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p. 343


Peadair, Peter. 'La Pheadair,' the Feast Day of Peter, the 29th June. This is a great day among fishermen. Even if there be a storm the fishermen put out to sea, believing that the fisherman-apostle will aid them and shield them.

If the wind be from the west on the first of the year, the fishermen consider it a good omen for their calling.

'Gaoth an iar iasg is aran;
Gaoth a tuath fuachd is feannadh;
Gaoth an ear sneachd air beannaibh;
Gaoth a deas meas air crannaibh.'


Wind from the west, fish and bread;
Wind from the north, cold and flaying [fainting];
Wind from the east, snow on the hills;
Wind from the south, fruit on trees.


Pliadach, pleatach, flat, broad, even, as 'casan pleatach,' broad feet, flat-footed.


Postachan, posts (vol. ii. p. 126). I do not know the reference in the text. It may possibly refer to the following story:--A farmer was passing a well and noticed a stone image on the edge of the well. He took up the image and brought it home to his house, and placed it beside him on the table. When the farmer blessed himself before food, he observed that the passive stone became alive. Then the stone image smiled and said:--'We were four angels that fell from heaven; three fell into the well and I fell on the edge. I should have been there for ever hadst thou not brought me home and had I not heard the blessed words. Take me back to the well that I may again ascend to heaven.'


Puball beannach, pointed canopy; possibly the colt's-foot or butter-bur. Birds and small animals seek shelter under its leaves. 'Pubal,' a tent, canopy, shelter. (Vol. ii. p. 38.)


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