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Title List: U

The Udâna Dawsonne Melanchthon Strong [1902]
Under the Prophet in Utah Frank J. Cannon, Harvey J. O'Higgins [1911, 1847-50]
Unfolding Destiny Shoghi Effendi
Unicode Qur'an [1847-50]
The Unicorn: A Mythological Investigation Robert Brown [1881, 1847-50]
Unitarian Christianity William Ellery Channing [1819]
The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ Nicolas Notovitch, J. H. Connelly, L. Landsberg [1890]
Unveiled Mysteries Godfré Ray King, Guy Warran Ballard [1934, 1847-50]
Unveiling a Parallel Alice Ilgenfritz Jones, Ella Merchant [1893, 1847-50]
Unwritten Literature of Hawaii: The Sacred Songs of the Hula Nathaniel B. Emerson [1909, 1847-50]
The Upanishads, Part I (SBE 1) Max Müller [1879, 1847-50]
The Upanishads, Part II (SBE 15) Max Müller [1884, 1847-50]
Utilitarianism John Stuart Mill [1863, 1847-50]
Utopia Thomas More [1516, 1847-50]

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