Page |
Preface |
I. Origin tales and stories of the katcinas and the societies (see also p. 249) |
Uretsiti |
Variant |
The flood |
Kotcimanyako scatters the stars |
Variant |
The origin of death |
Hummingbird has food |
Salt Woman is refused food |
Variant |
The contest of good-tasting fat |
Coyote fails as initiate |
Heluta and Nyenyega contest for a wife |
Heluta plants the deer (see text translation, p. 251) |
The imprisonment of the katcinas |
The institution of pottery |
Bloody hand-print katcina |
The recovery of the koshare |
The Women's Corn Grinding Society |
How the people came up from Frijoles |
The punishment of the Snake Society |
The Pecos Indians become snakes |
The Deer dance |
"Where the giant is shut up" |
II. Hero tales |
The Giant and the Twins |
Variant |
The Giant and the Girl, text translation |
The Sun's children |
The son of the Sun, text translation |
The Sun's child dances with his mother |
Arrow Youth, text translation |
Variant |
Arrow Boy triumphs over his mockers |
Arrow Boy's son |
Arrow Boy recovers his wife |
The contest of Poker Boy's wives |
Poker Boy disappears into his shrine |
Corncob Boy, text translation |
Corncob Boy marries Deer Planter's daughters |
Corncob Boy intercedes for his people |
Corncob Boy triumphs over his mockers |
III. Novelistic tales |
Cuisi'nyinawa, text translation |
Sun steals Shell Man's wife |
Shell Man's wife is lured away by his eagle |
The deer and the lost child, text translation |
Variant |
Variant |
Mother Corn guides the deserted child to her people |
Variant |
The industrious daughter who would not marry |
Variant |
Variant |
Locust Boy |
Butterfly pursuit |
A boy of White House marries a girl of the Village of the Stone Lions |
The neglected child, text translation |
Variant |
Variant |
Variant |
The witch and her husband, text translation |
Variant |
Arrow Boy, child of the Witch Man |
The Witch Wife transforms her husband |
Variant |
The husband who was a witch |
The two brothers recover their sister from the witches |
Variant |
The youth and the witch, text translation |
The witches who were mice at night |
The man who failed to become a witch |
The antelope hunter who was a witch |
The two witch men, text translation |
The woodchopper and the coyote, text translation |
The bears, text translation |
Variant |
The jealous wife |
The wife's revenge |
The girl who did not love her little brother and sister |
The eagle and the baby |
The locust |
The girl and the grasshoppers, text translation |
Cactus lover |
The wife who was cast out by her husband |
Variant |
Variant |
The girl who stepped on the snake |
Variant |
The tip beetle's revenge |
The man who, was cruel to animals |
The cacique who visited the dead (see also p. 255) |
The mother who mourned for her daughter |
IV. Animal tales |
Crow and Hawk |
Variant |
Coyote and Beaver exchange wives |
Crane and Geese |
Bat Boy |
The frog wife |
Lion and Grizzly Bear |
Variant |
Coyote sings for the prairie dogs |
Coyote interrupts the corn dance |
Coyote brings her children to play with the quails |
Bungling host |
Fox and Coyote |
Variant |
Duck sings for her children |
Coyote imitates Crow |
Road Runner girls grind |
Coyote has a ball on her toe |
Crow's song |
The Burro and the Coyote |
Betting eyes |
Bird and Toad play hide and seek |
Origin of the cat |
Woodrat and Mouse challenge each other |
Woodrats |
Horned Toad sings in Black Boy's stomach |
The searing contest |
Geese talk the Santa Ana language |
Geese go shell gathering |
Deer and Coyote, text translation |
Variant |
V. European stories--Märchen and noodle tales |
Ginini (halfwit) |
Variant |
The blind one and the lame one, text translation |
Variant |
The six boys, text translation |
Variant |
The three brothers, text translation |
Tied to the cow's tail |
The devil woman |
The giant's daughters |
The door falls from the tree upon the robbers |
The three brothers (open sesame) |
Half rooster |
VI. True stories |
How the people came up from Frijoles |
The destruction of White Shell pueblo |
The coming of the Mexicans |
How they came down from the mesa |
Montezuma |
The first battle with the whites |
The first priest at Cochiti |
The girl who was stolen by a Navaho |
Why the Navaho buy so much turquoise |
People who went for turquoise and became snakes (see also p. 254) |
The Cochiti scalp a Navaho at Sia |
Buffalo hunting on the plains |
Antelope hunting |
Introduction |
I. Origin tales and stories of the katcinas and the societies |
Origin tales |
Stories of the katcinas |
Stories of the societies |
II. Hero tales |
The twin heroes |
Arrow Boy |
Poker Boy |
Corncob Boy |
Montezuma |
III. Novelistic tales |
Tales of conflict between husband and wife |
Tales of amorous women |
The girl who refused offers of marriage |
The girl who took upon herself the duties of men |
Tales of unnatural parents |
Tales of abduction |
Tales of cruelty to animals |
Witch tales |
Miscellaneous |
Fables |
IV. Animal tales |
Coyote |
Other animal tales |
V. European tales |
Noodle tales |
John the Bear |
The three brothers |
The devil mother |
The giant's daughters |
The door falls from the tree upon the robbers |
Open sesame |
Half rooster |
Place of emergence (text translation) |
Ganadyani (text translation) |
The turquoise cave (text translation) |
A visit to the underworld |