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Title List: I

Icelandic Sagas, Vol. 3: The Orkneyingers Saga George W. Dasent [1894, 1847-50]
The Ideals of the East Kakuzo Okakura [1904, 1847-50]
The Idylls of the King Alfred Lord Tennyson [1847-50]
The Iliad and Odyssey [Unicode Greek] Homer [1847-50]
The Iliad of Homer Samuel Butler, Homer [1898, 1847-50]
Imitation of Christ Thomas a Kempis, William Benham [1418, 1886]
In Ghostly Japan Lafcadio Hearn [1899, 1847-50]
In the Beginning: A Navaho Creation Myth Frank Goldtooth, Stanley A. Fishler [1953, 1847-50]
In the Pronaos of the Temple of Wisdom Franz Hartmann [1890, 1847-50]
In The Seven Woods William Butler Yeats [1903, 1847-50]
In Tune with the Infinite Ralph Waldo Trine [1910, 1847-50]
In Wicklow and West Kerry John M. Synge [1912]
Indian Fairy Tales Joseph Jacobs [1912, 1847-50]
Indian Idylls Edwin Arnold [1883, 1847-50]
Indian Myth and Legend Donald A. Mackenzie [1913, 1847-50]
Indian Myths Of South Central California. A. L. Kroeber [1907, 1847-50]
Indian Why Stories Frank Linderman [1915, 1847-50]
Indians of the Yosemite Valley and Vicinity Galen Clark [1904, 1847-50]
Influence of the Phallic Idea in the Religions of Antiquity C. Staniland Wake [1870, 1847-50]
An Inquiry into the Animism and Folk-Lore of the Guiana Indians. [1915, 1847-50]
An Inquiry into the Religious Tenets of the Yezeedees George Percy Badger [1852]
The Institutes of the Christian Religion John Calvin, Henry Beveridge [1845]
The Institutes of Vishnu (SBE 7) Julius Jolly [1880, 1847-50]
Interaction of the Soul and Body Emanuel Swedenborg, John Whitehead [1769, 1892, 1847-50]
The Interior Castle St. Teresa of Avila [1921]
Intermediate Types Among Primitive Folk Edward Carpenter [1914, 1847-50]
An Introduction to Astrology William Lilly, Zadkiel [1852, 1847-50]
Introduction to the Metaphysic of Morals Immanuel Kant [1785, 1847-50]
Introduction to Zuñi Ceremonialism Ruth Bunzel [1847-50, 1929-1930]
Invitation to the New Church Emanuel Swedenborg, John Whitehead [1771, 1914, 1847-50]
Ioläus Edward Carpenter [1918, 1847-50]
Ion Robert Potter, Euripides [1887, 1847-50]
Ion Benjamin Jowett, Plato [1871, 1847-50]
Iphigenia At Aulis Euripides [1847-50]
Iphigenia in Tauris Robert Potter, Euripides [1887, 1847-50]
Irish Druids and Old Irish Religions James Bonwick [1894, 1847-50]
Irish Fairy Tales James Stephens [1920]
The Irish Sketch-book William Makepeace Thackeray [1845]
Irish Witchcraft and Demonology John D. Seymore [1913, 1847-50]
The Iron Heel Jack London [1909, 1847-50]
Iroquoian Cosmology J.N.B. Hewitt [1903, 1847-50]
The Iroquois Book of Rites H.E. Hale [1883, 1847-50]
13. Isaiah, Part I John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
14. Isaiah, Part II John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
15. Isaiah, Part III John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
16. Isaiah, Part IV John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
Ishtar and Izdubar Leonidas Le Cenci Hamilton [1884]
Isis Unveiled Helena P. Blavatsky [1877, 1847-50]
Islam John A. Williams [1962, 1847-50]

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