III. |
The Funeral dirge on King Gorice XI. |
William Dunbar (late 15th century) "Lament for the Makaris: quhen he wes seik." |
" |
Lampoon on Gro |
Epigram in memory of William Parrie, "a capital traitor," executed for treason in 1584: quoted by Holinshed. |
IV. |
Prophecy concerning the last three Kings of the house of Gorice in Carcë |
-------- |
VII. |
Song in praise of Prezmyra |
Thomas Carew (1598-1639). |
" |
Corund's Song of the Chine |
"An Antidote against Melancholy" (1661). |
" |
Corsus's "Whene'er I bib the wine down" |
Anacreonta xxv.; transl. from the Greek, E. R. E. |
" |
Corsus's other ditties |
From the "Roxburgh Ballads" (collected 1774). |
IX. |
Mivarsh's staves on Salapanta |
Herrick (1591-1674), "Hesperides." |
XV. |
Prezmyra's song of Lovers. |
Donne (1573-1631) |
" |
Corinius's love ditty: "What an Ass is he" |
"Merry Drollerie" (1691). |
" |
Corinius's song on his Mistress |
Ibid. |
XVI. |
Laxus's Serenade |
Anacreonta ii.; transl. from the Greek, E. R. E. |
March of Corsus's veterans |
-------- |
Mevrian's ballad of the Ravens |
Old Ballad: "The Three Ravens." |
Mevrian's quotation on the asbeston stone. |
Robert Greene (156092), "Alphonsus, King of Arragon." |
XXX. |
Gro's serenade to Prezmyra. |
Sir Henry Wotton (1568-1639), verses to Elizabeth, Queen of Bohemia. |
Prophecy concerning conjuring |
-------- |
Lines quoted by Queen Sophonisba on the fall of Witchland |
Webster (beginning of 17th century); The Duchess of Malfi," Act V. v. |
" |
Queen Sophonisba's Sonnet |
Shakespeare, Sonnet xviii. |
The text here printed of Wotton's poem is that of "Reliquiae Wottonianae," 1st ed., 1651, edited by Izaak Walton; except that I read (with the earlier texts) 1. 5 Moone, 1. 8 Passions, 1. 16 Princess, instead of Sun, Voyces, Mistris of the 1651 edition.
Shakespeare's Sonnet is from the Quarto of 1609
The passage from Njal's Saga in the Induction is quoted from the late Sir George Dasent's classic translation.