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For clarity, I've changed subheadings in the index from numerals to italicized lowercase letters, e.g. a., b., c.--JBH


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AAR. Tributary of the Rhine, 6

ABELING, T. And the historical theory of the origin of the Nibelungenlied, 307

ABRAHAM. A Jew; in the legend of the Treasure-seeker, 137

ACRE. The city, in Syria, 171

ADALBERT, Lord of Ehrenfels; in a legend of Bishop Hatto, 209-211

ADELINE. Daughter of Sir Bodo of Flörsheim; in the legend of the Shepherd Knight, 244-248

ADOLF. Duke of Holland; a claimant to the German throne after the death of Conrad IV, 181

ADUCHT, SIR. A knight of Cologne; in the legend of the White Horses, 118-120

AEGIDIUS. A Roman general; elected King of the Franks, 25-26

AGATHE. A maiden; in a legend of Aix-la-Chapelle, 128-129

AGRIPPUS. A German prince; in the legend of St. Ursula, 75-77

AIX-LA-CHAPELLE. The city; Charlemagne's tomb at, 29, 40; Charlemagne's affection for, 40; legends of, 127-133; Charlemagne's capital, 127; the legend of the Cathedral of, 129-133; mentioned, 176

ALBERICH. In the Nibelungenlied, a dwarf; vanquished by Siegfried, 268, 271

ALBERTUS MAGNUS. A famous magician; in the legend of the Magic Banquet, 120-121

ALCHEMIST, THE. A legend of Stolzenfels, 164-168

ALCHEMY. A common pursuit in the Middle Ages, 164; in a legend of Stolzenfels, 164-168

ALEMANNI. Early inhabitants of the Rhine-country, 15, 23, 24; conflicts with the Romans, 23

ALFONSO X. King of Castile; a claimant to the German throne after the death of Conrad IV, 181

ALPHERE, In Walthar of Aquitaine, King of Aquitaine; yields to Attila, 311

ALSACE. The province; Germany cedes, under the Peace of Westphalia, 51

ALSACE-LORRAINE. The province restored to Germany, 51-52

ALTA VILLA. Roman station which afterward became the town of Elfeld, 225

ALTAR OF BACCHUS. A stone in the Rhine near Bacharach; a superstition connected with, 89

ALTDÖRFER, ALBRECHT. Painter the gruesome element in his work, 105

AMELRICH. A hero; in the Nibelungenlied, Hagen pretends to be, 288-289

AMELUNG. A knight at the court of Dietrich of Bern, 259

AMINA. Daughter of a robber-baron; in a legend of Fürstenberg, 189-192

ANDERNACH. The town; claimed as the home of the Merovingians, 25; Childeric before, 26; a legend of the castle of, 82.84; Sigebert has his court at, 174

ANDWARI. In the Volsunga Saga, a dwarf from whom Loki obtained the treasure of the Nibelungs, 299

ANNWEILER. The town, 337, 338

AQUITAINE. The province; in Walthar of Aquitaine, Attila invades, 311; Walthar reaches, and rules over, 319-320

AQUITAINE, WALTHAR OF. See Walthar of Aquitaine.

ARCHBISHOP OF COLOGNE. At the trial of the maiden Lorelei, 62-63

ARCHBISHOP'S LION, THE. A legend of Cologne, 115-118


ARGENFELS. The castle of; a legend of, 87-88

ARMINIUS. Teutonic chieftain; defeats the Romans under Q. Varus, 21-22

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ARTHUR. The English king; parallel between Dietrich of Bern and, 258

ATLI. In the Volsunga Saga, King of the Huns, the same as Attila and Etzel; Brunhild prophesies that Gudrun will marry, 303; Gudrun marries, 304; covets the Rhinegold and endeavours to learn its whereabouts from Gunnar, 304; causes Gunnar to be put to death, 305; slain, 305. See also Attila and Etzel

ATTILA. King of the Huns, the same as Atli and Etzel; in Walther of Aquitaine, 311-314. See also Atli and Etzel

AUERBACH. The castle of; the legend of the Cooper of, 255-257

AUGSBURG. The city, 50

AUGUSTUS. The Emperor; and the Germanic tribes, 20

AURELIAN. Roman Emperor; subdues the Rhenish peoples, 23

AUSTRASIA. The kingdom of, 28; incorporated with Franconia, 28

AUSTRIA. Archduke of; Cœur-de-Lion imprisoned in Trifels Castle by, 337


BACHARACH. The town; the maiden Lorelei dwelt in, 61; the 'Altar of Bacchus,' near, 89; the castle of Schönburg near, 183; the island of Pfalz near, 185

BADEN. The city, 340

BALDWIN. In the Song of the Saxons, one of Charlemagne's knights, 30; is loved by and marries Sebile and is crowned King of Saxony, 31-32; fights against the Saxons and is killed in battle, 33-35

BALMUNG. In the Nibelungenlied, Hagen's mighty sword, 296

BALTHER, SIR. A knight of Truenfels; a legend of, 122-124

BARON'S RASH OATH, THE. A legend of Okkenfels, 154-158

BASEL. a. The city, 6; St. Ursula at, 76; the citizens of, and the wonderful clock of Strassburg, 344-345. b. Treaty of--see Treaty

BASINA. Queen of Thuringia, wife of Basium, 26; becomes Childeric's queen, 26; predicts to Childeric the fall of the Merovingians, 26-27

BASIUM. King of Thuringia, 25

BATAVII. Early Germanic tribe, 20

BAVARIA. Acquires Rhenish territory as a result of the Congress of Vienna, 51; Gunther and Hagen pass through, on their journey to Attila's court at Vienna, 290

BAYER, SIR CONRAD. A knight of Boppard; a legend of, 168-171

BECHLARN. a. The town; Rüdiger of--see Rüdiger; in the Klage, Attila's messengers at, with tidings of the tragedy, 309. b. The castle of; in the Nibelungenlied, Kriemhild at, 285; Gunther and Hagen at, 290

BEDDOE, J. On the early Germanic people, 14-15

BEETHOVEN. The composer; a native of Bonn, 133

BERARD. In the Song of the Saxons, one of Charlemagne's knights, 30; marries Helissend, 32; killed by Feramor, 34

BERGEN. The city; the executioner of, in a legend of Frankfort, 252-253

BERN. The city; Dietrich of--see Dietrich; mentioned, 260, 261

BERNARD. Abbot of Clairvaux; in a legend of Rosebach, 143-144

BERTHA. The bride of Sir Dietrich of Schwarzenbeck; in a legend of Argenfels, 87-88

BIBERICH. The town; a legend of the palace of, 239-242

BINGEN. The town; the most romantic portion of the Rhine valley begins at, 6; the Mouse Tower near, 206

BIRBACH. The town, 253

BISMARCK, PRINCE. A story of, and Die Wacht am Rhein, 3-4

BLACK FOREST, THE, 6, 21, 346

BLACK KNIGHT, THE. In the legend of the Knave of Bergen, 252-253

BLIND ARCHER, THE. A legend of Fürstenberg, 192-195

BLODELIN. In the Nibelungenlied, a Hunnish warrior; bribed by

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[paragraph continues] Kriemhild to attack Dankwart, 92

BLONDEL. English knight; rescues Richard Cœur-de-Lion from Trifels Castle, 337-339

BLUMENBERG CASTLE. In the legend of Osric the Lion, 237

BODEL, JEAN. Thirteenth-century French poet; his Song of the Saxons, 29

BODO, SIR. Lord of Flörsheim in the legend of the Shepherd Knight, 244-248

BOER, R. C. And the historical theory of the origin of the Nibelungenlied, 307, 308

BONN. The city, 7; a legend of, 133-136; in the legend of the Treasure-seeker, 137; in the legend of the Miller's Maid of Udorf, 141

BOPPARD. The town; a legend of, 168-171

BORBETOMAGUS. Ancient name of Worms, 13

BORNHOFEN. The monastery of, 171

BRABANT. The Duke of; in the Lohengrin legend, 92

BRAUSER, HANS, GRAF VON. In a legend of Rüdesheim, 213-214

BREMEN. The city; in the Hanseatic League, 50

BRÖMSER. Knight; in a legend of Rüdesheim, 215-216

'BROTHERS, THE.' The castles of Liebenstein and Sterrenberg called, 171

BRUNHILD, or BRYNHILD. a. In the Nibelungenlied, Queen of Isenstein; Gunther sets out to win, with the help of Siegfried, 270; the story of Siegfried and, is different in the Scandinavian versions, 270; Siegfried's encounter with, and defeat of, 271-273; again overcome by Siegfried, 274; loses her superhuman strength on marriage, 275; quarrels with Kriemhild over precedence, 275. b. In the Volsunga Saga, one of the Valkyrs, 270, 300; imprisoned on the mountain Hindarfjall, and rescued by Sigurd, 300; wedded to Gunnar, 301; quarrels with Gudrun, 302; attempts to take Gunnar's life, 303; plans Sigurd's death, 302-303; slays herself, 303; regarded as a nature goddess, 307; identified with Brunichildis by Abeling, 307. c. In the Klage, the news of the tragedy carried to, by Swemmelin, 309, 310;

BRUNHILD BED. A place near Frankfort, 298

BRUNICHILDIS, or BRUNHILD A. Queen of Frankish Austrasia; Brunhild identified with, by Abeling, 307

BUDLI. In the Volsunga Saga, father of Brunhild, 301; the brother of, slain by Gunnar, 302

BURGUNDIANS, THE. Siegfried sojourns among, at Worms, and helps against the Danes and Saxons, 269; synonymous with the Nibelungs when the Nibelungen treasure enters Burgundy, 284; the Huns and, in Walther of Aquitaine, 311

BURGUNDY. The province, 202, 260


CAESAR. See Julius

CAMILLO. In Walther of Aquitaine, the prefect of Metz; parleys with Walthar, 315-316

CAMP. The town; supposed to be a Roman site, 171

CARLOMAN. Nephew of Osric the Lion; in a legend of Falkenstein Castle, 237-239

CAROLINGIANS. The dynasty founded by Charlemagne, 28 end of the dynasty, 41

CAUB, or CHAUBE. a. Ancient name of Gutenfels, which see. b. The modern town, 179

CELTS. Early inhabitants of the Rhine-country, 13-14

CHALONS-SUR-MARNE. The city, 311

CHARCOAL-BURNER, THE. A legend of Zähringen, 351-354

CHARLEMAGNE. The Emperor, 28-29; his tomb at Aix-la-Chapelle, 29, 40; a story of his wars with the Saxons, 29-37; the story of the wonderful gem and, 37-40; at the shrine of St. Goar, 176-177; apportions his Empire among his sons, 177-178; a legend of,

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associated with Ingelheim, 218-225; said to have founded the city of Frankfort-on-the-Main, 248

CHARLEMAGNE THE ROBBER. A legend of Ingelheim, 218-225

CHARLES THE BALD. Emperor of the Romans, 41

CHARLES THE FAT. Emperor of the Romans, 41

CHATTI. Germanic tribe; in the Frankish confederacy, 23

CHAUCI. Germanic tribe; in the Frankish confederacy, 23

CHERUSCI. Germanic tribe, 21; in the Frankish confederacy, 23

CHEVALIER AU CYGNE, LE. A French version of the Lohengrin legend, 92

CHILDERIC I. King of the Franks, son of Merovig, 25; his vision of the fall of the Merovingians, 26-27

CHILPERIC I. King of the Franks, 24-25

CHRISTIANITY. A legend of, 331-333

CLEVES. The castle of; in the Lohengrin legend, Elsa of Brabant imprisoned in, 92-93

CLOCKMAKER OF STRASSBURG, THE. The legend of, 342-346

CLODIO. Reputed father of Merovig, 25

CLOVIS I. King of the Franks, 28

COBLENTZ. The city; the junction of the Rhine and Aar at, 6; the island and nunnery of Oberwörth near, 158, 159; Charlemagne at, 176

COIRE. The town; the Nearer and Farther Rhine unite near, 5

COLOGNE. a. The city, 7, 20, 29; the Heinzelmännchen associated with, 74-75; in the legend of St. Ursula, 76-77; the legend of the Architect of the cathedral of, 104-108; legends explaining why the building of the cathedral was never completed, 108-112; the legend of the Fire-bell of, 112-114; becomes a free city, 115; the legend of the Archbishop's Lion, 115-118; the legend of the White Horses, 118-120; the legend of the Magic Banquet, 120-122; the legend of Truenfels, 122-125; a tourney at, in the legend of Gutenfels, 179-180, 182. b. Bishop of; in the legend of Truenfels, 122-123. c. Archbishop of; in the legend of Gutenfels, 179

COMAN, PRINCE. Husband of St. Ursula, 76-77

COMPANY OF FORESTERS, THE. A guild; in a legend of Frankfort, 250

CONFEDERATION OF THE RHINE. A League of Rhenish cities German princes join and repudiate their allegiance to the Empire, 51

CONFERENCE OF THE DEAD, THE. A legend of Biberich, 239-242

CONGRESS OF VIENNA. Conference of Great Powers; Rhenish territory restored to Prussia as a result of, 51

CONRAD. a. A son of Kurt; in the legend of Liebenstein and Sterrenberg, 172-174. b. Brother of the Emperor Ludwig; imprisoned in the castle of Ehrenfels, 209

CONRAD I. King of Germany, 41

CONRAD III. King of Germany, 85

CONRAD IV. King of Germany; dispute as to the succession to, 181

CONSTANCE. a. Lake, 6, 163. b. The town, 6

CONSTANTINE. Roman Emperor; the vision of, occurred at Mainz, 227-228


COOPER OF AUERBACH, THE. The legend of, 73, 255-257, 324


COUNT PALATINE. Ruler of the Palatinate, 42-43

CRANACH, LUCAS. The painter; the gruesome element in his work, 105

CRESCENTIUS. One of the first apostles of Christianity on the Rhine, and first Archbishop of Mainz; martyred at Mainz, 227


CRUSADER, THE. In Rhenish legend, 79

CRUSADERS, 213, 215

CUNO. Nephew of the Dean of

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[paragraph continues] Strassburg; in a legend of Windeck, 329-331

CYRIACUS, POPE. In the legend of St. Ursula, 76-77


DANCE OF DEATH. Supposed to be imposed on maidens who die between betrothal and marriage, 162

DANCERS OF RAMERSDORF, THE. The legend of, 145-146

DANES, THE. In the Nibelungenlied, Siegfried helps the Burgundians against, 269; the king of, slain by Gunnar, 302

DANKWART. In the Nibelungenlied, brother of Hagen; accompanies Gunther and Siegfried on the quest for the hand of Brunhild, 270-271; Kriemhild bribes Blodelin to attack, 292; slain, 294

DANUBE. The river; in the Nibelungenlied, Hagen arrives at, and speaks with the swan-maidens of, 286-288; Hagen's crossing of, 288-290

DARIA. Wife of Vionest, King of Britain, and mother of St. Ursula, 75

DARMSTADT. The town; a legend of, 253-255

DEVIL, THE. In Teutonic legend, 78. See Satan


DEVIL'S STONE, THE. A massive stone in Cologne Cathedral, 109

DEVIL'S VINEYARD, THE. A legend of Worms, 261-263, 324

DIETELINT. See Dietlinde

DIETHER. a. A captain of the guard of Graf Ludwig; attempts to capture the Lorelei, 60-61. b. Heinrich's accomplice; in the legend of the Miller's Maid of Udorf, 140-141

DIETLEIB OF STYRIA. A knight of Dietrich of Bern's court; in the legend of the Rose Garden of Worms, 260

DIETLINDE, or DIETELINT. Daughter of Rüdiger of Bechlarn; in the Nibelungenlied, 285; in the Klage, 309-310

DIETRICH OF BERN. King of the Goths; the King Arthur of German story, 258; a figure in many medieval stories, 258, 266 originally, as Theodoric the Ostrogoth, a genuine historical personage, 258; in the legend of the Rose Garden of Worms, 258261; in the Nibelungenlied, probably an interpolation in the original legend, 266; in the Nibelungenlied, with Etzel at Tulna, at the meeting with Kriemhild, 285; warns Gunther and Hagen of Kriemhild's desire for vengeance, 290, 291; intervenes in the conflict in Etzel's banqueting-hall, 293, 294-295; his lament for Rüdiger, 295; fights with Hagen and Gunther and defeats them, 296; in the Klage, 309, 310

DIETRICH, SIR, OF SCHWARZENBECK. In a legend of Argenfels, 87-88

DOBSON, MR. AUSTIN. Mentioned, 56

DORTMUND. The town, 29

DRACHENFELS. a. A mountain near Bonn, 125, 152; a legend of, 152-154; a suggested derivation of the name, 154. b. A peak of similar geological formation, near Mannheim, 154. 3. Castle of; in a legend of Roland, 125-127

DRAGON'S CAVE, THE. On the Drachenfels, 152, 153

DRAGON'S ROCK, THE. See Drachenfels


DÜRER, ALBERT. The painter; the gruesome element in his pictures, 105

DÜRKHEIM. The town, 13

DWARFS. In Rhenish legend, 73-75

DYALAS. A Saxon king; defies and fights with Charlemagne, 36-37


EBERSTEIN. The nunnery of, 331, 340

ECKEHART. A knight at the court of Dietrich of Bern, 259

EDDAS. Northern poetic compilations; the Volsunga Saga is a prose paraphrase of, 298

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EDWIN. Son of Sir Oswald of Fürstenberg; in the legend of the Blind Archer, 192-195

EGGERMOND, EGGERICH VON. Brother-in-law of Charlemagne; in the legend of Charlemagne the Robber, 221-225

EHRENFELS. The castle of; a legend of Bishop Hatto and, 209-211

EIFEL. A hilly plain, 14

EITIL. In the Volsunga Saga, son of Atli and Gudrun; slain by Gudrun, 305

ELBEGAST. A robber-knight; in the legend of Charlemagne the Robber, 220-225

ELDEGARDA. Spouse of Count Otto of Reuss-Marlinberg; in a legend of Rosebach, 143-144

ELFELD. The principal town in the Rheingau, anciently Alta Villa; a legend of, 73, 225-227

ELISE. Wife of Wolfram Herzog von Bergendorf; in a legend of Bonn, 134-135

ELIZABETH. Daughter of Archbishop Werner's Treasurer; in the legend of the Alchemist, 164-168

ELSE. In the Nibelungenlied, lord of lands near the Danube, 288, 290

ELZ. a. The Counts of hold the stewardship of Elfeld, 225. b. Ferdinand, Count of; a legend of, 225-227

ENDENICH. A village near Bonn; a legend of, 136-137

ENGELBERT. Archbishop of Cologne; the legend of the Lion of, 115-118

EPPO, SIR. Lord of Eppstein; in a legend of Eppstein Castle, 242-244

EPPSTEIN. The castle of; a legend of, 242-244

ERCILDOUNE. Town in the south of Scotland, the modern Earlston; Ursa probably associated with, 78

ERP. In the Volsunga Saga, son of Atli and Gudrun; slain by Gudrun, 305

ETELINA. Daughter of Rheinhard von Renneberg; in a legend of Okkenfels, 155-158

ETZEL. King of the Huns, the same as Attila and Atli; in the Nibelungenlied, 266; Kriemhild marries, 285-286; invites Hagen and Kriemhild's brothers to Vienna, 286; the Burgundians at the court of, 290-292; attacked by Hagen in his banqueting-hall, 293; laments Hagen's death, 297; the historical figure and the Nibelungenlied, 308; in the Klage, 309, 310. See also Attila and Atli

EUGENIA. Daughter of the scholar Kenmat; in a story of Heidelberg Castle, 44-48


FAFNIR. In the Volsunga Saga, son of Hreithmar; slays Hreithmar, obtains the Nibelungen hoard, and takes the form of a dragon to guard it, 299; slain by Sigurd, 299

FALKENBURG. The castle of; the legend of, 201-206

FALKENSTEIN. The town; Archbishop Werner of, in the legend of the Alchemist, 164-168; Sir Philip of, in a legend of Gutenfels, 179-182; Sir Kurt of, in a legend of Rüdesheim, 216; The Wonderful Road, a legend of the castle of, 233-236: Osric the Lion, a legend of the castle of 236-239

FALLS OF THE RHINE. Near Schaffhausen, 6

FARTHER RHINE. One of the two main branches of the Rhine, 5

FASTRADA. Fourth wife of Charlemagne; the story of the wonderful gem and, 37-40

FERABRAS. In the Song of the Saxons, a Russian giant, 32-33; killed in battle by Baldwin, 33

FERAMOR. In the Song of the Saxons, son of Guiteclin; fights with and is killed by Baldwin, 34

FERDINAND. Count of Elz; a legend of, 225-227

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FERDINAND III. Emperor of the Romans, 50

FERRYMAN, THE. In the Nibelungenlied, 288-289

FIDDLER, THE. A legend of Mainz Cathedral, 228-230

FIELD OF THE HOLY CROSS. The place in the vicinity of Mainz where Constantine's vision is supposed to have occurred, 228


FLÖRSHEIM. A village near Mainz; Kunigunda von--see Kunigunda; Sir Bodo of, in the legend of the Shepherd Knight, 244-248

FOLKLORE. The comparatively small element of, in the Rhine legends, 59, 78

FRANCE. In the Thirty Years' War, 50-51; extends her boundaries to the Rhine, 51; loses her Rhine provinces as a result of the war of 1870-71, 51-52

FRANCO-PRUSSIAN WAR. Of 1870-71; France forfeits her Rhenish territory as a consequence of, 51-52

FRANCONIA. The province, 28, 48

FRANKENSTEIN. The castle Of, 40

FRANKFORT-ON-THE-MAIN. The city; said to have been founded by Charlemagne, 248; the legend of the Poacher of, 249-251; the legend of the Knave of Bergen, 251-253; the Brunhild Bed near, 298; mentioned, 338

FRANKLAND. The country of the Franks; in the Nibelungenlied, Gunther and Hagen journey through Eastern, 286; in Walthar of Aquitaine, Attila invades, 311

FRANKS. Early inhabitants of the Rhine country, 23, 24; the Nibelungenlied probably had its origin among, 298; in Walthar of Aquitaine, 311

FREDEGONDA. Queen of the Frankish king Chilperic, 25; her feud with her sister-in-law of Austrasia, 28

FREDERICK. Younger son of Count Louis III; in a story of Heidelberg Castle, 44-48

FREDERICK I. Emperor of the Romans; and Charlemagne's tomb, 4o; and the Third Crusade, 168

FREDERICK II. Emperor of the Romans; and Charlemagne's tomb, 40

FRENCH REVOLUTION. Political effect upon the Rhine-country, 51

FREYA. Northern goddess of love; in the legend of the Wolf's Spring, 323

FRIEDEL. A hunchback of Aix-la-Chapelle; the legend of, 128-129

FÜRST, FRANZ VON. In a legend of Fürstenberg, 189-192

FÜRSTENBERG. The castle of; the legend of the Phantom Mother of, 189-192; the legend of the Blind Archer, 192-195


GALLIENUS. Roman. Emperor; and the Germanic risings, 23


GELFRAT. In the Nibelungenlied, knight, brother to Else, 288; slain by Gunther's men, 290

GENEVA. Canton, 5

GENOFEVA. Wife of Count Siegfried of Andernach; in a legend of Andernach, 83-84

GERBERT VON ISENBURG. A young squire; in a legend of Oberwörth, 158-161

GERDA. Daughter of the Lord of Rheinstein; the legend of Kuno and, 195-200

GERMANICUS. Roman Emperor; in the Rhine-country, 22


GERMANY. In the Thirty Years' War, 50-51; regains Rhenish territory as a result of the war of 1870-71, 51-52

GERNOT. In the Nibelungenlied, brother of Kriemhild, 267; and the plot to slay Siegfried, 277; with Gunther and Hagen on the journey to Etzel's court at Vienna, 290; slain by Rüdiger, 294; mentioned, 297

GERNSBACH. The town, 331

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GIBICH. See Gibicho

GIBICHO. King of the Franks, the same as Gibich and Giuki in the legend of the Rose Garden of Worms, 260; in the Volsunga Saga, Sigurd visits the court of, 300-301; in Walthar of Aquitaine, assailed by Attila, and pays tribute, 311; death of, 312

GISELA. Daughter of the knight Brömser; in a legend of Rüdesheim, 215-216

GISELHER. In the Nibelungenlied, brother of Kriemhild, 267; and the plot to slay Siegfried, 277; with Gunther and Hagen on the journey to Etzel's court at Vienna, 290; in the conflict in Etzel's banqueting-hall, 293294; slain by Wolfhart, 294; mentioned, 297; in the Klage, 310

GIUKI. See Gibicho

GNITA HEATH. Fafnir takes the Nibelungen hoard to, 299

GNOMES. In Rhenish legend, 73

GOETHE. The poet; influence of, upon German legends, 79

GOLO. The slanderer of Genofeva; in a legend of Andernach, 83-84

GOTELIND, or GOTELINT. Wife of Rüdiger of Bechlarn; in the Nibelungenlied, 285; in the Klage, 309-310

GOTTESTHAL. The convent of; a legend of, 216-218

GRAIL, HOLY. In the Lohengrin legend, 94

GRAM. In the Volsunga Saga, Sigurd's sword; Sigurd places it between himself and Brunhild, 301

GRAND PRIOR of the Knights-Templars. In a legend of Oberwörth, 159-161

GRANI. In the Volsunga Saga, a magic steed given to Sigurd, 299; Sigurd rides through the flames to Brunhild upon, 300; Gunnar attempts to reach Brunhild upon, but fails, 301

GRAVEROW TYPE. Ethnological division; early Germans conform to, 15

GREGORY OF TOURS. His Ecclesiastical History of the Franks, 28

GREIN, HERMANN. Burgomaster of Cologne; in the, of the Archbishop's Lion, 115-118

GRETCHEN. Daughter of Heribert; in the legend of the Treasure-seeker, 136-137

GRIMHILD. In the Volsunga Saga, mother of Gudrun, equivalent to the Ute of the Nibelungenlied, 274, 300; administers a potion to Sigurd to make him forget Brunhild, 274, 301; the same name as Kriemhild, 305

GRIMM, JAKOB. Philologist; and the Klage, 309

GRISONS. Swiss canton; the Rhine rises in, 5

GUBA. Princess; in the legend of Pfalz, 185-189

GUBA VON ISENBURG. Mother of Gerbert von Isenburg; in a legend of Oberwörth, 160

GUDESBURG. A village; in the legend of Wolfram Herzog von Bergendorf, 135

GUDRUN. In the Volsunga Saga, daughter of Giuki and Grimhild, equivalent to the Kriemhild of the Nibelungenlied, 274, 300 Sigurd marries, 301; quarrels with Brunhild, 302; goes to the court of King Half of Denmark, 303; marries Atli, 304; fights against Atli, 304; secures Atli's death, 305; the further story of, 305

GUITECLIN. In the Song of the Saxons, King of the Saxons, 29; slain in single combat by Charlemagne, 30

GUNDAHAR. Burgundian king; the overthrow of the kingdom of, regarded as the historical nucleus of the Nibelungenlied, 307-308

GUNNAR. In the Volsunga Saga, son of King Giuki, 300; sets out to win the hand of Brunhild, 301; married to Brunhild, 301; plans the slaying of Sigurd, 303; treacherously invited to Atli's court, and captured, 304; death of, 305; equivalent to the Gunther of the Nibelungenlied, 305

GUNTHER. Son of King Gibicho, brother of Kriemhild, a. In the Nibelungenlied, 267; Siegfried

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accompanies, on an expedition to gain Brunhild as wife, and conquers Brunhild for, 270-273; Brunhild sets out for Worms with, 274; Siegfried again overcomes Brunhild for, 274; Siegfried visits after ten years, and the feud begins, 275; lures Siegfried from his court on pretexts of war and of hunting, 275-276; and the slaying of Siegfried, 281-283; sends for the Nibelungen hoard to propitiate Kriemhild, 284; journeys with Hagen to the court of Etzel at Vienna, 286-290; in the conflict in Etzel's banqueting-hall, 294; Dietrich tries to treat with, 295; fights with Dietrich and is defeated, 296; slain by Kriemhild, 297; equivalent to the Gunnar of the Volsunga Saga, 305; in the Klage, 309. b. In Walthar of Aquitaine, 311; succeeds Gibicho, 312; learns of Walthar's coming, 314; opposes Walthar, 315-317; fights with Walthar, 318-319

GUNTRAM. A knight; in the legend of Falkenburg, 201-206

GUTA. a. Sister of Sir Philip of Falkenstein, and afterward, as wife of Richard of Cornwall, Empress of Germany; in the legend of Gutenfels, 179-183. b. Daughter of the Clockmaker of Strassburg, 342-346

GUTENFELS. The castle of; anciently named Caub, or Chaube; a legend of, 179-183

GUTTHORM. In the Volsunga Saga, son of King Giuki, 300; slays, and is slain by, Sigurd, 303


HADBURG. In the Nibelungenlied, one of the swan-maidens of the Danube; Hagen and, 287

HAGEN. a. In the Nibelungenlied, a mighty paladin, of Trony, in Burgundy, 266, 268-269; accompanies Gunther and Siegfried on the expedition to win the hand of Brunhild, 270; swears vengeance on Siegfried for the offence against Brunhild, 275; learns from Kriemhild Siegfried's vulnerable spot, 276; goes hunting with Hagen and Siegfried, 276-281; lures Siegfried to drink at a spring and slays him, 281283; sinks the treasure of the Nibelungs in the Rhine, 284, 291; and Kriemhild's marriage to Etzel, 285; invited to Etzel's court at Vienna, 286; and the swan-maidens of the Danube, 287-288; and the ferryman, 288-289; and the chaplain, 289-290; at Etzel's court, 290-292 slays Ortlieb, 293; in the conflict in Etzel's banqueting-hall, 293-294; Dietrich of Bern tries to treat with, 295; fights with Dietrich, and is defeated, 296; slain by Kriemhild, 297; equivalent to the Hogni of the Volsunga Saga, 305; identified with Hagnerius by Abeling, 307; in the Klage, 309. b. In Walthar of Aquitaine, a noble youth, given as hostage to Attila by Gibicho, 311; escapes, 312; at Gunther's court, 314; with Gunther meets Walthar, but refuses to attack him, 315-316; fights with Walthar, 318-319

HAGEN WELL. A well at Lorch, 298

HAGNERIUS. Identified with Hagen by Abeling, 307

HALF. King of Denmark; in the Volsunga Saga, Gudrun goes to the court of, 303

HAMBURG. The city; in the Hanseatic League, 50

HAMMERSTEIN. A beautiful valley in the Rhine-country, 141, 144

HÄNNCHEN. Maid of the miller of Udorf; the legend of, 138-141


HANSEATIC LEAGUE. A federation of German towns; its wide influence, 49-50; decline of, 50

HARDT MOUNTAINS. A legend of, 230-232

HÂRI. 'The High One,' one of Odin's titles; possibly connected with the name Herne, 68

HATTO, BISHOP. Archbishop of Mainz; in history and in tradition, 206;

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in the legend of the Mouse Tower of Bingen, 206-209; in the legend of Ehrenfels, 209-211; mentioned, 228

HEIDELBERG. a. The city, 321; the legend of the Wolf's Spring of, 321-324. b. The castle of; a story of, 44-48; the legend of the Jester of Heidelberg, 324-325. c. The University of; the Trumpeter of Säckingen at, 347

HEIMIR. In the Volsunga Saga, brother-in-law of Brunhild, 301

HEINE. The poet; his Die Lorelei, 90-91

HEINRICH. a. Hännchen's lover; in the legend of the Miller's Maid of Udorf, 138-141. b. A son of Kurt; in the legend of Liebenstein and Sterrenberg, 172-174

HEINZ. A hunchback of Aix-la-Chapelle; the legend of, 128-129

HEINZELMÄNNCHEN. Dwarfs associated with Cologne, 74-75

HEISTERBACH. The Abbot of; Graf Hermann von Heinsberg and, 146

HELCHE. In the Nibelungenlied, wife of Etzel, 285

HELDENBUCH. Ancient German work in which deeds of the heroes are recounted, 73

HELISSEND. In the Song of the Saxons, daughter of Milo of Cologne, and Sebile's favourite, 31; marries Berard, 32

HELYAS. A French version of the Lohengrin legend, 92

HENNEGRABEN. A trench near the castle of Windeck; a legend of, 328-331

HENRY. Son of Henry IV, afterward the Emperor Henry V; in a legend of Speyer, 326-327

HENRY THE FOWLER. Henry I, Emperor of the Romans, 41, 49; in the Lohengrin legend, 93

HENRY III. King of England, 181

HENRY IV. Emperor of the Romans; a legend of, 326-327

HENRY V. Emperor of the Romans; in a legend of Speyer, 326-327

HENRY VI. King of England, 50

HERBRAND. A knight at the court of Dietrich of Bern, 259; in the legend of the Rose Garden of Worms, 259-261

HERIBERT. A sheriff of Endenich in the legend of the Treasure-seeker, 136

HERMANN. a. A Prince Palatine in the legend of Pfalz, 185-187: b. Son of the foregoing, 188-189

HERMANN VON HEINSBERG. Lord of the castle on the Löwenburg; a legend of, 146-151

HERNE THE HUNTER. The legend of; the story of the Wild Huntsman allied to, 68; Herne is equivalent to Odin, 68

HERRAT. Wife of Dietrich of Bern; in the Klage, 309

HERRIC. In Walthar of Aquitaine, King of the Burgundians, 311

HERSEL. A village near Bonn; in the legend of the Miller's Maid of Udorf, 138, 140

HERTHE. An ancient Rhine goddess; in a legend of Heidelberg, 321-324; in the legend of the Klingelkapelle, 331, 332

HERVEGH, GEORG. Poet; the Rheinweinlied of, 89

HILCHEN VON LORCH, SIR. In the legend of Kedrich, 82

HILDEBRAND. Son of Herbrand; a knight at the court of Dietrich of Bern, 259, 260; in the Nibelungenlied, and the conflict in Etzel's banqueting-hall, 294-295; slays Kriemhild, 297

HILDEGARDE. A maiden; in the legend of Liebenstein and Sterrenberg, 172-174

HILDEGUND. In Walthar of Aquitaine, daughter of Herric; given as hostage to Attila, 311; escapes with Walthar and shares his adventures, 313-319; weds Walthar, 319

HINDARFJALL. A mountain; in the Volsunga Saga, Sigurd rescues the sleeping Brunhild on, 300

HNIFLING. In the Volsunga Saga, son of Hogni; slays Atli, 305

HOCHSTEDEN, CONRAD VON. Bishop of Cologne; in the legend of the Architect of Cologne Cathedral, 105, 107

HOGNI. In the Volsunga Saga, son of King Giuki, 300; urged by Gunnar to slay Sigurd, but refuses, 303; lured to the court

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of Atli, and subsequently slain, 304; equivalent to the Hagen of the Nibelungenlied, 305

HOHBERG TYPE. Ethnological division; early Germans conform to, 15

HOLDA. A Northern earth-goddess; identified with the Teutonic Ursa, or Hörsel, 77

HOLLAND. The Rhine in, 5, 7


HOLY LAND. See Palestine

HOMBURG. The town; Falkenstein Castle near, 233

HÖRSEL. Teutonic moon-goddess, the same as Ursa, and equivalent to the Northern Holda; St. Ursula identified with, 77

HÖRSELBERG. The mountain in Thuringia in which Venus held her court, 78

HORSRIK. A pagan prince; in a legend of Drachenfels, 152

HREITHMAR. In the Volsunga Saga, father of Fafnir; given the treasure of the Nibelungs by Loki as a weregild, 298-299; slain by Fafnir, 299

HUGO. Son of Kunigunda; in a legend of Fürstenberg, 190-192

HUNCHBACKED MUSICIAN, THE. A legend of Aix-la-Chapelle, 128-129

HUNS. Attila, or Etzel, King of the, 285


ICELAND. Early versions of the Nibelungenlied story current in, 298

IDA. Daughter of the Freiherr von Metternich; in a legend of Oberwörth, 158-164

ILDICO. Wife of Attila, the historical figure; in the Nibelungenlied, 308

ILL. Tributary of the Rhine, 6

ILSAN. Son of Herbrand, a knight of Dietrich of Bern's court; in the legend of the Rose Garden of Worms, 260-261

IMMA. Niece of the Dean of Strassburg; in a legend of Windeck, 329-331

INGELHEIM. The town; Charlemagne at, 176; a legend of Charlemagne associated with, 218-225; origin of the name, 225

ISENBURG, BARON VON. In a legend of Oberwörth, 161

ISENSTEIN. A legendary locality; Brunhild Queen of, 270; Brunhild sets out from, with Gunther, 274


JERUSALEM. The city, 227

JESTER OF HEIDELBERG; THE. A legend of Heidelberg Castle, 324-325

JETTE. A prophetess of the goddess Herthe; in the legend of the Wolf's Spring, 321-324

JIKJAK, CAPTAIN. A robber leader a story of, 58

JULIUS CAESAR. Conquered Germanic tribes, 20


KARLOMAN. Son of Charlemagne; quarrels with his brother Pepin, and is reconciled at the shrine of St. Goar, 177-178

KATWIJK. The town, 7

KEDRICH. A mountain near Lorch, popularly known as 'the Devil's Ladder'; a story of, 81-82

KEIGHTLEY, T. His Fairy Mythology, quoted, 74-75

KENMAT. A noted scholar; in a story of Heidelberg Castle, 44

KLAGE, THE. A sequel to the Nibelungenlied, 308-309; a résumé of, 309-310

KLINGELKAPELLE, THE. The legend of, 331-333

KNAVE OF BERGEN, THE. A legend of Frankfort, 251-253

KNIGHT AND THE YELLOW DWARF, THE. A legend of Elfeld, 225-227

KNIGHTS-TEMPLARS. The order; a Grand Prior of, at the castle of Lahneck, 159-161; Sir Conrad Bayer joins, 171

KÖNIGSWINTER. The town, 89

KONRAD. A locksmith, son of a sheriff of Endenich; the legend of, 136-137

KONRAD, MASTER. A writer; and the Klage, 310

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KOPISCH, AUGUST. Poet; song of the Rhine by, 90

KREUZBERG. A mountain in the Rhöngebirge; the convent of Marienberg founded on, 170

KRIEMHILD. In the Nibelungenlied, a princess of Rhineland, famous for her beauty, 267-268; meets Siegfried, 269-270; equivalent to the Gudrun of the Volsunga Saga, 274, 305; married to Siegfried, 275; quarrels with Brunhild over precedence, 275; innocently marks Siegfried's vulnerable spot for the treacherous Hagen, 276; her farewell to Siegfried, 277-278; vows vengeance for the slaying of Siegfried, 284; marries Etzel, King of the Huns, 285; Ortlieb, her son, 286; induces Etzel to invite Hagen and his brothers to Vienna, 286; bribes Blodelin to attack Dankwart, 292; and the conflict in Etzel's banqueting-hall, 293-294; Dietrich surrenders Hagen and Gunther to, whom she slays, 296-297; slain by Hildebrand, 297; in the Klage, 309

KROMME RIJN. A branch of the Rhine, 7

KUGELGEN, JOSEPH. Writer; and the legend of Liebenstein and Sterrenberg, 171

KUNIGUNDA VON FLÖRSHEIM, Wife of Franz von Fürst; in a legend of Fürstenberg, 189-191

KUNO. a. Lord of Reichenstein; the legend of Gerda of Rheinstein and, 195-200. b. Knight of Sayn; in a legend of Falkenstein Castle, 233-236

KURT. a. A knight; in the legend of Liebenstein and Sterrenberg, 172. b. Uncle to Kuno; in the legend of Rheinstein and Reichenstein, 196-200. c. Of Falkenstein; in the legend of Gisela, 216. d. Servant of Henry IV; in a legend of Speyer, 326-327


LAACH. The forest of; in a legend of Andernach, 83

LACHMANN, KARL. Philologist; his theory of the origin of the Nibelungenlied, 265

LAHNECK. The castle of; in a legend of Oberwörth, 159

LANDQUART. Tributary of the Rhine, 6

LAUFENBURG. The town, 6

LEAGUE OF THE RHINE, THE. See Confederation of the Rhine

LEGENDS. Of the Rhine; the comparatively small folklore element in, 59, 78; the romantic element in, 59, 78-79; the element of sadness and tragedy in, 179, 185; the sad or lighter nature of, mirrored in their environment, 354

LEONORA. Daughter of the Count of Luzenstein; in a story of Heidelberg Castle, 44-46

LEOPOLD II. Holy Roman Emperor; and the French Revolution, 51

LEWIS, MONK. Writer; his version of the legend of Osric the Lion, 236-239

LIBA., a. Daughter of Sir Balther; in the legend of Truenfels, 122-125. b. Lady of Falkenburg; in the legend of Falkenburg, 201-206

LIEBENSTEIN. The castle of; the legend of Sterrenberg and, 84-86; a variant of the same legend, 171-174

LIEBFRAUENMILCH. A delicious wine; in the legend of the Devil's Vineyard, 262-263

LIÉGE. The city; a legend of, 97-101; Henry IV's pilgrimage to, 326

LIMMAT. The river, 6

LINZ. The town, 21; the stronghold of Okkenfels near, 154

LION. The Archbishop of Cologne's; the legend of, 115-118

LION. In Walthar of Aquitaine, Walthar's charger, 313, 317

LOHENGRIN. The Knight of the Swan; the German version of the legend of, 92-96

LOKI. God of evil, in Scandinavian myth; in the Volsunga Saga, gives the treasure of the Nibelungs to Hreithmar as a weregild, 298-299; obtained the treasure from Andwari, 299

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LORCH, or LORDCH. The town the 'Devil's Ladder' near, 81 the Hagen Well at, 298

LORELEI. a. A water-spirit of the Rhine, 59, 65; a legend of, 59-61; paralleled in the water-kelpie, 65; mentioned, 185. b. A damsel of surpassing beauty; the story of, 61-64. Blending of the legends, 64

LORELEIBERG. A cliff on the Rhine, near St. Goar; the haunt of the Lorelei, 59

LORRAINE, UPPER AND LOWER. Ancient divisions of Rhenish territory, 42

LORS. The abbey of; in the Klage, Queen Ute dies at, 310

LOTHAIR I. Emperor of the Romans, 41

LOTHARINGIA. Ancient name of Lorraine; the Rhine the boundary between Germany and, 42

LOUIS THE GERMAN. King of Germany, 28, 41

LOUIS I. Emperor of the Romans; succeeds Charlemagne, 40. See also Ludwig (b)

LOUIS II. Emperor of the Romans,, 4

LOUIS III. Count Palatine; in a story of Heidelberg Castle, 44

LOUIS IV. Count Palatine; in a story of Heidelberg Castle, 44-46

LÖWENBURG. a. The Abbot of; in the legend of the Dancers of Ramersdorf, 145. b. A mountain; a legend of, 146-151

LÜBECK. The city; promoter of the Hanseatic League, 49; and the League's decline, 50

LUDLOW, J. M. His Popular Epics of the Middle Ages, quoted, 29-37

LUDWIG. a. Graf, son of a Prince Palatine; captured by the Lorelei, 60. b. Son of Charlemagne (= Louis I); and the apportionment of his father's Empire, 177-178 (see also Louis I). c. A Prince Palatine; in the legend of Pfalz, 185-188. d. Emperor (= Louis the Child); in a legend of Bishop Hatto and Ehrenfels, 209-211. e. Emperor (= Louis IV); and the town of Elfeld, 225

LUNÉVILLE. Treaty of. See Treaty

LUZENSTEIN. The Count of; in a story of Heidelberg Castle, 44-46

LYING-FIELD, THE. At Thann the legend of, 340-341


MAAS. The river; a branch of the Rhine flows into, 7

MAGIC BANQUET, THE. A legend of Cologne, 120-122

MAGUNTIACUM. Ancient name of Mainz, 13, 227

MAIDEN'S CAPRICE, THE. A legend of Worms, 263-264

MAIDEN'S LEAP, THE. A legend of the Hardt Mountains, 230-232

MAIN. A tributary of the Rhine, 286

MAINZ, or MAYENCE. The city, 6, 20; Hatto the Archbishop of, 206; Ludwig holds his court at, 210-211; the principal fortress on the Upper Rhine in Roman times, 227; the scene of the martyrdom of Crescentius, and of Constantine's famous vision, 227-228; ancient renown of, 228; the cathedral of, 228; a legend of the cathedral of, 228-230; mentioned, 240, 263

MANNHEIM. The city, 154

MARGARET. Princess of Savoy; in a story of Heidelberg Castle, 44-45

MARGARETHA. A maiden; in the legend of the Trumpeter of Säckingen, 347-351

MARIA. A maiden; in a legend of Boppard, 168-171

MARIENBERG. The convent of; how it came to be founded, 171

MARTHA. Daughter of Ruthard in the legend of the Sword-slipper of Solingen, 101-102, 104

MATIACCI. Early Germanic tribe 20

MÄUSETURM. = The Mouse Tower, which see; the name regarded as a corruption of Mauth-turm ('toll-tower'), 206

MAXENTIUS. Roman Emperor, 228

MAYENCE. Same as Mainz, which see.

MEROVIG. Frankish king, founder of the Merovingian dynasty, 25

MEROVINGIANS. A dynasty of Frankish kings, 24-25

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METTERNICH, THE FREIHERR VON. A nobleman of Coblentz; in a legend of Oberwörth, 158-162

METZ. The city; formerly capital of Austrasia, 28

MEUSE. The river, 41, 42, 98

MILLER'S MAID OF UDORF, THE. The legend of, 138-141

MINNA. Daughter of Hans, Graf von Brauser; in a legend of Rüdesheim, 213-215

MOLTKE, COUNT VON. The field-marshal, 4

MOON-WORSHIP. A custom pointing to, in medieval Germany, 77

MOSELLE. A tributary of the Rhine, 41, 42

MOUNT, THE. The castle of Sir Balther; in the legend of Truenfels, 122-124

MOUSE TOWER (MÄUSETURM). A tower on an island near Bingen; the legend of Bishop Hatto and, 89, 206-209

MÜLLER, WOLFGANG. Poet; song of the Rhine by, 89-90

MUMMEL-LAKE. A subterranean lake, the abode of water-spirits; a legend of, 66-67

MUNCHENZELL. The monastery of; in the Nibelungenlied, Ilsan a monk in, 260


NASSAU. a. George Augustus, Duke of; builder of the palace of Biberich, 240. b. A Duchess of; in a legend of the palace of Biberich, 240-242

NAYMES. Knight, of Bavaria; in the Song of the Saxons, 35, 37

NEARER RHINE. One of the two main branches of the Rhine, 5

NECKAR. Tributary of the Rhine; the junction with the Rhine at Heidelberg, 321

NEMETES. Early Germanic tribe, 20

NEUSTRIA. The kingdom, 28

NEW MARKET. In Cologne, 119

NIBELUNGEN NOT. The section of the Nibelungenlied commencing with the Burgundian acquirement of the Nibelungen hoard, 284

NIBELUNGENLIED. The epic; Worms the locality of, 258, 264; antiquity of the legend, 265; 372 controversy respecting its origin, 265, 298, 306-308; probable interpolations in the legend, 266 the effort to give it definite form, 266-267; the early manuscripts of, 267; its fragmentary nature, 267; difference in the German and Scandinavian versions respecting the Brunhild and Siegfried story, 270; connexion of Walthar of Aquitaine with, 292, 311; the Volsunga Saga an old form of the story of, 305-306; the mythological and historical elements in, 306-308

NIBELUNGS. A mythical race. a. In the Nibelungenlied, the sword and treasure of, won by Siegfried, 268; the treasure of, sunk in the Rhine by Hagen, 284; synonymous with the Burgundians, when the treasure enters Burgundy, 284; the treasure of, Kriemhild demands, and Hagen refuses, 291, 296-297; the fateful end of, 298. b. In the Volsunga Saga, the story of the treasure of, 298-305

NIXIE. A water-spirit, 65; legend of the nixie of the Mummel-lake, 66-67

NONNENWERTH. The convent of; in a legend of Roland, 125-127

NOVGOROD. Russian city; leads a campaign against the Hanseatic League, 50

NUN OF OESTRICH. THE. The legend of, 217-218

NUREMBERG. The city; in the Hanseatic League, 50


OBERWÖRTH. An island in the Rhine near Coblentz, site of a famous nunnery; a legend of, 158-164

ODENWALD. A mountainous region; Siegfried and Gunther go to hunt in, 276; mentioned, 298

ODIN. Supreme deity in Scandinavian mythology, the same as Woden; the Wild Huntsman is equivalent to, 68; Herne the Hunter is, 68; and Brunhild, 270; regarded as a nature-god, 307. See also Woden

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OELBERG. One of the mountains of the Siebengebirge; Truenfels near, 122

OESTRICH. The town; the legend of the Nun of, 216-218

OKKENFELS. A ruined stronghold near Linz; a legend of, 154-158

OPPENHEIM. The town; a story of, connected with the Thirty Years' War, 52-55

ORTLIEB. In the Nibelungenlied, son of Kriemhild and Etzel, 286; slain by Hagen, 293

OSRIC THE LION. A legend of Falkenstein Castle, 236-239

OSWALD, SIR. Lord of Fürstenberg; a legend of, 192-195

OTTO. a. Count of Reuss-Marlinberg of Hammerstein; in a legend of Rosebach, 142-144. b. A knight who took service as a shepherd; in a legend of Flörsheim, 244-248

OTTO I. Emperor of the Romans, 41, 42

OTTO III. Emperor of the Romans; and Charlemagne's tomb at Aix-la-Chapelle, 40

OTUR, or OTTER. In the Volsunga Saga, son of Hreithmar; slain by Loki, 299

OUDE RIJN. A branch of the Rhine, 7


PALATINATE, THE. A German state, 42-43

PALESTINE. Mentioned in the legend of Boppard, 169-171; in the legend of Liebenstein and Sterrenberg, 172; in the legend of Minna of Rüdesheim, 213; in the legend of Gisela, 215; in the legend of the Shepherd Knight, 247

PALSGRAVE. = Count Palatine; mentioned, 201

PANNONIA. The province, 14, 16

PANTULUS. A saint; in the legend of St. Ursula, 76

PARSIFAL. One of the knights of the Grail; in the Lohengrin legend, sends Lohengrin to help Elsa, 93-94

PARZIVAL. Wolfram von Eschenbach's romance, 92

PASSAU. The city; mentioned in the Klage, 309

PASSING BELLS, THE. A legend of Speyer, 326-327

PATAVRID. In Walthar of Aquitaine, nephew of Hagen; fights with Walthar, 316

PATER, WALTER. His story Duke Karl of Rosenwald, 43

PEACE OF WESTPHALIA. Treaty which ended the Thirty Years' War; effect upon the Rhine-country, 51

PEPIN. King of Italy, son of Charlemagne; quarrels with his brother Karloman, and is reconciled at the shrine of St. Goar, 177-178

PEPIN OF HERISTAL. A ruler of the Franks; overthrows the Merovingian dynasty, 28

PEPIN THE SHORT. King of the Franks, father of Charlemagne, 28

PERRON, JACQUES. A blacksmith; in a legend of Liége, 97-101

PFALZ. An island, near Bacharach; the legend of, 185-189

PFALZGRAFENSTEIN. A castle on the island of Pfalz; in the legend of Pfalz, 185-188



PICARD. A robber leader; a story of, 57

PILGRIN, BISHOP. Of Passanform; has the Nibelungenlied story recorded, 310

PLAGUE. Of 1440, in Germany, 118

POACHER OF FRANKFORT, THE. The legend of, 249-251

POPE, THE. Under the German Emperors of the Holy Roman Empire, 41

PRIESTS' GATE. Gate of a monastery in Cologne, associated with the legend of the Archbishop's Lion, 118

PROBUS. Roman Emperor; subdues the Rhenish peoples and builds a wall, 23-24

PROXY, THE. A legend of Darmstadt, 253-255

PRUSSIA. Cedes to France her territory on the left bank of the Rhine, 51

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QUINTILIUS VARUS. Roman general; defeated by the Germanic tribes, 21-22


RAFAELLO. An Italian boy; in a story of Heidelberg Castle, 44-48

RAMERSDORF, THE DANCERS OF. The legend of, 145-146

REGENSBURG. The town, 21

REGIN. In the Volsunga Saga, brother of Fafnir; seeks Fafnir with Sigurd, 299; slain by Sigurd, 300

REICHENAU. The town; the Nearer and Farther Rhine unite at, 5

REICHENSTEIN. The castle of; the legend of Rheinstein and, 195-200

RENNEBERG, RHEINHARD VON. Lord of Okkenfels; in a legend of Okkenfels, 154-158

REUSS. The river, 6


RHAETIA. The province, 14

RHEINFELDEN. The town, 6

RHEINFELS. A mountain, near St. Goar; the habitation of St. Goar on, 174

RHEINGAU. A district in the Rhine-country, 225

RHEINGRAFENSTEIN. The castle of; a legend of, 211-212

RHEINSTEIN. a. The castle of; a legend of, 195-200. b. The Lord of, 197-200


RHEINWALDHORN. Mountain range; the Nearer Rhine rises in, 5

RHEINWEINLIED. A drinking song by Georg Hervegh, 89

RHENISH CONFEDERATION. See Confederation of the Rhine

RHENS. The town; the maiden Lorelei summoned before a court at, 62

RHINE, THE. Its powerful patriotic appeal, 1, 3-4, 81; its unique legendary association, 1-2; topography of the river, 5-7; early inhabitants of the Rhine-country, 12 et seq.; the frontier of Germany in the Middle Ages, 42; its banks the seat of the highest German culture in the Middle Ages, 42; becomes the boundary between France and Germany, 51; character of the legends of, 59, 78-79, 179, 185, 354; the poetry of, 81; the view of, from Heidelberg, 321; Byron's address to, 355

RHINE-COUNTRY, THE. Early inhabitants of, 12 et seq.; the Romans in, 20-24; French encroachments in, 51; the French lose their footing in, after the war of 1870-71, 51-52; the robbers of, 55-58

RHINE-GOD. A river-deity; in the legend of the Trumpeter of Säckingen, 348

RHINEGOLD. The treasure of the Nibelungs, 303. See Nibelungs

RICHARD. a. Cœur-de-Lion, 168; the legend of his imprisonment in and release from Trifels Castle, 337-340. b. Earl of Cornwall; a claimant to the German throne after the death of Conrad IV, and chosen Emperor, 181; in the legend of Gutenfels, 179-183

RICHBERTA. A maiden of Stavoren; the story of, 8-12

RICHMODIS. Wife of Sir Aducht of Cologne; the legend of, 118-120

RIGUENBACH. Henchman of Count Otto of Reuss-Marlinberg; in a legend of Rosebach, 142-144

RINBOD. A pagan prince; in a legend of the Drachenfels, 152-154.

RIVERS. Sentimental regard for, 1, 80-81


ROLAND. Charlemagne's nephew; and the Lady of Drachenfels, 125-127; falls at Roncevaux, 127

ROLANDSECK. A castle on the Rhine, near Bonn, 133; in a legend of Roland, 125, 127

ROMANCE. The element of, predominant in the Rhine legends, 59, 78-79

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ROMANS, THE. In the Rhine-country, 20-24

ROME. St. Ursula's pilgrimage to, 76; in the legend of the Trumpeter of Säckingen, Werner and Margaretha reunited at, 350

RONCEVAUX. A gorge in the Pyrenees; Roland's last great battle against the Moors at, 127

ROON, COUNT VON. The statesman, 4

ROSE GARDEN, THE. A legend of Worms, 258-261

ROSEBACH. a. A village in the valley of Hammerstein; a legend of, 141-144. b. The castle of, 142, 143. c. The Abbey of; story of the founding of, 144

BOTH, COUNT VON. Governor of Pfalzgrafenstein; in the legend of Pfalz, 185-188

RÜDESHEIM. The town; its many legendary associations, 212; favoured by Charlemagne, 213; famous for its wines, 213; the legend of Minna of, 213-215

RÜDIGER. Margrave of Bechlarn; in the legend of the Rose Garden of Worms, 260; in the Nibelungenlied, his embassy to the Burgundian court to seek the hand of Kriemhild for Etzel, 285; receives Gunther and Hagen on their journey to Etzel's court, and accompanies them, 290; and the conflict in Etzel's banqueting-hall, 293-294; slain by Gernot, 294; Dietrich's lament for, 295; in the Klage, 309, 310

RUDOLPH. A knight of Linz; in a legend of Okkenfels, 155-158

RUSSIA. Combats the monopoly of the Hanseatic League, 50

RUTHARD. A smith; in the legend of the Sword-slipper of Solingen, 101-102, 104



SÄCKINGEN. The town, 6; the legend of the Trumpeter of, 346-351

ST. CLEMENT. Church of; in a legend of Rheinstein, 198

ST. FRIDOLIN. The festival of, celebrated at Säckingen, 347

ST. GOAR. a. The town; the haunt of the Lorelei near, 59; the habitation of the hermit St. Goar near, 174. b. A hermit, 174-176; at the court of Sigebert, 174-175; the patron saint of hospitality, 175; Charlemagne at the shrine of, 176-177; Karloman and Pepin reconciled at the shrine of, 177-178. c. The monastery of, 175

ST. GOTTHARD. Pass of, 5

ST. PETER. The Apostle, 227

ST. PETER'S. Cathedral at Rome; in the legend of the Trumpeter of Säckingen, 350

ST. URSULA. Probably the Teutonic goddess Ursa, or Hörsel, 77; the legend of, 75-77

SAND GEWIRR. A dangerous eddy in the Rhine, 174

SANTEN, or XANTEN. The town; in the Nibelungenlied, Siegfried and Kriemhild go to, after their marriage, 275

SARACENS. Mentioned, 213, 215, 216

SATAN. In Rhenish legend, 78; in the legend of the Architect of Cologne Cathedral, 106-108; in a legend explaining why Cologne Cathedral was never completed, 110-111; in the legend of the Fire-bell of Cologne, 113-114; as Master Urian, in the legend of the cathedral of Aix-la-Chapelle, 130-133; in a legend of Rheingrafenstein, 211-212; as the Yellow Dwarf, in a legend of Elfeld, 226-227; in a legend of Worms, 261-262; in the legend of the Klingelkapelle, 333

SAXONS, THE. In the Rhine-country, 24; a story of Charlemagne's wars with, 29-37; mentioned, 248; Siegfried helps the Burgundians against, 269

SAYN. A village; Kuno of; in a legend of Falkenstein Castle, 233-236

SCANDINAVIA. And the origin of the Nibelungenlied, 265, 298


SCHAMS VALLEY. The Rhine flows through, 5

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SCHILDMAUER. A wall that stood between the castles of Liebenstein and Sterrenberg, 171

SCHILLER. The poet; influence of, upon German legends, 79

SCHLOSS. For castles, see under their proper names.

SCHÖNBURG. a. The castle of; the legend of the Seven Maidens of, 183-185. b. The Graf von, 183

SCHÖNEBECK. The town, 13

SCOTT, SIR WALTER. His ballad The Wild Huntsman, 68-73

SEBILE. In the Song of the Saxons, wife of Guiteclin, 30; falls in love with and is married to Baldwin, 31-32; meets her dead husband's body, 36; enters a convent, 37

SEEBACH. A town in the Black Forest; the legend of the nixie of, 66-67

SEGERIC. Son of the Burgundian king Sigismund; Siegfried identified with, by Abeling, 307; and the historical theory of the origin of the Nibelungenlied, 308

SEVEN YEARS' WAR. Supposed by the people of Oppenheim to have been foretold by a gruesome apparition, 55

SHEPHERD KNIGHT, THE. A legend of Flörsheim, 244-248

SIEBENGEBIRGE. A mountain range, 7; a legend connected with, 133-136; mentioned, 157

SIEGEBERT, SIR. A wealthy knight; in the legend of the Shepherd Knight, 247

SIEGFRIED. In the Nibelungenlied, a prince of the Netherlands, son of Siegmund and Sieglind; the full story of, not given in any of the versions of the legend, 267; wins the sword and treasure of the Nibelungs and overcomes Alberich, capturing his cloak of invisibility, 268, 271; goes to Worms to see Kriemhild, 268-269; accompanies Gunther to help him to win the hand of Queen Brunhild, and overcomes her in combat, 270-273; the story of Brunhild and, in the Scandinavian versions of the legend, 270; typifies the springtide and the sun in the Scandinavian myth, 270; the Sigurd of the Volsunga Saga equivalent to, 274, 299; again contends with Brunhild and defeats her, 274; married to Kriemhild, 275; arouses the resentment of Brunhild and Hagen, and is lured from the court on a pretext of war, 275-276; takes part in a hunting expedition and performs mighty feats, 276-280; his invulnerability, save at one spot, gained by bathing in the dragon's blood, 276; Kriemhild marks the vulnerable spot for the treacherous Hagen, 276; the plot for his destruction, 277; slain by Hagen, 281-283; called 'Lord of the Nibelungs' after possessing the Nibelungen treasure, 284; regarded as a sun-god, 307; identified by Abeling with Segeric, 307. See also Sigurd

SIEGFRIED. A count of Andernach; a legend of, 82-84

SIEGFRIED SPRING. A spring in the Odenwald, 298

SIEGLIND. a. In the Nibelungenlied, mother of Siegfried, 268. b. One of the swan-maidens, in the Nibelungenlied; warns Hagen, 287-288

SIEGMUND. Father of Siegfried; in the Nibelungenlied, 268; in the Volsunga Saga, 299

SIGEBERT. King of Austrasia; St. Goar at his court at Andernach, 174-175

SIGISMUND. King of Burgundy, 307

SIGURD. In the Volsunga Saga, a mighty warrior, equivalent to the Siegfried of the Nibelungenlied, 274, 299; the story of, 299-303. See also Siegfried

SOLINGEN. The town; the legend of the Sword-slipper of, 101-104

SONG OF THE SAXONS. A romance of Charlemagne, 29-37, 248

SOONECK. a. Wilm von; in a legend of Fürstenberg, 192-195. b. The castle of, 192-195

SOUTHEY, ROBERT. The poet; his version of the legend of Bishop Hatto and the Mouse Tower, 207-209

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SPESSART. A mountain group; mentioned in the Nibelungenlied, 281

SPEYER, or SPIRES. The town, 50; a legend of, 326-327

SPIRES. See Speyer

STAUFENBERG. The castle of; a legend of, 333-337

STAVOREN. A town in Holland; the story of Richberta of, 7-12

STERRENBERG. The castle of; the legend of Liebenstein and, 84-86; a variant of the same legend, 171-174

STEVENSON, R. L. Mentioned, 55, 80

STOLZENFELS. The castle of; a legend of, 164-168

STRASSBURG. The city, 20; seized by France, 51; the Dean of, in a legend of Windeck, 328-331; the astronomical clock of, 341-342; the legend of the Clock-maker of, 342-346

STROMBERG. A mountain; in a legend of the castle of Argenfels, 88

STYRIA. The province; Dietleib of--see Dietleib

SUEVI. Early Germanic people, 23

SUGAMBRI. Early Germanic tribe, 20

SUNKEN CITY, THE. The story of, 7-12

SWABIA. The province, 161

SWAN-MAIDENS. Of the Danube, in the Nibelungenlied; Hagen and, 287-288

SWEDEN. In the Thirty Years' War, 50-51

SWEMMELIN. In the Klage, Etzel's fiddler; bears the news of the tragedy to Brunhild and to Bechlarn, 309, 310

SWITZERLAND. The Rhine rises in, 5

SWORD-SLIPPER OF SOLINGEN, THE. The legend of, 78, 101-104


TACITUS. On the Teutons, 14, 16-18, 19-20

TANNHÄUSER. Knight; imprisoned by Venus in the Hörselberg, 78

TAUNUS MOUNTAINS. The Rhine diverted by, 6; the castle of Eppstein in a valley of, 242

TELRAMUND, FREDERICK OF. Knight, in the Lohengrin legend, 93-95

TEUTONS. Drive the Celts from the Rhine-country, 14; Tacitus on, 14, 16-18, 19-20; customs of, 18; their regard for women, 18, costume of, 19; the tribes of, 19-20, 23-24

THANN. The town; the steeple of, built with mortar mixed with wine, 324, 340; the legend of the Lying-field of, 340-341

THEODORIC. King of the Ostrogoths; the original of Dietrich of Bern, 258

THIDREKS SAGA. A Norse epic; contains details related to those in the earlier versions of the Nibelungenlied, 298

THIONVILLE. The town; Charlemagne summons his sons to, to apportion his Empire among them, 177

THIRTY YEARS' WAR. Effect on the Rhine-country, 50; a story of, 52-55; the Trumpeter of Säckingen fights in, 347

THOMAS THE RHYMER. Scottish poet; his story fused with the legend of Ursula in the ballad of Thomas the Rhymer, 78

THÜRINGEN, or THURINGIA. The state; Childeric exiled in, 2526; mentioned, 247

THURINGIA. See Thüringen

TIBERIUS. Roman general, afterward Emperor; sent against the Germanic tribes, 22

TITUS. Roman Emperor, 227

TOMA. Lake; the Farther Rhine rises in, 5

TOMLESCHG VALLEY. The Rhine flows through, 5

TRAJAN. Roman Emperor, 227

TREASURE-SEEKER, THE. The legend of, 136-137

TREASURER. Archbishop Werner's; in the legend of the Alchemist, 164-168

TREATY. a. Of Basel; Prussia cedes to France her territory on the left bank of the Rhine under, 51. b. Of Lunéville; France acquires the left bank of the Rhine under, 51. c. Of Ryswick; France gains territory in the Rhine-country under, 51

TREMOIGNE. In the Song of the Saxons, Guiteclin's palace, 29, 33

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TREVES. a. The city; in a legend of Cologne Cathedral, 111. b. The Archbishop of; Sigebert and, 195. c. The see of; offered to St. Goar, 175

TRIBACCI. Early Germanic tribe, 20

TRIBES. Early Germanic, 19-20, 23-24

TRIBUTARIES. Of the Rhine; the large number of, 6

TRIFELS. The castle of; the legend of Richard Cœur-de-Lion's imprisonment in, 337-340

TRUENFELS. A place near the Oelberg; the legend of, 122-125

TRUMPETER OF SÄCKINGEN, THE. The legend of, 346-351

TULNA. The town; in the Nibelungenlied, Kriemhild meets Etzel at, 285

TURPIN. Archbishop of Rheims; in a story of Charlemagne, 39-40


UBII. Early Germanic tribe, 20

UDORF. A village near Bonn; a legend of, 138-141

ULENTHAL, SIR SIBERT. A knight; in the legend of Truenfels, 122-125

ULRILDA. A maiden; in a legend of Falkenstein Castle, 238-239

URIAN, MASTER. Satan; in the legend of the cathedral of Aix-la-Chapelle, 130-133

URSA. Teutonic moon -goddess, equivalent to Hörsel; St. Ursula identified with, 97

URSULA. See St. Ursula

UTE. In the Nibelungenlied, mother of Kriemhild, 267, 268; equivalent to the Grimhild of the Volsunga Saga, 274; in the Klage, 310

UTRECHT. The city, 7


VALERIAN. Roman Emperor; and the Germanic risings, 23

VALKYRS. In Scandinavian myth, the war-maidens of Odin; Brunhild one of the, 270, 300

VANGIONES. Early Germanic tribe, 20

VARUS. See Quintilius

VEHMGERICHT. A medieval German secret tribunal; in a story of Heidelberg Castle, 46-47

VENUS. The goddess; identified with Holda, or Ursula, 78

VIA MALA GORGE. The Rhine flows through, 5

VIENNA. The city. a. Congress of--see Congress. b. In the Nibelungenlied, Kriemhild married to Etzel at, 285; Kriemhild induces Etzel to invite Hagen and her brothers to, 286

VINGI. In the Volsunga Saga, a messenger; lures Gunnar and Hogni to Atli's court, 304; slain by Hogni, 304

VIONEST. A legendary king of Britain, father of St. Ursula, 75

VIRGIN MARY, THE. In a legend of Mainz, 228-230; in a legend of Darmstadt, 253-255; in the legend of the Devil's Vineyard, 262

VOLKER. In the Nibelungenlied, a Hunnish warrior; slain, 294

VOLSUNGA SAGA. The older, Scandinavian form of the Nibelungenlied legend, 305-306; the story of Brunhild and Siegfried is different in, 270; a summary of, 298-305

VOLSUNGS. A semi-divine mythical race, descended from Woden; Sigurd a descendant of, 299

VOSGES. The mountain range, 6; the forest of, 315


WAAL. A branch of the Rhine, 7

WACHT AM RHEIN, DIE. The song; its strong patriotic influence, 3; a story of Bismarck and, 3-4

WAGNER. The composer; his version of the Lohengrin legend drawn from Wolfram von Eschenbach, 92

WALDSHUT. The town, 6

WALHALLA. The Warriors' paradise, in Norse myth; in the legend of the Wolf's Spring, 323

WALLS, ROMAN. In the Rhine-country, 21,24

WALPURGIS-NIGHT. The night before the 1st of May, supposed

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to be the occasion of a witches' festival, 263-264

WALSDORF. The convent of; in a legend of Rosebach, 142

WALTHAR. In Walthar of Aquitaine, son of Alphere; mentioned in the Nibelungenlied, 291; given as hostage to Attila, 311; escapes with Hildegund, 313; comes near to Worms, 314; Gunther's party meets, 315; fights with Gunther's knights and defeats them, 316; fights with Gunther and Hagen, 318-319; wedded to Hildegund and rules Aquitaine, 319-320

WALTHAR OF AQUITAINE. The epic; Worms the locality of, 258; connexion of, with the Nibelungenlied, 292, 311; the story, 310-320

WALTHAR OF SPAIN. The same as Walthar of Aquitaine. See Walthar

WALTHER. a. Minna's lover; in a legend of Rüdesheim, 214. b. A knight of Birbach; in a legend of Darmstadt, 253-255

WAMPOLD, THE LORD OF. In the legend of the Maiden's Caprice, 263

WAMPOLDER HOF. A manor-house in the town of Worms; in the legend of the Maiden's Caprice, 236-264

WAR OF THE PALATINATE. Affects the Rhine valley, 50

WATER-NYMPH OF STAUFENBERG, THE. The legend of, 333-337

WATER-SPIRITS. The Lorelei, 59-65; the nixie, 65; the legend of the Nixie of the Mummel-lake, 66-67; the legend of the Water-nymph of Staufenberg, 333-337

WEAPONS. Ancient German, 17

WEDENSCHIED. A pastor of; in a legend of Fürstenberg, 192

WEIN VON ORLEANS. A wine for which Rüdesheim was famous, 213

WENZEL (WENCESLAUS). German Emperor; said to have sold his crown for wine, 324

WERNER. a. Archbishop of Falkenstein, owner of Stolzenfels; in the legend of the Alchemist, 164168. b. The Trumpeter of Säckingen, 346-351

WESTPHALIA, PEACE OF. See Peace of Westphalia

WESTRICH, THE. A mountainous region near Mannheim, 244

WHITE HORSES, THE. A legend of Cologne, 118-120

WIESBADEN. The city, 6, 20

WILD HUNTSMAN, THE. The legend of, 68; the Huntsman is equivalent to Odin, 68; Sir Walter Scott's ballad, 68-73

WILENSTEIN. The castle of; in the legend of the Shepherd Knight, 244

WILHELM. Ruthard's apprentice in the legend of the Sword-slipper of Solingen, 102-104

WILLIAM OF HOLLAND. King of Germany; in the legend of the Magic Banquet, 120-121

WILLIAM I. King of Prussia proclaims the restoration of the Rhine provinces, 51-52

WINDECK. The castle of; legends of, 328-331

WINE. Worms noted for, 261; of Worms, a legend of, 261-263 common in Rhenish legend, 324 the steeple at Thann built with mortar mixed with, 324, 340

WINOMADUS. Friend of King Childeric, 25, 26

WITCHES' SABBATH. An annual nocturnal meeting of witches and demons; in a legend of Aix-la-Chapelle, 128

WODEN. Supreme deity, in Scandinavian mythology, the same as Odin; the Volsungs descended from, 299; in the Volsunga Saga, advises Sigurd regarding his encounter with the dragon Fafnir, 299; the spell laid upon Brunhild by, 300, 301. See also Odin

WOLF. A bell-founder; in the legend of the Fire-bell of Cologne, 112-114

WOLFHART. A knight at the court of Dietrich of Bern, 259; in the legend of the Rose Garden of Worms, 261; in the Nibelungenlied, slain by Giselher, 294

WOLFINGS. A company of warriors associated with Dietrich of Bern; in the Nibelungenlied, 285

WOLFRAM. Herzog von Bergendorf; a legend of, 133-136

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WOLFRAM VON ESCHENBACH. Medieval romance-writer; his Parzival the source of a version of the Lohengrin legend, 92

WOLF'S SPRING, THE. A legend of Heidelberg, 321-324

WOMEN. Regard for, among the early Teutons, 18; the preservers of the ancient Teutonic magico-religious lore, 18-19

WONDERFUL ROAD, THE. A legend of Falkenstein Castle, 233-236

WORMS. The city; the locality of the Nibelungenlied and of Walthar of Aquitaine, 258, 264, 310-311; the legend of the Rose Garden of, 258-261; famous for its wine, 261; the legend of the Devil's Vineyard, 261-263; the Wampolder Hof in, 263; the legend of the Maiden's Caprice, 263-264; the Nibelungenlied, 264-310; Kriemhild dwelt in, 267; Brunhild sets out for, with Gunther, 294; Walthar of Aquitaine, 310-320


YELLOW DWARF, THE. In the legend of Elfeld, 73, 225-227

YSSEL. A branch of the Rhine, 7


ZÄHRINGEN. The village; in the legend of the Charcoal-burner, 351, 354

ZUIDER ZEE. A branch of the Rhine flows into, 7

ZURICH. The city; the scene of Charlemagne's encounter with the serpent which gave him the wonderful gem, 37