Rig Veda, tr. by Ralph T.H. Griffith, [1896], at sacred-texts.com
1. SERVED with oblations, first-born, mountain-render, Aṅgiras' son, Bṛhaspati, the Holy,
With twice-firm path, dwelling in light, our Father, roars loudly, as a bull, to Earth and Heaven.
2 Bṛhaspati, who made for such a people wide room and verge when Gods were invocated,
Slaying his enemies, breaks down their castles, quelling his foes and conquering those who hate him.
3 Bṛhaspati in war hath won rich treasures, hath won, this God, the great stalls filled with cattle.
Striving to win waters and light, resistless, Bṛhaspati with lightning smites the foeman.