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The Old North Trail, by Walter McClintock, [1910], at

p. 533



Alberta (Canadian province), 1, 334, 363, 370, 507

Almost-a-Dog Mountain, 14, 113

Altar Sun-dance, 294

American Museum of Natural History, 519

Antelope dance, 265, 406

Apache Indians, 371

April, name for, 486

A-pe-ech-eken, Blackfeet name for author, 93; dance by, 100; meeting with Brings-down-the-Sun, 383; explanation of name, 401

Arapahoe Indians, tradition of, 402; sign for, 404

Assinniboine Indians, 206, 238, 442

August, name for, 487

Aurora Borealis, 487; names for, 521-2

Autumn season, name for, 487

Awunna, medicine man, 102; methods of doctoring, 244-250; practical jokes by, 298, 506


Back-bone-of-the-world, 13

Badger Creek, 19, 438

Baldy, pack horse, 37, 41, 113, 121

Bannock Indians, 206

Barren lands, 435

Bear grass, use by Indians, 10, 443, 525

Bear knife, 361

Bear spear, 352; legend, 354

Beavers, a home of, 389

Beaver Bundle, 35, 80, 103, 111, 467

Beaver dam, photograph, 106

Beaver Medicine, owned by Mad Wolf, 29, 35; ceremonial of, 78; legend, 104; photograph, 107, 153, 367, 517

Beaver Pipe, 104

Beaver tipi, 212

Belly River, 364

Benton Fort, 33

Big Crow Foot, 422

Big Eyes gives author tipi, 23; decorations of tipi, 223

Big Lake, chief, 157

Big Moon, 201

Big Nose, chief, 57

Big Rock tipi, 210

Birch Creek, 438

Bitter Root country, 436

Birds, eastern slope, 389, 479-486; western slope, 11

Blackbird Brewer, 481

Blackfeet, burial customs, 148-150; diet, 22, 237; divisions of, 1; herbs and plants used by, 524-30; marriage customs, 184-191; methods of doctoring, 247-250; mourning customs, 150-153; number, past and present, 4; perfumes used by, 364; pets, 246; proper names, 395-405; proverbs and familiar sayings, 402, 476, 478, 484, 485; religious beliefs, 167-170, 352, 353; skill in sign language, 403; societies, 441-465; songs, 282, 518; starvation of, 4, 509; sign for, 404, 405; present condition, 506-512; names for flowers, 531

Blackfeet tribal camp, first sight of, 18, 208, 481, 495; scenes in, 225, 340

Blackfoot Glacier, 14, 517

Blackfoot Mountain, 14, 517

Black Tail Creek, 438

Black Weasel, dance leader, 274

Blessing in ceremonial, 32; on food, 34, 181, 367

Blizzard in mountains, 58

Blizzard on plains, 128, 234

Blood Indians, 1, 206; camp, 364; characteristics, 368; sign for, 404

Blue Jay, 47

Bonnet Medicine, 294, 296, 302, 388

Botanical collection, 364, 524

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Brashear, J. A., 521-4

Brave Dog Society dance, 299, 455465

Brings-down-the-Sun, medicine man, robe of, 312, 327; camp of, 378; meet with, 380; hospitality, 388; character, 415; vow to tell the truth, 418; meaning of name, 427; children of, 385, 431; farewell prayer of, 505; genealogical table of family, 532

Buffalo dance, 99

Buffalo tipi, Black, 215, Yellow, legend of, 162

Buffalo Society, 450

Buffalo tongues as sacred food, 178

Bull Child, medicine man, 310; robe of, 312, 316, 506, 519

Bull Plume, North Piegan, 130, 387, 414

Bull Shoe (famous racehorse), 278

Burial customs, 148, 164

Butterfly (lodge decoration), 408

Buzzard, 484


Calgary, 435

Camass, 52; baking, 442, 530

Canada, 325

Cardston, 374

Carnegie Institute, 524

Catholic priest, 143, 159

Catlin, 2

Catbird, 389, 481, 482

Celebration song, 280, 282, 514

Chastity of women, 185

Cheyenne Indians, sign for, 404

Chicadees, 11, 481

Chief Mountain, 173, 424, 463, 520

Children's game song, 515

Chinook, wind, 156, 358

Clan names, 201, 308; marriage, 187

Clark, Capt. W. P., Sign language, 402, 404

Cleveland Mount, 516

Climate, country of Blackfeet, 4; western slope of Rocky Mountains, 9; eastern slope, 17, 128, 156, 372, 376

Clown, 292

Comet, 487, 522

Conjunction of two planets; legend of, 491, 503, 523

Conservation of trees and berry bushes, 385

Continental Divide, 12, 44, 517

Coups, counting on the Centre Pole, 301, 307, 316, 519

Coyotes as pets, 244; attack Indian, 56; as omens, 476

Cradle Blackfoot, 203, 230

Cree Indians, 206, 238, 338, 442

Cree Medicine, 190

Crow Beaver ceremonial, 407-410

Crow Indians, 2, 359; sign for, 404, 405, 437, 473

Crow Lodge (tipi), 208; origin of, 440

Crow Lodge Mountain, 440

Crow Lodge River, 328, 346, 377, 435, 443

Curlew, long-billed, 481, 484

Custer, General, defeat by Sioux, 6

Cutbank Canyon, 18; Medicine Grizzly of, 51, in winter, 72, 455

Cutbank Pass, altitude, 13, 51 Cutbank River, 15, 517

Cutbank trail, 16, 17, 40

Cypress Hills, 160


Day Star, 487, 522

December, name for, 486

De Smet, Father, 157; Indian name, 401, 518

Diet of Blackfeet, 22, 237, 238, 442, 485; Author's, 23; Cree, 238

Doctoring the sick, 142, 174, 247-250

Dog dance, 100

Dogs, death of Red Rover, 155; trained, 246; foraging, 254

Dog feast, Assinniboine, 238

Don't Laugh clan, origin of name, 201

Dorsey, Rev. J. O., 522-3

Dove, 11

Dove society, 449

Dreams, origin of names, 396; butterfly bringer of, 408; dream of author, 412

Dream People, 396

Dusty stars, 217, 363, 501


Eagles, catching of, 62, 428

Eagle, golden, feathers of, 429, 484; white headed, 484

Ear Rings, doctor, 323, 506

Elk Horn, the herald, 257, 271, 506

Elk medicine, home of, 62

Eclipse of sun, 487, 522


Fairy Rings, 363

Fasting of sacred woman, 194, 202; medicine men, 314

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Father-in-law customs, 187

Feasts, ceremonial of adoption, 34; beaver medicine, 102, 467; marriage, 186; at birth of child, 188; manner of inviting guests, 226; Assinniboine 238; Sun-dance, 302, of sacred tongues, 311; Crow Beaver ceremonial, 408

Flathead Indians, 7, 51, 157, 206, 226; sign for, 404, 405

Flicker, 11

Flinch's Peak, 14

Flowers, western slope of Rocky Mountains, 10; eastern slope, 41; on prairie, 18; Blackfeet names for, 531

Forest Commission, National, 6

Four Bears, medicine man, 321

Four Bears Mountain, 14, 113


Gambling game, 67; songs, 68

Games, kinds of, 391; children's song, 391, 515

Garden wall, 14

Ghost stories, 139-142; Crow Eagle and, 145; our experience with, 330; as owls, 477

Gives-to-the-Sun (wife of Mad Wolf), 29, 173; vow to give Sun-dance, 174, 178, 296, 302, 309, 315

Gifts, generosity of Blackfeet, 261, 367; exchange of, 381

Glacier National Park, 15, 517

Goat Mountain, 114

Goats, mountain, 12; hunting, 113

Going-to-the-Sun mountain, 14, 113; meaning of name, 115

Goldfinch, 389, 481, 482

Government, W.S., former policy, 509; present policy, 510, 511

Grasshoppers, way of colouring wings, 377

Grease Melters, clan of, 57; origin of name, 201

Great Bear constellation, 218; legend of, 488, 500, 523

Grinnell Glacier, 14

Grinnell Mountain, 14, 116

Grizzly bear, author's night experience with, 48-51; Siksikakoan's experience with, 44; Medicine Grizzly of Cutbank Canyon, 51-55; legend, 62-70, 468-473; Medicine Pipe, 253

Grizzly Bear dance, 264, 406, 461

Grizzly Bear clan, 62-70

Grizzly Bear spear, 356-361

Gros Ventre Indians, 53, 159, 206, 238; sign for, 404, 442, 452

Grouse, ruffed, 11; drumming imitated in Medicine Pipe ceremonial, 259

Gull herring, 481


Hair Parter's Society, dance of, 271

Hard Top Knot clan, origin of name, 201

Hartley Randolph, 519

Hawk fish, 484

Hawk, night, 484

Helena city, 405

Henry, Alex, 402, 521

Hercules, constellation of, 500

Hide, ceremonial of cutting, 306

Horses, Blackfeet, food in winter, 71

Horse races, 278

Hudson's Bay Divide, 128, 328

Humour of Blackfeet, 298


Infidelity of wife, penalty for, 185 Iron Shirt, chief, 422; initiation into Medicine Pipe Society, 423


Jackson Mountain, 14

Jackson, William (scout), 6

James Mountain, 14

January, Blackfeet name for, 486

Jennings, O. E., 524

July, Blackfeet name for, 487

Junco, 11

June, Blackfeet name for, 487

Jupiter as morning star, legend of, 491, 503, 524


Kainau (Blood Indians), 1, 364

Kildeer, 483

Kingbird, 481, 482

Kinglet, golden crowned, 11

Kissing dance, 243

Kit-fox Society, 445-447

Kootenai River, 374, 439

Kutenai Indians, 52, 206; sign for, 404

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Lame Bull, chief, 422

Lark, pallid horned, 480

Lark, western meadow, 479; song of, 482, 504

Lee's Creek, 438

Leupp, Francis E., Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 510

Lewis and Clark, 2

Little Big Horn, battle of, 6

Little Chief Mountain, 14, 113

Little Dog, head chief, 422

Little Dog, war chief, 291

Little Mountain, chief, 418, 419

Little Plume, war chief, 277; photograph, 289, 290, 206

Little Sister, the, 523

Lodge poles, cutting of, 52, 518

Lone Dog, Sioux chief, 278

Lone Eaters’ clan, origin of name, 201

Longspur, chestnut collared, 479; song, 482

Loon, 11

Lookout Butte, 380; view from, 393, 501, 503

Lost children, 218; legend of, 490, 523

Love medicine, 191

Love song, 242, 283, 318, 411, 513

Lynx dance, 95

Lupine blue, abundant, 19


Macgillivray, warbler, 11

Mackenzie, explorer, 3

Macleod, Canada, 389

Mad Wolf (Siyeh), chief, first meeting with, 20; ceremonial of adoption, 26-35; prayer by, 33; his fight with Kutenai Indians, 52; gives ceremonial of Beaver Medicine, 76-102; tells legend of Beaver Medicine, 103-112; his home on Cutbank River, 124; tells the legend of the Snow Tipi, 133-138; tells of Father De Smet, 157-166; his letter of invitation, 171; his summer camp, 173; final disposal of author's letters, 150, 173; Sun-dance of, 174-323; leads ceremonial of Sweat-lodge, 285; his farewell speech, 322; death, 323, 506

Mad Wolf (Siyeh) Mountain, 14, 113

Mad Dog Society as police, 206; in ceremonial of Sweat-lodge, 284; origin, 452-454; costume, 458

Mad Indian, tragedy of, 372-374

Magpie, 428; song, 481

Maker of storms, 137, 352

Mandan Indians, 206; sign for, 404, 521

March, name for, 486

Marias River, 215, 472, 517

Marmots, hoary, 12

Marriage customs, 184

Meals, time of, 442

Meat, preparation of, 237

Medicine, meaning of word, 168, 517

Medicine Bonnet, 294, 296, 302, 496, 500

Medicine Grizzly, legends of, 51-55, 468-473

Medicine lore, 190; Cree, 190

Medicine man, origin of name, 168

Medicine men, doctoring sick, 142-144, 174, 244-250; as weather makers, 128; in Sun Lodge, 314, 320, 321

Medicine Pipe, used in time of sickness, 143; in burial, 164, 253, 254; ceremonial of, 253-270; ceremonial at time of first thunder, 387; dances, 406; origin of a, 424426; Pipe Society initiation of members, 252-270, 423-426

Medicine Robe, 312, 430, 498

Medicine Wolf, legend of, 473-476

Menake, 203, 245, 325, 518

Menepoka attacked by coyotes, 56

Meteors turn into Dusty Stars, 217, 501

Mexico, 3, 435

Milk River, North Fork of, 334

Milk River Ridge, 124; in blizzard, 128-130

Milky Way, 324, 498

Missions, Christian among Blackfeet, 512

Moon used in decoration, 218, 313; prayers to, 288, 333, legend of, 493

Moons, origin of, 109; calendar of, 486

Morning Eagle and his war-horse, 226

Morning Plume, 29, 324, 506

Morning Star, prayers to, 157, 288, 324; in lodge decoration, 219, 491, 492, 503, 523

Mosquito Society, 448

Mother-in-law customs, 187, 408, 432

Mountain Chief, 201; speech, 276

Mourning customs, 150, 152, 153, 164, 165, 369

Mud Head Creek, 437, 438

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Mu-koi-sa-po (Wolf Plume) owner of Yellow Buffalo Tipi, 164; owner of a Beaver Bundle, 467

Music, Indian, 282, 283


Names, Blackfeet, 385; for trees, 386; superstition against telling 395; selection of, 396, 397, of females 399; of males, 400; animals, 401; origin of Running Wolf, 418; Iron Shirt, 422; topographical, 434-440; of birds, 481484; moons, constellations, etc., 486-488

Napi (Old Man), 56, 78, 337, 440

Natosin, from North Blackfeet, vow by, 229, 285, 294, 303

Natosin Nepe-e, medicine man, 327; meaning of name, 423

Nevin, Arthur, Indian name, 400; composer of Opera Poïa, 518

Nez Perce Indians, 206, 371; sign for, 404, 405

Night song, 281, 282, 515

North Blackfeet, 1, 206

Northern crown, constellation, 500

North Piegans, 375

North star, 499, 524

North Trail, Old, 3, 18, 328, 434-437

November, name for, 486

Nuthatch, red-breasted, 11


October, name for, 487

Old agency, 333

Old Man, 56, 337; stories, 338-348, 440

Old Man's River, 377

O-mis-tai-po-kah, head chief, 34, 77; prayer of, 95, 297, 308, founder of Mad Dogs, 452-506

One Spot (blood), 367

Onesta, 325, and Bear Spear, 352

Otter Tipi, 218, 219

Owl, medicine pipe, 254; on ghosts of dead, 148, 477


Pack horses, characteristics, 36

Paint, sacred red, Mad Wolf paints author, 32, 94; origin of, 108; for doctoring sick, 143; specialists, 214; how secured, 215

Paint, yellow, used in ceremonial of

Snow Tipi, 136; sacred to buffalo, 163, where secured, 215; used by a doctor, 250

Painted Tipis, 134, 162, 207-224

Parade, tribal, 290; of Sioux warriors, 280

Pare, Andrew, 522

Parfleches, making of, 231, 518

Pemmican, preparation of, 237

Pend d’Oreille Indians, 206; sign for, 404, 463

Perfumes used by Blackfeet, 364, 530 Pets, 245, 246

Photographing Beaver medicine ceremonial, difficulty in, 153, also of women, 231; Medicine Pipe ceremonial, 258

Picture-writing on tipis, 217-224; on war horse, 226; on medicine man and his robe, 312, 313; in tribunal records, 422, 423, 468

Piegan Indians, 1; sign for, 404 Pinchot Gifford, 6

Pinchot Mountain, 14

Pipe, Beaver, 86, 98, 104; origin of, 111

Pipe-dance, 86, 98, 264

Pipe-dancing, 436

Pipe, Long Time, 427

Pipe, smoking customs, 31, 188

Piskun, 346, 437-439; women's, 440, 451, 520

Pleiades constellation, in lodge decoration, 218; on medicine robe, 313; legend, 490, 523

Poïa legend, 491, 503; opera, 519

Pole, ceremonial of Raising Centre, preparatory service, 293, securing material for, 300, 301; gifts tied to, 307

Pole hymn, Raising the Centre, 308, 311, 513

Police, Blackfeet, 206; societies as, 465

Police, Canadian Mounted, 371, 372, 422

Polygamy, reasons for, 188

Porcupine Mountains, 328, 377, 429

Preservation of Blackfeet songs, 283

Preservation by North Piegans of trees and berry bushes, 385, 386

Prongs used in ceremonial, 79; origin of, 500

Proverbs and familiar sayings of Blackfeet, 402, 476, 478, 484, 485

Purification of a woman, 97


Rabbit snow-shoe, 74

Rainbow, 487

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Raven, 481, 483, 498

Raven Society, 146

Records, keeping of tribal, 220, 221, 422, 423, 468

Red Eagle Glacier, 14

Red Eagle Mountain, 43, 113, 120

Red Fox singing night song, 282

Religious beliefs of Blackfeet, 167-170, 352, 353,

Reno Mayor, retreat of, 7

Rhubarb, wild, used in ceremonial, 295, 296, 485, 529

Riding song, 242, 281, 514

Rising Wolf Mountain, 43, 126, 242, 325

Robe Medicine, 312, 430, 519

Robe, sacred elk-skin, 302, 498

Robin, 11

Rocky Mountains, 1, 7; names for, 13, 36, 113, 125, 440, 503

Roosevelt, Theodore, 510

Rooster, song of, 484

Root Digger, 87, 494, 500

Running Crane, chief, 192, 205; speech of, 276, 323, 506

Running Rabbit, ghost of, 141

Running Wolf, origin of name, 418, 427, 434


St. Mary's Lakes, 113, 122, 439

St. Mary's River, 122, 334, 424, 517

Sand Hills, 144; description of, 148, 324

Sarcee Indians, 206

Sarvis berries as food supply, 385; for feast, 408, 466, 529

Saskatchewan River North, 1, 517

Scarface, 296, 308; legend, 491, 503

Screaming Owl, head chief, 331

Serpent Tipi, 211

September, name for, 487

Sexton Glacier, 14

Seven Brothers (Great Bear constellation), 218, 312; legend of, 488, 500, 523

Sign for Buffalo, 83; Antelope, 85, 262; Elk, 263; Swan, 265, Sign language, 402-405

Siksikakoan (Mr. Jackson), record of, 6; death, 7; character, 23, 506

Siksikaua Indians, 1

Sham battles, 277

Shoshone Indians, 468

Sioux Indians, 206, 278, 371; sign for, 404, 405

Sioux dance, 243, 514; celebration song, 514

Siyeh (Mad Wolf), chief, 20; letter from, 172

Siyeh (Mad Wolf), Mountain, 14, 116

Skunks, clan, origin of name, 201

Smallpox epidemics, 4, 422, 444

Small Robes, clan, conversion to Christianity, 166, 201

Snipe, 483

Snipe Wilson, 481

Snake Indians, sign for, 404, 405; expedition against, 419, 468

Snake Woman, doctor for Mad Wolf, 324

Snow Tipi, legend of, 133, 134

Societies, Blackfeet, Raven, 146; Mad Dog, 206, 284; Brave Dog, 299, 455-465; Kit-fox, 445-447; Mosquito, 448; Dove, 449; Buffalo, 450

Songs, Black feet, 242, 277, 280, 281, 282, 293, 297, 308, 318, 376, 410, 411, 513

Sparrow, chipping, 11; Savanna, 173, 504; white crowned, 389, 504; white throat, 389, 481; song, 482; western lark, 479, 481; vesper, 481

Spear, sacred, 277

Sperry Glacier, 14

Spotted Eagle, medicine man, 182, 286, 305, 310, 312, 320, 334, 477, 506

Spring Season, name for, 486

Star Boy, legend of, 491

Stony Indians, 484

Stuyimi, doctoring of, 244-250 Strikes-on-both-sides, daughter of Mad Wolf, 30; costume, 77; dance, 99, 176

Summer Season, name for, 487

Sun-dance, meaning of, 170; beginning of, 178; ceremonial, 284-290, 293-297, 302-311,; decline of, 507-509

Sun-Dogs, 56, 487, 522

Sunflowers, velvet leaf, 19

Sun-lodge, erection of, 308; ceremonials inside, 312

Sun Worship, 167, decline of, 507-509

Superstitions, Medicine Pipe, 267-269

Swallow tree, 11, 483

Swan dance, 265, 407

Sweat-lodge, erection of and ceremonial, 284-290, 430

Sweet grass incense, 31, 78, 173, 180, 296, 306, 498, 500; as perfume, 364, 530

Sweet Grass Hills, 77, 517

Sweet pine as incense, 268, 296; as perfume, 364, 530

Sweet Pine Hills (or Sweet Grass Hills), 77, 122, 215

Swift Current Pass, 15

Swift Current River, 439

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Tanning hides, 230

Tetons, 437

Thrush, hermit, 11; olive backed, 11, 503

Thunder-bird, lodge decoration, 135, 265; dance, 407, 408; home of 425, 519-20

Thunder Chief, 253; gives Pipe, 352, 487

Thunder Maker, 425, 427

Thunder Tipi, 213, 407, 408; rules of, 410, 413

Tipi, author's, 222; making, covering of, 232; at night, 242; pitching of, 234; Painted, 205-224

Tobacco, origin of, 108; kinds used, 528

Tongues, sacred, 178, 303, 305, 316

Torture, self, of warriors, 318, 319

Toys of children, 390, 431

Travelling song, 281

Travois, 193, 194, 198, 518

Tribal hymn, 515; regulations, 521

Triple Divide, 14

Tuberculosis, 512

Turtle Mountain, 378

Two Medicine Falls, 43

Two Medicine Lake, 325

Two Medicine River, ghosts along, 141, meaning of name, 438


Underground Animals, 286

Underground Spirits, 317


Venus, morning star, legend of, 491, 503, 524

Vireo, 11

Vow, to give Sun-dance, 143, 174, 183; to attend Sun-dance, 229, 333, 384; to give Beaver Medicine ceremonial, 110, 124; in behalf of sick, 124, 304; to give Medicine Pipe ceremonial, 269; to give ceremonial of Painted Tipis, 212, 214; to give Medicine Bonnet ceremonial, 388; of Warriors, 318, 319; of Brings-down-the-Sun to speak the truth, 418


Wakes-up-last, murder of family, 152, 304, 504, 518

Warbler, myrtle, 11; yellow, 11, 481

War horse of Morning Eagle, 226

War Song, 277, 421, 514

War Tipi, 219-221

Wheel and arrow game, 392, 421

Whisky sale to Indians prohibited by Government, 518

White Calf, head chief, 34

White Grass, medicine man, 77, 323

White Throat, 389

White Weasel, Blackfeet name for author, 93, 401

Willow Creek, 193, 199

Windmaker, home of, 60, 352

Winter Season, name for, 486 Wissler, Dr. Clark, 519

Wolf Medicine, legend of, 473-478

Wolf Plume (Mu-koi-sa-po), owner of Beaver Bundle, 153, 467; initiation in Medicine Pipe Society, 257-270

Wolf Song, 243, 410, 503, 513

Wolf Trail, 324, 498, 506

Wolves, ravages of game by, 74

Woman's Pipe, 266

Women, morality of Blackfeet, 184, 185; position of, 188, 189; industries of, 230-237

Woodpecker, 11; song, 482

Wren, winter, 11


Yellowstone River, 1, 216, 469

Yellowthroat, 389; Maryland, 504