22. ת
22nd Hebrew letter (Tau).
The Tau has the same hieroglyphic meaning as the Daleth (fourth card), the womb; but it is chiefly the sign of reciprocity, the image of all that is mutual and reciprocal. It is the sign of signs, for to the abundance of the letter Daleth ד (fourth card), and by dint of the resistance and protection of the letter Teth, ט (ninth card), it adds the idea of PERFECTION, of which it is the symbol.
In the primitive Hebrew alphabet the Teth was represented by a cross (+). This letter is double, and in astronomy it represents the Sun.
The World.
A nude female figure, holding a wand in each hand, is placed in the centre of an ellipsis, her legs crossed (like those of the Hanged Man in the twelfth card). At the four angles of the card we find the four animals of the Apocalypse, and the four forms of the Sphinx: the Man, the Lion, the Bull, and the Eagle.
This symbol represents Macrocosm and Microcosm, that is to say, God and the Creation, or the Law of the Absolute. The four figures placed at the four corners represent the four letters of the sacred name, or the four great symbols of the Tarot.
The Sceptre |
or yod |
= Fire. |
The Cup |
or he |
= Water. |
The Sword |
or vau |
= Earth. |
The Pentacle |
or 2nd he |
= Air. |
These affinities can be represented thus--
Sceptre |
Pentacle |
Cup |
Sword |
Between the sacred word that signifies GOD and the centre of the figure is a circle or an ellipsis, representing NATURE and her regular and fatal course. From this comes the name of Rota, wheel, given to it by Guillaume Postel.
Lastly, the centre of the figure represents humanity, ADAM-EVE, the third term of the great series of the Absolute, which is thus constructed:--
The impenetrable Absolute, the EN SOPH of the Kabbalists, the PARABRAHM of the Hindus--
The impenetrable Absolute or God |
1st septenary. |
The soul of the Absolute or Man |
2nd septenary. |
The body of the Absolute or the Universe |
3rd septenary. |
This twenty-first card of the Tarot therefore contains in itself a recapitulation of all our work, and proves to us the truth of our deductions.
A simple figure will sum up what we have said.
This symbol gives us an exact figure of the construction of the Tarot itself, if we notice that the figure in the centre represents a triangle (a head and two extended arms) surmounting a cross (the legs), that is to say, the figure of the septenary thus formed
The four corners therefore reproduce the four great symbols of the Tarot. The centre represents the action of these symbols between themselves, represented by the ten numbers of the minor arcana, and the twenty-two
letters of the major arcana. Lastly, the centre reproduces the septenary law of the major arcana themselves.
As this septenary is in the centre of three circles, representing the three worlds, we see that the sense of the twenty-one arcana is once more determined (3 x 7 = 21).
The following figure indicates the application of the twenty-first card to the Tarot itself.
We shall also see that this card of the Tarot gives the key of all our applications of the pack to the Year, to Philosophy, to the Kabbalah, etc., etc.