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Hymns of the Atharva Veda, by Ralph T.H. Griffith, [1895], at

p. a253


A charm to banish the fiend Grāhi

1This sin the Gods wiped off and laid on Trita, and Trita wiped
   it off on human beings.
  Thence if the female fiend hath made thee captive, the Gods by
   prayer shall banish her and free thee.
2Enter the particles of light and vapours, go to the rising fogs or
   mists, O Evil!
  Hence! vanish in the foams of rivers. Pūshan, wipe woes away
   upon the babe-destroyer!
3Stored in twelve separate places lies what Trita hath wiped away,
   the sins of human beings.
  Thence if the female fiend hath made thee captive, the Gods by
   prayer shall banish her and free thee.

Next: Hymn 114: A prayer for pardon of faults and errors in sacrificing