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Title List: E

Early British Trackways, Moats, Mounds, Camps and Sites Alfred Watkins [1922, 1847-50]
Early Life of the Pennsylvania Germans A. Monroe Aurand, Jr. [194?]
The Earthly Paradise, (December-February) William Morris [1870, 1847-50]
The Earthly Paradise, (March-August) William Morris [1868, 1847-50]
The Earthly Paradise, (September-November) William Morris [1870, 1847-50]
Earths in the Universe Emanuel Swedenborg, John Whitehead [1758, 1892, 1847-50]
Easton's Bible Dictionary
The Eclogues J.W. MacKail, Virgil [1934, 1847-50]
The Egyptian Book of the Dead E. A. Wallis Budge [1895, 1847-50]
The Egyptian Heaven and Hell E. A. Wallis Budge [1905, 1847-50]
The Egyptian Heaven and Hell Vol II: The Book of Gates E. A. Wallis Budge [1905, 1847-50]
The Egyptian Heaven and Hell Vol III: The Egyptian Heaven and Hell E. A. Wallis Budge [1905, 1847-50]
The Egyptian Heaven and Hell Vol. I: The Book of the Am-Tuat E. A. Wallis Budge [1905, 1847-50]
Egyptian Magic E. A. Wallis Budge [1901, 1847-50]
Egyptian Myth and Legend Donald A. Mackenzie [1907, 1847-50]
Egyptian Mythology and Egyptian Christianity Samuel Sharpe, E. A. Wallis Budge [1863, 1847-50, 1900]
Electra R. C. Jebb, Sophocles [1873, 1847-50]
Electra E. P. Coleridge, Euripides [1910, 1847-50]
Emerald Tablet of Hermes
The Enchiridion Epictetus [1847-50]
The Enclosed Garden of the Truth Hakîm Abû' L-Majd Majdûd Sanâ'î, J. Stephenson [1910, 1847-50]
Enemies of the Cross of Christ Martin Luther [1847-50]
The English and Scottish Popular Ballads Francis James Child [1882-1898, 1847-50]
English Fairy and Other Folk Tales Edwin Sidney Hartland, C.E. Brock [1890, 1847-50]
English Fairy Tales Joseph Jacobs, John D. Batten [1890, 1847-50]
English Gipsies and Their Language Charles G. Leland [1874, 1847-50]
The Enneads of Plotinus Stephen MacKenna, B. S. Page, Plotinus [1917-1930, 1847-50]
An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding David Hume [1748, 1847-50]
The Enuma Elish (The Epic of Creation) L. W. King [1902]
The Epic of Gilgamish R. Campbell Thompson [1928]
The (Episcopal) Book of Common Prayer [1979]
Epistle to the Son of the Wolf Baha'u'llah
Epistle to the Son of the Wolf
Erec et Enide Chretien DeTroyes, W.W. Comfort [1914, 1847-50]
Erewhon, or Over the Range Samuel Butler [1872, 1847-50]
Eskimo Folk-tales Knud Rasmussen, W. Worster [1921, 1847-50]
An Essay on Dream Thomas Paine
Essays on Suicide and the Immortality of the Soul David Hume [1755, 1847-50]
Essays, First Series Ralph Waldo Emerson [1847-50]
Essays, Second Series Ralph Waldo Emerson [1847-50]
An Eternal Career Frank L. Hammer [1847-50]
Etruscan Roman Remains in Popular Tradition Charles G. Leland [1893, 1847-50]
The Euahlayi Tribe K. Langloh Parker, Andrew Lang [1905]
Euthydemus Benjamin Jowett, Plato [1871, 1847-50]
Euthyphro Benjamin Jowett, Plato [1871, 1847-50]
Evidence from Scripture and History of the Second Coming of Christ William Miller [1842]
The Evil Eye Frederick Thomas Elworthy [1895, 1847-50]
Examination Of The Prophecies Thomas Paine
Excerpts from Ssuma Ch'ien Ssuma Ch'ien, Herbert J. Allen [1894-5, 1847-50]
Excerpts from the Gospel of Mary
22. Ezekiel, Part I John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
23. Ezekiel, Part II John Calvin, John King [1847-50]

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