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General Book of the Tarot, by A. E. Thierens, [1930], at

Page of Cups

TRADITION: Fair young man, studious. Work, application, reflexion, occupation, observation. Profession, employment. News, message; has to

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do with business. Reversed: Tendency, inclination, attraction, attachment, friendship, desire, engagement, invitation, seduction. Flattery, praise, cherishing, etc.

THEORY: The Page or servant, messenger, of the cups suit comes on the Eleventh and on the Seventh house, and has to do with friendship and relations, e.g. marriage. He must be the friend who brings inviting messages, seductive proposals, if not of formal marriage, perhaps of some love-affair or jolly gathering, sportive meeting, or intellectual entertainment, lecture, etc. It is not quite impossible, that the idea of 'seduction' is connected with it or at least a strong sense of persuasion. If it relates to news, there is emotion in it, news that will affect the feelings in some way or other. Relations will be of a passing nature, but may be very pleasant. The combination of the Water with the Air generally adds much to the instruction, development or education of people So there must be much of all this in the Page of Cups. The effects do not always bear the characteristic of reliability, nor of permanence.

CONCLUSION--(On the eleventh house): Friendly message, good news, invitation, proposal and the bringer of the same. A young man of a democratic turn of mind, brotherly feelings, international relationship. (On the seventh house): Proposal of marriage or love-affair, intellectual entertainment, lecture, demonstration. Proposal or invitation to a position or employment. Solicitation. The outcome of this card is still uncertain and must be derived from the neighbouring cards. Change of relations and connections, sympathies.

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[paragraph continues] Tendency to please and to make things and certain persons appear better than they are in reality, either to flatter them or to seduce the querent. It may also be that the querent will be flattered. Praise and persuasion. A man very much open to sex-influences.

Next: Knight of Cups