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p. 84

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p. 84


p. 85


THA mis a nis a dol dh’ an chadal,
Gu mu slan a dhuisgeas mi;
Ma ’s a bas domh anns a bhas chadail,
Gun ann air do ghairdean fein
A Dhe nan gras a dhuisgeas mi;
    O air do ghairdean gradhach fein,
    A Dhe nan gras a dhuisgeas mi!

M’ anam air do laimh dheis, a Dhe,
A Re nan neamha neomh;
Is tu fein a cheannaich mi le t’fhuil,
Is tu thug do bheatha air mo shon,
    Comraig mis an nochd, a Dhe,
    Is na h-eireadh dhomh beud no cron.

Am feadh bhios a cholann a tamh ’s a chadal,
Biodh an t-anam a snamh an sgath nam flathas,
Micheal cra-gheal an dail an anama,
    Moch agus amnoch, oidhche agus latha,
    Moch agus anmoch, oidhche agus latha.


I AM now going into the sleep,
Be it that I in health shall waken;
If death be to me in the death-sleep,
Be it that on Thine own arm,
O God of Grace, I in peace shall waken;
    Be it on Thine own beloved arm,
    O God of Grace, that I in peace shall waken.

Be my soul on Thy right hand, O God,
Thou King of the heaven of heavens;
Thou it was who bought'st me with Thy blood,
Thou it was who gavest Thy life for me,
    Encompass Thou me this night, O God,
    That no harm, no evil shall me befall.

Whilst the body is dwelling in the sleep,
The soul is soaring in the shadow of heaven,
Be the red-white Michael meeting the soul,
    Early and late, night and day,
    Early and late, night and day.



Next: 36 Sleep Consecration. Coisrig Cadail