Hymns of the Atharva Veda, by Ralph T.H. Griffith, [1895], at sacred-texts.com
1Yama, Death direly fatal, the Destroyer, with his black crest,
Sarva the tawny archer,
And all the Gods uprisen with their army, may these on every
side avoid our heroes.
2With mind, burnt offerings, butter, and libation, to royal Bhava
and the archer Sarva,
To these the worshipful I pay my worship: may they turn else-
where things with deadly venom.
3Save us, All-Gods and all-possessing Maruts, from murderous
stroke and things that slay with poison.
Pure is the might of Varuna, Agni, Soma. May Vāta's and
Parjanya's favour bless us.