 2, 105; protected by fire, Sl. 10, 4; 12, 11; stepping on toothpick, Sl. 10, 20; 12, 13.
Priests, Bd. 30, 30 n; 32, 4 n; 33, 0, 2 n, 3 n, 10 n; Zs. 11, 10 n; Byt. 1, 7 n; 2, 38, 40, 55; Sl. 2, 56, 60 n, 62 n; 5, 3 n; 8, 4, 11; 9, 2, 4, 12 n; 13, 9, 49 n; 14, 3; their five dispositions, Bd. 19, 36 n. See Dastûr, High-priest, Môbads, Purifying, Râspî, Supreme, Zôta.
Primeval ox, Bd. 3, 14, 17, 18; 4, 1, 2; 10, 0, 1; 14, 1, 3; 27, 2; 34, 1; Zs. 2, 6; 9, 1-7.
Primitive faith, Sl. 1, 3, 4; 6, 7; 10, 30; 12, 1, 13, 19; 13, 2.
Professions, see Classes.
Providence, Sl. 20, 17.
Province-ruler, Sl. 13, 11, 15, 41 n, 44; 19, 5.
Purification, modes of, Sl. 2, 6, 14-17, 19, 22, 41, 42, 44, 53, 65-68, 92, 95-99, 112-118, 120-123; 3, 14, 16-18, 20, 21.
Purifying priest, Sl. 12, 22-27.
Pûr-tôrâ, man, Bd. 31, 7, 8; 32, 1 n.
Pûs, demon, Bd. 28, 28.
Pûtîk sea, Bd. 13, 7-11; 22, 9; Zs. 6, 14-16.
Pûyisn-shâd, man, Bd. 33, 8.
Qubâd, king, Byt. 1, 5 n.
Rad r., Bd. 20, 7, 24 n.
Ragan, man, Bd. 32, 1; 33, 3.
Ragha, town, Bd. 31, 40 n; Sl. 13, 11 n.
Râi, town, Bd. 31, 40; Sl. 13, 11 n.
Râk, man, Bd. 31, 31; 32, 1 n.
Rakhvad, lun. man., Bd. 2, 3.
Râm, angel, Bd. 27, 24; Byt. 2, 59 n; Sl. 11, 4 n; 17, 4 n; 22, 21; 23, 3.
Ramak-tôrâ, man, Bd. 31, 7.
Rangha r. or lake, Bd. 19, 15 n; 20, 8 n.
Raoidhitû m., Bd. 12, 27 n.
Rapîtvîn gâh, Bd. 2, 8, 9; 25, 9, 10, 12, 14; Sl. 7, 1 n; 12, 31.
Rashnû, angel, Bd. 27, 24; 31, 3; Byt. 2, 59 n; 3, 32; Sl. 1, 2 n; 17, 4, 5 n; 22, 18; 23, 3.
Râsk, Professor, Int. 25, 27.
Râspî, priest, Bd. 30, 30.
Rathwô berezatô, Av., Sl. 11, 4 n.
Ratûstâîtîh nask, Sl. 10, 29.
Râvak m., Bd. 12, 29, 35.
Receptacle for the dead, Sl. 9, 7. See Depository.
Regulus, star, Bd. 2, 8 n.
Renovation of the universe, Bd. 1, 25; 6, 4; 13, 17; 18, 4; 19, 13, 14; 22, 7; 27, 4; 29, 6; 30, 17, 32; Zs. 1, 16, 19; 4, 2; 5, 3.
Renunciation of sin, Sl. 4, 14; 8, 1 n, 4, 5, (7-10,) 12-14, 16, 17, 21, (23;) 9, 6; 20, 11.
Resurrection, Bd. 1, 21; 11, 6; account of, Bd. 30, 1-33; not for some, Sl. 17, 7; where, Sl. 17, 11-14.
Rêvand m., Bd. 12, 2, 18, 23, 34 n; 17, 8; Zs. 11, 9.
Revolving of luminaries, Bd. 5, 3-9.
Ridge of Vistâsp, m., Bd. 12, 18 n, 34; 17, 8; Zs. 11, 9.
Ritual, Sl. 5, 2, 3, 5, 6; 12, 23.
Rivas-plant, Bd. 15, 2; Zs. 10, 4.
Rivâyats, Pahlavi, Int. 60; Persian, Int. 57, 67; Zs. 9, 1 n; Byt. 1, 1 n; 3, 25 n, 43 n, 52 n, 61 n; Sl. 1, 2 n; 2, 2 n, 4 n, 5 n; 8, 1 n; 9, 9 n; 10, 3 n, 4 n,13 n, 21 n, 25 n, 26 n, 28 n, 29 n; 12, 4 n, 17 n; 16, 6 n; 17, 5 n; 19, 1 n, 2 n, 4 n, 5 n, 7 n, 9 n-14 n.
Rivers, Bd. 7, 15-17; 20, 1-34; 21, 2-4, 6; 24, 14, 15; Zs. 6, 20, 21.
Romans, Byt. 2, 19 n.
Rôshan, com., Byt. 3, 3; Sl. 1, 4 n; 2, 39, 86, 107.
— m., Bd. 17, 6.
Rôshanô-kerp, fire, Byt. 3, 29.
Rôyisn-hômand m., Bd. 12, 2, 27.
Rûbânîk sin, see Sin affecting the soul.
Rûdastâm, man, Bd. 31, 41.
Rulers, the five, Sl. 13, 11, 15, 41 n, 44; 19, 5.
Rûman, Bd. 34, 8; Byt. 2, 49; 3, 8, 9, 34, 51.
Rûmans, Byt. 2, 50.
Rustam, man, Bd. 29, 7 n; 31, 36 n, 41 n.
Sacred butter, Sl. 2, (43;) 3, 32 n; 10, 34; 11, 4 n; 14, 3.
— cake, Byt. 2, 36, 57 n; Sl. 2, 43 n; 3, (32,) 35; 5, 5; 7, 4 n; 8, 20; 9, 11, 12 n; 10, 2, 34-36; 12, 1, 8, 9; 14, 1-3; 16, 6; 17, 2, 4, 5 n; 18, 4 n.
— feast, Sl. 12, 19; 13, 25; 18, 3, (4.)
— fire, Sl. 2, 46, 49; 7, 9. See Vâhrâm fire.
— milk, Sl. 2, (43;) 13, 12 n.
— shirt, Bd. 28, 8, 10; Sl. 4, 2 n, (5-8,) 13, 14.
— thread-girdle, Bd. 28, 8, 10; 30, 30 n; Byt. 2, 36, 44, 57, 58; Sl. 3, 32 n; 4, (1-4,) 6-8, 11, 13, 14; 10, 1, 13.
— twigs, Byt. 2, 36, 57, 58; 3, 29, 37; Sl. 2, 18; 3, 10, 11, 20, (32,) 33; 8, 18; 10, 35; 12, 1; 13, 12 n; 14, 2.
— twig-stand, Sl. 3, 32; 10, 35.
Sadaro, Sl. 4, 5 n. See Sacred shirt.
Sad-dar Bundahis, Int. 22 n, 45, 59 n; Sl. 10, 20 n; 12, 5 n; 17, 4 n.
Sadis, Sl. 8, 6 n. See Three nights.
Sadvâstarân, Bd. 30, 50.
Safêd kôh, m., Bd. 12, 22 n.
Safêd rûd, r., Bd. 20, 13 n, 23 n.
Sagânsîh, land, Bd. 31, 37.
Sagastân, land, Bd. 12, 9, 15; 13, 16; 20, 17, 24 n, 29; 22, 5; 24, 28; 31, 37 n; Zs. 7, 7, 9; Byt. 3, 19.
Sag-dîd, see Dog's gaze.
Sagittarius, Bd. 2, 2; 34, 6; Sl. 21, 2.
Sâhm, man, Bd. 31, 27.
Sairima, land, Bd. 15, 29 n; 31, 9 n; Byt. 3, 3 n.
Sakâdûm nask, Sl. 10, (25;) 12, 2, 10, 12; 13, 17 n, 30.
Salm, prince, Bd. 15, 29; 20, 12 n; 31, 9, 10, 12; Sl. 10, 28 n.
Salmân, land, Bd. 20, 12; Byt. 3, 3; Sl. 10, 28 n.
Sâm, man, Bd. 29, 7, 9; 31, 36; Byt. 3, 60, 61.
Sâmân, title, Byt. 3, 59.
Samarkand, land, Bd. 12, 13 n; 15, 29 n; 20, 20; Zs. 7, 7 n; Byt. 2, 49 n; 3, 14 n.
Samarkandian, Byt. 3, 17 n.
Sarak, land, Bd. 12, 35.
Sarsaok, ox, Bd. 15, 27; 17, 4; 19, 13; Zs. 11, 10 n.
Sâsân, man, Int. 19 n; Bd. 31, 30.
Sasanian inscriptions, Int. 19, 20; Byt. 2, 4 n.
— Pahlavi, Int. 19-21.
Sasanians, Int. 11, 15, 19, 21; Bd. 31, 32 n; 33, 2 n; 34, 9; Byt. 2, 18 n, 20 n; 3, 11 n.
Satan, Bd. 3, 9 n.
Satavês, gulf or lake, Bd. 13, 9, 10, 12, 13; 22, 1, 9; Zs. 6, 16-18; star, Bd. 2, 7; 5, 1; 13, 9 n, 12; 24, 17; Zs. 6, 16; Sl. 14, 5.
Satlig r., Bd. 20, 9 n.
Satûîh, Sl. 8, 6 n. See Three nights.
Saturn, planet, Bd. 5, 1; 28, 48; Zs. 4, 7-10.
Saukavastân, land, Bd. 29, 4, 5, 13.
Savah, region, Bd. 5, 8, 9; 11, 3; 29, 1; Byt. 3, 47.
Sâvar, demon, Bd. 28, 9, 10; 30, 29. See Sôvar.
Scorpio, Bd. 2, 2; 34, 5; Sl. 21, 2.
Seas, Bd. 7, 6, 14; 11, 2, 4; 13, 1, 5-17; 24, 23; Zs. 6, 6, 7, 14-19.
Season-festivals, Bd. 25, 1, 3, 6; Byt. 2, 45; Sl. 10, 2; 12, 19, 31; 13, 29; 18, (3,) 4; 19, 4.
Seasons, Bd. 25, 3-17, 19, 20.
Sêg, demon, Bd. 28, 26.
Selections of Zâd-sparam, where found, Int. 46; age, Int. 47; contents, Int. 48; MSS., Int. 48-50.
Seleucus Callinicus, Byt. 2, 19 n.
Semitic words in Pahlavi, Int. 13, 14, 17, 18; in modern Persian, Int. 14.
Sênî, land, Bd. 12, 13 n; 15, 29; 20, 30 n; Sl. 6, 7 n.
Sênô bird, Bd. 14, 11 n. 23 n; 18, 9 n; Zs. 8. 4. See Griffon.
Serosh, see Srôsh.
Serpent, Bd. 30, 31.
Sevan lake, Bd. 22, 8 n; 24, 23 n.
Sfend nask, Sl. 10, 4 n. See Spend.
Shadows, midday, Sl. 21, 1-3; — afternoon, Sl. 21, 4-8.
Shâh ’Abbâs, Byt. 3, 34 n, 44 n.
Shahpûhar, king, Int. 19; Bd. 33, 2; Byt. 2, 18 n.
Shahpûr, king, Byt. 2, 18; 3, 14.
Shahrivar, angel, Byt. 2, 59 n. See Shatvaîrô.
Shapîk, see Sacred shirt.
Shâpûr II, Bd. 33, 2 n, 3 n; Byt. 2, 18 n; Sl. 8, 23 n; 15, 16 n.
Shatrô-râm, man, Bd. 12, 20 n.
Shatvaîrô, angel, Bd. 1, 26; 27, 24; 30, 19, 29; Sl. 13, 14, 39; 15, 3, 5, 14-19; 22, 4; 23, 1; month, Bd. 25, 20.
Shâyast lâ-shâyast, why so called, Int. 59, 60; extent, Int. 60; contents, Int. 60-61; age, Int. 63-65; com. mentioned, Int. 63, 64; nasks mentioned, Int. 64; MSS., Int. 65, 66; Paz. version, Int. 66; not hitherto translated, Int. 66, 67.
Shêdak, man, Bd. 31, 18.
Shêdâspîh, fiend, Byt. 3, 3, 5, 8, 21.
Shîrâz, town, Bd. 29, 14 n.
Shirt, see Sacred shirt.
Shîrtashôsp, man, Bd. 33, 4.
Shirvân r., Bd. 20, 25 n.
Shnûman, ritual, Sl. 3, 35; 7, (8;) 9, 11 n; 10, 2; 14, 3.
Shûstar, town, Bd. 20, 26 n.
Sighing, cause of, Sl. 12, 32.
Sikandar, king, Bd. 34, 8 n; Byt. 2, 19 n.
Sikidâv m., Bd. 12, 2.
Silver age, Byt. 1, 1 n, 5; 2, 17.
Sîmurgh, bird, Bd. 14, 11 n; 18, 9 n; 24, 11 n.
Sin, Zs. 1, 13, 18; Byt. 2, 40; 3, 57; Sl. 2, 53, 91, 106; 5, 6; 6, 4 ,6; 8, 19; 10, 3, 18, 25, 27; 12, 31; 15, 22, 26-28, 30; 20, 15; affecting accusers, Sl. 8, (1,) 54, 15, 17; affecting the soul, Sl. 8, (1,) 16; degrees of, Sl. 1, 1, 2; 11, 1, 2; 16, 1-5; harm, Bd. 5, 2; 19, 20; imputed, Sl. 5, 1; 6, 2; 8, 13; making water on foot, Sl. 4, 8 n; 10, 5; mortal, Sl. 8, 7, 18, 21, 23; running about uncovered, Bd. 28, 8, 10; Byt. 2, 38; Sl. 4, (8)-10; unseasonable chatter, Bd. 28, 19; Sl. 4, (9;) 5, 1-7; walking with one boot, Bd. 28, 13; Sl. 4, 8 n, (12.) See Aredûs, Farman, Khôr, Renunciation, Tanâpûhar, Worthy of death, Yât.
Sînamrû, bird, Bd. 24, 11 n.
Sind, land, Bd. 15, 29; 20, 9, 30.
Sînîk congregation, Sl. 6, 7.
Sinners, Sl. 15, 17; mortal, Sl. 8, 5; put to death, Sl. 8, 6, 7, 21, 22 n.
Sirius, star, Bd. 2, 7 n; 7, 1 n; Sl. 14, 5 n.
Sîrkân, town, Bd. 33, 11 n; Zs. 1, 0 n.
Sîrôzah, ritual, Sl. 7, 8 n; 17, 5 n.
Sîstân, land, Bd. 12, 9 n. See Sagastân.
Siyâh kôh, m., Bd. 12, 22 n.
Sîyâk-hômand m., Bd. 12, 22.
— mûî-mand m., Bd. 12, 2.
— tôrâ, man, Bd. 31, 7.
Sîyâkmak, man, Bd. 15, 25, 30; 31, 1, 6; 32, 1 n.
Sîyâvakhsh, prince, Bd. 28, 15 n; 31, 25; Byt. 3, 25, 26; Sl. 10, 28 n.
Snake-killer, Bd. 28, 22.
Sneezing, cause of, Sl. 12, 32.
Sôftî, tribe, Byt. 2, 49.
Sogdiana, land, Bd. 20, 8 n.
Soghd, land, Bd. 20, 19.
Sôk-tôrâ, man, Bd. 31, 7; 32, 1 n.
Sôshyans, apostle, Bd. 11, 6; 29, 6; 30, 3, 4, 7, 17, 25, 27; 32, 7 n, 8; Byt. 3, 61 n, 62; Sl. 13, 5; com., Sl. 1, 3; 2, 2 n, 56, 74, 80, 118, 119; 3, 13; 6, 4, 5.
Sôvar, demon, Bd. 1, 27; 28, 9 n. See Sâvar
— lake, Bd. 12, 24 n; Zs. 6, 22. See next.
Sôvbar lake, Bd. 7, 14; 12, 24; 22, 1, 3; Zs. 6, 22 n.
Spaênyasp, man, Bd. 31, 14, 27.
Spâhân, land, Bd. 12, 40; 20, 26; 31, 40.
Spans, Bd. 26, 3; Sl. 16, 4; 21, 2 n.
Sparnak, man, Bd. 31, 40.
Spazg, demon, Bd. 28, 31.
Spêd r., Bd. 20, 7, 13 n, 23.
Spêd-razûr, forest, Bd. 24, 16 n; Byt. 3, 9, 21.
— tôra, man, Bd. 31, 7.
Spênâk-maînôk, Bd. 1, 1 n. See Beneficent spirit.
Spend nask, Sl. 10, (4;) 12, 3, 11, 15, 29.
— r., Bd. 20, 7 n, 13 n, 23 n.
Spendarmad, angel, Bd. 1, 26; 15, 1; 27, 24; 30, 29; Zs. 10, 3; Byt. 2, 8, 16, 31, 48, 53, 59 n; Sl. 10, 28; 11, 4; 13, 14; 15, 3, 5, 20-24; 22, 5; 23, 1; month, Bd. 25, 6, 7, 11, 20.
Spend-dâd, prince, Bd. 31, 29, 30; 34, 8; Byt. 2, 17.
Spendyâd m., Bd. 12, 2, 23.
Spêngargâk, demon, Bd. 17, 1. See Aspengargâk.
Spênist fire, Bd. 17, 1; Zs. 11, 1 n.
Spenta-mainyu, Av., Bd. 1, 1 n.
Spentâ-mainyû gâtha, Sl. 13, 2 n, 15, 33-35, 51.
— — hâ, Sl. 13, 33.
Spentem-Ahurem-mazdãm ch., Sl. 13, 36.
Spêtos, land, Bd. 20, 8.
Spiegel, Professor, Int. 25, 59, 71.
Spîtâmân, man, Bd. 32, 1; title, see Zaratûst.
Spîtôîd, chief, Bd. 29, 1.
Spîtûr, prince, Bd. 31, 3, 5.
Spûr, lun. man., Bd. 2, 3.
Srît, man, Sl. 22, 32; woman, Bd. 32, 5.
Srîtak, woman, Bd. 32, 7 n.
Srîtô, man, Zs. 11, 10 n.
Srob, lun. man., Bd. 2, 3.
Srôsh, angel, Bd. 19, (33;) 27, 24; 30, (29,) 30; 31, 38; Zs. 11, 7; Byt. 2, 59 n; 3, 25, 26, 32, 59; Sl. 13, 43; 17, 3, 5 n, 6; 22, 17; 23, 3.
Srôshô-karanâm, wt., Sl. 4, 10 n, (14;) 5, 3; 6, 3; 8, 9; 10, 24; 11, 1, 2; 16, 5.
Sruvâ, place, Bd. 29, 14.
Srûvô, ox, Zs. 11, 10.
Steel age, Byt. 1, 1 n, 5; 2, 21.
Step, meas., Bd. 26, 3 n.
Stîr, wt., Sl. 1, (2;) 3, 25, 26; 7, 3; 11, 2; 16, 2 n, 3 n, 4, 5.
Stôtân yasnô, ritual, Sl. 13, 1.
Stûdkar nask, Byt. 1, (1;) Sl. 10, 8; 12, 32.
Stûtô-garô hâ, Sl. 13, 22.
Sûde, land, Bd. 20, 14.
Sûdkar nask, Byt. 1, 1 n; Sl. 19, 1 n. See Stûdgar.
Sughdha, land, Bd. 15, 29 n.
Summer, Bd. 25, 4, 5, 7-10, 13-17, 19, 20.
Sun reverence, Sl. 7, 1-6; 12, 31.
Supreme high-priest, Bd. 24, 1; Sl. 9, 3.
— Zaratûst, Sl. 13, 11, 15, 38, 41, 44; 19, 5.
Sûrâk, land, Bd. 15, 29; 20, 8; man, Bd. 31, 19.
Sûristân, land, Bd. 15, 29 n; 20, 10.
Syr-darya, r., Bd. 20, 20 n.
Syria, Bd. 15, 29 n; 20, 10 n.
Sahî-bûn sea, Bd. 13, 7, 15.
Sam, man, Bd. 31, 27 n.
Sân, man, Bd. 31, 17, 18.
Sarva, god, Bd. 1, 27 n.
Sêd, r., Bd. 20, 7.
Sêr, zod., Bd. 2, 2.
Sîdasb, man, Bd. 31, 27 n.
Skinâs, man, Bd. 33, 3 n.
Sôk, bird, Bd. 19, 19.
Tad-sôidhis hâ, Si. 13, 49.
Tad-thwâ-peresâ hâ, Sl. 13, 28.
Tâham, man, Bd. 33, 4.
Tahmâsp, man, Bd. 31, 23 n.
Tâîrev, demon, Bd. 1, 27; 28, 11 n; 30, 29.
Takhmôrup, king, Bd. 17, 4; 31, 2, 3; 32, 1 n; 34, 4; Zs. 11, 10 n; Sl. 10, 28 n.
Tambayak, demon, Bd. 31, 6.
Tanâpûhar good work, Sl. 1, (1 n;) 2, 79 n, 93; 6, 3, 4, 6; 7, 4; 8, 20; 16, 6; 18, 4 n.
— sin, Sl. 1, 1, (2;) 2, 40, 50, 51, 53, 69, 70, 79 n, 80, 82; 3, 26-28; 4, 10, 12; 5, 3, 4; 8, 20; 10, 5, 17, 35 n; 11, 1, 2; 12, 4; 16, 5.
Tanuperetha, Av., Sl. 1, 1 n.
Taparîstân, land, Bd. 12, 17; 13, 15; 20, 27; Byt. 3, 19.
Taprêv, demon, Bd. 28, 11, 13. See Tâîrêv.
Taraha, lun. man., Bd. 2, 3.
Tarâzûk, zod., Bd. 2, 2; 5, 6.
Tarmaz, town, Bd. 20, 28 n.
Tarômat, demon, Bd. 28, 14; 30, 29.
Tashkand, town, Bd. 20, 20 n.
Taurus, zod., Bd. 2, 2; Sl. 21, 2.
Tâ-ve-urvâtâ hâ, Sl. 13, 6, 14.
Tâz, man, Bd. 15, 28; 31, 6; Sl. 10, 28 n.
Tâzak, woman, Bd. 15, 28.
Tegend r., Bd. 20, 15 n.
Teheran, town, Bd. 12, 31 n; 31, 40 n; Sl. 13, 11 n.
Têrak m., Bd. 5, 3, 4; 12, 2, 4.
Teremet r., Bd. 20, 7, 9 n, 28.
Thraêtaona, king, Bd. 31, 4 n, 7 n.
Three-legged ass, Bd. 19, 1-12.
Three-nights' ceremony, Sl. 8, 6; 10, 2; 12, 5, 31.
— — punishment, Bd. 30, 13, 16; Sl. 8, 5, 7, 16.
Thrita, man, Bd. 31, 26 n, 27 n; Zs. 11, 10 n; Byt. 3, 14 n; Sl. 22, 32 n.
Thritak, man, Bd. 31, 14.
Thriti, woman, Bd. 32, 5 n.
Tides, Bd. 13, 8, 11, 13, 14; Zs. 6, 17.
Tigris r., Bd. 20, 10 n, 12 n, 25 n; Zs. 6, 20 n; Byt. 3, 3 n, 5 n, 21 n, 38 n.
Time personified, Int. 70; Zs. 1, 24-27; 4, 5.
Tin age, Byt. 2, 20.
Tîr, angel (for Tîstar), Bd. 27, 24; Sl. 23, 2; month, Bd. 7, 2; 25, 3, 20; Zs. 6, 2; planet, Bd. 5, 1.
Tîstar, angel, Bd. 7, 2-4, 7-10; 9, 2; 11, 2; 19, 11; 27, 3; Zs. 6, 1, 3, 9, 10, 13; 8, 1; Byt. 2, 59 n; 3, 14 n; Sl. 22, 13; see Tîr; star, Bd. 2, 7; 5, 1; 7, 1; Sl. 14, 5.
Toothpick, how to be cut, Sl. 10, 20; 12, 13.
Tôrâ, zod., Bd. 2, 2.
Tort r., Bd. 20, 7 n, 24.
Translations of Bd., Int. 24-26, 43-45; of Byt., Int. 57, 59; of Sl., Int. 66, 67; plan of these, Int. 70-74.
Tree of all germs, Bd. 9, 5, 6; 18, 9; 27, 2; 29, 5; Zs. 8, 3.
Tribe-ruler, Sl. 13, 11, 15, 41 n, 44; 19, 5.
Tûg, prince, Bd. 31, 9, 10, 12, 14, 27; Sl. 10, 28 n.
Tûhmâspian, title, Bd. 31, 23; 34, 6; Sl. 10, 28 n.
Tûirya, tribe, Bd. 15, 29 n; 31, 9 n.
Tûr, land, Bd. 12, 20; 15, 29; 21, 6; 30, 16; 31, 27 n; Byt. 2, 62; 3, 34.
— Brâgrêsh, Byt. 2, 3 n.
— i Brâdarvash, Byt. 2, 3.
Tûrak, man, Bd. 31, 14, 27.
Tûrân, land, Sl. 10, 28 n.
Turanian syllabary, Int. 13.
Tûrk, tribe, Bd. 29, 7; Byt. 2, 49; 3, 7-9, 51.
Tûrkîstân, land, Bd. 12, 13, 39; 15, 29 n; 29, 13; Byt. 2, 24 n, 49 n; 3, 21 n; Sl. 6, 7 n.
Tûrks, Byt. 2, 24 n, 50 n.
Tûs m., Bd. 22, 3; land, Bd. 12, 24; 20, 30; man, Bd. 29, 6.
Uda, demon, Bd. 28, 19; 31, 6 n.
Udaî, demon, Bd. 31, 6.
Ukhshyad-ereta, apostle, Bd. 32, 8 n.
— nemangh, apostle, Bd. 32, 8 n.
’Umân gulf, Bd. 13, 9 n.
Uncleanness, period of, Sl. 2, 41, 42, 44, 62, 105-109; 3, 14-18.
Unseasonable chatter, see Sin.
Ursa major, Bd. 2, 7 n; Sl. 11, 4 n.
Urumiyah lake, Bd. 22, 2 n, 8 n.
Urupi dog, Sl. 2, 59 n.
Ururviga, man, Bd. 32, 7.
Urvad-gâ, man, Bd. 31, 31 n; 33, 4.
Urvad gâi frâst, man, Bd. 31, 31.
Urvâkhshaya, man, Bd. 31, 26 n.
Urvandasp, man, Bd. 32, 1 n.
Urvarãm, twig, Sl. 3, 32 n.
Urvatad-nar, man, Bd. 29, 5; 32, 5 n.
Urvâzist fire, Bd. 17, 1. See Aûrvâzîst.
Urvig, woman, Bd. 32, 7 n.
Urvis lake, Bd. 13, 4 n; 22, 1, 11.
Usefriti, Av., Sl. 13, 30 n.
Ushahina gâh, Bd. 19, 15 n; 25, 9 n; Byt. 2, 59 n; Sl. 14, 4 n; 17, 5 n.
Ushidarena m., Bd. 12, 6 n.
Ushidhau m., Bd. 12, 6 n.
Usinemangh, man, Bd. 31, 33 n.
Uspâsnu, title, Bd. 29, 1 n.
Usta-Ahurem-mazdãm ch., Sl. 13, 32.
Ustavaiti gâtha, Sl. 13, 2 n, 15, 27-31, 51.
— hâ, Sl. 13, 27.
Uzasti, span, Bd. 26, 311.
Uzava, king, Bd. 31, 23 n.
Vâd, angel, Bd. 27, 24; Sl. 11, 4; 22, 22; 23, 3; day, Byt. 3, 16.
Vâdgês m., Bd. 12, 2, 19.
Vâdgêsians, Bd. 12, 19.
Vâê the bad, demon, Bd. 28, 35.
— the good, angel, Sl. 11, 4; 17, 4, 5 n.
Vâê-bûkht, man, Bd. 33, 6, 8.
Vaêdist, man, Bd. 32, 1 n.
Vaêtand-i Râghinôid, woman, Bd. 31, 23.
Vafar-hômand m., Bd. 12, 2, 22.
Vâg, Sl. 3, 6 n; 16, 6 n. See Inward prayer.
Vagarkard-i Dînîk, quoted, Bd. 32, 1 n, 5 n, 7 n; its author, SL 1, 3 n.
Vahidhrôs, man, Bd. 33, 3.
Vahîk, zod., Bd. 2, 2; 5, 6.
Vahist, see Heaven.
Vahistem-Ahurem-mazdãm ch., Sl. 13, 46.
Vahistôisti gâtha, Sl. 13, 2 n, 15, 41-45, 51.
Vâhrâm, angel, Bd. 27, 24; Byt. 3, 32; Sl. 22, 20; 23, 3; day, Bd. 25, 3; planet, Bd. 5, 1.
— fire, Bd. 17, 1, 2, 9; Byt. 2, 26, 37; Sl. 2, 46 n, 49 n. See Sacred fire.
— Gôr, king, Byt. 2, 20.
— i Vargâvand, king, Byt. 3, 14, 32 n, 39, 44 n, 49.
— shâd, man, Bd. 33, 11.
Vaht, lun. man., Bd. 2, 3.
Vakaêni r., Bd. 20, 34.
Vakhsh, man, Bd. 33, 3.
Vakht-âfrîd, com., Sl. 1, 4 n.
Valkhas, king, Byt. 2, 19 n.
Van lake, Bd. 22, 8 n; 24, 23 n.
Vanand, star, Bd. 2, 7; 5, 1; Sl. 11, 4; 14, 5.
Vand-Aûharmazd, com., Sl. 1, 4 n; 2, 2, 6, 44; 14, 5.
Vandîd-khîm, priest, Byt. 3, 39.
Vanfraghesn, man, Bd. 31, 7.
Vânîdâr, man, Bd. 31, 9.
Vanô-i-fravisn, man, Bd. 32, 1 n.
Varak, zod., Bd. 2, 2; 5, 6, 7.
Varant, lun. man., Bd. 2, 3.
Varenô, demon, Bd. 3, 17; 28, (25.)
Vâresha bird, Bd. 14, 30.
Varzîd-din, man, Bd. 32, 1 n.
Vâs-i pankâsadvarân, fish, Bd. 18, 5, 7.
Vayô, demon, Bd. 28, 35 n.
Vâzist fire, Bd. 7, 12; 17, 1, 2; Zs. 6, 13; 11, 1, 5; Sl. 13, 26.
Vêh r., Bd. 7, 15, 17; 20, 1, 3, 5-7, 8 n, 9, 22, 28, 30; 21, 3; Zs. 6, 20; Byt. 3, 17, 38.
Vêh-âfrîd, woman, Bd. 31, 30.
Vêh-dôst, com., Sl. 1, 4 n.
Vendeses r., Bd. 20, 29.
Vendidad, ritual, Byt. 2, 59 n; Sl. 12, 26; 16, 6 n; 17, 5 n; oldest MSS. of, Int. 21; referred to, Sl. 1, 1; 2, 1, 12; 55 n, 118 n; 10, 5, 19, 31, 32; 12, 6, 20; 13, 7; quoted, Sl. 12, 4, 23; 13, 8, 19; Av. passage translated, Sl. 2, 95 n; Pahl. do. do., Sl. 1, 1 n; 2, 18 n, 31 n, 123 n, 124 n; 3, 1 n, 11 n, 12 n; 4, 10 n.
Venus, planet, Bd. 5, 1; Byt. 3, 4 n, 18.
Vergân sea, Bd. 20, 24.
Vîbâzu, meas., Bd. 26, 3 n.
Vîdadafsh, region, Bd. 5, 8, 9; 11, 3; 25, 10; 29, 1; Byt. 3, 47.
Vîdast, man, Bd. 32, 1.
Village-ruler, Sl. 13, 11; 15, 41 n, 44; 19, 5.
Vînâsp, man, Bd. 33, 3.
Vindâd-i-pêdâk, man, Bd. 33, 6, 8.
Virafsang, man, Bd. 31, 6.
Vîrak, princess, Bd. 31, 9 n.
Virgo, Bd. 2, 2; 34, 2; Sl. 21, 2.
Vîsak, man, Bd. 31, 16, 17.
Vis-haurva dog, Bd. 14, 19 n; 19, 34.
Visnâsp fire, Zs. 6, 22 n; Byt. 3, 10. See Gûsasp.
Vispân-fryâ, woman, Bd. 31, 18.
Visparad, ritual, Byt. 2, 59 n; Sl. 16, 6; chapters cited, Sl. 13, 5, 26, 32, 36, 39, 40, 46, 48.
Vistâsp, king, Bd. 12, 32; 17, 6, 8; 20, 31 n; 28, 15 n; 29, 5; 31, 29; 32, 5; Zs. 11, 10 n; Byt. 1, 1 n, 4; 2, 1, 16, 49 n, 58-60; 3, 9, 25, 26, 29 n, 30, 51, 52; Sl. 10, 21 n; 11, 4. See Kaî-Vistâsp.
Vitast, span, Bd. 26, 3 n; Sl. 21, 2 n.
Vîvanghâû, man, Bd. 29, 6; 31, 2, 7; 32, 1 n.
Vîzak, man, Bd. 32, 1 n.
Vîzarêsh, demon, Bd. 28, 18.
Vohu-fryãn fire, Bd. 17, 1; Zs. 11, 1 n.
Vohû-khshathra gâtha, Sl. 13, 2 n, 15, 37, 38 n, 51.
Vohû-khshathrem-yazamaidê ch., Sl. 13, 39.
Vohûman, angel, Bd. 1, 23, 25, (26 n;) 7, 3; 27, 24; 30, 29; Zs. 6, 3; 9, 6; 11, 10 n; Sl. 13, 14; 15, 3, 5, 9-11; 22, 2; 23, 1; his bird, Sl. 10, 9; king, Bd. 31, 29, 30; 34, 8; Byt. 2, 17; month, Bd. 25, 20.
Vohûman-kîhar, man, Bd. 33, 3.
— yast, ritual, Byt. 1, 1 n, 6; 2, 1.
Vologeses I, Byt. 2, 19 n.
Vôrûbarst, region, Bd. 5, 8, 9; 11, 3, 4; 25, 10; 29, 1; Byt. 3, 47.
Vôrûgarst, region, Bd. 5, 8, 9; 11, 3, 4; 25, 10; 29, 1; Byt. 3, 47.
Walking with one boot, Bd. 28, 23; Sl. 4, 8 n, (12.)
— without boots, Sl. 4, 12 n; 10, 12.
Washing the face, Sl. 12, 22.
— the hands, Sl. 7, 2, 7; before sleep, Sl. 10, 38.
Weeks, Sl. 23, 4 n.
Well-water unclean at night, Sl. 12, 17.
Westergaard, Professor, Int. 20 n, 25, 28 n, 37-39, 41, 48, 71.
Wife to worship with her husband, Sl. 12, 30.
Windischmann, Int. 25, 26.
Winter, Bd. 25, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10-13, 15-17, 19, 20; 28, 1.
Wisdom, like fire, Sl. 20, 2; effect on the mind, Sl. 20, 3.
Wives, five kinds, Bd. 32, 6 n.
Woman, after child-birth, Sl. 3, 15; menstruous, Sl. 2, 17, 96; 3, 1-14, 16-22, 25-35; 8, 12; 10, 39; 12, 4 n; miscarriage, Sl. 3, 15, 22, 23; pregnant, Sl. 2, 6, 105; 3, 22; 10, 4, 10, 20; 12, 11, 13; priest, Sl. 10, 35.
Worship, four kinds, Sl. 9, 9, 10; of God, Sl. 8, 22, 23; 10, 3, 5; 19, 7; form of, Sl. 12, 1.
Worthy of death, Bd. 30, 16; Sl. 2, 9, (40,) 63, 64, 76, 81, 82, 85, 105, 107, 109; 8, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 23, 18, 21, 23; 10, 19; 15, 22, 23; 18, 4 n.
Wrath, race of, Byt. 2, 22, 24, 25, 36; 3, 1, 6, 10, 13, 21; — with infuriate spear, Byt. 2, 36; 3, 24, 30, 35. See Aêshm, Khashm.
Xerxes, Bd. 34, 8 n.
Yâdkâr-i Zarîrân, book, Byt. 2, 49 n.
Yamâhust, man, Bd. 29, 5.
Yanghad, man, Bd. 31, 1. See Ayanghad.
Yâ-skyaothanâ hâ, Sl. 13, 10, 14.
Yasna, ritual, Byt. 2, 59 n; Sl. 9, 11 n, 12 n; 13, 1 n; 16, 6 n; oldest MSS. of, Int. 21; chapters cited, Sl. 13, 1, 2 n, 4, 6-12, 16-23, 25, 27-33, 35, 37, 38, 41-45, 47, 49-51; of seven ch., Sl. 13, 0 n, 15-25, 50 n, 51.
Yast, ritual, Sl. 12, 1, 30; 16, (6;) 17, 5 n.
Yastôfrîd, rite, Sl. 5, 2, 6. See Aûstôfrîd.
Yât sin, Sl. 1, 1, 2; 2, 51; 11, 1, 2; 16, 5.
Yathâ-ahû-vairyô formula, Bd. 1, (21;) Zs. 1, (19 n;) 2, 8; Sl. 10, 7; 12, 28, 32; 13, 13; recitations of, Sl. 19, 2-15.
Yathâ-âis hâ, Sl. 13, 8, 14.
Yawning, cause of, Sl. 12, 32.
Yazd, town, Sl. 21, 0 n, 2 n.
Yazdakard, king, Int. 42; Bd. 33, 11 n; 34, 9 n; Byt. 3, 11 n.
Yazdân, see Angels, God.
— aîrikht, man, Bd. 31, 19.
— sarâd, man, Bd. 31, 19.
Yazisn, rite, Bd. 2, 9; 30, 25; Sl. 3, 35 n; 13, 1 n; 17, 3, 5. See also Ceremonial.
Year, solar, Bd. 25, 1, 21; lunar, Bd. 25, 28, 19.
YêNhê-hâtãm formula, Byt. 2, (64 n;) Sl. 10, 5 n; 13, 24.
Yêzî-adâis hâ, Sl. 13, 33.
Yim, king, Bd. 12, 20; 17, 5; 23, 1; 31, 3-5, 6 n, 7, 8; 32, 1 n; 34, 4; Sl. 10, 28 n; his enclosure, Bd. 19, 16; 24, 11; 29, 4, 5, 14; 32, 5; Byt. 3, 55.
Yimak, queen, Bd. 23, 1; 31, 4.
Yimakân m., Bd. 29, 14.
Yôgêst, meas., Bd. 14, 28; 26, (1 n.)
Yûdân-Yim, man, Int. 42, 46, 47, 64; Bd. 33, 10 n, 11; Zs. 1, 0.
Yûnân, see Greeks.
Zâb, king, Bd. 31, 23 n.
— r., Bd. 20, 25 n.
Zâdsam, man, Bd. 31, 14 n.
Zâd-sparam, priest, Int. 38, 42, 46-49; Bd. 33, 10 n, 11; Zs. 1, 0, 19 n; 2, 6 n; 4, 1 n; 5, 4 n, 5 n; 6, 20 n; 9, 1 n, 22 n; 10, 5 n; 11, 10 n; Byt. 2, 3 n; Sl. 13, 50 n.
Zaêsm, man, Bd. 31, 14.
Zâgh, man, Bd. 33, 5.
Zagros m., Bd. 12, 36 n.
Zahâvayi r., Bd. 20, 25.
Zâînîgâv, man, Bd. 31, 6.
Zâîrîk, demon, Bd. 1, 27; 28, 11; 30, 29.
Zairivairi, prince, Bd. 31, 29.
Zâl, man, Bd. 31, 37 n.
Zamyâd, angel, Bd. 27, 24; Sl. 22, 28; 23, 4.
Zand (com.), Int. (10,) 21; Byt. 1, 6, 7; 2, 1, 55.
Zand-âkâs, book, Int. 23; Bd. 1, 1; Zs. 9, 1 n.
Zandîk, sect, Sl. 6, 7.
Zaothra, Av., Sl. 2, 43 n. See Holy-water.
Zarafsân r., Bd. 20, 19 n.
Zarah sea, Bd. 13, 16 n.
Zaratûst, apostle, Bd. 4, 2 n; 17, 8; 21, 3; 24, 1, 15; Zs. 11, 10 n; Byt. 1, 7 n; 2, 4-7, 9; Sl. 1, 3 n; 6, 1; 10, 25, 28 n; chief, Bd. 29, 2; his family, Bd. 20, 32; 29, 5; 32, 1-10; Byt. 3, 13, 47, 48; Sl. 10; 4, 21 n; 13, 22; his guardian spirit, Bd. 4, 4; Sl. 11, 4; his millennium, Bd. 34, 9 n; Byt. 1, 5; 2, 22, 24, 31, 41; 3, 11, 43 n, 44 n; attacked by demons, Sl. 10, 4; 12, 3 n, 11; addresses Aûharmazd, Bd. 30, 4; Byt. 1, 1, 2; 2, 1, 12, 23, 57; 3, 1, 12; Sl. 12, 29; 15, 1, 3; 17, 1, 11; addressed by Aûharmazd, Byt. 2, 58; 3, 11; Sl. 9, 8; 10, 26; 12, 32; 15, 30; called righteous, Byt. 2, 11, 24, 41, 62; called the Spîtâmân, Byt. 1, 3, 5; 2, 3, 4, 15, 22, 25, 28, 30, 31, 36, 44, 54-56, 63; 3, 3, 4, 8-10, 13, 14, 23, 24, 43, 50; Sl. 9, 14; 11, 4; 12, 23; 15, 4.
Zaratûst, man, Bd. 33, 11.
Zaratûstrôtûm, Bd. 24, 1. See also Supreme high-priest or Zaratûst.
Zardâhim, title, Bd. 31, 4.
Zarid In., Bd. 12, 2, 10 n.
Zarîn m., Bd. 12, 29, 39.
Zarînmand lake, Bd. 22, 1, 6; spring, Bd. 20, 34.
Zarîr, man, Bd. 31, 30; 33, 4; prince, Bd. 31, 29.
Zarmân, demon, Bd. 28, 23.
Zav, king, Bd. 31, 23 n.
Zavârah, man, Bd. 31, 41 n.
Zâvulistân, land, Byt. 3, 13 n.
Zend r., Bd. 20, 15.
Zendah r., Bd. 20, 15 n.
Zisak, man, Bd. 32, 1 n.
Zîsmand r., Bd. 20, 7, 19.
Zîyânak, woman, Bd. 31, 4.
Zôb, king, Bd. 34, 6. See Aûzôbô.
Zobara-vahman, bird, Bd. 19, 19.
Zodiacal signs, Bd. 2, 2; Sl. 21, 2, 7.
Zohab, land, Bd. 20, 25 n.
Zôhar, see Holy-water.
Zôndak r., Bd. 20, 7, 15 n.
Zôta (priest), Bd. 30, 30.
Zravad, place, Bd. 12, 35.
Zrâvakad, place, Bd. 12, 35.
Zrvâna, Av., Zs. 1, 24 n.
Zûsak, man, Bd. 31, 14.