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Great Systems of Yoga, by Ernest Wood, [1954], at

p. 164 p. 165


Abdominal muscles, exercise of, 25

Abhyasa (practice), 18, 42

Abstentions, the five, 27

Accomplishments, the four, 67

Actions, value of, 53-4, 58

Ānanda (happiness), 79, 84

Antagonism, cessation of, 29

Āsanā (proper sitting), 29, 87, 95-6

Attention, withdrawal of, 32

Āvarana, (the "covering-up"), 76, 78-9

Āvidyā, (ignorance), 80


Bandhas, (body-purifications), 87

Beauty, of images etc., 121

Beyond, the, xvii, 44, 55

Bhakta, (devotee), the, 111

Bhakti, (devotion), 47, 109

Bhāvas, (forms of being), 44

Brahman, knowledge of, 64, 66, 105

Breathing, correct, 29-31, 87-93

Brotherhood, 56

Buddha, doctrine of sorrow of, 126

   the Path of, 125

Buddhi, (wisdom), 43, 50

Burton, Richard, quoted, 158


Chakras, described, 97-9

Chan, (meditation), 138

Chess, simile of, 82

Chit, (consciousness), 79

Chitta, (mind), 15

Christ, reference to, 45

Concentration, defined, xv

   practice of, 33

Consciousness, essentiality of, ix, 139

Contemplation, 35

Control, of mind, 16, 73

Covering-up, the, 76-9


Dervishes, the, 162-3

Desire, versus knowledge, 141

Devotion, two kinds of, 45, 48, 49

Dhāranā, (concentration), 32, 33

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Dharma, (way of life), 47, 48, 49, 66, 128

Dhyāna, (meditation), 32, 33, 138

Discrimination, 66, 68


Egotism, 20

Emerson, quoted, 3, 157, 158, 163

Enweri, quoted, 158


Fetters, the, in Buddhism, 130-31

Foods, recommended, 90

Forms, production of, 77


Gheranda-Sanhitā, quoted, 91, 95, 113

Gifts, simple, 48

Gitā-yoga, 41

Giving, life of, 59

God, as greatest yogī, 46

   as supporter, 48

   devotion to, 26, 45

   ideas about, xvii

   love of, for man, 49

   Sufi union with, 154

   unity of all life in, 50

Goddesses, the, of mantras, 120

Goodness, truth and beauty, 54, 111

Goods, and the good, 109-110

Growth, seven stages of, 57


Happiness, fundamental, 79, 84

Hatha, meaning of, 9

Hatha-yoga-pradīpikā, quoted, 91, 101


I, you and it, 83

Ideas, in the mind, 17

Ignorance, the chief trouble, 20, 65, 82

Illusion, theory of, 76

Independence, 17

Intuition, nature of, 145

Ishwara-pranidhāna, (attentiveness to God), 26, 55


Jivabhūtas, (living beings), 43


Kaivalya, (independence), 17

Karma-yoga, 45

Kleshas, (sources of trouble), 18

Knowledge, the best gift, 54

   the greatest, 64

   versus desire, 141

Krishna, Shrī, time of, 41

Kriyāshakti, (thought-power), 73

Kriyā yoga, 19

Kundalinī, described, 97-102


Laws, natural, 51

   spiritual, 53

Laya, meaning of, 97

Liberation, 68, 73

Light, uncovering the inner, 37

Light of Asia, quoted, 129, 132

Loka, (habitat), 45

Love, is wisdom, 43

   values measured by, 46


Magic, x, 6

Māndūkya Upanishad, quoted, 148

Mantras, (words of power), 115-19

   of Shrī Krishna, 117-18

Māyā, ("illusion"), 74, 76, 78, 80

Meditation, defined, xv

   the practice of, 34, 35, 59, 70, 137, 143-4, 155

Men, development of, 51-53

   invulnerability of, 42

   loved by God, 49

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Mind, does not know, 135

   essence of, 136, 146

   ideas in the, 16

   powers of the, xvi

   steadiness of, 18

   the sub-conscious, 136

Mūdrās, the, 101-3

Mystic, meaning of, xvii


Nādas, (sounds), the, 103-4

Nature, laws of, 51

   qualities of, 51

Nirvāna, of Buddha, 132-33, 140, 154

Niyama (abstention), 28


Observances, the five, 28

Occultism, avoids display, 7

   defined, 3

   schools of, 4, 5

   Vedāntic, 65

Om, as a mantra, 119

Omar Khayyam, quoted, 156


Pain and Pleasure, xii

Patanjali, 15

Path, of Buddha, 127

Peace, attainment of, 29, 55

Prānāyāma, (regular breathing), 31, 87-93

Pratyāhāra, (control of senses), 31

Principles, are living laws, 53-4

Psychic, powers and faculties, 6, 36

Psychology, Introspectional, 4

Purifications, six, 94-5


Rāja, meaning of, 9, 87

Reality, the, 64

Rebirth, 43

Relaxation, voluntary, xvi

Rūmī, quoted, 157-58

Renunciation, 57


Sacrifice, meaning of, 58

Samādhi, (contemplation), 33, 35, 37, 105, 146

Sannyāsa, (renunciation), 57

Sanyama, (mind-poise), 36

Sat, (being or reality), 79

Satori, meaning of, 138, 148

Self-personality, 21

Sensations, the, 122

Senses, control of, 30-32

Service, 56

Shankarāchārya, Shrī, 63

   meditations of, 83

Shatsampatti, (six accomplishments), 72

Shiva Sanhitā, quoted, 89, 93, 96

Sitting, correct, 29, 30, 87-8, 95-6

Sixth Patriarch, quoted, 148

Sorrow, Buddha on, 126

Soul, immortality of, 43

Success, the six forms of, 73

Sufis, aspirations of, 159

   love of simplicity of, 154

   meditation of, 155

   music of the, 60-61

   union with God, 155

Swādhyāya, (study concerning self), 26, 55


Tamas, rajas and sattwa, (qualities of Nature), 51

Tao, the 140, 146

Tapas, (mastery of body, etc.), 23, 55

Thinking, practice in, xii

Thought, governs things, 18

   growth of, 9

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   "I am this," 20

   magic of, x, 73

Throwing-out, the, 76-8

Trouble, causes of, 19


Uddiyāna, (an abdominal exercise), 25

Uncoloredness, 18, 42, 70

Understanding, hunger for, 67

Upanishads, and Vedānta, 63


Vairagya, (uncoloredness), 18, 42, 70-2

Valuables, the eternal, 54

Vedānta, 63

Vikshepa, (the "throwing-out"), 76, 78

Virtues, the ten, results of, 29

Viveka, (discrimination), 66, 68

Vritti, ("whirlpool" in the mind), 16


Wall-gazing, the, 145

Whirlpools, in mind, 16

Will, the, 17

Wisdom, 43, 50, 55

Withdrawal, of attention, 32

Worship, individual and collective, 112


Yajna, (sacrifice), 58

Yama, (abstinence), 28

Yoga, and modern man, 11

   comparison of three schools of 75

   eight limbs of, 27

   highest reward of, 49

   kriyā, 19

   list of schools, 8

   many people practice, 8

   modern utility of, vii

   no passivity in, xiv, xvi

   preliminary, 29

Yogī, real interest of, 6


Zen, (meditation), 138, 145

   favorite scriptures of, 146

   sudden way of, 147, 148