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Rattlesnakes have kiva. During summer they run about as rattle-snakes, but in winter they are Hopi, their snake skins hanging on pegs on wall of kiva. One winter it snows very heavily. Around house of locusts, who live at Tû'vanashavi, where is deep opening in earth, there is no snow, but elsewhere it is very deep. It remains so long many Hopi freeze to death. Snake chief sends Sand Rattlesnake to see what their fathers at Tû'vanashavi have to say about it. He becomes tired and cold, so he returns. Bull-snake goes, and he also returns. Racer then goes, and finally reaches place, and finds no snow quite distance around. It is warm and grass and many flowers grow. He enters kiva and locusts give him food. They play flutes in ceremony, and that is why it is so warm there. Locust chief asks why he has come. He tells them children are dying of cold, and asks them to come and assemble with them They dress and paint up and tell Racer that in four days they will come over. p. 311 Locust takes flute and blows path back to snake house, so that Racer arrives there in short time. Locusts come in evening of fourth day. Snakes and locusts have form of Hopi. Locusts are dressed in rabbit skins, and as they enter kiva it becomes warmer and warmer. Snake people soon begin to perspire. On leaving their own kivas, locusts have chirped through their flutes and snow began to melt, and when they reach Snake kiva it has disappeared. They sing song and dance, and when through with dancing they go home. Snakes are bathed in perspiration and sleep well that night. In morning ground is covered with water from melting snow.

Next: 85.--The Squirrel and the Chipmunk.