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p. 166

p. 167




p. 166


p. 167

DIA na gile, Dia na greine,
Dia na cruinne, Dia nan reula,
Dia nan dile, tir, is neamha,
Dh’ orduich dhuinne Righ na feile.

’S i Moire mhin chaidh air a glun,
’S e Ti nan dul a chaidh na h-uchd,
Chaidh durch is diuir a chur air chul,
’S chaidh reul an iuil an aird gu much.

Dh’ fhoillsich fearann, dh’ fhoillsich fonn,
Dh’ fhoillsich doltrom agus struth,
Leagadh bron is thogadh fonn,
Chaidh ceol air bonn le clar is cruth.


GOD of the moon, God of the sun,
God of the globe, God of the stars,
God of the waters, the land, and the skies,
Who ordained to us the King of promise.

It was Mary fair who went upon her knee,
It was the King of life who went upon her lap,
Darkness and tears were set behind,
And the star of guidance went up early.

Illumed the land, illumed the world,
Illumed doldrum and current,
Grief was laid and joy was raised,
Music was set up with harp and pedal-harp.


Next: 198. God of the Moon, God of the Sun. Dia Na Gile, Dia Na Greine