The Sacred Fire, by B.Z. Goldberg, [1930], at
Phallic symbols in ancient art | |
Primitive man's crude portrayal of the creative force | |
Sex pervaded the art of Old Anthropology Adam | |
An Egyptian phallic altar | |
A demon of love | |
Man's first church; his best-loved god | |
From an old Egyptian urn | |
Venus and Cupid fulfilling their mission of love | |
A Phallic amulet | |
Brahma created himself double | |
At the altar of Priapus | |
When gods made merry | |
A Hindu goddess offering a lingam | |
A Hindu god in copulation | |
Venus in a phallic shrine | |
Siva as the Hermaphroditic God | |
In the Temple of Siva | |
Siva leaning on the lingam | |
The Persian Triad | |
The Serpent the Sacred Image of the Solo-Phallic Cult | |
Serpent worship in early Christian art | |
A Serpent god | |
Kwan-yin, the Oriental Queen of Heaven | |
Maya, the Hindu goddess | |
An Oriental divinity | |
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The Sheela-na-gig | |
An early Priapic statue | |
As the god of love developed | |
The Scandinavian tree of life | |
At a Baalic festival | |
Anubis as the guardian of the Dead | |
Priestesses of Aphrodite | |
Hers was the life of an actress | |
Lamenting for Attis | |
Aphrodite, Goddess of Love | |
Dionysos on his phallic throne | |
Dionysia | |
The marriage of Psyche and Eros | |
The eternal Sakti | |
A female demon in ancient India | |
Devaki seated on a lotus flower | |
Jehovah, God of Battles | |
A sacrificial altar | |
Warding off the unclean spirits | |
The universe a dualism seeking unity | |
An old conception of the Cherubim | |
Symbols in early Christian art | |
Thecla | |
Cave church of the Apocalypse in Patmos | |
Spiritual lovers | |
The marriage of St. Catherine | |
St. Teresa | |
The Church as the Bride of Christ | |
Christian symbolism in the Catacombs | |
Medieval Hell | |
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Jesus in the womb of the Virgin | |
The Spirit of God | |
A Mohammedan fish nymph | |
The Black Stone | |
A Negro god | |
The Virgin shares her altar with Legba | |
The Christian God worshipped in Voodoo fashion | |
Images of the Voodoo gods | |
The Spirit of God | |
A symbol of life | |
A Gnostic gem | |
Symbols of fertility | |
The Evil Spirit tempting the soul of a pagan idol | |
When the devil was a god | |
Kali, lover of death |