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p. 300


Oraíbi people have nothing to eat, as it does not rain for five years. All go away, leaving little boy and girl in village. Brother makes for sister little bird from pith of sunflower stalk. She plays with it, and, throwing it upwards, it becomes Humming-bird and flies away. Next morning bird flies into house and enters opening in wall. Boy puts hand into opening and finds little corn ear placed there by bird. They roast and eat it. Next day bird returns with larger corn ear, and so it does for four days. On fifth day it does not bring any corn and boy draws bird forth from opening in form in which he had made it. Little girl throws it upwards and bird flies away. It sits upon rock, looks southward, and detects cactus plant with single red blossom. Bird flies towards plant and removing it finds opening under it. Entering opening it is in kiva, where grass and herbs are growing. At north end is another opening through which bird passes to second kiva, where is corn with pollen. Bird finds opening into third kiva, where are grass, herbs and corn of all kinds. Here lives Mû'yingwa, god of Growth and Germination. Mû'yingwa asks why he is going about. Bird flies on his arm and tells him condition of things at Oraíbi, and asks him to come out and look after things. He says children are hungry. Mû'yingwa tells him to take what he wants. Bird takes roasting corn ear and carries it to opening. Children are thankful to bird and ask it to hunt their parents. It flies north and finds father and mother of children. They are much emaciated. Man asks bird to procure them some food. It flies away and tells children about parents. They ask it to bring them something to eat, and bird flies away. Mû'yingwa ascends to first kiva, and it rains little about Oraíbi. In four days he ascends to next kiva, and it again rains. He ascends to third kiva an d it rains considerably around Oraíbi. After four days more he emerges from last kiva and finds grasses and herbs growing. Parents of children and others return. Children grow up and become village chiefs and owners of Oraíbi.

Next: 52.--The Kalátötö Who Wished To Have Hair On His Head.