Sacred Texts
Completion With The Ancestry of The Prophet (PUH)
We've pointed out
before that it is true what the prophet said about hisself "I am the
son of the two whom ransomed for" and it is interpreted by trustful
companions for the prophet (PUH) and by his Household (PUT) that it
points out to his fathers `Abdullah ben `Bd Al-Muttalib and Ishmael ben
Abraham (PUT), and one of the tidings about this matter is what is
attributed to Al-Ridhâ (PUH) after asking him about this saying,
he said: meaning he (the prophet) is the son of Ishmael ben Abraham and
`Abdullah ben `Abd Al-Muttalib, and for Ishmael he is the son that was
mentioned in quran, and when he was about to be slain God sent a ransom
for him which iwas a great ram, grey in color, [some describtion here I
could not understand] and used to live before that in paradise for
forty years and it did not get out of a female, and everything that is
sacrified with in Minâ until this very day [in pilgrimage] is for
Ishmael until the doomsday. [another describtion follow which I can not
understand fully].
Then after that he (PUH) mentioned the story of `Abdullah ben `Abd
Al-Muttalib (PUH)..etc. So, no doubt that Ishmael ben Abraham is a
father for the prophet (PUH) and his Household (PUT), and if Ishmael
was slain then all of this holy tree (chain) would have been lost, and
they are the secret of existance and the reason for finding this
creation, No doubt that the prophet (PUH) and his Household (PUT) after
him are the leaders of this creation and better than prophets and
messengers before them and the rest of angels that are close to God, so
peace unto them and God's blessings as well. The great historian and
owner of Muruj Al-Ðahab, Al-Mas`udi, mentioned the ancestry for the
prophet (PUH) that is connected to Ishmael ben Abraham (PUH) when he
started talking about his conditions concerning his birth, sending as a
prophet, his traveling to Medina and his death, and he said: He is
Muhammad ben `Abdullah ben `Abd Al-Muttalib ben Hâshim ben `Abd
Manâf ben Qosay ben Kilâb ben Morrah ben Lu'ay ben
Ghâlib ben Fahr ben Mâlik ben Al-Nadhor, ben Kanânah
ben Khozaymah ben Modrakah ben Aliâs ben Modhar ben Nizâr
ben Mo`ad ben `Adnân ben Od ben Adad ben Nahor ben Ya`ur ben
Ya`rub ben Yashjob ben Nâbit (Nabioth) ben Ishmael ben Abraham
ben Terah. Then he continued counting his fathers until reaching Shem
ben Noah and then reaching Seth ben Adam (PUT) and we've mentioned that
Ishmael had twelve sons as mentioned in Torah and Torah mentioned their
names and mentioned that all of them were tribal heads.
What is mentioned about the ancestry of `Adnân is agreeable by
all and some tidings about its rightness been told, but the names
coming after `Adnân are controversial, and for this they (the
Household) mentioned that their grandfather the prophet (PUH) used to
name his fathers until `Adnân then he stops and says: lied the
ancestry foretellers. There is no doubt that the prophet and his
Household (PUT) know better their ancestors and for this they
emphasized on their connection with Ishmael ben Abraham, but because of
the many differences in the spelling of many names that fall between
the two names of the grandfathers (Ishmael and `Adnân) and
because of the hardness of same names they usually stop the chain, and
it is reported to them that they ordered not to say their ancestry up
to Ishmael (PUH), and this is true as witnessed for there is another
chain mentioned in books which has different names and length as well.
[then comes lines about the second chain, which emphasizes only on the
different names].
[A whole paragraph here that just emphasizes that telling the ancestry
of the prophet (PUH) should be ended up at `Adnân because of the
hardness of names and the different length been told for chains. Not
translated because of time consuming matter for nothing new]
What made me talk about such a matter before its time is the excessive
need for it, and we've mentioned that Ishmael (PUH) had twelve sons,
and it is known that the prophet (PUH) is connected to him, and
we would like to know by which descendants he is connected to Ishmael ,
and from the previous discussions we see that one form says that his
gradnfather is Þâbit and three other forms agree that his
grandfather was Faydar ben Ishmael ben Abraham (PUT), and both of the
forms are not exactly mentioned in Torah, but the second one which is
Faydar is close somehow to the spelling of Qaydâr and maybe this
is the truth, but maybe some letters change or added because of the
long time period since that time and because of many people carried
such tidings or it might be just because of printing mistakes.
But Al-Mas`udi in Muruj Al-Ðahab, when he came to mention the
conditions of Ishmael ben Abraham (PUH), he mentioned a quite useful
sentence for this occasion, so he said: Then Ishamel took care of
the House after the death of his father Abraham, and God made him a
prophet and send him to the giants (?) and to the tribes of Yemen and
he tried to ban them from worshipping idols but only few did follow
him, and Ishmael had twelve children and they are: Fâ'iþ,
Qaydâr, Erbel, Meem, Masma`, Duma, Dawâm, Meeshâ,
Hadâd, Heem, Qaturâ and Mâsh [compare with the list
mentioned in the 9th section, this list mentioned here is more closer
to the one in Torah]. The commandment of Abraham was transformed to
Ishmael after his death [meaning: Ishmael was the viceroy of his
father], and Ishmael transfered it to his brother Isaac, and some said
to his son Qaydâr ben Ishmael. Ishmael was one hundred and thirty
seven years old when he died and been buried in the Holy Mosque in the
position that was kept for the black stone, and the House conditions
were took care of by Fâ'iþ ben Ishmael (PUH) and did as his
father used to do, and even some say that he was the viceroy of his
father Ishmael (PUH). I say, maybe most of them depend on what is
mentioned in Torah because it was the first, and if it was right as it
is was revealed on the heart of Moses ben Amram (PUH) then why not
following it since it is clearly and good clue, and an investigation
about it and about its people later on if God desired so, and to God be
the words of thanks and prays over His beloved the Chosen and his
Household, and over the rest of prophets and messengers.
Next: Isaac ben Abraham