Abraham, appearance of God to, 46 sq., 66 sq.
Academic philosophy, the, criticised, 210 sq.
Adam, the appearing of God to, and how he spoke to, 45 sq.; on account of his sin we are delivered into the power of the devil, 175.
Angels, how they work miracles, 60; have their power from God only, 63; appearing of, 64–66; how the law was given by, 67.
Arians, the arguments of, derived from the words “begotten” and “unbegotten,” refuted, 88 sq.
Back parts, the, of God, 50–52.
“Beginning,” the word, spoken relatively in regard to the Trinity, 85, 94, 95.
“Begotten” and “unbegotten,” the words, 91, 225; reply to cavils of heretics respecting, 89.
Blessedness, desired by all, 170; perfect only in the life to come, 171; cannot exist without immortality, 172.
Christ, the mediation and intercession of, shall cease, 26–28; the sending of, at His incarnation, 40; the death and resurrection of, and their bearing on us, 71 sq.; the Mediator gathers the many into one, 75 sq.; the ignorance of, 30; the death of, voluntary, 77 sq.; the most perfect victim for cleansing guilt, 79, 80.
Cicero says all men will be blessed, 170; commends contemplative wisdom, 197.
Creation, all, a manifestation of God, 58.
Daniel, the appearance of God to, 53.
Death, the, of soul and body, and the bearing of Christ’s one death on, 71‑73.
Degradation, the lowest, reached by degrees, 160.
Demons, miracles wrought by, to be spurned, 76.
Devil, the, the mediator of death, 76; how he leads his own to despise the death of Christ, 79; overcome not by might but by righteousness, 176–178.
Dove, the, Holy Spirit manifested by a, 42, 224.
Essence, and substance, 21 (note), 92, 109–114, 139 (note).
Eunomius, his error in saying that the Son of God is the son not of His nature but of His will, 220.
Faith, a thing of the heart, 168; necessary to blessedness, 171.
Father, the, not alone immortal, 44, etc.; what is said of, and the Son together; and what not, 98, etc.; is Himself power and wisdom, 104, etc.; and the Son, together one wisdom as one essence, 107, etc.
Generation, eternal, 225, 226 (notes).
Glass, seeing through darkly, explained, 206, etc.
God, how the Scriptures speak of, 18; why immortality ascribed exclusively to, 18; the substance of, how to know, 18; uses of the term, 22 (note); whether God the Trinity, or one person of the Trinity, appeared to the fathers, 45; how He spake to Adam, 45; His appearance to Abraham, 46, etc., 66, etc.; to Lot, 47; to Moses, 48; in the pillar of cloud and fire, 49; at Sinai, 50; to Daniel, 53; the will of, the higher cause of all corporeal changes, 57; uses all His creatures as He will for His glory, 58; the essence of, never appeared, 65; the appearances of, wrought by angels, 66; the knowledge of, to be sought from Himself, 69, etc.; not corporeal nor changeable, 87; the only unchangeable essence, 88; what is spoken of according to essence, is spoken of each person severally, and together of the Trinity itself, 91; of those things which belong absolutely to His essence, 92; what is said of, in respect to time, said relatively, 95; how a substance, simple and manifold, 100; is a Trinity, but not triple, 101; whether one person, or the three together, called the one God, 102; substance is spoken of improperly, essence properly, 111; nothing greater in, than one person 116; corporeal conceptions of, to be rejected, 116; to be known by faith, that He may be loved, 118, etc.; worship of, is the love of Him, 163; what His wrath is, 179.
Head, mystical meaning of covering the, 159.
Hilary quoted respecting the persons of the Trinity, 102, 201.
Holy Spirit, the, is very God, 23; why so called, 93; relation to the Son, 26; relation to the Son and the Father, 39; the sending of, 40, 85; not incarnate in the dove, 42; the sensible showing of, 85; the Father and the Son the only beginning of, 94; whether He was a gift before as well as after He was given, 95; equal to the Father and the Son in all things, 100, etc.; is together with the Father and the Holy Spirit one wisdom, 107; is properly called in Scripture by the name of love, 215, etc.; is God, and also the gift of God, 217; of the procession of the, 224, etc.
Hypostasis and person, how these words came into use in reference to the Trinity, the former among the Greeks, the latter among the Latins, 23 (note), 92, 109, etc.
Image of God, how man is the, 113; turning aside from, 160; to be found in the rational soul, 185; how formed anew in man, 195.
Image of the beast in man, 161.
Imagination, the power of 153.
Incarnation of the Word, benefits of, 174, 179.
Infinite, the, not the All, 101 (note).
Kingdom, the, delivered by Christ to the Father. 26, etc., 28.
Knowledge of God, the, to be sought from God, 69, etc.
Law, the, given by angels, 67.
Love, the true, by which we arrive at a knowledge of the Trinity, 122.
Magic, great miracles wrought by, 60; how far it extends, 61.
Man, is both after the image of God and is the image of God, 113; rescued not by might but by righteousness, 176.
Mediatorship of Christ, the cessation of, 28 (note), 29.
Merits, our, are the gifts of God, 174.
Mind, the Trinity in, 125; knows itself not in part but in whole, 137; its opinion of itself deceitful, 138; what it knows of itself, 140, etc.; an image of the Trinity, 143; in what part of, alone, is the Trinity the image of God, 156; how it thinks of itself, 187;loves God in rightly loving itself, 192, etc.; infirmity of the human, 223.
Miracles, why not usual works, 59; diversity lone makes, 60; great, wrought by magicians, 60; how angels work, 61; signs, 63 wrought by demons, to be spurned, 76.
Moses, in what manner he saw God, 50; his rod changed into a serpent, its sign, 64.
Nature, what it teaches us regarding God, 202.
Numbers, the senary and ternary, 73, etc., 74, etc.
Perfection, how God brings us to, 70.
Persons, the three, in the Godhead, 23 (note), 92; and Hypostases, how the word came into use, etc., 109–111; the Scriptures never formally speak of three, in one God, 110.
Pharaoh, the miracles wrought by the wise men of, 59.
Philosophers, not to be consulted respecting the resurrection, 80; their blessedness ridiculous, 171; origin of the name, 183.
Plato’s doctrine of reminiscences, 164.
Pythagoras, story regarding, 164.
Resurrection of Christ, the, the faith of, saves, 51.
Righteous man, how the man not yet righteous can know the, 120.
Scripture, Holy, the adaptation of, even to the simplest, 18; has more meanings than one, 36; a double rule for understanding the various modes of speech used in, respecting the Son, 37.
Son of God, the, is very God, 21; in what respects less than the Father, 24, etc.; the subjection of, to the Father, and delivers up the kingdom to the Father, 24–28; relation of, to the Holy Spirit, 26; how equal to, and how less than the Father, 29; how said not to know the day nor the hour, 30, etc.; how to sit on His right hand and His left, not His to give, 31; the two natures of, lays a foundation for opposite things being said of, 33, etc.; judgment committed to, 33, etc.; double rule for understanding the phraseology of Scripture respecting, 37, etc.; glorification of, by the Father, 39; the sending of, 40; object of the incarnation of, 81; how sent and proclaimed beforehand, 82; how in His incarnation He was made less without detriment to His equality with the Father, 83; what the sending of, means, 84; the wisdom and power of the Father, 97; what is said of the Father and, together, and what not, 98; and the Father, how one, 99; and the Father, one wisdom as one essence, 107, etc.; why He is chiefly intimated by the word wisdom, when both the Father and the Holy Spirit are wisdom, 107; the love by which we arrive at a knowledge of, 122; how we are justified by His blood, 175; why He took upon Himself man from the race of Adam and from a virgin, 180; we are to be like Him, 196.
Soul, opinions of philosophers regarding its substance, 139; whence comes its error concerning itself, 140; its power over the body, 148.
Species, mental, produced by species in succession, 153.
Spirit, the Holy, why so called, 93 (note).
Spirit, a word of many meanings, 195.
Spiration, 93, 225, 226 (notes).
Ternary number, the, in Christ’s resurrection, 118, 119.
Theophanies, the, 43–54, 65–68.
Trinity, for what purpose the dissertation on, was written, 17; the Catholic faith respecting, 20; the difficulties concerning, 21, etc.; all three sometimes understood in one person, 27, 28 (note); the entire invisible, 43; whether the, spoke at Sinai, or some one person specially, 49, 53; the co-eternity of, 85, 86; the three persons of, and one essence, 92, 93; the word “beginning” how spoken relatively in regard to the Trinity, 94; God is a, but not triple, 101; whether one, or the three persons together, is called the one God, 102; Hilary quoted respecting the persons of the, 102; whether each person of, is of itself wisdom, 104, etc.; the use of the words hypostasis and person, in relation to, 109–114; why we do not speak of one person and three essences in, 111; how the, may be loved though unknown, 119; difficult to be demonstrated by natural reason, 202, etc.; disparity between the trinity which is in man and that which is in God, 111, 129, 133, 143 (notes), 222.
Trinity in man, three things in love, as it were a trace of, 124; a kind of, exists in mind, knowledge, and love, 125; another, in memory, understanding, and will, 134–143; a trace of, in the outer man, 144, etc.; man made after the image of the, 5, 157., etc., 190.
Unity of the Father and the Son, 99; numerical not specific, 20 (note).
Word, the Incarnate, dispels our darkness, 70; man apt for the perception of truth through, 71; incarnation of, suitable for freeing man from mortality, 174; knowledge and wisdom of, 180, etc.; of God, and word of man, 209; of God, equal to the Father, 213.