General Ahiman Rezon, by Daniel Sickels, [1868], at
"There are many prominent emblems in this degree, teaching, first, the propriety of maintaining regularity of life, and attending to the due improvement of time, by conforming to the prescribed rules, for which eight hours are allotted to repose, eight to labor, and eight to the service of GOD. Secondly, the cleansing of our hearts and minds from every vice, is inculcated, thereby fitting our bodies as living stones for that spiritual edifice built by the Grand Architect of the Universe. There are many other emblems in this First Step, representing human life as being chequered with good and evil; pointing to the comforts and blessings that surround us, and impressing upon our minds the necessity of a reliance on Divine Providence. Our imperfect condition by nature is likewise adverted to, and the state of perfection to which we hope to arrive by virtuous education, aided by the blessing of GOD upon our own endeavors, and a due observance of the Holy Scriptures, as pointing out the whole duty of man. Indeed, everything in this degree is adapted to impress upon the mind of the candidate the necessity of maintaining purity of life and conduct, in order to ensure a happy immortality."STONE.