Sacred Texts
Early Church Fathers
p. 615
Abel, 105.
Abraham, 107.
Adam, 105.
Antioch, seat of the early Christians, 87.
described, Renan and Ferrar, 87.
see of Theophilus, 88.
bishops of, 88.
Atheists, philosophers proved to be such, 113.
others attribute crimes to the gods, 113.
Authors, profane, 111.
their ignorance, 111.
their contradictions, 111.
Autolycus, 89, and passim; second book addressed to, 94.
third book addressed to, 111.
misled by false accusations, 111.
concluding advice to, 121.
Babel, tower of, 106.
Cain, 105.
family of, 106.
Chaldeans, 106.
Chastity, 115.
Chedorlaomer, 107.
Christianity, antiquity of, 120.
Christians, scorned by Autolycus, 89.
Theophilus glories in the name of, 89.
their name, 92.
its meaning, 92.
honour God and his law, 114.
teach humanity, 114.
also repentance and righteousness, 114.
also chastity and love of enemies, 115.
their innocent manner of life, 115.
Chronology, biblical, Theophilus founder of, 87, 106, 118.
his system, 118.
from Adam to Saul, 119.
Saul to Jeremiah, 119.
Roman, to death of Aurelius, 119.
leading epochs, 120.
Creation, 97, 98.
its glory, 99.
its sympathy with man, 101.
its restoration, 101.
the fourth day, 100.
the fifth day, 101.
the sixth day, 101.
Delitzsch, 102.
his Psychology, 102.
Deluge, errors of Greeks about, 116.
contrasted with Scripture accuracy, 117.
Epochs, the leading chronological, 120.
Eusebius, his praise of the Fathers, 87.
Eve, why formed from Adams rib, 105.
Eucharist, the, 112.
Evil, not created by God, 101.
Faith, 91.
the leading principle, 91.
Foot-baths, 92.
Genesis, the truth of its testimony, 103.
Gibbon, cited, 92.
God, his nature, 89.
his attributes, 90.
perceived through his works, 90.
and known by them, 90, 91.
to be seen hereafter in immortality, 91.
to be worshipped, 92.
absurd opinions of philosophers and poets concerning, 95.
his voice, 103.
his walking, 103.
his law and Christian doctrine, 113.
Gods, of the heathen, 91.
their immoralities, 91.
absurdities of their worship, 92.
their images, 94.
despicable when made, 94.
valuable when purchased, 94.
what has become of them, 94.
their genealogy, 96.
divers doctrines concerning, 112.
Hebrew historians contrasted with Greek, 119.
Hesiod, 95, 97, 99.
his origin of the world, 95.
Holiness, enjoined by the prophets, 107.
Holy Ghost, 97, 107.
anointing of, 92.
Homer, his opinion concerning the gods, 95.
Human race, how dispersed, 107.
Innocence, 115.
Inspiration, 93.
refinements about, 93.
of prophets, 97.
Kings, earthly, 92.
to be honoured, not adored, 92.
Knowledge, tree of, 104.
Light, created, 100.
Logos, 98.
the internal, 103.
and external, 103.
Luther, referred to, 102.
Man, his creation, 101, 102.
his life, 102.
or lives, 102.
tripartite nature, 102.
his fall, 102.
his expulsion from Paradise, 104.
his mortality, 105.
and immortality, 105.
and free-will, 105.
history of, after the flood, 106.
races of, dispersed, 107.
Manetho, 117.
his inaccuracy in history, 117.
Melchisedek, 107.
Moses, antiquity of, 117.
Paradise, 102.
its beauty, 103.
mans expulsion from, 104.
Philosophers, absurd opinions concerning God, 95.
teach cannibalism, incest, and other crimes, 112.
vague conjectures of, 116.
historical errors of, 116.
their mistakes about the deluge, 116.
Poets, 109.
confirm the Hebrew prophets, 109.
Profane history, 107.
its inconsistencies, 111.
Prophecies, 108.
Prophets, inspired by the Holy Ghost, 97, 107.
enjoin holiness, 108.
their precepts, 108.
more ancient than Greek writers, 118.
Providence, 97.
Repentance, 114.
Resurrection, 92.
illustrated, 93.
Righteousness, 114.
Sabbath, 99.
Scriptures, the prophetic, 93.
converting power of, 93.
Sea, the, 100, emblem of the world, 100.
its harbors, emblems of the churches, 100.
its perils, of heresies, 100.
Seth, his race, 106.
p. 616
Serpent, the, 103.
Sibyl, 94, 97, 106, 108.
Temple, antiquity of, 117.
Terence, 87. (See Tatian.)
Theophilus, 87.
follows Ignatius, 87.
Barnabas, 87.
prophets and teachers of Antioch, 87.
oral discussions, 87.
founder of Biblical chronology, 87, 106.
his only remaining work, 87.
sixth bishop of Antioch, 88.
conjectural date of birth, 88.
Theophilus to Autolycus, book i., 89.
conversion of, 93.
his account of, 93.
writes second book to Autolycus, 94.
occasion of this writing. 94.
Tree of knowledge, 104.
Trinity, the, 101.
or Triad, 101.
first use of the word, 101.
Writings, Hebrew contrasted with Greek, 119.
Next: Athenagoras