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p. 667


The Roman numerals refer to the Preface, the Arabic figures to the Work.

Abbreviations:--s. for son, d, for daughter, w. for wife, k. for king.


ABHAYA, s. of Dharma, p. 55, n. 13.

Abhijit, a Yádava chief, 436.

Abhimáni, an Agni, 83.

Abhimanyu, s. of Chákshusha, 98. s. of Arjuna, 459, n. 5. 460.

Abhiniveśa, 'dread of suffering,' 34, n. 2.

Ábhíras, a people, 189. 195. 481. a race of kings, 474. 475, n. 64.

Abhisáras, a people, 191.

Abhútarajasas, a class of deities, 262.

Abhyutthitáśwa, a prince, 386.

Abiria, country of the Ábhíras, 195, n. 154.

Acháras, observances of caste and order, 291. of a householder, 300.

Achyuta, 'the imperishable,' a name of Vishńu, 8, n. 5.

Adbhuta, Indra of the ninth Manwantara, 268.

Adharma, a Prajápati, 49, n. 2, son of Brahmá, 55, n. 14, married to Hinsá, 55. their children, 56. married to Mrishá: their children, 55, n. 14.

Adhipurusha, 'supreme spirit,' 93, n. 3.

Adhiratha, a prince, 446.

Adhivájya (Adhirájya), a country, 188.

Adhośiras, a hell, 207. sins punished in, 208.

Adhrishyá, a river, 183.

Adhwaryu, reader of prayers, 276.

Ádi, the Bráhma Puráńa, xvi. a minor Puráńa, lviii.

Adína, a prince, 412.

Adití, d. of Daksha, w. of Kaśyapa, 122, 348. receives the earrings produced at the churning of the ocean, 78, n. 8. receives them from Krishńa, and praises him, 534.

Áditya, 'the sun,' gives the Syamantaka gem to Satrájit, 425.

Ádityas, twelve, the sons of Adití: their names, 122. present in the sun's car in each month, 234, n. 2.

Adriśyantí, w. of Sakti, mother of Paráśara, 4, n. 12.

Ádyas, a class of deities, 263.

Affliction, three kinds of, 638. how to be overcome, 641.

Agada, a branch of medicine, 407, n. 11.

Agastya, s. of Pulastya, 83, n. 5. an asterism, 226.

Agneya, a Puráńa, 284.

Agni, deity of fire, s. of Angiras, 83. k. of the Pitris, 153, n. 1. a star, 241.

Agni Puráńa, one of the Támasa class, xii. description of, xxxvi. named, 284.

Agnibáhu, son of Priyavrata and Kámyá, 162. adopts a religious life, ibid.

Agnídhra, s. of Priyavrata and Kámyá, 162. k. of Jambu-dwípa, ibid.

Agnihotra, 'burnt offerings,' 275, n. 1.

Agnimáthara, teacher of the Rig-veda, 277.

Agnimitra, a Sunga prince, 471.

Agnisht́oma, s. of Chakshusha, 98. kind of sacrifice produced from Brahmá, 42.

Agnishwáttas, a class of Pitris, 84, n. 10. 239, n. 3. 321, n. 1.

Agnivarchas, a teacher of the Puráńas, 283.

Agnivarńa, a prince, 384, n. 15. 387.

Agraháyana, a month, 225, n. 19.

Ahalyá, d. of Bahwaśwa, w. of Gautama, 454.

Ahamyáti, s. of Samyáti, 447.

Ahankára, 'egotism,' product of Mahat, 15, meaning of the term, ibid. n. 23. threefold condition, 16, n. 24. invested by Intellect: produces Ákás or 'ether,' 16.

Ahar, 'day,' a form of Brahmá, 40.

Ahikshetra, a city, 187, n. 20, 454, n. 49.

Ahínagu, a prince, 386.

Ahínaru, a prince, 462.

Ahirvradhna, a Rudra, 121.

Áhuka, s. of Punarvasu, a Yádava chief, 436.

Ahukí, d. of Punarvasu, 436.

Air or wind, the element, 16. deity of; presides over the skin, 17, n. 28.

Airávata, elephant produced from the ocean, taken by Indra, 78, n. 8. k. of elephants, 153.

Airávata, a serpent, 149, n. 16. k. of serpents, 153.

Airávata, north portion of the planetary sphere, 226, n. 21.

Airávati, a division of the lunar mansions, 226, n. 21.

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Aja, a Rudra, 121, n. 17. a prince, 383.

Ajagava, the bow of Mahádeva, 101.

Ajaikapád, a Rudra, 121

Ajaka, a prince, 399.

Ajámíd́ha, s. of Hastin, 452.

Ajátasatru, s. of Vidmisára, 466.

Ajavíthi, a division of the lunar mansions, 226, n. 21.

Ajina, s. of Havirdhána, 106.

Ajita, a form of Vishńu, 264.

Ajitas, a class of deities, 122, n. 20.

Ájyapás, a class of Pitris, 84, n. 10. 321, n. 1.

Ákása or 'ether;' produced from the rudiment of sound; produces that of touch, 16. and n. 25.

Ákhyánáni, the Puráńas, 159, n. 10.

Akritavrańa, a teacher of Puráńas, 283.

Akrodhana, a prince, 457.

Akrúra, s. of Śwaphalka, 435. receives the Syamantaka jewel, 429. entrusted with it by Krishńa, 434. sent by Kansa to Vrindavan, 536. praises Vishńu, 547. takes Krishńa and Ráma to Mathura, 548.

Ákútí, daughter of Swáyambhuva Manu, 53. married to Ruchi; their children, 54.

Ákútí, w. of Chakshush, 99, n. 1.

Alakanandá, a river, 170. borne by Śiva, 229.

Alambana, 'silent prayer,' 653.

Alarka, s. of Pratarddana, 408.

Alindayas, a people, 193.

Amá, a ray of the sun, 237.

Amara Sinha, his definition of a Puráńa, iv.

Amarávati, the capital of Indra, 71.

Amarsha, a prince, 387.

Amávasu, s. of Purúravas, 398. s. of Kuśa, 399.

Amavasyá, day of conjunction, 225. 237.

Ambarísha, s. of Pulaha, 83, n. 6. s. of Nábhága, 351, n. 7. 379. s. of Mándhátri, 363. s. of Prasúśruka, 384, n. 15.

Ambasht́has, a people, 177. and n. 6.

Ambhánsi, four classes of beings, 39, n. 14.

Ambiká, w. of a Rudra, 59, n. 4.

Ambuváhíni, a river, 183, n. 49.

Amitábhas, a class of deities, 262. 267.

Amitadhwaja, s. of Dharmadhwaja, 645.

Amitrajit, a prince, 463.

Ammonius, his doctrines derived front the East, viii.

Amrita, 'ambrosia,' the ocean churned for it, 75. drunk by the gods, 77. preserved in the moon, 238. drunk by the Pitris, 239.

Amúrttaraya, a prince, 399.

Anadhrisht́i, A. of Śúra, 436.

Anagá, a river, 184, n. 74.

Anagha, s. of Vaśisht́ha, 83.

Anakadundubhi, a name of Vasudeva, 436.

Anala, a Vass, 120.

Ánalavi (Álambi), teacher of the Yajur-veda, 279, n. 1.

Anamitra, a prince, 424.

Ananta, a name of Śesha, 205.

Anárańya, killed by Rávańa, 371.

Ánartha, s. of Saryáti, 354. a country, 355.

Ánarttas, a people, 190.

Anasúyá, 'charity,' d. of Daksha, w. of Atri, 54.

Anavaratha, a prince, 422.

Anaximander, his notion of elemental investment, 16, n. 25. infinity of worlds, 215, n. 7.

Anáyush, d. of Daksha, w. of Kaśyapa, 122, n. 19.

Ánd́a-kat́áha, the shell of the world, 202, n. 6.

Andhaka, s. of Satwata, 424.

Andhas, a people, 190.

Andhatamisra, 'utter darkness,' kind of ignorance, 34, n. 2.

Andhra kings, dynasty of, 472. 473, n. 63. noticed by Pliny, 474, n. 63. second race of, 476, n. 64.

Andhras, a people, 190, n. 69.

Andhrabhrityas, dynasty of, 472.

Ándhrajátíyas, same as Ándhras, 472.

Anenas, s. of Kakutstha, 361. s. of Kshemári, 390. s. of Áyus, 406. his descendants, 412, n. 3.

Anga, a minor Dwípa, 175, n. 3.

Anga, s. of Uru, 98. of the family of Atri, 99, n. 1. s. of Bali, 444.

Angada, s. of Lakshmańa, k. of Ángadí, 385.

Angaja, s. of Brahmá, 50, n. 2.

Angáraka, a Rudra, 121, n. 17.

Angáras, a people, 193.

Angas, supplementary sciences of the Vedas, 284.

Angas, a people, 188.

Angiras, a Prajápati, 49. marries Smriti, 54. marries two daughters of Kaśyapa, 119. their progeny, 123, n. 25. s. of Uru, 98.

Anila, a Vasu, 120. s. of Tansu, 448.

Ángirasas, of the family of Rathínara, 359. warrior-priests, ib. n. 6. sons of Harita, 369, n. 3. Animals, creation of; kinds of, 35, n. 5, born from Brahmá, 41.

Aniruddha, s. of Pradyumna, 579.

Anjaka, s. of Viprachitti, 148.

Anjana, a serpent, 149, n. 16. a prince, 390.

Anquetil du Perron, translated the Upanishads, ii, note 4.

Anrita 'untruth,' s. of Adharma, married to Nikriti; their progeny, 56.

Anśa, an Áditya, 122.

Anśu, a prince, 423.

Anśumat, grandson of Sagara, 377.

Antacháras, a people, 195.

Antiochus the Great, named in inscriptions, 194, n. 144. 470, n. 23.

Antarddhána, 'disappearance,' a form of Brahmá, 40, n. 15. s. of Prithu, 106.

Antarddhi, s, of Prithu, 106.

Antaríksha, a Vyása, 273. s. of Kinnara, 463.

Antassilá, a river, 184, n. 57.

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Antraśilá, a river, 184.

Anu, s. of Yayáti, 413. k. of the north, 415. his descendants, 444.

Ańu, two Paramáńus, 22, n. 3.

Anugraha, a secondary creation, 37. n. 11.

Anuha, s. of Vibhrája, 452.

Anuhláda, s. of Hirańyakaśipu, 124.

Anumatí, d. of Angiras, 83. first day of moon's wane, 225.

Anupavrittas, a people, 189.

Anurádhá, a lunar mansion, 226, n. 21.

Anuratha, a prince, 423.

Anushńí, a river, 183.

Anusht́ubh, metre from Brahmá, 42.

Anuváda, 'works,' or 'supplementary rites,' 159, n. 10.

Anuvatsara, fourth cyclic year, 224.

Anuvinda, s. of Jayasena, 437.

Apa, 'water,' the element; produced from the rudiment of taste, and produces that of smell, 16. and n. 25. 'waters' called Nárá, 28, n. 2.

Apa, a Vasu, 120.

Apachití, d. of Paurńamása, 82, n. 2.

Aparájita, a Rudra, 121.

Aparakásis, a people, 187.

Aparakuntis, a people, 187.

Aparinámin, a name of Purusha or 'spirit,' 13, n. 19.

Aparántas, a people, 189.

Aparravallabhas, a people, 193.

Aparítas, a people, 189, n. 60.

Apaspatí, s. of Uttánapáda, 86, n. 1.

Ápava, a name of Vaśisht́ha, 52, n. 5. 417, n. 11.

Apaváhas, a people, 188.

Apomúrtti, s. of Atri, 83, n. 4.

Apostates, who, 334. Jains, 339. Buddhists, 340. Várhaspatyas, ib. n. 7.

Apratiratha, s. of Rantinára, 448.

Apratisht́ha, a hell, 207.

Apsarasas, 'nymphs,' born from Brahmá, 42. produced from the ocean, 76. daughters of Kaśyapa and Muni, 150. children of Vách; two classes and fourteen ganas of, 150, n. 21. cursed by Asht́ávakra, 618.

Áptoryamá rite, from Brahmá, 42.

Árága, a sun, 632, n. 6.

Áradwat, a prince, 443.

Árat́t́a, a prince, 443 n. 1. a people, ib.

Arbuda (Abu), a mountain, 180, n. 3.

Arbudas, a people, 177. and n. 6.

Archish, w. of Krisaśwa, 123, n. 26,

Arddhaketu, a Rudra, 121. n. 17.

Árdra, a prince, 361.

Árdrá, a lunar mansion, 226, n. 21.

Árdraka, a prince, 471.

Arhat, k. of the south, converted by Rishabha, 164, n. 7.

Árhats, or Jains, their doctrines, 339.

Arimerddana, s. of Śwaphalka, 435.

Aripu, s. of Yadu, 416, n. 2.

Arisht́a, s. of Vaivaswata, 348, n. 4. a demon killed by Krishńa, 536.

Arisht́á, d. of Daksha, w, of Kaśyapa, 122.

Arisht́akarman, a prince, 473.

Arisht́anemi, a Prajápati, 50, n. 2. married to four daughters of Daksha, 119. a name of Kaśyapa, 123, n. 23. a prince, 390.

Árjjava, teacher of the Rig-veda, 278, n. 12.

Arjuna, s. of Kritavírya, 417.

Arjuna, s. of Páńd́u, 437. 459. takes Krishńa's family from Dwáraká, 613. plundered by shepherds, 615. consoled by Vyása, 616.

Arjuna-trees, overturned by Krishńa, 509.

Árshabhí, a division of the lunar mansions, 226, n. 21.

Artha, s. of Dharma, 55, n. 13.

Artha śástra, 'science of government,' 284.

Aruńa, s. of Kaśyapa and Vinata, 149.

Arundhati, d. of Kardama, w. of Vaśisht́ha, 55, n. 12. d. of Daksha, w. of Dharma, 119.

Áruni, teacher of the Yajur-veda, 279, n. 1.

Aruńoda, a lake, 169.

Arvákśrotas, creation of mankind, 36, n. 7.

Arvarívat, s. of Pulaha, 83. a Rishi, 261.

Arvavasu, a solar ray, 236, n. 3.

Áryaman, an Áditya, 122.

Asamanjas, s. of Sagara, 377.

Aśana, mode of sitting, 653.

Asanga, a prince, 435.

Áshad́ha, a month, 225, n. 19.

Ashadhá, a constellation: see Purváshadha and Uttaráshadha, 226, n. 21.

Asht́avakra curses the Apsarasas, 617.

Así, a rivulet, 184.

Asikní, d. of Vírańa, w. of Daksha, 117. a river, 183.

Asima-krishńa, a prince, 461.

Asipatravana, a hell, 207. sins punished in, 209.

Ásleshá, a lunar mansion, 226, n. 21.

Aśmaka, s. of Saudaśa, 382.

Asmitá, 'selfishness,' 34, n. 2.

Aśoka, k. of Megadha, patron of Buddhism, 469, n. 23.

Aśokavarddhana, s. of Vindusára, 469.

Ásramas or 'orders,' 294.

Asruta or Asrutavańa, s. of Dyutimat, 82, n. 1.

Astí, w. of Kansa, 563.

Asuras, proceeded from Brahmá, 40.

Aśwakas (Aśmakas), a people, 188.

Áswaláyana, teacher of the Rig-veda, 278, n. 13.

Aśwamedha, sacrifice of a horse, 275, n. 1. celebrated by Sagara, 378.

Aśwamedhadatta, a prince, 461.

Aswatara, s. of Kadru, 149.

Aśwáyus, s. of Pururavas, 398, n. 1.

Áświna, a month, 225, n. 19.

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Aswiní, a lunar asterism, 226, n. 21.

Áswins, sons of the sun, 266.

Atala, a division of Pátála, 204.

Át́avya, teacher of the white Yajush, 281, n. 5.

Atharvan (Atharva-veda), proceeds from Brahmá, 42. arranged by Vyása, 276. how composed, ib. Sanhitás of, 282. Kalpas of, 283.

Atharva-veda (personified), s. of Angiras, 123, n. 25.

Antimára, a prince, 447, n. 9.

Atirátra sacrifice, from Brahmá, 42.

Atirátra, s. of Chakshusha, 98.

Atithi, s. of Kuśa, 386.

At́iviśikharas, a people, 189.

Átmá, name of Vishńu, 2, n. 2.

Atri, a Prajápati, 49. marries Anasuyá, 54. father of Soma, 392.

Átreyas, a people, 196.

Audras, a people, 192.

Aurva, a sage, teaches Sagara, 290. his birth, ib. n. 1. and 373.

Auttama (Auttami), third Manu, 261. his sons, ib.

Avantí, a river, 185, n. 80.

Avantis, a people, 187.

Ávantyas, a branch of the Haihaya tribe, 418, n. 20.

Ávarańa, investment of elements by rudiments successively, 16, n. 25.

Avarttana, an island, 175, n. 3.

Avasthánas, divisions of the sun's course, 226, n. 21.

Avatáras, alluded to in the Vedas, ii. of Vishńu, xliii. of Śiva, ib. of Vishńu as the Varáha, 29. as a tortoise, 75. as Nrisinha, 145. as Ráma, 384. as Krishńa, 492. as a fish, li.

Avíchi, a hell, 207.

Avidyá, 'ignorance,' 34, n. 2.

Avikshit, a prince, 352.

Avyaya, a name of Purusha or 'spirit,' 13, n. 19.

Ayana, period of six months; day and night of the gods, 23.

Ayátayáma, texts of the Yajur-veda, 281.

Áyátí, w. of Dhátri, 82. d. of Meru, 85, n. 11.

Áyáti, s. of Nahusha, 413.

Ayomukha, a Dánava, 147.

Ayur-veda, medical science, 284.

Ayus, s. of Pururavas, 398. his sons, 406.

Áyushmat, s. of Sanhráda, 147. of Prahláda, ib. n. 1.

Áyushmanta, s. of Uttánapáda, 86, n. 1.

Ayutajit, s. of Bhajamána, 429.

Ayutáśwa, a prince, 379.

Ayutáyus, a prince of the Kuru race, 457. of Magadhá, 465.

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