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p. 70

p. 71





p. 70


p. 71


BUAINIDH mi a chathair aigh
A bhuain Criosd le leth-laimh.

Thainig Ard Righ nan aingeal
Le ghradh ’s le fhath os mo chionn.

Thainig Iosa Criosda steach
Le bliochd, le blachd, le barr,
Le laoigh bhoirionn, le ais.

Air suil bhig, air suil mhoir,
Air uachdar cuid Chriosd.

An ainm Ti nan dul
Cum rium do ghras,
Crun Righ nan aingeal,
Bainne chur an uth ’s an ar,
Le laoigh bhoirionn, le al.

Gun robh agaibh fad nan seachd bliadhna
Gun chall laogh, gun chall bainne,
Gun chall maona no caomh charaid.


I WILL pluck the gracious yarrow
That Christ plucked with His one hand.

The High King of the angels
Came with His love and His countenance above me.

Jesus Christ came hitherward
With milk, with substance, with produce,
With female calves, with milk product.

On small eye, on large eye,
Over Christ's property.

In name of the Being of life
Supply me with Thy grace,
The crown of the King of the angels
To put milk in udder and gland,
With female calves, with progeny.

May you have the length of seven years
Without loss of calf, without loss of milk,
Without loss of means or of dear friends.


Next: 154. The Counting of the Stye. Cunntas An T-Sleamhnain