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Fortune Telling by Cards, by P.R.S. Foli, [1915], at

p. 27


The Selected Pack of Thirty-two Cards

Reduced pack generally used—How to indicate reversed cards—Meaning of Hearts—Diamonds—Clubs—Spades.

Reduced Pack Generally Used.

THE practice of using only thirty-two cards in telling fortune is very general, especially in those systems which have been adopted from or based upon a foreign source. We here give the definitions used in these methods, as they differ in certain respects from those given with the entire pack of fifty-two cards. Special care must be taken when using the selected pack to notice which way the cards come out upon the table, whether upright or reversed, as the meanings of the two positions may be diametrically opposed.

How to Indicate Reversed Cards.

In former days it was easier to distinguish between the top and the bottom of a card, but now that they are practically made reversible, with a few exceptions, it is necessary to mark the cards that are to be used for fortune-telling in such a way as to enable the dealer to say at a glance whether the card is reversed or not. These marks should be made before the pack has been used, and need not be altered if the cards are kept solely for this purpose.

In the following pages this selected pack is required for several methods, and in the case of the Master Method it is augmented by the four twos taken from the excluded cards.

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Meaning of the Hearts.

Ace.—A love letter, good news; reversed, a removal or s Ash from a friend.

King.—Fair man of generous disposition; reversed, s disappointing person.

Queen.—Fair, good-natured woman; reversed, she has had an unhappy love affair.

Knave.—A young bachelor devoted to enjoyment; reversed, a military lover with a grievance.

Ten.—Antidote to bad cards; happiness and success; reversed, passing worries.

Nine.—The wish card, good luck; reversed, short sorrow.

Eight.—Thoughts of marriage, affections of a fair person; reversed, unresponsiveness.

Seven.—Calm content; reversed, boredom, satiety.

Meaning of the Diamonds.

Ace.—A letter, an offer of marriage; reversed, evil tidings.

King.—A very fair or white-haired man, a soldier by profession, and of a deceitful turn of mind; reversed, a treacherous schemer.

Queen.—A fair woman, given to gossip and wanting in refinement; reversed, rather a spiteful flirt.

Knave.—Subordinate official, who is untrustworthy; reversed, a mischief-maker.

Ten.—Travelling or a removal; reversed, ill-luck will attend the step.

Nine.—Vexation, hindrances; reversed, domestic wrangling, or disagreement between lovers.

Eight.—Love passages; reversed, blighted affections. Seven.—Unkindly chat cynicism; reversed, stupid and unfounded slander.

Meaning of the Clubs.

Ace.—Good luck, letters or papers relating to money, pleasant tidings; reversed, short-lived happiness, a tiresome correspondence.

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King.—A dark man, warm-hearted and true as a friend, straight in his dealings; reversed, good intentions frustrated.

Queen.—A dark woman, loving but hasty, and bearing no malice; reversed, harassed by jealousy.

Knave.—A ready-witted young man, clever at his work and ardent in his love; reversed, irresponsible and fickle.

Ten.—Prosperity and luxury; reversed, a sea voyage.

Nine.—An unlooked-for inheritance, money acquired under a will; reversed, a small, friendly gift.

Eight.—Love of a dark man or woman which, if accepted and reciprocated, will bring joy and well-being; reversed, an unworthy affection calculated to cause trouble.

Seven.—Trifling financial matters; reversed, money troubles.

Meaning of the Spades.

Ace.—Emotional enjoyment; reversed, news of a death, sorrow.

King.—A widower, an unscrupulous lawyer, impossible as a friend and dangerous as an enemy; reversed, the desire to work evil without the power.

Queen.—Widow, a very dark woman; reversed, an intriguing, spiteful woman.

Knave.—Legal or medical student, wanting in refinement of mind and manners; reversed, a treacherous character, fond of underhand measures.

Ten.—Grief, loss of freedom; reversed, passing trouble or illness.

Nine.—A bad omen, news of failure or death; reversed, loss of one near and dear by death.

Eight.—Coming illness; reversed, an engagement cancelled or a rejected proposal, dissipation.

Seven.—Everyday worries, or a resolve taken; reversed, silly stratagems in love-making.

Next: Chapter IV. The Signification of Quartettes, Triplets, and Pairs