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Upon the death of a husband the widow had her hair all cut off. This was burned with her husband's body that he might have it with him in El-o-win as a reminder of her. Thus short hair became known as the badge of widowhood. After the body was burned its ashes were mixed with the rosin of the pine tree and this mixture smeared over the hands and face of the widow. This was done as a sign of mourning, and to render her unattractive to other men, thereby preventing any offers of remarriage until after a suitable time had elapsed. Each year a great ceremonial meeting was held at which the medicine man himself washed these stains from the face and hands of the widows. If the widow wished to remain true to the memory of her departed husband, and still feared offers of remarriage, she was privileged to apply a new coating. This was allowed to wear off, and as a preventative of any amorous advances was very effective, some of them presenting a particularly hideous and repulsive appearance. A widow was independent in the matter of marriage, but usually when consenting to remarry was presented with gifts by her new husband.

p. 121

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