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G. = Gypsy, and Gs. = Gypsies.


Actors, Gs. as, 124.

Africa, Gs. in, ix, xxxviii-xli.

Agareni, xxii.

'Aladdin,' 90, 218, 219.

'Ali Baba,' li.

American Gs., ix, xv-xvii.

Animals, grateful. See Grateful animals.

Apple causing horns to grow, 85-86. Apples turning into donkey, 98. Revivifying apple, 29, 57. Apples of pregnancy, 36, 40, 65, 66. Golden apple-tree and apples, 26, 27, 135, 137, 182, 183, 220, 225, 227.

Arabian Nights, 57, 72, 168.

Arabic and Rómani, xxxiii.

Arrows, li, 79, 80, 259.

Ash-hole, sitting in, or by stove, 155, 235, 242, 267, 268.

'Ashypelt,' 235, 242.

Asia Minor, lxiv n.

Athingani, xxii, xxiii.

Australia, Gs. in, xvii, xviii.


'BAD MOTHER, The,' 24.

Baht or bakht, fortune, 53 n.

'Baldpate,' 4.

Ball of yarn, thread, etc., 221, 222, 233, 234, 254, 255, 268.

Baptism by God, 20, 30.

Barbu Constantinescu, Dr., lii, liii.

Basque-speaking G., xxxix.

Bataillard, Paul, x, xxix, xl, xli.

'Beam, The,' lxxxi.

Bear, 31, 228, 272-78. Bear-wards, xliii, xliv.

'Beauty and the Beast,' 1.

'Beautiful Mountain, The,' 107.

Bell of Antermony, John, xxxvii.

Bellerophon letter, 10, 134.

Bellows, xx, xxvi, lxiv n, 248, 285-286 n.

'Binnorie,' 132.

Bird-maidens. See Swan-maidens.

Birds, summoning the, 38, 40, 214, 254, 255. Queen of the birds, 59. Prophetic and talking birds, lxxix, 6, 9, 115, 116, 256. Bird, stealing a, 106, 185-187, 284.

Birth-marks, 17, 72, 121-23, 181, 236, 241.

'Black Dog of the Wild Forest,' 267.

'Black Lady, The,' 256.

Blind mother of dragon, 84, 143.

Blindness cured, 78, 79, 113, 115, 122, 123, 187.

Blood, Mountains of, 32.

'Blue Belt, The,' 35.

'Blue Light, The,' 103.

Boat-dwelling Scotch tinkers, lix.

'Bobby Rag,' 198.

Bohemian-G. story, 151-54.

Bologna, Gs. in 1422 at, x-xii.

Book, magic, 11, 12, 254.

Boots. See Youngest son.

Bow and arrows, 259.

Brazilian Gs., xvi, xvii.

Bread cast on water to discover drowned body, 139.

Breaking through to steal, 146 n. Bride, Forsaken, li.

Bridge, 12, 268, 269. Golden bridge, xlviii, 23.

'Brigands and Miller's Daughter,' 168.

'Brother Lustig,' 249.

Brothers of the Cross, 80 n, 93.

'Brown Bear of the Green Glen,' 272.

Bukowina-G. stories, liii, 29-34, 61-129, 181.

'Bull-calf, De Little,' 205.

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Bunyan, John, 295-8.

Burning, punishment of, 28, 71, 74, 94, 102, 175, 201, 204, 256.

Bursting of monster, 18 n.

Bushel to measure money with, 113, 117, 170, 263.


CAGE, common, 108, 185.

Cake and blessing or curse, lxxvii, 219, 257.

Caldarari, xxxvi-xlv.

Callot, Jacques, xxxvii.

Campbell of Islay, J. F., xlv-xlvii, lviii-lxi. His West Highland Tales, lxxvi-lxxx, 3, 12, 124, 171 n, 188, 192, 233, 242, 243, 255, 262.

Candle, shining like a, 16, 17, 95, 105.

Cannibalism, lxxiii, lxxiv, 37, 61, 66, 165, 181.

Cards, playing, 28, 117, 120, 184, 256.

Carlyle's, Mrs., G. ancestry, 51.

Carriageful of money, 73, 82, 90, 113.

Cart, winged, 93.

'Caruseddu,' 109.

Castles of copper, silver, and gold, xlvi, 60, 233-34, 244, 245.

Cat, xlvi, li, 117-120.

Catalonian-G. story, 249.

Chair that one cannot rise out of, 248.

Chaldæan version of Tobit, 3.

Challenge to war, 65, 119.

Chaltsmide, xxii.

Chamber, forbidden, 25, 30, 256.

Cheese-squeezing, 84, 206.

'Childe Rowland,' 40.

Childlessness, liii, 21, 24, 36, 65, 175.

China, Gs. in, xxxvii, xxxviii.

Chinganéros, xvii.

Church and priest, transformation into, lxxi, 127, 196.

Chutilla the Handless, 111.

Ciboure, xxxviii-xl.

'Cinderella,' 259.

Cloak of darkness, 164.

Clock, musical and rejuvenating, 54.

Club, hurling a. See Mace.

Cock-crow, 14, 15, 38, 40, 113, 279.

Coffee as emetic, 96-98.

Comb, magic, 64, 126, 127.

Conception, miraculous, 201, 258.

Copper, palace or castle of, xlvi, 60, 233-34, 244, 245.

Corfu, Gs. in, xix, xx, xlii.

Cosquin's Contes de Lorraine, 3, 52, 72, 79, 85, 90, 109, 117, 120, 128, 175, 197, 246.

Covenant as to new-born child, 102, 103, 125.

Crabs in ' Master Thief,' 45, 47, 52, 53.

'Creation of the Violin, The,' 131.

Crete, Gs. in, xix, xxii, n.

Crofton, Mr. H. T., xiv.

Cross, brothers of the, 80 n, 93.

Cross-roads, 85, 90, 220, 236.

Crown floats on to future king's head, xlv, 97.

Nuptial crown, 21. Crucifixion. See Nails.

'Cudgel, bestir thyself,' lvi n, 251.

Cufic coins, lxxiv.

'Cymbeline,' lxvii, 121-124.



Dasent's Norse tales, 3, 12, 35, 50, 161, 171, 233, 234, 255, 257, 258, 271.

Days of week personified, 31-33.

'Dead Man's Gratitude, The,' 11.

Death, resuscitation from, 8, 18, 28, 33, 94, 99, 103, 270.

'Death the Sweetheart,' 140.

'Deluded Dragon, The,' 80, 144.

Devil, 19, 93, 94, 112-114, 117-118, 125-127, 141-143, 191-194, 248, 249, 278, 282.

'Dog and the Maiden, The,' 138. Omniscient dog, 143. Helpful dogs, 268-271. Black Dog, 267.

Doms, 13, 263.

Donkey-apples, 98.

Donkey-cabbages, 99.

Doom, pronouncing one's own, 74, 89.

Dragon, 2, 6, 7, 9, 20, 24, 30-34, 62, 78, 80-85, 85-87, 110, 143-144, 151-154, 166-167, 205-208, 219, 252, 253.

Drama and Gs., 124.

Drowned body, recovery of, 139.

Dumplings, leaden, 152.

Dwarf, 75, 76, 243-246.

Dynamitters, xxxii.


EAGLES, 78, 79, 198, 214, 215, 274, 275.

Egypt, Gs. in, xix.

Elven, Professor H. van, xli, xlii.

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'Enchanted City, The,' 117.

English-G. stories, 130, 198-208.

Evil eye, xvii, 14, 66.


FAIRIES, lxiii, 77, 78, 133, 138, 141, 143, 155, 160, 178, 258, 259.

'Fairy Bride,' 259.

'Faithful John,' 9.

Fata and Moirai, 138.

Feast or ball given, 70, 73, 85, 158, 174, 198, 203

Feather, magic, lxx, 105, 108, 109, 167 n.

Feats. See Tasks.

Feet, vampire detected by, 14.

'Ferdinand the Faithful,' 109.

'Fiend, The,' 18.

Fire, undying, 30.

'Five Trades, The,' 234.

Flags, red, black, and white, 110.

Fleabite, 82.

Flower, transformation into a, lxix, 16 n, 17, 19, 195.

Flute, magic, 77, 257.

'Flying Trunk, The,' 103.

'Follower, The,' 3.

'Foolish Brother and the Wonderful Bush, The,' 154.

Fool with the Sheep, The,' 262.

Footprints, detection by, 101.

Forbidden chamber, 25, 30, 256.

Forest, felling a, 22, 23, 64, 126, 191, 243, 255.

Forsaken Bride, l.

Fortune-telling, xi, xii, xiv, xv, xviii, 12.

Fox, 82. 'De Little Fox,' 200. 'Mr. Fox,' 175, 200. 'The Fox,' 283.

'Frederick and Catherine,' 266.

Freischütz gun, 30, 35.

Friday personified, 31.

Frogs, 213.

Fruits of pregnancy. See Apple.


GALLOWS, 42, 112, 115.

Gesta Romanorum, lxvi, lxvii, 90.

Giant, 108, 252, 273, 274, 284.

'Girl sold to the Devil,' 161.

Glaive of Light, 284-288.

Glass mountain, 255.

Goat, riding a, 78.

God, 20, 30, 65, 66, 73, 74, 102, 103, 129, 163, 205, 249, 250-252.

'Godfather Death,' liv.

'God's Godson,' 20.

Gold, Gs. as workers in, xxv, xxvi.

Golden apple-tree and apples, 26, 27, 135, 137, 182, 183, 220, 225, 227.

Golden children, 17, 70-72.

Golden God, 48, 188.

Golden fir-trees, 68.

Golden hen, 178, 179, 192.

Golden lambs, 68.

'Golden Bird and the Good Hare, The,' 182.

Gonzenbach's, Laura, Sicilian folk-tales, 3, 35, 51, 109, 164, 182, 188.

Grateful or helpful animals, 34, 38-41, 99, 108, 125, 126, 185-187, 208, 213-220, 268-271.

'Grateful Dead, The,' 1.

Greek folk-tales. See Hahn.

Greek Gs., xx, xxi.

Greek loan-words in Rómani, xxxii.

'Green Man of Noman's Land, The,' lxxvi, lxxvii, 197, 254.

Griffin of the Greenwood, 223.

Grimm, l, lxvi, 9, 35, 51, 57, 62, 72, 79, 85, 90, 99, 103, 109, 117, 120, 129, 130, 138, 143, 145, 151, 175, 188, 208, 219, 242, 246, 249, 257, 262, 266.

Gun, never-missing, 30, 35.


HAHN'S Greek folk-tales, xlviii, lxv, 9, 17, 24, 35, 51, 62, 79, 85, 94, 99, 103, 112, 144, 151, 182, 218, 221, 258, 263, 267.

Hair, feather, fin, etc., summoning by a, lxx, 38, 120.

Hammer, hurling a. See Mace.

Handkerchief, identification by, 161, 165, 225, 230 n. Ordeal by hand-kerchief, 230, 231.

Hare, 34, 50, 81, 99, 185-187, 208.

Head impaled on stake, 39, 257, 258, 284. Head cut off, to transform, 225, 226, 227, 270, 271.

Heart as token of death, 29, 35, 198.

Hedgehog, lxxiv, lxxxi, 257.

Helpful animals. See Grateful animals.

'Hen that laid Diamonds, The,' 95.

Hen, golden, 178, 179, 182.

Hero, 20, 24, 62, 65, 66.

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Hop-o’-my-thumb trick, 105, 109.

Horns caused by eating apple, 85, 86.

Horse, binding to a wild, 70. Talking horse, 104-109. Winged horse, 26, 27, 40, 91, 125.

Hungarian-G. stories, liii, liv, 19, 34, 48, 174, 208.

'Huntsman, The Skilful,' 151.

Husk-myths, li, 21-24, 200-204, 228.


INCUBUS, 93, 95.

India, king of, li.

Indian parallels, l, lvi n, lxviii-lxxi, 9, 12, 13, 14, 24, 35, 66, 72, 80, 85, 86, 92, 99, 103-104, 117, 132, 146 n, 168, 175, 197, 208, 219, 234, 256, 263, 266-267.

Indian origin of Rómani, xxxiii-xxxv.

Invisible cloak, 104.

Ireland, Gs. in, lxxix, lxxx.

'It all comes to Light,' 67.


'JACK and his Golden Snuffbox,' 209.

'Jack the Giant-killer,' 3.

'Jack the Robber,' 48, 260.

Jacobs, Mr. Joseph, lxviii, lxxv, lxxxiii, 40, 218, 232.

'Jealous Husband, The,' 121.

'Jean de l'Ours,' 79, 90, 246.

Jews, 1, 2, 57, 122, 162, 175-181.


KEY, 166, 167, 177.

Kidneys, man deprived of, 62-64.

'King of the Golden Mountain,' 120.

King of the Serpents, li.

'Knight of Riddles, The,' 12.

Komodromoi, xxiv-xxxi.

Kopernicki, Dr. I., liv, lv.

'Koschei the Dauntless,' 90.

Kounavine, Michael I., lxii, lxiii.


LANG, MR. ANDREW, lxxii-lxxiv.

Langari, xlii.

'Laula,' 174, 200.

Life-tokens, lvii, 110.

'Little Bull-calf, De,' 205.

'Little Fox, De,' 200.

'Little Snow-white,' l.

Liverpool, 'Greek Gs.' at, xlii.

Loaf, inexhaustible, 30, 67, 71, 275.

Lousing, 156, 157, 192 n.

Lowbeys, xvii.

Luck personified, 53.

Lucky-bone, 269, 271.

Lying stories, 128-130.


MACDONALD, JOHN, lviii-lxi.

Mace, hurling a, 37, 40, 63, 64, 110, 152, 153.

MacRitchie, Mr. David, xv, xxxvii, xliii, 182.

'Made over to the Devil,' 125.

'Magic Shirt, The,' 289.

Manneken, 258.

Manoli, 13.

Marionettes and Gs., 124.

'Master Smith,' 247-249, 291.

'Master Thief,' 41-53, 109.

'Merchant of Venice,' 124, 171.

Metallurgy, G., xvii, xxiv-xxxii, lxxxi, 46-48, 285-286 n.

Mice, 126, 212-215.

Mid-day. See Noon.

Migrations, G., lxxiv.

Miklosich, Franz von, liii.

Miller's daughter, 168, 175.

Millstone, 127.

Mirror, magic, 56, 64.

Moirai, 138.

Money, contest in, 97, 99.

Montanéros, xvii.

Moon personified, 31.

Moravian-G. story, 144-151.

'Mother's Chastisement, The,' 29.


NAILS of Crucifixion, xxvii-xxx.

Names: Manoli, 13; Nita, 14; Handak, 20; Silvester, 30; Peterkin, 59; Jankos, 73, 141; Marishka, 73; Nastasa, 90; Paul the Wild, 92; Dorohýj Kúpec, 93; Tropsyn, 104; Peter Pretty-face, 110; Chutilla, 111; Mara, 131; Nameless, 134; Halenka, 141; Bruntslikos, 151; Jack, 209, 220, 252, 257, 260, 262, 268; Valentine and Oliver, 220; Jubal, 228; Ashypelt, 235; John, 235, 272, 278; Winter, 266; Brian, 283; Sheen Billy, 289.

'Nastasa the Fair,' 90.

Needles to keep one awake, 59, 183. Needle and thread to track vampire by, 15.

Negro folk-tale, 291.

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Nether world. See World.

'New Han’, De,' 291.

Nibelungenlied, 95.

Noon or one o'clock, 27, 32, 223.

Norka, The,' 62.


OBSTACLES to check advance or pursuit, 64, 65, 126, 127.

'Old King and his Three Sons,' 220.

'Old Smith, The,' 247.

'Old Soldier, The,' 250.

Ordeal, lxv, 79, 89, 90, 230, 231.

'Osborn's Pipe,' 258.

Other world. See World.

Otter King, xlviii.

'Ox, The Stolen,' 219.


PARENTS, recognition of, 73, 258, 276, 277.

Paris, Gs. in 1427 at, xii, xiii.

Paspati, Dr. A. G., xlix.

Paul the Wild, 92.94.

Peter, St., 20, 30, 65, 249, 252.

Place-names: White Sea and Black Sea, 4; Bucharest, 53, 56; Paris, 54; Vienna, 54; Bukowina, 69, 70, 85; Vah river, 72; Danube, 106, 121; England, 220; London, 227; Epping Forest, 229; Melváles, 230; North Wales, 232; Forest o’ Dean, 235; Montford Bridge, 262; Ireland, 267; Erin, 272, 289; Greece, 283.

Polish-G. stories, liv, lv, 154-197.

Polygamy, G., lxxiii.

Portrait, falling in love with a, 4, 94, 95, 176.

Pregnancy. See Apple.

'Pretty-face,' 110.

Price, Cornelius, lvi, lvii, 48.

'Prince and the Wizard, The,' 62.

'Prince, his Comrade, and Nastasa the Fair, The,' 90.

'Princess on the Glass Hill,' 161.

'Prince who ate Men, The,' 66.

'Princess and the Forester's Son,' 144.

Puppet-shows and Gs., 124.

Pursuit, 126, 127, 195-7.


QUEEN of the Birds, 59.


RABBITS, 248, 257.

Ralston's Russian folk-tales, 12, 18, 35, 41, 62, 94, 121, 128, 161, 197, 234, 249.

Ranking, Dr. D. F., lix.

Recognition of parents, 73, 258, 276.

'Red King and the Witch, The,' 58.

Rejuvenation, 54, 247.

Resuscitation from death, 8, 18, 28, 33, 94, 103, 247, 270.

Rhampsinitus, 52.

'Rich and the Poor Brother, The,' 112.

'Riddle, The,' lxxviii, 9, 95.

Ring as talisman, 87-90.

Recognition by ring, 127, 128, 152, 154, 159, 207, 208.

Ring as life-token, 110.

'Rivals, The,' 181.

'Robber-Bridegroom, The,' 175.

Roberts, John, lv.

Robin, 257.

Rómani or G. Language, xxxii-xxxv, lvi,

Room, forbidden, 25, 30, 256.

Roslin, Gs. at, xiv, xv, 124.

Roumanian-G. stories, lii, liii, 14-66, 219.

Roumanian Gs., xxi, xxii.

Russian folk-tales. See Ralston.


SADDLE, magic, 164.

Saddle-bags, 28, 33, 34, 35, 120.

Sampson, Mr. John, xliv, lv-lviii.

Savagery, G., lxxii-lxxiv.

Sayce, Professor, xxxv, 3, 4.

School, 90, 96.

Scotland, Gs. in, xiv, xv.

Scottish-Tinker stories, 272-290.

Seed, gathering, 125, 126, 128.

Selection of true bride, 126, 255.

Serpent-maiden, 36-40. See also Snake.

Sharpshooter, 30, 35, 145.

Shelta, lix.

Ships or boats, 1, 4-7, 106, 108, 109, 121, 122, 202, 210, 211, 255, 258.

Shirt, magic, 289, 290.

Shoes of swiftness, 284.

'Shoes that were danced to pieces,' 143.

Sicilian tales. See Gonzenbach.

Sieve to bale water with, 193, 257.

'Sir Amadas,' 3.

'Skilful Huntsman, The,' 151.

Slave-dealers, Gs. as, xvii.

Slavery, xxi, xxii, 10, 11.

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Slavonic folk-tales. See Ralston and Wratislaw.

Sleeping Beauty, li, lxx, 101-4, 147, 224, 225, 234, 275.

Slovak-G. stories, liv, 46-48, 72.74, 83-84, 141-144.

Smelling human flesh, 37, 78.

'Smith, The Old,' 250.

Snakes, li, 21-24, 36-40, 136, 137, 219, 220, 280, 290.

'The Snake who became the King's Son-in-law,' 21.

Snake-leaves, 99, 111, 112, 208.

Solario, Antonio, lxviii.

'Soldier, The Old,' 250.

'Tale of the Soldier,' 278.

Somersault, turning a, prior to transformation, lxv, 16 n, 24, 40, 58, 59, 68, 106, 120, 127.

Sowa, Dr. Rudolph von, liv.

Stable, cleansing a, 255.

Stag half swallowed by serpent, 219.

Stake, head impaled on, 39, 284.

Stepfather, 205.

Stepmother, 35 n, 67-70, 289.

Sterility. See Childlessness.

'Stolen Ox, The,' 219.

Stone, turning into, xlviii, 6, 7, 8, 9, 117, 118.

Story-tellers, Gs. as professional, xlv, xlvi, xlix, lxxx.

Stream that consumes flesh, 86.

Strength, seat of, xlviii, 35, 119, 167.

Stripes, red, out of back, 124, 171 n.

'Strong Hans,' 79, 90, 246.

Sun-goddess, 285-288.

Sun-king, lxv, 135-137.

Swan-maidens, li, 189, 254, 255.

Swiftness, shoes of, 284.

Sword, magic, 63, 64, 92, 119, 120, 152-4, 160, 284-288.

Oath on sword, 38.

Symon Simeonis, xviii, xix.

Symplegades, 32, 35.


TABU, G., lxxiii.

Tailor, hero turns, 87-90.

Talisman, 87-90, 210-219.

Tannhaüser episode, xlviii.

Tasks imposed, li, 22, 23, 125-8, 191-5, 255, 256.

Telescope, 57.

'Ten Rabbits, The,' 257.

'Three Brothers, The,' 114.

'Three Dragons, The,' 151.

Three Girls, The,' 141.

'Three Golden Hairs of the Sun-king, The,' 133.

'Three Princesses and the Unclean Spirit, The,' 36.

'Three Wishes, The,' 258.

Threshold, burial under, 19.

'Tinker and his Wife, The,' lxxxi, 263.

Tinkers, Scottish, lviii-lxi.

Toad, 113.

Tobit, 3.

Tobolsk, Gs. at, xxxvii.

Tongue, Dragon's, 154, 207, 208.

Towel, magic, 126, 127.

Transformation, xlviii, l, li, lii, 16, 37, 40, 58, 59, 68, 98, 99, 106, 108, 125-128, 141, 195-7, 255.

Transylvanian-G. stories, liii, liv, 85, 103, 131-140.

'Travelling Companion, The,' 3.

Travelling robe, 57.

Tree, plucking up a, 74. Wife in tree, 166-7. G. tree-worship, lxxiii.

'Tropsyn,' 104.

Turkish-G. stories, xlix-lii, 1.13.

'Twopence-Halfpenny,' 243.

'Two Thieves, The,' 41.


'VALIANT Little Tailor,' 80-85, 143.

'Vampire, The,' 14, 143, 172, 257.

Variants, G., lxiv, lxv.

'Violin, The Creation of the,' 131.


WAGER, 28, 121, 123.

Wagtail, xxxi.

Wand, magic, 166, 177.

'Watchmaker, The,' 53.

Water of life and Water of death, 27, 28, 93, 94, 120. Water transforming one's appearance, 87, 88, 89. Water stopped, 99, 112-117, 134, 136, 208.

Webster, Rev. Wentworth, xxxix.

Wednesday personified, 33.

Welsh-G. stories, lv-lviii, 48, 49, 107, 130, 174, 204, 209-271.

Whetstone, magic, 64, 126, 127. Whip, fiery, 126.

Whistle, G., 193, 194, 217 n.

Wind personified, 60.

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'Winged Hero, The,' 200.

Winged horse, 26, 27, 40, 91, 125. Winged cart, 93.

'Winter' as G. surname, 266.

'Wise Young Jew,' 175.

'Witch, The,' 188.

Wlislocki, Dr. H. von, liii, liv.

Wood, Matthew, lvi.

World, other, 25, 26, 63, 76-9, 86, 87, 244-6.

Wratislaw's Slavonic folk-tales, 3, 24, 41, 62, 65, 72, 109, 117, 138, 154, 188, 197, 218, 234, 259.

Wrestling match, xlviii, 152.4, 274.


YEAR and a day, 36, 212, 241.

Youngest son, 1, 59-62, 85-90, 155, 161, 182-8, 220-234, 235-242, 243-246.