Original Hebrew of a Portion of Ecclesiasticus, by A.E. Cowley and A. Neubauer, [1897], at sacred-texts.com
(Cambridge, recto.)
XXXIX. 15c |
[With songs of the harp and of stringed instruments, |
and thus with a shout shalt thou say; |
16 |
All [the works of] God are good, |
and he supplieth every need in its season. |
17c |
. . . . appraise . . . . |
and the utterance of his mouth is his treasure. |
18 |
In [his] place he maketh his pleasure to prosper, |
and there is no restraint to his salvation. |
19 |
The works of all flesh are before him, |
and there is nothing hid from before his eyes. |
20 |
He beholdeth from everlasting to everlasting: |
[is there] limit to his salvation? |
20c |
There is nothing small or light with him, |
and there is nothing too wonderful or hard for him. |
21 |
None may say, Wherefore is this? |
or all things are chosen for their uses. |
21c |
None may [say], This is worse than that, |
for all things prevail in their season. |
22 |
He maketh his blessings to overflow as the Nile, |
and it saturateth the land like a river. |
23 |
For his wrath dispossesseth nations, |
and he turneth a watered land into salt. |
24 |
[The path]s of the perfect man are plain, |
so to strangers do they oppose themselves. |
25 |
[Good things] he allotted to the [g]ood from the beginning, |
so to the evil good and evil; |
26 |
[The chief things] for the life of man are water, |
and fire, and iron, and salt, |
26c |
[Flour of wheat], milk, and honey, |
the blood of the grape, fresh oil, and clothing. |
27 |
All th[ese] bring good to the [g]ood, |
so for the evil they are turned to evil; |
28 |
There be w[inds which are formed [for vengeance], |
. . . [they] remove mountains. |
28c |
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
(Cambridge, verso.)
29 |
Fire and hail, evil and pestilence, |
these also are [formed] for judgement. |
30 |
Beast of tooth, scorpion and cobra, |
and a sword of vengeance to ban [the wicked]. |
30c |
All these are created for their uses, |
and they are in his treasure-house, against the time when they are required. |
31 |
When he commandeth them they rejoice, |
and in their prescribed tasks they rebel not against his word. |
32 |
Therefore from the beginning I took my stand, and I considered, and set it down in writing; |
33 |
All the works of God are good; |
he sufficeth for every need in its season. |
34 |
None may say, This is evil, What is this? |
for he maketh all things to prevail in their season. |
35 |
Now with all (your) heart sing aloud, |
and bless the name of the H[oly One]. |
XL. 1 |
Great occupation hath God allotted, |
and a heavy yoke is upon the sons of men; |
1c |
From the day of his coming forth from his mother's womb, |
until the day of his returning to the mother of all living; |
3 |
From him that sitteth loftily on a throne, |
even unto him that is clothed in dust and ashes. |
4 |
From him that weareth a diadem and (priestly) plate, |
even unto him that weareth a mantle [of poverty]: |
5 |
Anger, jealousy, anxiety, and fear, |
the terror of death, strife, and contention: |
5c |
And in the time when he resteth upon his bed, |
the sleep of night changeth [his thoughts]; |
6 |
A little . . . . for a moment he is quiet, |
and from the midst of terror[s he is perturbed?]; |
6c |
. . . . . from the vision of his soul, |
(he is) as a fugitive [hurrying on before] the pursuer. |
9 |
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [aw]aketh |
. . . visions (?) . . . rest. |
8 |
. . . . . . . . . . . . . |
. . . . . . . . . . . . . |
(Oxford, fol. 1 recto.)
9 |
[Pestile]nce and bloodshed, fever and drought, |
devastation and destruction, evil and death. |
10 |
Against the wicked, evil is created, |
and because of him ruin departeth [not?]. |
11 |
All things that are from the earth return to the earth, |
and that which is from the height (returneth) to the height. |
13 |
Riches born of (?) riches are like an ever-flowing stream, |
and as a mighty water-course in the flashing of thunder: |
14 |
With his lifting up of (his) hands men rejoice, |
for suddenly he perisheth for ever. |
15 |
The branch of violence shall not be unpunished, |
for the root of the godless is on the point of a crag. |
16 |
Like axes (?) upon the bank of a stream, |
before all rain they are extinguished. |
17 |
But kindness shall never be moved, |
and righteousness (or almsgiving) shall be established for ever. |
18 |
A life of wine and strong drink is sweet, |
but he that findeth a treasure is above them both. |
19 |
A child and a city establish a name, |
but he that findeth wisdom is above them both. |
19c |
Offspring (of cattle) and planting make a name flourish, |
but a woman beloved is above them both. |
20 |
Wine and strong drink cause the heart to exult, |
but the love of lovers is above them both. |
21 |
Pipe and harp make sweet the song, |
but a sincere tongue is above them both. |
22 |
[Grace and beauty] delight the eye, |
but the growing things of the field are above them both. |
23 |
[A friend and a partner] behave [as occasion requires], |
but a prudent wife is above them both. |
24 |
A brother [and a helper are for a ti]me of adversity, |
but righteousness (or almsgiving) delivereth above them both. |
25 |
Gold and silver [make the foot stand sure]: |
but [good counsels] is above them both. |
26 |
Riches and strength lift up the heart, |
but the fear of God is above them both. |
(fol. 1 verso.)
26c |
In the fear of the Lord there is no want, |
and it needeth not to seek for [treasure] with it. |
27 |
The fear of God is as an Eden of blessing, |
and so all glory is its canopy. |
28 |
My son, live not a life that subsists on giving: |
better is he that is taken away (in death) than he that is importunate. |
29 |
A man that looketh at the table of a stranger, |
his life is not to be numbered as a life; |
29c |
His dainties are a loathing of the soul; |
to a man that hath understanding (they are as) pains of the bowels. |
30 |
Begging is sweet to the greedy man, |
but in his inward parts it burneth as fire. |
XLI. 1 |
Ah Death! how [bit]ter is the remembrance of thee |
to a man that liveth qui[etly] in his place; |
1c |
To a man that is at ease and prospereth in all things, |
and that hath yet strength to receive pleasure. |
2 |
Aha Death! for acceptable (lit. good) is thy sentence |
unto him that hath no might, and lacketh strength; |
2c |
(To) the man that stumbleth and striketh against all things, |
who loveth contradiction and hath lost hope. |
3 |
Be not afraid of death (which is) thy sentence, |
remember that they which went before and they which come after (will be) with thee. |
4 |
This is the portion of all flesh from God, |
and why dost thou refuse the law of the Most High? |
4c |
Whether it be for a thousand years, or an hundred, or ten, |
there are no corrections in Sh[eo]l. |
5 |
A reprobate progeny is a byword of the evil, |
and the offspring of the foolish is [. . . of the wic]ked. |
6 |
From an unrighteous son cometh a rule of evil, |
[and with his] seed [abideth want] |
7 |
An ungodly father a [chi]l[d] doth curse, |
because [on his] acc[ount he suffereth reproach]. |
8 |
[Woe] to [you, ye wicked, |
because ye have forsaken the law of the Most] High. |
9 |
If [ye increase, it shall be into] the hands of bodily mishap; |
[and if ye] beget, it shall be for sighing. |
(fol. 2 recto.)
If ye stumble, it shall be for perpetual joy; |
9b |
and if ye die, it shall be for a curse. |
10 |
All things from nothing turn to nothing again, |
so the godless (go) from emptiness to emptiness. |
11 |
The vanity of man is in his body, |
but a godly name shall not be cut off. |
12 |
Fear for (thy) name, for that will accompany thee, |
more than thousands of precious treasures. |
13 |
The goodness of life hath days that may be numbered, |
but goodness of name hath days without number. |
14b |
Buried wisdom and a hidden treasure, |
what profit is in them both? |
15 |
Better is a man that hideth his foolishness, |
than a man that hideth his wisdom. |
The discipline of shame. |
14a |
Hearken, O children, to the discipline of shame, |
16 |
and be abashed according to my judgement. |
16b |
Not every kind of shame is it fitting to retain, |
nor is every kind of abashment approved. |
17 |
Be ashamed before father and mother, of whoredom; |
before a prince sitting (in judgement), of a lie; |
18 |
Before master and mistress of deceit; |
before the congregation and the people, of transgression; |
18c |
[Before a partner] and a friend, of trespass; |
19 |
and before the place where thou sojournest, of [a stranger; |
19b |
[Of breaking an oath and a covenant, |
of stretching out the elbow at meat; |
19d |
Of refusing to grant a request; |
21 |
of reckoning the face of thy friend; |
21b |
Of reckoning the dividing of a portion; |
20 |
before him that saluteth, of silence; |
20b |
Of gazing on a woman [that is a harlot?]; |
21c |
and of . . . . . |
22c |
Before a friend, of reproachful [word]s; |
and after giving, spurn not. |
(fol. 2 verso.)
XLII. 1 |
Of repeating a word that thou hearest, |
and of laying bare any secret counsel: |
lc |
So shalt thou be truly shamefast, |
and finding favour in the sight of all living. |
1e |
But of these things be not ashamed, |
and accept not persons unto sin: |
2 |
Of the law of the Most High and the statute, |
and of judgement to do justice to the wicked, |
3 |
Of reckoning with a partner and a master, |
and of the division of an inheritance and a property, |
4a |
Of the small dust of the scales and balance, |
5a |
and of exchange by ephah and stone (weight), |
4b |
Of buying between much and little, |
5c |
and of smiting a deceitful [servant]. |
6 |
Upon an evil woman sets a seal, |
but a place of weak hands thou mayest open. |
7 |
In the place where thou committest a deposit, [count, |
and let giving and receiving all be in writing. |
8 |
(Be not ashamed) of the correction of the simple and the fool, |
or of him that is grey-headed and very aged, and that (yet) taketh counsel for whoredom. |
8c |
So shalt thou be well-advised in truth, |
and lowly before all living. |
9 |
A daughter is to a father a deceptive treasure, |
and the care of her [putteth away his sleep]: |
9c |
In her youth lest she commit adultery, |
and in her virginity lest [she be defiled], |
10 |
In her virginity lest she be seduced, |
and in the house of [her lord lest she bear not?], |
10c |
In the house of her father lest [she play the harlot?], |
and in the house of her hu[sband lest] . . . . |
11 |
[My son, keep a strict watch over thy daughter, |
lest she make thee] a name of evil odour, |
11c |
A byword in the city and a cursing of the people, |
and shame thee [in the congregation of the gate. |
(fol. 3 recto.)
11e |
In the place where she lodgeth let there be no lattice, |
nor a chamber looking upon the entrance round about. |
12 |
Let her not show her beauty to any male, |
and in the house of women let her not converse. |
13 |
For from a garment cometh forth a moth, |
and from a woman a woman's wickedness. |
14 |
Better is the wickedness of a man than the goodness of a woman, |
and the house of her that causeth shame poureth forth reproach. |
15 |
I will remember now the works of God, |
and that which I have seen I will recount. |
15c |
By the word of God is his pleasure, |
and him that doeth his pleasure he hath accepted. |
16 |
The rising sun is revealed over all things, |
so the glory of the Lord is over all his works. |
17 |
The saints of God do not suffice |
to recount the wonders of the Lord'. |
17c |
God hath given strength unto his hosts, |
that they may endure firmly before his glory. |
18 |
He searcheth out the deep and the heart, |
and understandeth all their nakednesses; |
19 |
Declaring things that are past and that are to come, |
and revealing the remotest of hidden things. |
20 |
No knowledge is lacking to him, |
and no matter escapeth him. |
21 |
[The might of his wisdom] he hath regulated, |
he is one from everlasting. |
21c |
Nothing [hath been added (unto him), or] diminished (from him), |
and he hath no need of any instructor. |
23a |
He [establisheth all things for ever], |
25a |
one thing upon another for the sake of its good. |
25b |
And who can [be filled with [beholding (his) beauty?] |
XLIII. 1a |
. . . . . . . . . . |
XLIII. 1b |
And the body of heaven beholding his majesty, |
XLII. 23b |
and all things are obedient to every use. |
(fol. 3 verso.)
24 |
All of them are different, one from another, |
and he hath made none of them [in vain]. |
XLIII. 2 |
The sun, when he goeth forth, poureth out warmth: |
how terrible are the works of the Lord! |
3 |
By his shining he heateth the world; |
before his drought who can maintain himself? |
4 |
A fierce furnace is established by them (?), |
the sun being sent forth setteth the mountains in a blaze. |
4c |
A tongue of light consumeth the inhabited(country), |
and with its fire the eye is scorched; |
5 |
For great is the Lord that made him, |
and (with) his words he maketh brilliant (?) his mighty ones. |
6 |
Moreover moon by moon the seasons return, |
(for) a limited rule, but an everlasting sign; |
7 |
By her are the appointed feast and the prescribed times, |
and in her circuit [she doeth] (her) business; |
8 |
With every (new) month she is renewed, |
how terrible is she in her changing! |
8c |
An instrument of the host of the (rain-)vessels on high, |
paving the firmament with her shining: |
9 |
The beauty of heaven, and the glory of a star, |
and her light shining in the heights of God. |
10 |
By the word of God a statute is established, |
and they sleep not in their watches. |
11 |
Behold the (rain)bow, and bless him that made it, |
for exceeding majestic is it [in glory; |
12 |
It compasseth with its glory the vault (of heaven), |
and the hand of God hath stretched it out in [its pride]. |
13 |
His might marketh out the lightning, |
and maketh brilliant the flashes [in judgement]. |
14 |
On that account he hath created a treasure-house, |
and hath made [the clouds?] to fly forth . . . . |
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
17 |
The voice of his thunder maketh his land to be in anguish, |
the hot winds of the north, the tempest, and the whirlwind. |
(fol. 4 recto.)
17c |
Like darting flashes he sheddeth abroad his snow, |
and like locusts (when) they settle is the falling down thereof; |
18 |
The beauty of its whiteness dazzleth the eyes, |
and the heart is disquieted at the raining of it. |
19 |
The hoar-frost also he poureth out like salt, |
and maketh it to bloom with flowers like sapphire. |
20 |
The cold of the north wind he causeth to blow, |
and congealeth his spring like rottenness (?). |
20c |
Over every standing water he spreadeth a crust, |
and a pond putteth on as it were a breastplate. |
21 |
It burneth up the produce like drought, |
and the stateliness of growing things as a flame. |
22 |
The dropping of a cloud healeth all things, |
(even) dew releasing (?) the parched young grass. |
23 |
His counsel burneth up (?) the great (deep), |
and he planteth islands in the ocean. |
24 |
They that go down to the sea tell of its bounds, |
when we hear it with our ears, we are astonished. |
25 |
Therein are wonders, the marvels of his work, |
variety of all things living, and the mighty things of the great (deep). |
26 |
By reason of him [his] messenger prospereth, |
and by his words he performeth (his) pleasure. |
27 |
More like this we will not add, |
and the conclusion of the matter is, He is all. |
28 |
Let us still be magnifying him, for we shall not search him out, |
and he is great beyond all his works. |
29 |
[The Lord is] exceeding [terrible], |
and wonderful are his mighty acts. |
30 |
[Ye that magnify the Lord], lift up your voice all that ye can, for there is yet more; |
30c |
ye that exalt him, renew your strength, and be not weary, for ye will not [search (him) out]. |
32 |
Many [hidden things hath he established (?) more than] these; |
a little only have I seen of his works. |
33 |
All things [hath the Lord made], |
and to [the godly hath he given wisdom]. |
(fol. 4 verso.)
XLIV. 1 |
Let me now praise godly men, |
our fathers in their generations. |
2 |
Great glory the Most High allotted (to them), |
and they were great from days of old; |
3 |
Rulers of the earth in their royalty, |
and men of renown in their might; |
3c |
Who gave counsel by their understanding, |
and saw all things in their prophecy; |
4 |
Princes of nations in their prudence, |
and potentates in their care; |
4c |
Wise of meditation in their writing, |
and governing in their watchfulness; |
5 |
Who sought out music according to rule, |
and took up the proverb in writing; |
6 |
Men of worth, and supported with strength, |
and that lived quietly upon their places. |
9 |
All these in their generation (were honoured), |
and from their birth was their glory. |
8 |
There be of them that have left a name, |
that men might tell of it in their inheritance; |
9 |
And there be of them which have no memorial, |
and have ceased as they have ceased; |
9c |
They were as though they had not been, |
and their children after them. |
10 |
Nevertheless these were godly men, |
and their hope [shall not perish; |
11 |
With their seed their goodness remaineth sure, |
and their inheritance unto chil[dren's children]; |
13 |
Their memory standeth fast for ever, |
and their righteousness [shall not be forgotten]; |
14 |
[Their bodies were buried in p]eac[e, |
but their name liveth] unto all generations a. |
16 |
Enoch [was f]ound perfect, and walked with the Lord, and was taken, |
being an example (lit. sign) of knowledge to all generations. |
(fol. 5 recto.)
17 |
Noah the righteous was found perfect, |
in a season of destruction he became the successor; |
17c |
For his sake was there a remnant, |
and through the covenant with him, the flood ceased; |
18 |
By an everlasting sign was it made with him, |
that he would not destroy all flesh. |
19 |
Abraham was the father of a multitude of nations, |
he put no blemish upon his glory; |
20 |
Who kept the commandment of the Most High, |
and entered into a covenant with him; |
20c |
In his flesh he made him an ordinance, |
and when he was proved he was found faithful. |
21 |
Therefore he promised him with an oath, |
that he would bless the nations in his seed, |
21e |
To cause them to inherit [from se]a to sea, |
and from the River unto the ends of the earth. |
22 |
To Isaac also did he raise up a son, |
for the sake of Abraham his father; |
22c |
He gave him (?)the covenant of every ancestor, |
23 |
and the blessing rested on the head of Israel; |
23b |
And he confirmed him in the blessing, |
and gave him his inheritance; |
23d |
And he set him in tribes, |
in twelve parts. |
23f |
[And he brought ou]t of him a man, |
who found favour in the sight of all living, |
XLV. 1 |
[A man beloved of] God and men, |
(even) Moses, whose memory is unto good'. |
2 |
[And G]od 9 glorified him |
and strengthened him in the heights (of heaven). |
3 |
By [his words] . . . . . . . . . . ., |
and gave him boldness before the king; |
3c |
And gave him a charge unto [his people], |
and sh[ewed him of his glory]. |
4 |
For his faithfulness and meekness, |
he chose him out of all [flesh]; |
(fol. 5 verso.)
5 |
And made him to hear his voice, |
and caused him to draw near into the thick darkness; |
5c |
And set a commandment in his hand, |
even the law of life and understanding; |
5e |
To teach in Jacob his statutes, |
and his testimonies and judgements unto Israel. |
6 |
And he exalted a holy man, even Aaron of the tribe of Levi, |
7 |
and set him for an everlasting ordinance; |
7b |
And put majesty upon him, |
and he ministered unto him in his glory. |
7d |
And he girded him about (as) with the towering horns of a wild-ox, |
and clothed him with bells. |
8 |
And he clothed him with the perfection of adornment, |
and adorned him with glory and strength; |
8c |
The breeches, the coats, and the robe, |
9 |
and [compassed him] with bells, |
9b |
And pomegranates, a multitude round about, |
to make music with his steps; |
9d |
To make the sound of him to be heard in the inmost temple, |
for a memorial to the children of his people. |
10 |
Holy garments, of gold, blue, and purple, |
the work of the designer: |
10c |
The breastplate of judgement, the ephod, and the waist-cloth, |
11 |
and scarlet, the work of the weaver; |
11b |
Pleasant stones upon the breast-plate, |
the engravings of a signet with settings; |
11d |
Every precious stone for a memorial with graven writing, |
according to the number of [the tribes of Israel; |
12 |
The crown of pure gold, the robe, and the mitre, |
and the plate, [having engraven on it, as on a signet,] Holiness; |
12c |
Majesty, glory, and the praise of strength, |
the desire [of the eyes, and the perfection of b]eauty. |
13 |
Be[fore them were no]t [any such, |
and no] stranger [should put them on for ever]. |
33c |
He [trusted him and] his sons after this manner, |
and thus (should) his sons (do) throughout their generations; |
(fol. 6 recto.)
14 |
His meal-offering should be wholly burnt, |
and every day twice continually. |
15 |
And Moses filled his hand, |
and anointed him with the holy oil. |
15c |
And it was unto him an everlasting covenant, |
and to his seed as the days of heaven, |
15e |
To minister and to execute the priest's office unto him, |
and to bless his people in his name. |
16 |
And he chose him out of all living, |
to bring near the burnt-offering and the fat pieces; |
16c |
And to burn a sweet savour and a memorial, |
and to make atonement for the children of Israel. |
17 |
And he gave him his commandments, |
and made him to have authority over statute and judgement. |
17c |
So he taught his people statutes, |
and judgements unto the children of Israel. |
18 |
But strangers were incensed against him, |
and were jealous of him in the wilderness; |
18e |
The men of Dathan and Abiram, |
and the congregation of Korah in the violence of their anger. |
19 |
And the Lord saw it and was angered, |
and consumed them in the heat of his anger; |
19c |
And he brought upon them a sign, |
and devoured them with his flaming fire. |
20 |
And [he increased] to Aaron his glory, |
and gave him his inheritance; |
20e |
The holy f[irst-fruits] he gave to him for bread, |
21a |
that they should eat the fire-offerings of the Lord; |
20d |
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . they should divide, |
21b |
and (they should be) a gift to him and to his seed; |
22 |
Only [in the land of his people] he should not inherit, |
and amongst them he should not divide an inheritance; |
22e |
The fire-offerings of the Lord [should be their portion and their inheritance] |
. . . . . . . . Israel. |
23 |
Moreover Phinehas, the son of Eleazar, |
in might . . . . . |
(fol. 6 verso.)
23c |
In his jealousy for the God of all, |
and stood in the breach of his people. |
23e |
Whose heart made him willing, |
and he made atonement for the children of Israel. |
24 |
Therefore for him also did he establish an ordinance, |
a covenant of peace to maintain the sanctuary; |
24c |
Which should be to him and to his seed, |
an high priesthood for ever. |
25 |
Also his covenant (was) with David |
the son of Jesse, of the tribe of Judah. |
25a |
An inheritance of fire in presence of his glory |
was the inheritance of Aaron unto all his seed. |
25e |
And now bless ye the Lord, the good, |
who hath crowned you with glory; |
26 |
And given you wisdom of heart, |
26c |
that your goodness [and] your [mig]ht be not forgotten through perpetual generations. |
XLVI. 1 |
A mighty man of valour was Joshua the son of Nun, |
the minister of Moses in prophecy, |
1c |
Who was formed that there might be in his days |
a great salvation to his chosen ones; |
le |
To execute vengeance upon the enemy, |
and to give Israel his inheritance. |
2 |
How glorious was he when he stretched out his hand, |
when he swung the javelin against the city! |
3 |
Who was he that could stand before him? |
for he fought] the battles of the Lord. |
4 |
Did not the sun stand still by his hand, |
so that one day [became two]? |
5 |
For he called unto God Most High, |
when he was pressed upon [round about]. |
5c |
And God Most High answered him with stones |
of [hail and coa]ls [of fir]e; |
6 |
. . . . . . . . . . . . . |
and in [the descent] |
6c |
That every banned nation [might kn]ow |
that the Lord watched their battles. |
(fol. 7 recto.)
6e |
[Yea], because he followed fully after God, |
7 |
and in the days of Moses wrought godliness, |
7b |
[H]e, and Caleb the son of Jephunneh, |
in standing fast when the assembly cast off restraint, |
7d |
To turn away wrath from the congregation, |
and to still the evil report; |
8 |
Therefore they also, two alone, were reserved, |
out of six hundred thousand men on foot, |
8e |
To bring them into their inheritance, |
a land flowing with milk and honey. |
9 |
And he gave strength unto Caleb, |
and even unto old age it remained with him; |
9c |
To make him to tread upon the high places of the land, |
and that his seed also should possess an inheritance; |
10 |
That all the seed of Jacob might know |
that it was good to follow fully after the Lord. |
11 |
Also the judges every one by his name, |
every one whose heart had not turned aside, |
11c |
And who drew not back from (following) after God-- |
may their memory be blessed, 12b and their name succeed to their sons. |
13 |
The lover of his people, & acceptable to his Maker, |
(was) he who was lent from his mother's womb, |
13c |
A nazirite of the Lord in prophecy, |
Samuel, who was judge and priest. |
13e |
[The pro]phet of God established a kingdom, |
and anointed leaders' over the people. |
14 |
By [his law he commanded the congregation, |
and the God of Jacob visited (them). |
13 |
By . . . . he was [san]ctified a gazer (prophet), |
and by his word also he was confirmed as a shepherd. |
16 |
He also [called] unto God, |
[when] his [ene]mies [pressed hi]m round about, |
16c |
When he offered up [a sucking lamb, |
17 |
and [the Lord] thun[dered out of heaven]; |
17b |
With a mighty crash his voice was heard, |
18 |
and he subdued the garrisons of the foe, and des[troy]ed all the lords of the Philistines. |
(fol. 7 verso.)
19 |
And at the time of his resting upon his (last) bed, he called the Lord and his anointed to witness, (saying,) |
19c |
From [whom] have I [taken] a ransom or a secret gift? and no man answered against him. |
19e |
Also till the time of his end he was found prudent in the sight of the Lord and in the sight of all living. |
20 |
And even after his death he was sought, and declared to the king his ways, 20c and lifted up his voice from the earth in prophecy. |
XLVII. 1 |
Moreover after him rose up Nathan, |
to stand before David. |
2 |
For like fat separated from the holy (offering), |
so was David (separated) from Israel. |
3 |
He mocked at lions as at a kid, |
and at bears as at the herds of Bastian. |
4 |
In his youth he smote a mighty man, |
and took away an everlasting [reproach], |
4c |
When he swung his hand upon the sling, |
and brake the pr[id]e of Goliath. |
5 |
For he called unto God Most High, |
and he put strength in his right hand, |
5c |
To thrust away the man skilled in battles, |
and to exalt the horn of his people. |
6 |
Therefore the daughters sang of him, |
and titled him with ten thousand. |
6c |
When he had put on the diadem he fought, |
7 |
and subdued the adversary round about; |
7b |
And set nakedness among the Philistines, |
and brake [their h]orn in pieces unto this day. |
8 |
In all his works he gave thanks to God |
Most High [with words of glory, |
8c |
With his whole heart loving him that made him, |
and every [day] . . . . . . . |
9 |
Stringed instruments of song (he sets) be[fore the altar], |
and the sound of [. . . . and of harps he set in order. |
10 |
. . . . . . . |
. . . . [year by y]ear. |
10c |
While [they praised his holy name, |
the sanctuary resounded before the morning. |
(fol. 8 recto.)
11 |
. . . . the Lord took away his transgression, |
and exalted his horn for ever, |
11c |
[And ga]ve him the ordinance of the kingdom, |
and established his throne over Jerusalem. |
12 |
[And] among the people there arose none after him, |
an understanding son, dwelling securely. |
13 |
Solomon reigned in days of prosperity, |
and God gave rest to him round about, |
13c |
Who established an house for his name, |
and set up a sanctuary for ever. |
14 |
How wast thou wise in thy youth! |
and didst make instruction to overflow like the Nile: |
15 |
The earth . . . . . . . . . . |
and thou didst celebrate song in the height (?); |
16 |
With songs, proverbs, dark sayings, and figures, |
thou didst greatly move the nations: |
17 |
Thou wast called by the glorious name, |
which is called over Israel, |
18c |
And thou didst heap up gold as iron, |
and didst multiply silver like lead; |
29 |
But thou gavest thy loins unto women, |
and lettest them have dominion over thy body; |
20 |
So [thou] didst put a blemish upon thy glory, |
and didst profane thy couch, |
20c |
[To bring] wrath upon thy issue, |
and sighing upon thy bed; |
21 |
That [they should become] two tribes, |
and that out or Ephraim a kingdom of violence (might arise). |
22 |
[Nevertheless] God forsaketh not mercy, |
nor letteth any of his words fall to the ground. |
22c |
He will not [cut off from his chosen] progeny and offspring, |
nor destroy them that [lo]ve him; |
22e |
So he gave unto [Jacob a remnant], |
and to [David] . . . . |
23 |
And Solomon slept. . . . . . . . |
and left of his [seed] af[ter him]. |
(fol. 8 verso.)
23c |
Ample in foolishness and lacking understanding, |
Rehoboam by [his counsel let loose [the people; |
23e |
Until there arose--let him have no memorial!--Jeroboam, the son of Nebat, who made [Israel to si]n. |
23g |
And he gave unto Ephraim a stumbling-block, |
24b |
to drive them out [of] their land. |
24a |
And his sin was great exceedingly, |
25 |
and he sold himself to all evil. |
Till there arose a prophet like fire, |
whose words were like a burning furnace. |
2 |
And he brake for them the staff of bread, |
and by his jealousy made them few in number. |
3 |
By the word of God he shut up the heavens, |
. . . . . . . . . . fires. |
4 |
How terrible wast thou, O Elijah! |
he who is like thee may glory! |
5 |
Who didst raise up one that expired from death, |
and from Sheol, according to the will of the Lord; |
6 |
Who broughtest down kings to the pit, |
and honourable men [from] their beds; |
8 |
Who anointedst one filled with retribution, |
and a prophet to succeed in thy place; |
7 |
Who heardest reproofs in Sinai, |
and judgements of vengeance in Horeb; |
9 |
Who wast taken up by a whirlwind on high, |
and by troops of fire [into heaven]; |
10 |
Who art written down as ready for a season, |
to snake anger to cease before . . . . . . |
10c |
To turn the heart of the fathers to the children, |
and to give understanding to the tr[ibes of Isra]el. |
11 |
Happy he that saw thee and died (?) . . . . |
. . . . . |
12 |
Elijah. . . . . . . . |
and Elisha . . . . . . . . |
12c |
With a do[uble] measures he multiplied signs, |
and he was learned in every utterance of his mouth. |
(fol. 9 recto.)
12e |
All his life long he quaked before none, |
and no flesh had dominion over his spirit; |
13 |
No matter was too hard for him, |
and from its place his flesh prophesied; |
14 |
In his life he did wonders, |
and in his death marvellous works. |
15 |
For all this the people turned not, |
and ceased not from their sins, |
15c |
Till they were rooted up from their land, |
and were scattered through all the earth. |
15e |
But there were left to Judah a few, |
and still a judge to the house of David. |
16 |
There were of them that dealt uprightly, |
and there were of them that trespassed wondrously. |
17 |
Hezekiah strengthened his city, |
when he turned aside waters into the midst of it, |
17c |
And hewed the rocks with brass, |
and stopped up mountains for a pool. |
18 |
In his days came up Sennacherib, |
and sent Rabshakeh; |
18c |
And he stretched out his hand against Sion, |
and blasphemed God in his pride. |
19 |
[Then were] they melted in the pride of their heart, |
and were in anguish as a woman in travail; |
20 |
So they called] unto God Most High, |
and spread forth their hands unto him; |
20c |
And he [heard] the voice of their prayer, |
and saved them by the hand of Isaiah; |
21 |
And [he smote the c]amp of the Assyrian, |
and discomfited them with the plague. |
22 |
[For Hezekiah [did] that which was go[od, |
and] was strong in the ways of David. |
22c |
. . . . . . . . . |
. . . . . . . . . . |
23 |
. . . . . . . . . |
. . . . . . . . . . |
(fol. 9 verso.)
24 |
By a spirit of might he saw the end, |
and comforted the mourners of Sion. |
25 |
For ever he declared things that should be, |
and hidden things before they came. |
XLIX. 1 |
The name of Josiah is like incense of sweet spices, |
salted, the work of the perfumer; |
1c |
His memory is sweet as honey on the palate, |
and as music at the banquet of wine. |
2 |
For he was grieved for our backslidings, |
and he made the abominations of vanity to cease; |
3 |
And he made his heart perfect toward God, |
and in days of violence he wrought godliness. |
4 |
Except David, Hezekiah, and Josiah, |
they all did corruptly; |
4e |
And forsook the law of the Most High, |
the kings of Judah, till they were ended. |
5 |
So he turned their horn backward, |
and (gave) their glory to a foolish, foreign nation; |
6 |
And they set on fire the holy city, |
and made her ways desolate. |
6e |
By the hand of Jeremiah, for they afflicted him, |
yet from the womb he was formed (to be) a prophet, |
7c |
To pluck up and to break down and to destroy (and) to overthrow, |
and in like manner to build up, to plant, and to make strong. |
8 |
Ezekiel saw the vision, |
and declared divers kinds of chariot. |
9 |
Also he made mention of Job, |
who maintained all the w[ays of righ]teousness. |
10 |
Moreover the twelve prophets, |
may their strength flou[rish out of their pla]ces. |
10c |
Who recovered Jacob to health, |
and restored him by . . . . . . . . |
11 |
[How shall we magni]fy [Zerubbabel]? |
. . . . . . . . . . |
12 |
. . . . . . . . . . |
. . . . . . . . . . |